«He will not break the bent reed or extinguish the smouldering wick. […]» (Isaiah 42:3 NLB). This is today’s daily reading. It describes the promised servant of God. Jesus Christ fulfils every aspect of what is promised about him. He is the gentle servant of God who does not break the bruised reed or snuff out the smouldering wick. The one who meets us weak people as a patient physician and wants to show himself strong in our weakness. In this way we can…
«Submit yourselves one to another in the fear of Christ» (Ephesians 5:21). This sentence is the overture to the great section on marriage in Ephesians 5, which actually contains everything you need for a happy and fulfilling marriage. It is simple and requires courage. Anyone who puts their personal happiness first and endeavours to be happy at all costs is well on the way to losing their last bit of happiness. Unbroken is an exciting film…
«EIFACH muetig – with Jesus as our role model…» is our new theme for the year. There are various images for the relationship between Jesus and the Church. One of them is the bride and bridegroom. If the relationship between Jesus and his bride is seen through the eyes of the old wedding ceremony, much becomes clear. The basis is the marriage contract, which primarily places the bridegroom under obligation and grants the bride protection. The bride, on the other hand, is completely preoccupied with preparing for the upcoming wedding…
With the sentence «Test everything and hold on to what is good» (1 Thessalonians 5:21), Paul first challenges the church community in Thessalonica at the time, but also us, to a trusting openness towards the Holy Spirit. The listeners are also allowed to be critical throughout and have the task of testing what they hear. What are suitable criteria for this examination? «Test everything and hold on to what is good» (1 Thessalonians 5:21 EU) – this is the Lord’s Watchword for 2025. The advice makes sense immediately. Nobody thinks that everything…
The prophet Zephaniah calls on the people of Israel to rejoice and shout in a dark time. The reason for this is hope. Zephaniah could see through the horizon and saw there an inspiring picture of the future. As the final fulfilment of this picture is yet to come, we can still rejoice and exult with hope in our future today. My mum had a very difficult first birth, which involved a lot of suffering. And yet she was ready to give birth five more times.
Advent is a time of spring for the Church. It awaits the coming of Jesus like a person in love with their beloved. She can hardly wait to embrace him. The lover overcomes every obstacle to be close to his beloved. «Arise, my friend, my beauty, and come!» This is Jesus» invitation to each individual and to the Church. It is time to follow him and immerse ourselves in spring. Spring is a sign of anticipation and…
Advent means arrival. When Jesus was born in Bethlehem two thousand years ago, most people could not link the event with their expectation of the Messiah. We are also in an Advent season in which we await the return of Jesus Christ. In view of the limited time, we should be wise and vigilant. The personified redemption, Jesus Christ, is near. The night will soon be over and the day will dawn. There is an old story of a king who…
We live in a church culture in which a person can become a Christian, but does not necessarily have to be a follower of Jesus. In the four biographies of Jesus, there is only the distinction between people and followers. The category of Christian, where you say a prayer of surrender, believe in a set of teachings about God and go to church to ensure that you go to heaven after you die, did not exist. A follower of Jesus is like an apprentice.…
Following Jesus costs me everything. The first followers of Jesus, the disciples, were sobered by the fact that not even those who had an advantage according to their understanding would enter the kingdom of God through their own means. How were they simple men supposed to manage this? What then is the benefit of discipleship? The disciples asked Jesus the same question, because they had left everything behind for him. Following Jesus promises a double gain. On the one hand, I gain a lot in the community of believers,…
Following Jesus Christ costs me everything – even my life. Following him has a price. I can only decide in favour or against it, there is no middle ground. However, this decision is always voluntary. The price of following Jesus means that Jesus Christ should be the most important thing for me. The goal of Jesus» call to discipleship is not self-denial or cross-bearing, but the willingness to follow him. Discipleship costs me everything Followers of Jesus say that he…
This sermon follows on seamlessly from the last three sermons on the subject of forgiveness. Paul’s principle is: «Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good!» (Romans 12:21). However, he does not leave it at this general statement, but offers us five ways in which we can do this. Finally, we learn how followers of Jesus can have the strength and love to forgive and lead such a life. In October 2006, a…
In this service as part of the Sunday of the Persecuted Church, John Ghanim, a Jewish Christian, talks about his life. John now lives in England and runs his own «social media work» with several volunteers in various countries. He experiences persecution primarily through the media.
The third dimension of Christian forgiveness is reconciliation with the person with whom we are in conflict. The actual goal of forgiveness is to rebuild a trusting relationship. This happens by clearly naming and repenting of our own part in the conflict. We then offer forgiveness to the other person and declare that we will not make amends. Furthermore, Jesus demands that we overcome evil with good. There are three basic dimensions of Christian forgiveness. Firstly, there is…
There are three basic dimensions of Christian forgiveness. Firstly, there is the vertical dimension – God’s forgiveness towards us. Secondly, there is the internal dimension – the forgiveness we grant to anyone who has wronged us. Thirdly, there is the horizontal dimension – our willingness to be reconciled. The horizontal dimension is based on the inner, and the inner is based on the vertical. This sermon is primarily about inner forgiveness. A pastor friend of mine who died last year due to a…
Being a follower of Jesus means living a life of constant forgiveness. The parable of a man in debt to the king teaches us the principles of forgiveness. In the person of the king, God does four things – he brings the hopelessly indebted man before him, but then takes pity on him, forgives his debt and sets him free. The king can only do this because he is prepared to take on the debt himself. God has done this in the person of…
Following Jesus can be a frustration if we try to do it in our own strength. Love for God and our fellow human beings comes from a deep understanding of God’s personal grace. Love flows naturally as we daily live out our salvation through repentance and grace. Through this awareness, we become passionate followers of Jesus. I have a dream For three years I have had a dream that I want to fulfil. The origin of this dream comes from a YouTube video. On…
As disciples of Jesus, we have a mission to bring the gospel to other people. Jesus wants to reach and conquer hearts. Now how can this work? In the New Testament, Jesus says that if we have love for one another, everyone will recognise Jesus in us. In the Old Testament, the conquest of Jericho gives us an example of how the «conquest» of hearts can happen through «obedient behaviour». «By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another» (John 13:34 LUT). Everyone – are…
The goal of following Jesus is to become more like him. But this goal is never achieved on earth. I quickly allow myself to be led astray on this path. We are distracted by what is not yet going as we would like. But looking back, I can see that a lot has already changed. On the path of discipleship, I repeatedly encounter two challenges. Do I draw conclusions about God from the difficulties – or do I draw conclusions about the difficulties from God? Following Jesus is an attempt to…
What is the significance and importance of infrastructure for church life? In ancient Israel, the temple was the place of God’s presence. God dwelt among the people. His presence was bound to a house. Since Jesus, his followers together form the house in which God dwells. Buildings and infrastructure lost their indispensable importance, but continue to serve the current house of God, the church, as a helpful shelter to provide a space for their life together before and with God. On…
Twice during the 40-year desert period, the LORD God caused water to flow from a rock and used it to supply a nation of millions with their animals. Because Moses» actions in Kadesh (= being holy) did not comply with God’s instructions, he was not allowed to enter the Promised Land. This seems very harsh at first, but on closer inspection it is understandable. The episode with the water from the rock is an illustration of how a follower should deal with Jesus. The people of Israel were…
The people of Israel were instructed to celebrate festivals at certain times as soon as they were in the Promised Land. One of these is the Feast of Firstfruits. The first part of the grain harvest belongs to God. Only when this has been sacrificed may the rest be eaten. Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the Feast of Firstfruits. In a sense, he is also the first of many, as is the case with grain – he is the first to rise from the dead. Followers of Jesus…
God took up residence on this earth in the tent of revelation. God took up residence among his people with his glory. The glory of God shows itself as a manifestation of his power. But this glory was too great for people to bear. That is why it was veiled. Since Jesus Christ, however, the Holy Spirit dwells in every person who follows Jesus. This makes the body a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, life is then a service to God and reflects…
Faced with thousands of people and only two fish and five loaves of bread in his hands, Jesus encouraged his friends with the words: «Give them something to eat!» For Jesus to ultimately perform the feeding miracle, He had to see the hunger of the people and a boy had to provide his humble resources. In the same passage, Jesus explains that He is the bread of life. Inspired by this feeding miracle, we want to hand out the bread that is Jesus to the people around us.…
Between the desert and the Promised Land, the Jordan River floods towards the Dead Sea. The people of Israel are to cross this river under the leadership of Joshua – but how? When the priests carry the Ark of the Covenant into this raging river at God’s command, there is a dry crossing – an image of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. When someone has «crossed the Jordan», this popularly means that they have died. For the people of Israel, the Jordan was the dividing line between 40…
The people of Israel joyfully made a covenant with God. But just a few weeks later, they renounced their God. Their initial enthusiasm did not protect them from a disagreement. They exchanged God for something much worse. Followers of Jesus are also in danger of exchanging a life of abundance and freedom for a life that is dominated by a few things. But God forgives us for such missteps. However, it may be that we…
The people of Israel came to Mount Sinai – the mountain of God. There, God regulated and clarified his relationship with this people. He made a covenant with Israel. This covenant has its roots in the past. In what God had already done good for the people. But by entering into this covenant, it has implications for the future relationship. The covenant was an anchor point in the discipleship of Israel and has much to say for the discipleship of Jesus. God regulates…
The wilderness wandering of the people of Israel between Egypt and the Promised Land is an image of the discipleship of Jesus. When the Israelites encountered the hostile Amalekites, they were able to achieve victory through a two-pronged strategy: Prayer and attack. With this strategy, a follower of Jesus will also be victorious in the confrontation with his challenges. When the Swiss national football team was eliminated in the quarter-finals against England on penalties, some people used the saying «You can’t always win». It…
Worrying about falling short ourselves and not having enough can prevent us from living a generous life. These worries often come from being blinded by earthly riches and losing sight of the heavenly riches we are blessed with. Generous giving is an expression of being aware of the abundant provision and divine blessings in our lives and it helps our hearts to grow in this faith and trust in God.…
After the Israelites complained to their leader Moses about a lack of food, God set up the world’s best and most reliable meal service with daily deliveries. The only exception was the Sabbath. But as two portions arrived the day before, this did not affect the supply. How can we experience God as our provider? Many men have spent very arduous hours in military service. Once I wasn’t shaved well enough when bivouacking. As a result, one of the next nights I was…
God deliberately leads his people through the desert to test them. The test does not come out of malice, but to strengthen the faith and trust of the people. A piece of wood makes bitter water sweet. This experience points to the wood of the cross, on which Jesus overcame the bitterness of our lives, our abandonment, forsakenness and even the bitterness of death. It also answers the question of how we can become an oak of righteousness instead of a bitter wood.
Fear can hold us captive so that we can no longer make free decisions. It can even prevent us from following Jesus. Jesus died so that we can be free. Through him we become sons and daughters of God, and with this new identity in Jesus we are free to follow him fully and completely. Through Jesus Christ, we are resurrected to a new life of freedom. Fears have the potential to determine our lives Recently, I had the honour of meeting a person who…
Following Jesus Christ is compared to a race for a valuable prize. Everyone should run in such a way that they win. The promised goal, the prize, is eternal life in the presence of God. This image makes it clear that our living body is of great importance. The body shows who a person belongs to. I was recently on Facebook again after a long time. There I saw a comment on a profile of a former young child that was well…
In this service, Bernhard Hohl has an inspiring conversation with Amir. He was born a Muslim in South East Asia and later became a Christian. A heart transplant not only gave him a new heart physically.
Even though we often know what the right thing to do is, we fail again and again. In order to overcome and resist temptation in these situations, we need to equip ourselves in prayer and decide to put God’s will above our own. We are dependent on the power of God to overcome and need His grace again and again. During my theological studies, I had the privilege of gaining experience in preaching. It was the perfect learning environment. The people were basically…
It is remarkable and not coincidental that Pentecost fell exactly on the day when the Jews celebrated Shavuot. God wanted to make it easy for the Jews and help them to recognise the connection between the gift of the Holy Spirit and Shavuot. Shavuot is the feast of the firstfruits and the word of God. On this day, the people celebrated the fact that the Torah was given to them at Sinai. Through the Holy Spirit, the Torah was given to the followers of Jesus on Pentecost.
Discipleship happens in the encounter with Jesus Christ. But different people react differently. Based on the biblical story of the four men who brought their paralysed friend, we encounter three types. They all encounter Jesus differently. The givers know exactly what is going on. They are present, but with a critical eye. The trusting ones show their faith in action. They are firmly convinced that Jesus Christ can help, and so they bring the needy person to him. The needy are in…
The journey of the people of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land is like a picture book for following Jesus Christ. The passage through the Red Sea is a parable for baptism. After baptism, they do not head straight for the Promised Land, but through the desert for forty years. The desert is the place where people are set to zero and preparation for the future homeland takes place. A pastor and a hippie sit on a bench in a park. The…
Moses followed his God. He believed that he meant well for him. He decided against his privileges as a member of the elite and instead opted for a life of hardship and suffering. He did this steadfastly because he kept his eyes firmly fixed on the one who is invisible – his God in heaven. For him, the worst of discipleship (suffering) outweighed the best of the world. We have now dealt with this a few times in the sermon…
With a little distance, it is sometimes easier to say what the decisive factors in a person’s life were. The author of the Letter to the Hebrews does just this by looking back at Abraham, the model of faith. Abraham knew that his home was not this world and he trusted in the power of the resurrection. This way of thinking was the prerequisite for his obedience and true worship of God – and it still is today for following Christ. Abraham and Sarah had the promise that through them…
Jesus is risen. As redeemed and reconciled people, we are called to discipleship and equipped with wisdom and power by the Holy Spirit. But what should this discipleship consist of in practical terms? Jesus himself explains this to us in his example of the Good Samaritan. In its figurative language, this example is both an explanation and a challenge. A man falls among robbers. He goes from Jerusalem (where God lives) to Jericho (the condemned city). Is it his own fault? In any case, Jesus begins with this…
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the ultimate key moment in world history. If this did not really happen, faith in Jesus Christ makes no sense. Through the resurrection of Christ, discipleship received a huge boost, a new depth and a transcendent orientation. The resurrected Christ is the cornerstone to which everything should be orientated. But – belief in the resurrection is also offensive and provokes resistance. Recently, I read the obituary of a pastor’s wife and it said…
Jesus Christ celebrated the Passover with his disciples on the day before his crucifixion. In doing so, he pointed some elements to himself. In doing so, he showed that he was the lamb that had to be sacrificed so that people could be set free. Just as the Jews remember the Exodus from Egypt on Passover, followers of Jesus remember the death of Jesus Christ on Good Friday. Jesus was a Jew and cultivated the traditions This morning I will take you with me…
Jesus leads those who follow him into a better world, the kingdom of God (John 14:2). It is a place of peace, joy, justice and love. As followers, we are given the task of taking as many people as possible with us into this better world. As his disciples, with our position in Jesus, we have the tools to make this kingdom of God a reality in this world. He gives us a new heart, the Holy Spirit and his authority. We long for…
When Elisha was called to succeed Elijah, he sacrificed his cattle and the teams that provided income for his «old life». He tore down the bridge behind him and looked ahead. A few hundred years later, Jesus would describe this very behaviour as a condition for following Jesus. Elisha is ploughing with twelve teams. The light plough is guided with one hand. This one hand, usually the left, must simultaneously maintain the vertical position,…
Abraham was looking for a new home in heaven. He put his trust in God. Followers of Jesus Christ also hope for a new home in heaven. Through their new creation, they already have a share in it, but still live on earth with pain, suffering and death. However, they have the prospect of a promised land. This is the new earth and the new heaven. Heaven and earth come together there. The old has passed away, so there are no tears, no…
Although discipleship has something «pioneering» about it, it does not require the personality of a pioneer. Timid and brash, introverted and extroverted, overwhelmed with coping with life and relaxed in everyday life – all followers are challenged to joyfully anticipate the new world of God and to grow into the new creation that they already are in Jesus. «Follow me!» We have been travelling with this theme for a few weeks now. Time to briefly summarise what we mean by discipleship. By this we mean our everyday life…
Listening to God is a basic requirement for a follower of Jesus Christ. But how do we listen to God? Three good ways to hear God are prayer, Bible reading and silence. These alone do not guarantee that we hear God, but there is a good chance that I will perceive, recognise and feel God’s impulses for my life. In many cases, listening to God also means first of all saying yes to your own story, your own life with all its natural limitations…
Abraham listened to God’s words and was ready to set off. He left the familiar and sought out previously unknown new territory. He retained this agility because his nomadic life was reflected in an inner attitude of freedom. He waited for the new world of God as the ultimate place of bliss. The aim of a church is not to create an attractive programme, but to train followers of Jesus. But for some reason, followers have become converted Christians. From doing…
Everyone wants to be happy in life. But how do I do that? Do I make myself happy, do I follow someone or something? If you read Paul’s account, his discipleship does not seem very promising at first glance: weakness, abuse, hardship, persecution and fear accompany him on his journey. But these do not deter him for two reasons. On the contrary – he chooses the path out of his comfort zone because, on the one hand, he experiences Christ himself in his weakness and, on the other, he becomes an ambassador of the good news, of salvation, peace…
God has called us to bring about good in the world in partnership with him. He does not want to force us to do this. It is therefore all the more important that we have a double yes to this partnership of our own free will. A yes to giving our lives to God and a yes to loving him and giving our hearts to him. I grew up as a Christian. When I was 13, I made a very conscious decision for God at a camp. I say very consciously…
As a successor, it is important to know who exactly is being followed. The aim of following someone is always to become more like their role model. But what does this mean when we follow someone who not only says «Follow me», but about whom it is said: «Then Jesus wept»? This biblical passage shows us a lot about the nature of the one who says «Follow me». Many people ask themselves what would have happened if they had done this and that.…
Every follower was called to Jesus in order to be sent out from there. The Latin term for this is Missio Dei (sent by God). When passing on the gospel (=good news), motivation is crucial. Jesus describes the only driving force that leads to good results with the following words: «Rejoice that your names are written in heaven. The first nine chapters of Luke’s Gospel mainly deal with the question of who Jesus is. Then there is a change and the question is…
«Follow me!» This invitation is the 2024 theme for seetal chile. The resurrected Jesus speaks this sentence to Peter. The context of the event shows important criteria of a follower: he fishes on the right, he allows himself to be served by Jesus and loves Him, he says goodbye to competition, he is prepared to suffer and discovers the «lion» within himself. «You follow me!» This invitation from the risen Christ also applies to you. Peter is deeply frustrated. Now he wanted to follow…
The motto for 2024 was originally said to the Church of Corinth: «Everything you do should be done in love» (1 Corinthians 16:14 NLB). In the context of the circumstances at the time, these words take on great poignancy. The much greater miracle than spectacular spiritual gifts is love. Spiritual gifts do not necessarily grow on the soil of the gospel, but love does. Without love, faith suffocates – it is the breathing air of faith. The motto for 2024 seems succinct: «Let everything you do be done in love…
Jesus Christ is the Word. As such, he was there from the beginning. He gave the world his light and thereby also life. His light shines in the darkness and cannot be overcome by it. At Christmas we celebrate the greatest gift. We celebrate that the Word became a man and lived among us. If we now believe in the word of Jesus Christ, that is, if we accept him as a gift from God, then we become children of God. My first godfather Bueb is…
The people of Israel lived in exile in Babylon – an extremely bleak time for the individual Jews as well as for the entire nation. But then a message of joy arrives through the prophet Isaiah. Although Zion and Jerusalem lie in ruins, new hope germinates. The same gospel (= good news) reaches us in this Advent season – a similarly challenging time. It was the cold winter of the war in 1944 and a rabbi was hiding with his son in Silesia. Their future was completely…
«Advenire» means to arrive. During Advent, we remember and look forward to the arrival of Jesus Christ. It is both a look back and a look forward. We look back to the first coming and look forward to the second coming. Because we do not know when Jesus Christ will return, it is important to watch and not sleep. We need to get ready and be ready. In this time of waiting, we should hold on to Jesus Christ and keep our…
This sermon illuminates the spectrum of the petition «Deliver us from evil!» from the Lord’s Prayer. In these very turbulent times, this outcry can be heard very often in this world. What is happening here is unsettling and fuelling fear. Wars everywhere, almost on every continent. The homelessness of refugees. Hunger, disease, injustice… Lord, deliver us from all this evil in the world! In fact, the petition of the «Our Father» comes very close to us: «Deliver us from evil!» I clarify: «from the…
Sanctification means that Christ takes shape in us and increasingly characterises our lives. A new way of being leads to a new way of doing. Christians tend to shorten this process by acting on their own initiative. The result is sobering. It is our concern that we as a church do not define ourselves by our programme, but by the quality of sanctification among the people. When I was a little boy, I had many exciting adventures with the gang in our neighbourhood. Chasing foxes, sparrows…
At first glance, the demands placed on a follower of Jesus Christ appear to be a pure imposition and sometimes even unattractive – because they often seem to put you on the losing side. However, when these are contrasted with a life with contrary moral ideas, they suddenly seem very desirable. The church is a good place to practise these things. But the crucial thing is not THAT we try to keep these guidelines, but our MOTIVATION. This should…
Our personal sanctification should grow out of our amazement at the mystery of God’s holiness. This happens in partnership between God and us humans. The human part consists of taking off the old clothes of deceitful desires and putting on the new clothes characterised by righteousness, holiness and truth. What happens in the dressing room is crucial to our personal sanctification. A few months ago, I shared one of my most exciting and glorious childhood memories here. As a big bunch of armed boys, we very often went…
It is part of God’s identity and nature that he is a God who sees us. There is truth and freedom in his gaze. He sees you and your life completely differently to how other people see you. We can hold on to this fact. Every day anew, we can detach ourselves from the human gaze and place ourselves completely under the gaze of God. When my husband and I do sport, we make sure that we wear our sports watches and that we are in the right place at the right time…
In the Bible we are challenged again and again to be holy. To live holy means to live a truly fulfilling life. People are then in the process of sanctification when they live more and more according to the conferred status of «saint». The more we contemplate the glory of God, the more we see the mighty love and the more we become holy. The LORD says, «You shall be holy, for I am holy» (Deut. 19:2 LUT). Is «being holy» even worth striving for? Or…
King Solomon took in 666 talents or 22 tons of gold alone annually, the equivalent of CH 1.27 billion per year. He was God’s chosen king of Israel, God’s people. He was the wisest man of all time. His incredible glory was a picture of the glory of God – as long as he trusted in God alone. But things turned out differently… Every person, every one of us has a «glory». What governs your life and mine will be in your…
Jesus Christ was challenged by the religious leaders. They wanted to set a trap for him, whereby he either had to turn to grace or to the law. But Jesus Christ takes a different path. He catches us humans in our dealings with offences that are against God’s law. In his grace, he meets the individual and straightens him out. In this way, the commandments of God are not abolished, but rather confirmed. Through this encounter with the holy God, we are called out into…
The holy God is fathered by the people who make a covenant with him. A child of God lives in complete security, benefits from the compassionate wrath of God and is given an ultimate home. These experiences and grasping this truth in the depth of the heart changes us for the rest of our lives. In action movies, actors are often portrayed one-dimensionally as heroes or villains like cartoon characters. Since we can’t relate to them personally, we don’t mind if they are blown away.…
Often we humans are too busy to deal with religious matters. We keep a safe distance and hide behind what we already know and can do. But Jesus Christ wants to meet us and he does. He disturbs our busyness. But the knowledge of the holy evokes resistance in us. For we are anything but holy. Yet we recognise that we want the encounter with the holy. So we are in a tension like Peter.…
We observe the different behaviour of two kings who find themselves in an almost hopeless situation. Can we learn something from them? We have probably all experienced moments and situations in which we hardly knew what to do. It was exasperating. For some, such moments only last a short time, but for you they last a long time. You have a bigger problem – and others complain about little things. Some experience God’s help, but you don’t, although you are closer to God…
Elijah is in deep crisis. Nevertheless – or precisely because of this – he takes the long way through the desert to the mountain of God under his feet. He wants to see God and experience who He is. When he reaches his destination, he experiences the grace of the holy God in an indescribably impressive and gentle way. Although he is corrected in a loving way by God’s Word, he experiences full acceptance at the same time and gets a new perspective on the future. Just recently someone wrote me the following…
Elijah has fought and won a great battle for Yahweh, his God. Unfortunately, the expected response from God is not forthcoming, which confuses Elijah and drives him into depression. Despondent, he sets out to see this holy and strange God. On the long way to the mountain of God, he encounters his God in indescribable diversity and wisdom. In a city like Vancouver, where I have now lived for a long time, there is a huge offer for spirituality. There are Buddhist temples,…
Often we think faith has only something to do with an inner attitude and our thoughts. However, the Bible teaches us that faith also has a lot to do with how we act and behave. How rooted our faith is is expressed in our actions. It is not a matter of pious actions, but of acting out of faith. And this faith always has its root in the encounter with the holy God. I would like to start today with a little joke.…
In today’s world, it can easily happen that we are overwhelmed by a lack of strength, stress and fear in our daily lives. God gives us, through his holy word, the power to live out our personal calling. In order to fully utilise this power, we need to know the Word like Jesus through and through. Today is the first Sunday after the big school summer holidays. I assume that many have had the opportunity for a holiday. After this break, we are hopefully refreshed to face with renewed strength the…
Waiting for promises – bottomless or with ground under our feet? How do we make ends meet? A warm welcome to all who are back after the holidays! Back in your familiar home! This is where I would like to start my sermon: What is home for you? Is it where you live at the moment? Or is it your parents» house? The other question is: What is home for you? Is it also your home? Or your hometown, where you are naturalised? Maybe you have an adopted country?…
Today we come to the last sermon of the small summer sermon series on persons from the Old Testament. We accompany these people and see how they are on the way with a holy God. Today we come to the prophet who has the same name as my son – Hosea. A life in the service of God When we look at the prophets, we notice that they all have their one-sidedness. This is precisely the strength of the prophets. Last Sunday was about Jonah. His message was: «God…
Today we come to the second part of the summer sermon series, in which we accompany people as they go through life with their holy God. Last time we looked at the three friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego as they went all out for their God. They were ready to lay down their lives for him – but God saved them. This ultimately led to a great king who could not help but confess that only this God can save. Today we want to look at…
Through the story of three Old Testament friends, we want to immerse ourselves in what it means to follow a holy God. The three friends live in a foreign country and adapt as much as possible. They integrate well, but a conflict is inevitable at the latest when they have to decide between their faith and the demands of their king. They are even prepared to lay down their lives for this. Followers of Jesus Christ are also strangers in this world. They live here,…
At his first sign, Jesus makes 600 litres of the best wine for a wedding party in Cana, which has run out of wine. No healing, no raising of the dead, no multiplication of bread – no, but wine in quantity. What does this mean? And why does Christ make this the first sign? Marriage – coming together – bearing fruit «So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them. And God blessed them and gave them…
Disappointments unfold great power in us when we let them take effect. We are hurt, horrified, angry and sad. Disappointments put us in crisis mode. Every unresolved disappointment takes away a piece of our life space. We become cautious, distrustful, cynical, bitter and live the way burnt children live. Disappointment, however, is always the end of a deception and an invitation to take a closer look and learn. Possible questions for the small group Read the Bible text: Ephesians 4:15 Outline a disappointment,…
Worshipping God as a holy God means worshipping him even if you do not experience him as a loving, merciful, just God. In doing so, you bring a piece of heaven to earth, because it is the heart of worship. But if we refuse or distract ourselves with other things, how that leads us into inner turmoil and discontent. Tomorrow my husband and I celebrate our second wedding anniversary. I am not saying this to give my husband a heads-up and give him time to…
The first king of the divided kingdom of Israel in the north was Jeroboam. God promised him and his family that they would remain in power forever if they only kept to one thing: To be faithful to the God of Israel. But Jeroboam was led by fear, which ultimately led to the downfall of his kingdom. Followers of Jesus Christ are called to leave behind all false securities and to trust God completely. The promise of God gives a future! This morning we look at…
Every person forms a worldview with which he or she interprets the world. Often this is unconsciously adopted by the surrounding world. Our worldview influences our interpretation of the Bible and how we live out our faith life. God wants to change our thinking so that we align ourselves with Him and do not become a product of this world. Am I aware of how I think and form my opinions? Orientation and goal My first paragliding flight was so exciting that I was fascinated by this sport for years.…
The story of Cain and Abel is an example of a conflict between a human being and the holy God. First there is a difference which triggers something in Cain and influences his inner attitude. He throws God’s warning to the wind and looks for a scapegoat in Abel, on whom he finally takes out his anger. Cain projects the guilt onto Abel and makes him responsible for HIS problem. Today we are immersed in one of the first conflicts in human history.…
Many things that you may think are unthinkable in life are in God’s reality also changeable. Your previous wealth of experience does not have to remain the limit of your future possibilities! With Jesus, existing patterns of life are broken and thus you are confronted again and again with the rethinkable. Lord, give us a heart for your word and also a word for our heart. Amen. Our life patterns Do you also know such situations in which you react in a similar way again and again? In which you repeatedly behave in the same way? To…
God seeks communion with people with all the fibres of his being. In the Garden of Eden a line begins that leads through the tabernacle, the temple, the incarnation of Jesus, the body of an individual believer to the church. At Pentecost, the followers of Jesus become temples of the Holy Spirit. This is a huge privilege and at the same time comes with the responsibility to extend the presence of God to the whole earth. What better thing could happen to us than to witness live how Jesus heals people, demons…
Holiness and love belong together. He who loves completely does not allow harm to come to the beloved. We have a choice: we can place ourselves under the love of God or we can choose self-realisation and selfishness. With the latter, our actions will affect, harm others. Because God loves all people, he does not allow that, his holiness does not allow that. God’s holiness is so important for love because it guarantees that he will never let up, that absolutely…
God introduces himself as «the jealous one». When it comes to the people of Israel, God cannot tolerate them following another God. For he has chosen them for himself. The holiness and jealousy of God belong close together. Because the people of Israel are supposed to be holy, God’s jealousy hits them when they become unfaithful to God. God’s jealousy seeks us human beings. In Jesus Christ, God comes close to us and intercedes for us. Jealousy is in our…
Focusing on God’s holiness could at best create pressure or a sense of distance. Holiness is God’s core characteristic. On this ground, however, He is also love. Both belong together. Holiness without love would emphasise the rift between God and human beings. Love without holiness would explain it away. Holy love, on the other hand, overcomes the rift, but does not abolish it. Such love is strong, penetrating, winning and changing. The weekend before last, our son and I went on a city trip.…
Through the story of the Good Samaritan we can learn a lot about how the application of our faith should be done. Being close to God does not equal being like God. Just because we spend a lot of time in the proximity of God does not necessarily mean that this influences our thoughts and actions. Therefore, help can sometimes come from the very people from whom it is least expected. Followers of Jesus are to emulate the example of the Good Samaritan. But Jesus Christ himself is even more merciful than the Samaritan. He…
Some passages in the Bible seem to disturb us. Because they do not fit into our picture, because they do not correspond to what we would expect from God. The righteousness of God is dependent on his holiness. Only when we bring this together do we understand why God acts differently than we imagine. In the face of things that do not correspond to God’s will, it is precisely his justice that is revealed. God cannot simply leave them as they are, but must do justice. Followers of Jesus Christ, on the other hand, should…
Is the fear of the Lord a shelf warmer with an expiry date or is it still relevant today? The normal reaction of a person who encounters God in His holiness is awe and respect. Where this fear of God is missing, God becomes a means instead of the centre of life. Such faith, however, is neither crisis-proof nor does it lead to a fulfilled life. Therefore, our great endeavour should be to encounter this God in His majesty, greatness and glory. In the last service of the evening, we received…
Easter – a joyful drama with extras and leading actors. Good Friday and Easter affect us all. On Good Friday, dramatic events of Jesus» suffering and crucifixion happened and the disciples were frustrated after his death. But on Easter Sunday, a new day dawns as the tomb is empty and Jesus is risen. The disciples are fearful and unbelieving at first, but Jesus appears to them and brings them rest and peace. The story of Jesus with his church was not finished at that time -…
The desire to improve ourselves more and more is inherent in us humans. But unfortunately, this optimisation fails in the encounter with the holy God. Because even an optimised ego cannot stand before God on its own. The problem is so-called sin, which means missing the target. In order to restore man’s access to God, Jesus Christ died on Good Friday. He was the completely blameless sacrifice needed to bear all the guilt of the world.…
The prophet Ezekiel describes a vision of a river whose source is in the Holy of Holies of the Temple. From there the water flows through the land into the Dead Sea. Everywhere it passes, health, food and life emerge. One day this vision will be fully and globally fulfilled. Until that time comes, the followers are entrusted with the task of wetting their surroundings with the life-giving water and thus promoting life. Later in this service we will hear Martin…
The vision Ezekiel received testifies that living water that brings salvation will flow from the sanctuary of the temple. Jesus took this prophetic word and promised that streams of living water would gush forth from the believers. The water, a symbol of the Holy Spirit, will fill and overflow his followers. We as Christians are chosen to bring life and healing to this world. This year we have already learned a lot about the holiness of God through the various sermons.…
Through Moses» simple prayer «Oh God, heal her» Miriam was healed of leprosy. It is also true today that God’s holiness heals. Ever since man first challenged God in the Garden of Eden, sickness has been part of our existence on earth. When we pray for healing, we do so with the great certainty that God always heals – sometimes in the now, one hundred percent in the tomorrow. After the encounters with the holy God, Moses» face shone so brightly that he could see it with…
After the encounter at the thorn bush, Moses lived with a longing desire to see the glory of God again and again. There were extraordinary experiences in his life, such as at Mount Sinai. More importantly for Moses, however, he organised his daily life in such a way that shared times with God became a regular habit. These encounters with the very Other changed Moses in his being and doing. A holy life arises from intimacy with God, which, however, we decide to do and which we…
The holy God allows us humans to encounter him. However, there are passages in the Bible where people die because they came too close to God. This is also the case with Uzzah. He tried to save the ark of the covenant from falling over and ended up dying himself. This reaction of God is infuriating and meets with great incomprehension. However, this reaction is only consistent. For God’s holiness should not be met with too much levity. But if God is met with respect and…
Moses» encounter with the holy God at the thorn bush completely turned his life around. As the basis for his maximally challenging mission – to lead a people of millions out of captivity into an unknown land – the LORD introduces himself by name. «I am he whom I will show myself to be.» The holy God is not comprehensible to us humans, but HE is not arbitrary either. His holiness guaranteed purest goodness, mercy, love and empathy. The quality of a Christian grouping.…
Moses is tending his father-in-law’s sheep in the desert when he suddenly becomes aware of a burning, but not incinerating, thorn bush. This encounter with the holy God fundamentally changes his life. From now on, he lives with a passionate desire to see this mysterious God and his life is set on a new course. Moses» experience is an example of how a person can encounter the very Other and what the consequences are. Meanwhile, our children have grown up. But…
We cannot force encounters with the holy God. But when we do encounter him, it can sometimes be terrifying. Nevertheless, we do not have to be afraid of this God. For if we use this fear properly, it leads us into fear of God. This in turn leads us to worship in reverence, as befits a holy God. I recently had a conversation with a person about this year’s teaser for the annual theme. This person expressed a basic…
Holiness is a virtue given by God, which does not have its origin in me or my actions! Man wants to optimise himself We live in an atmosphere of self-improvement in our society today! What is good should become better and what is better should become the best! We don’t just want to be fit, we strive to become even fitter! Healthy living, that was once! Now we strive for the healthiest. The current chairs at the dining table are already more comfortable than the last ones;…
God created the earth in six days and on the seventh he rested. Therefore, he blessed it and gave it a special meaning and endowed this seventh day with healing power. But he not only blessed this day, he sanctified it. He set this day apart from all others because it was the day when God himself rested from his creation. But God did not rest because he was exhausted, but because everything was perfectly yielded.…
God chose Israel to be his holy people. The overriding meaning of holy is set apart. Thus the people of Israel are also set apart from the other peoples because they are God’s own people whom he has chosen for his history with humanity. In this people there are priests whose main task is the service of God. Their lives are entirely dedicated to the service of God. Followers of Jesus Christ are also part of this holy people. They form a holy people of royal priesthood. The…
God’s holiness confronts us with a side of God that we can hardly grasp. It shows us him as the completely different one who is nevertheless turned towards us. It remains a challenge to encounter this God and to make him neither small and predictable nor distant and frightening. Dealing with the topic is worthwhile, for the fact that God is holy is the deepest and most comprehensive description of God’s nature. In it, it becomes clear why God is God. For Christians, it is the greatest…
With the year 2023, God gives us time again that we can invest. We look to Jesus, who used his time in an exemplary way (Heb. 12:2). He had a goal, priorities and a partnership that helped him succeed. The goal gives us the direction to take. The priorities, the path to get to the goal, the partnership with God and other Christians the strength to walk this path. The time cannot be stopped 2023 -…
Jesus is the Word through whom all creation was created. This Word is full of life and light. Christmas means that this Word came into the world as a human being with a body. It is true that the creator Jesus was for the most part neither recognised nor received by his works, but this did not detract from his luminosity. But whoever receives this Word made man has the privilege of being a child of God with indescribable privileges. We are accustomed to the Christmas story being embellished, with a…
The Old Testament describes the very eventful history of the people of Israel. In the process, however, hope for restoration flickers up again and again. Hope for a time when things will be peaceful, when there will be no more restrictions and no more suffering. Such hopeful texts are often accompanied by the expectation that a Messiah – an anointed one of God – will appear. A hallmark of him is such miracles. The New Testament evidence is clear that Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah. Through him…
How can a person grow a green branch? The answer is in Isaiah 11, where a green branch grows from an old tree stump. It is the Messiah who came into the world as a child in Bethlehem as the Prince of Peace. Through his word he is building a kingdom of peace which will be completed at his return. The Kingdom of Peace of God is of worldwide significance. As a result of the war, when Russia occupied Kherson, the city was completely destroyed. It resembles a…
Advent focuses on the direction and anticipation of Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ. His first coming brought salvation to us humans, but Advent is not only about the first coming, but also the second. Jesus will come again one day, but we don’t know the exact time. It happens unexpectedly. While his first coming brings hope for all people, his second coming brings separation. It separates those who belong to him from…
A woman who is hopeful directs her life according to this hope. The Bible says that the confident hope of a Christian is comparable to a pregnancy. Just as in a biological pregnancy, there are also clear signs in a spiritual pregnancy: Christ in us is to take shape more and more. How can this happen and what are the consequences? This experience happened some time ago: The telephone rings. A woman greets me in a remarkably friendly manner and informs…
A large community experiences many challenges. It takes everyone, young and old, to live well together! Our hope is nourished when we accept the rough training ground in our everyday life and master it in community with others. That was the last sentence of Matthias» sermon last Sunday. I would like to pick up on that sentence this morning. Welcome to the worship service, the important congregational event where fellowship is very important! Jesus Christ’s most precious possession is his church. It is his…
How can little hope become much hope? A person has peace with God, access to grace and hope in the glory of God through faith in Jesus Christ. When such a person faces the difficult challenges in life positively, a powerful dynamic is set in motion that leads to greater hope. This hope will never be disappointed because a deposit guarantees it. In the middle of London on the north side of the Thames, the words «Nothing can separate us» are written out…
Abraham is presented to us in the Bible as a great example of faith. And it is true, he did truly amazing things out of trust in God. The letter to the Hebrews reveals his secret. Abraham trusted in a future city built by God, he trusted that death is not the end and that one day all promises will be fulfilled. This vision of things to come made him act boldly and confidently in the present. Hope is the ability to…
The Jewish festival for our Thanksgiving today is the Feast of Tabernacles, a celebration of the joy of life. In the Old Testament, God wanted to remind the people that they had lived in tabernacles during the desert wanderings, that He provided for them and was close to them. In Revelation we are promised that God will one day «dwell in tabernacles» among us. He will dwell with us. He will be our God and we will be sons and daughters to Him. So the harvest festival contains a strong aspect of hope. In my family of origin,…
«Love the people and need the money – not the other way round» As a young man, Stefan Schüpbach sought recognition in his work. Success and money were not long in coming, but he was still very unhappy. So he went in search of the meaning of life and founded his own company. Today, he runs hervorragend.ch, a trade in handmade products, creating about 80–90 jobs worldwide. In doing so, he combines business principles with charity – in line with our…
Followers of Jesus Christ have a firm hope. A hope that gives security and support in times of uncertainty and fear. No matter how miserable and frightening the personal and social circumstances, hope has the potential to carry us through such times. But there is not only a hope, but also a responsibility. This is to bear witness to hope – not fear. Christians are to be bearers of hope and do deeds of hope.…
Man carries in his heart the longing for love and justice. Jesus calls the place where this longing is satisfied heaven. Moreover, He challenges us to shape our lives on earth starting from heaven. With a heavenly hope, we can make courageous decisions and live radically new values. We gain access to heaven by sharing in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In most cases, I like to design funeral services. There is nothing…
Creatio – Hope and Responsibility; this is our current theme for the year. Together with faith and love, hope is one of the most important characteristics of living Christianity. Faith strengthens us. Hope carries us. Love holds us. Faith, hope, love – these three remain. We are invited, by strengthening these qualities, to get the full sound of a person who is on the way with Jesus. The Queen and with her the Royal Family of England is on everyone’s lips right now. What are actually…
Through Jesus Christ, heaven on earth has dawned. But this Kingdom of God is very different from what we would expect. It is a kingdom that consists of the weakness of us humans. God chooses that which is weak and not that which is strong. God calls men and women into his service who would not be chosen by the standards of the world. In this way God shows that he has the power to make something out of hopeless cases. Since we humans…
God gives the followers of Jesus the privilege of bringing his kingdom of heaven into this world. But this kingdom of love does not come without tribulations and disappointments. However, God uses precisely these difficulties to strengthen our hope anew. This hope then becomes the motor of our action. Hope for tomorrow gives us strength for today. Today is a special day. I am convinced that the majority of the audience over twenty-eight, remember where they were on today’s day twenty-one.…
A sermon for the Viva Church experience. The model is an excerpt from the Letter to the Hebrews, in which the author recommends the following four points to Christians in difficult situations: Seek God’s presence Hold fast to the confession of confidence Live the faith in love Encourage yourselves in the church.
Life on this earth is not only characterised by beautiful moments. There are numerous challenges and difficulties. The Bible outlines a different future here. A future in which everything is peaceful and healthy, a future in which there is no war and death. This future kingdom has dawned on this earth with Jesus. However, only imperfectly and in a tension of already there and yet not yet there. Nevertheless, the Kingdom of God that has dawned on this earth can already…
God can create a new heart or restore a broken heart. Jesus shows us in his dealings with Peter, after his denial, what purposeful pastoral care could look like. To do this, he creates a shame-free zone and a space of grace. Forgiveness plays a key role in restoration. The goal is a growing love for Jesus and a life in the vocation God has intended for us. To be free – that is what we all want. The Bible says: «Only then.…
Although the people of Israel had left the toughest adversary Egypt behind them after the passage through the Reed Sea, new enemies had appeared. One day there were five of them. But God did not let the sun set for a whole day, so that they could be defeated. Even in personal life, the path to freedom remains a lifelong task. But God gives such sunny days in which we are challenged to attack and defeat the enemies from the past.…
«Hope dies last» is a common saying. The Bible also speaks of hope. But this Christian hope is very concrete. It is a trust in the trustworthiness of God. It has its foundation in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This resurrection hope gives a perspective for the moment, but also for an uncertain future. Such hope moves and motivates. Such hope gives meaning to life. As forewarned in a sermon almost six months ago, I bring…
Because Moses disobeyed God in the wilderness of Zin and did not do what God said, he was denied entry into the Promised Land. This shows us that God is not interested in part-time obedience on our part, he wants our total obedience. And in Israel as well as Christ it becomes visible that obedience is not apart from relationship, but is relationship-oriented. This should change our understanding of obedience and relationship, because these two belong together. The more we love God, the…
The poet of Psalm 1 writes that a tree planted by streams of water will bring forth its fruit in its season. The natural consequence of a life founded in God is the coming forth of its own fruit. Every follower of Jesus can only bring forth the fruit that has been planted in him. Being reconciled to our own fruit that our life produces with God is the prerequisite for participating in God’s kingdom. Recently I told you about my morning muesli. Today the recipe suggestion continues:…
Heart and kidneys are two ingenious wonders of creation! They are also crucial for our spiritual life! I want to announce one thing right at the beginning of the sermon: This sermon will get under your skin! It is essentially based on two biblical passages from the Psalms: «Lord, put me to the test and put my heart to the test!» (Psalm 26:2 NLB) «Lord, I will thank you with all my heart and tell you of your wonders» (Psalm 9:2 NLB) Especially in the OT we encounter ab…
In Switzerland, mountains are omnipresent. They are all around us. But even in our own lives there are proverbial mountains where we are stuck and don’t know what to do. We also encounter mountains in the Bible, and God often comes into contact with people on mountains. On the mountains, heaven and earth touch. Jesus Christ himself often went up mountains and met God there. In the past, the Israelites had to go on pilgrimage to Jerusalem on Mount Zion,…
Jeremiah presents two options: to become like a scrawny bunch of junipers in the desert or like a sturdy tree by the water. Which way we go depends on who we rely on. Do we trust in ourselves or in other people or do we trust in the Lord? We cannot become a strong tree by our own strength, but with the strength of our decisions. Last Sunday evening we once again sat under our wide-branched cherry tree. Although the sun was a little poisonous…
The purpose of life is to worship the Lord. Psalm 104 begins with a call to worship. It then mentions the reasons why one should praise God. It ends with a renewed call to praise God. Pausing and contemplating God’s creation provides great support to find one’s way as a human being into the real vocation of worshipping God. A microwave oven was invented to heat food. It is not so much for drying the dog. A welding machine has the purpose of…
Job experiences a tangible crisis. His whole life is shattered. Sitting suffering in the ashes, he experiences a real blind flight. This lasts until Elihu directs Job’s gaze to the wonders of creation. As the story continues, God himself asks Job question after question about nature, none of which he can answer. This glimpse into creation becomes an eye-opener for Job. Although he does not receive any answers to his suffering, it puts him in the right position with God.…
At Pentecost, things were turned upside down with the reception of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the completely different, incomprehensible one, and yet he appears to us humans in a perceptible and audible way. The Holy Spirit – God in us. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the events of Babel are reversed. People from different countries understand each other again. With Pentecost, the Christian Church comes into being. This event is the day of its birth, and the Holy Spirit still wants to be present in…
In every culture there are certain principles of how society is structured. This includes evaluations of what is good or bad, how to behave in public and what a successful life looks like. But in every culture there is a blind spot, an area where God’s good plan for his creation is not being followed. When a blind spot is discovered, it is necessary to start there and to right this wrong. People quickly fall prey to the danger of not preserving creation.…
Our annual theme CREATIO inspires me! The examination of the origin of the world, the origin of humanity, the origin of all being – questions arise about the meaning and value of our existence. God has an idea concerning this world and our life. He is the Creator and He stands at the beginning of everything. It is to His ways that we want to surrender. The Good Gospel «And God blessed them and commanded them, saying, «Be fruitful and multiply, and populate the…
The world is open to young people. They have a large part of their lives ahead of them. What is worth living for? This question is not only asked by young people, but by everyone. For what is it worth investing one’s life? People look for supposed fulfilment in three areas. We look for meaning in what we do, in what we own, or in what others think of us. Although all these things are common nowadays and also widely…
When the first people decided not to trust in God, family relationships also broke down. There has been much failure and pain in marriages and families ever since. Already in the second generation there was a fratricide and the murderer asked the question: «Shall I be my brother’s keeper?» The answer is a resounding yes. God is committed to the reconciliation of families. A basic prerequisite for this is forgiveness, which itself crosses the generational curse line.…
24 Man is given the task at the very beginning, as a creature, of keeping the relationships within creation intact. However, because man did not put his trust in God in the Garden of Eden, the whole creation is affected. Now the whole creation groans and waits longingly for redemption. The Kingdom of God that has dawned with Jesus will bring restoration to all creation. In my family of origin, we are six brothers and sisters. When my parents are out of the house in the evening.…
Easter means that Jesus is the victor over death, which came as a result of the fall of humanity in the Garden of Eden. Jesus is not only spiritually, ideally resurrected, but physically, materially. Accordingly, his offered redemption is not only for the human soul, but also for the body, indeed for the whole of creation. This is the very good Gospel, which is the answer to the very good creation. A fortnight ago we moved into our new home. We came to…
Understanding the Old Testament animal sacrifice gives us a basis to really understand what happened on the cross. The Old Testament was only a shadow of what Jesus achieved with his blood. His blood seals the new covenant with God. Through his blood we are redeemed from our guilt for all time. When we moved to Switzerland two years ago, I showed my children some YouTube videos about Switzerland. One of them was made by a…
A day of Jesus between jubilation and tears, surrounded by the most diverse people. Rosmarie and I were married at our wedding in the Remigen church. The celebration then took place at the Seehotel Hallwil in Beinwil am See, at the same time as another wedding party upstairs. It was a joyful celebration for us, while it soon became noisy in the other party. There was a heated argument that even the bride ran away. What contrasts: Here joy and laughter, there anger and…
In the beginning, God created human beings as man and woman – equal and with a common mission. But the Fall changed this situation. Instead of ruling together, from now on men ruled over their wives, a few over all others. But through Jesus, these relationships were restored. Jesus Christ showed a new understanding of dominion. If anyone wants to be the leader, let him be the servant of all. To begin today’s sermon, I would like to share with you a…
Ever since Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, shame entered their lives. To this day, shame dominates our lives and interferes with people’s ability to relate to each other. Just as Adam and Eve made clothes out of fig leaves, we too cover our inner shame in various ways. In doing so, we quickly fall into a shame-guilt spiral. But Jesus» death on the cross has cleared the way to myself. He wants me…
In the Garden of Eden, harmony and abundant happiness reigned. Unfortunately, humanity chose to find happiness on its own path. Sin destroys relationship and creates separation. Exemplified by the Samaritan woman in John 4, by offering her living water at Jacob’s well, Jesus restores peace between God and people of all races and classes. Just as centuries earlier Abraham’s servant created the conditions for the marriage between Rebekah and Isaac at a well,…
«It is told you, man, what is good and what God expects of you: To do justice, to love the community and to be attentive to your God» (Micah 6:8). The talk with Florian Glaser is about the question of what the responsibility of a human being or a Christian is in creation. What can a person contribute to a more just and peaceful world? The Just People course deals precisely with these questions. We talk about them.
God is often addressed as YHWH in the Old Testament. This name is so sacred to the Jews that they do not pronounce it. It is precisely this God who also created the earth. We want to trace the one who says «I am who I always am» (Exodus 3:14) and ask what this being means for my existence. Followers of Jesus Christ may participate in this being, because through his «I am» words he directly connects with it. This allows…
In the creation of the world, God was at work as a team (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). Jesus is the Word through whom everything was created. This Word later became man to restore the originally intended communion between God and man. The New Testament knows two terms for word: logos and rhema. Rhema stands for oral speech, the spoken word. A rhema of God is still vividly effective and powerful today and creates life. At the moment we are renovating our house.…
Who and what is the Holy Spirit? In the Hebrew Bible he is called Ruach and is fundamentally located in the creation texts. The Ruach is that which makes life possible and creates it – be it in creation or in new creation. The Ruach is realised in society in justice, mercy, law and peace. I read the following joke: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit want to go on holiday. The father says: «Let’s go to Pakistan».…
We dare to search for God’s fingerprint on us! My wife received a beautiful wall calendar for Christmas entitled «The Most Beautiful Gardens». I am convinced that the Garden of Eden was even more beautiful than all the gardens in these 12 calendar pictures. Adam and Eve were able to enjoy a splendour of flowers that would put any flower show to shame. During their pleasure walk through paradise, they admired the birds and their singing! They observed the behaviour of the animals with interest. They rejoiced…
The seventh day of creation is far more than just a day of rest. God created it as a day of blessing for a special purpose. The Sabbath day, is not really a commandment, but a privileged sacred time we are allowed to spend with our Creator. It is from this sacred time with God that our life of faith comes alive. When I flew to Canada to study theology, I expected this western country to have a culture very similar to that of Switzerland. But far…
Man is created in the image of God. He reflects God. In this status lies a tremendous responsibility, which is incumbent on man. But the image that human beings present is crumbling and has mighty cracks. Man does not manage to live up to his responsibility. But there is hope. In Jesus Christ we find the perfect image of God – without scratches. Followers of Jesus may share in the perfect image of God through him. Through Jesus Christ they find their true destiny -.…
An omnipotent God could have created the world in the duration of a blink of an eye. But God takes time, creates time and gives it to creation. This is the ultimate announcement against stress and restlessness. How long do you think a day lasted in the creation story? Instead of arguing about this, the Christian church should focus on important beliefs and stand united against Darwinian theses. Recently, someone told me that the Corona viruses, out of a survival strategy, entered the more or less…
On the last day, God gives creation the rating «very good». This includes perfect creatures living in successful relationships with each other. Man, created in God’s image, takes servant responsibility for the rest of creation in a similar way that God does. A very good gospel involves not only the salvation of individual souls, but the restoration of the whole cosmos. God will restore the shalom of the creation narrative in the new creation. The people of Israel, the Hebrews, are…
After God created the world, He judged it to be very good. This is above all because the relationships within the individual species and beyond are perfectly harmonised. When man disregarded the only restriction in his vast living space, the world was thrown devastatingly out of balance. In Jesus Christ, the new creation begins with the goal of heaven coming to earth. For Christians, this means hope and responsibility in equal measure. Those who gain distance see better. So…
In the film «The Shepherd», it is impressively shown how Jesus changes the life of the shepherd Simon. With a limp, a gaping wound on his arm and a defective sacrificial lamb, he is humiliated. He brings up the rear and carries the Red Lantern. When Jesus is born, he is suddenly first. Jesus turns his life upside down. Jesus – the light of the world – took the Red Lantern from him and – he still does that today. Holding the Red Lantern…
In the Kigo theatre we immersed ourselves in the Christmas story. A story that comes from another world. A world that does not at all correspond to ours – at least that is how it seems. So much seems strange. Angels are practically only known as decorative items. Sheep at best as a side dish for chips and herb butter, and shepherds at best on the packaging of Penaten cream. And yet this story also has something to say to you and me. Just like the wise men from the east…
The gap between hearing and doing is a general human phenomenon. When God became man in the person of Jesus Christ, he impressively overcame this gap. John describes this with the words: «And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us». In the life of a follower of Jesus, too, the Word is to become flesh and take form. Such a person is like one who builds his house of life on a rock. The storms of everyday life cannot harm him. Some…
The concept of peace strongly characterises the Advent and Christmas season. But what do we mean by peace? A guide to Jesus Christ, the bringer of peace, for a peaceful start to the new year I am dedicating this sermon for the 2nd Advent to a truly Christmassy concept! It is not called a gift, nor a candle, nor a fondue chinoise, but simply peace! It was a night when an angel announced the birth of the Saviour to the shepherds in the field. Suddenly the night was as bright as day and they were…
Deep in our hearts we long very much for a better world. Jesus came to us to show us this better world, His Kingdom. If we follow Him, we will bring His Kingdom (World 2.0) into this world. I like to remember the moment when I flew to Canada for the first time. And it was doubly wonderful because it was right after my recruit school. I was immediately fascinated by the nature, the vastness, the possibilities and…
«What I advise you now is more important than anything else: Watch your thoughts, for they will decide your life!» (Proverbs 4:23). Toxic thoughts, who does not know them? There are millions of people who struggle with an unconscious, destructive thought life and think there is no way out. Barbara Benz has found a way out and today she travels at home and abroad with her experience as a trained coach and speaker. She loves to train people to change their thinking and…
Regarding the transformation into Jesus-likeness (metamorphosis), there are various stumbling blocks. One might say, «Yes, but this one says … and that one says …». Look at the way they live their lives. If the fruits of a life according to the Sermon on the Mount are not visible, such prophets have no authority for you. But it is not only a matter of prudence, but also of personal discernment. Am I a good tree with good fruit? We must not frantically try to bring forth good fruit, but strive to be a good…
Knowing God is the most important thing. My lip service and even miracles in the name of God are insignificant if I do not know God. Knowing God means that I put all my trust in him. This trust is called faith. By being rooted on a good foundation – Jesus Christ – good deeds can come about. Faith and being rooted can be seen in the fact that my life is driven by love. I lived in Bern for almost four years. Often when I had visitors…
The parable of the broad and narrow way has a formative and rather moralistic impact history. This was probably not Jesus» intention. In the context of the teaching on character and virtue in the Sermon on the Mount, He wants to tell us: Stop saying, «But that’s what gets me into trouble.» Be prepared to pay the price for living according to God’s standards. It is the condition for transformation towards Christlikeness. When I was a child, I didn’t just go to the schoolhouse during the week.…
«Deal with others as others should deal with you. This sentence sums up the Law and the Prophets» (Matthew 7:12 NLB). This is the so-called Golden Rule of Jesus. In this one sentence is the potential to change the world for the better. After the Golden Rule, the commandment of love is a second summary of the Law and the Prophets. When we deal proactively and in love with others, God’s kingdom definitely takes shape. …
Ask – receive, seek – find, knock – it will be opened to you. This is how simply Jesus describes the life of prayer. Unfortunately, this statement does not correspond very well with our experience. How often do we ask, seek, knock, but there is no response. This is because most of the time we pray with too much of an «I» fixation. Our Father in heaven wants to do us good and knows exactly what is good for us. But first we have to recognise what we should ask, seek and knock for. It goes…
People tend to look down on others and judge their behaviour, lives, etc. This is often done out of sheer arrogance to boost their own self-esteem. This is often done out of sheer arrogance to increase their own self-esteem. Jesus asks us to start with ourselves first. We are to recognise the bars in our lives and stop doing so. In doing so, we realise that it is impossible for us humans to live up to the high standard of the Sermon on the Mount. This in turn drives us into the arms of Jesus Christ, who mercifully accepts us. Overcoming our own (religious) arrogance.…
He who finds his ultimate support in the heavenly Father becomes serene. Free of worry and fear, he can focus on the kingdom of God. This means committing oneself to the values of peace, joy and justice in all areas of life. Whoever does this without reserve will experience God’s provision by means of many coincidences. The metamorphic cycle is: serenity from prayer – commitment to the kingdom of God – provision by chance. The entry point is in prayer – enjoying filiation and cultivating communion with…
In faith, we stumble over our own ideas from time to time. In dealing with them, we feel the hand of God changing us. «Such a day, as beautiful as today…such a day, it should never pass.» There was a day in my life when I could have sung that line with all my heart. On the day of my conversion! The counsellor explained to me, using Isaiah 53, that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and He offers forgiveness. This I…
The way out of the treadmill of worry, that is, out of the fixation on myself, is through the «single eye», that is, through a reorientation of the gaze. And this happens through prayer. It becomes clear that the metamorphosis of man exceeds human possibilities and efforts. The Prayer of the Unfather leads him beyond himself into the encounter with the heavenly Father. Thus he finds simplicity. In the process, the two cardinal virtues of serenity and single-mindedness are cultivated. In the following of Jesus lies…
The middle of the Sermon on the Mount is about prayer. Prayer is also the key to transforming a person into the example of Jesus Christ. Jesus mentions two obstacles on the way to good character: hypocrisy and pious performances. If we fall prey to these, our character will be corrupted. From the father-child relationship with God comes liberation and change. The Greek philosopher Aristotle taught that whoever wants to cultivate his character must have a goal. Then it is a matter of…
God wants to free us from our wrong priorities and fears. Jesus saved us on the cross, thereby giving us the freedom to make good choices. He sets us free to choose the right path, even if it is not always easy. This freedom brings real life, which rewards us with abundant fruit. Aron Ralston, a gifted climber and mountaineer, was looking forward to some time alone in Bluejohn Canyon in Utah America. Far away from any civilisation,…
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to do good. However, it should not be about being praised. Love for fellow human beings and God should be the supporting motive and result in a giving lifestyle. For some time now, I have been financially supporting a family in India in their livelihood. When I visited the family in January 2020, I assumed that they thanked me for my support. So I spent the few days…
We are knitted differently and yet all ingeniously created by God, no matter whether it is an exhibition piece or a chamber pot! We’ve been seeing a potter’s hands in the countdown and teaser for more than half a year now. What does that do for you? Some people get the urge to try something like that. Others, on the other hand, don’t like to get their hands dirty. We start by listening to the prophet Isaiah, who says of his people before God: «Lord, you are our…
Daddy is the best! This is especially true of the heavenly Daddy. HE is merciful and of great goodness and combines all the other excellent qualities. A person’s calling is to become more like this God. Let your being be transformed! Our contribution is to appreciate this God, spend time with Him and listen to Him. Everything else will run by itself. I can still hear a sentence by René Winkler, which he…
Make Love, not War («Make love, not war»). This catchphrase sums up love of enemies succinctly. Instead of war, followers of Jesus are to respond to hostility with love. The Father in heaven serves as a model for an exceptional lifestyle. He is not only a role model, but he wants to transform us into this character through metamorphosis. Carlos Ortiz, the pastor of the fastest growing church in Buenos Aires, told a story at a conference. For many years he had been…
It’s about the power guzzlers of today and the very practical question: How do we Christians recharge our batteries with God? Life needs strength! Children, young people and adults are sometimes stretched to their limits. That’s why at the beginning of July there was a widespread sigh of relief: «Holidays at last!» And isn’t it: We all need times when we can switch off. Times to breathe a sigh of relief, to draw strength, because life challenges us all and every now and then we ask ourselves:…
God’s power shows itself in miracles that we can perceive with our natural eyes. But miracles are not the daily portion of God’s power that we need most. If we want to experience God’s power permanently, deeply and existentially, so that our feelings, thoughts and actions are gripped by it, then we must learn to see with the inner eyes, with the eyes of the heart. Power means freedom of action. There are those who wield power, those who exercise power, those who play power games and those who wield power. Power does not have a good reputation. That is why there are…
Isaiah says, «Yes, Lord, you are a God who hides Himself, you God and Saviour of Israel.» We all experience the hiddenness of God, often just when we need Him most. What is important to persevere in such times and give a boost to our faith? Jesus can become an example to us in this regard too. Last Sunday in the sermon, a woman from Humlikon was quoted as saying the following in the documentary film on the 1963 plane crash: «Before…
The foundation in our Christian life is the deep knowledge of God’s love. This being loved is the breeding ground for a close and deep relationship with God. This relationship changes us, brings growth and enables us to pass on this love. It was a cool, foggy September morning in 1963. The seats on the plane were all filled with expectant, excited travellers who had been looking forward to this day for a long time. Then, finally, at 7:13 a.m., the two turbines howled and…
The glory of God is the combined total of all His grandiose divine attributes. Everything combined together makes God a glorious God. Jesus Christ put aside divine glory when he came to earth as a man. On the cross he was glorified and thereby made access to God’s glory possible for us. When we look at the crucified and risen Jesus, we recognise God’s glory and are changed into it. The Sermon on the Mount makes it clear that in the metamorphosis…
Doubts can be encouraging, annoying or dangerous – and even used as a weapon. No wonder doubts also appear in the prayer of Francis of Assisi: «Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, that I may bring faith where doubt threatens.» «Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, that I may bring faith where doubt threatens.» The very fact that Francis of Assisi mentions doubt in his profound prayer shows how close doubt often is to us. When you look at…
René Winkler is Head of Continuing Education & Events at St.Chrischona Theological Seminary (tsc). He speaks about the parable of the two prodigal sons and concludes that it is about becoming like the father. There is no flowing text of this sermon.
You can compare Our Father to a mountain region: It is vast and full of beautiful places. We are taking a train journey through the middle of the Lord’s Prayer to get to know it better and to marvel at it. A fortnight ago we met to start the Lifegroup Weekend together. We had a lot of fun! – For example, at the «Shiitli um» or in the canoe. And we studied the Lord’s Prayer, probably the best known prayer in Christianity. I was very happy to see how much joy you all had in…
Many think that the motto «an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth» is a very anarchic and bloodthirsty one. The opposite is the case: this instruction served as a precept of the public courts and helped to curb evil. Jesus then addresses the personal dealings among his followers. There, virtues such as gentleness and magnanimity are to be promoted. There is a clear differentiation between the task of the state and the personal handling of conflicts. A sandbox scenario could look like this: Jonas steals Lars, his neighbour’s boy,…
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus challenges us to speak the truth. The tension between truth and lies runs through the whole Bible. Lie is the mother tongue of Satan, truth is the mother tongue of God. In order to find the truth, our hearts must be changed by the one who is the truth. In the process, we are confronted with the abysses of our heart and being. No problem, Jesus can transform our being! There is a saying, «The pen is mightier than the sword.» You can achieve more with words…
On the first Pentecost, the people present experienced some supernatural phenomena: fire, wind and foreign languages. Today, the Holy Spirit still wants to work among the followers of Jesus. In order to still experience the Holy Spirit today, we have to direct our focus on the decisive things in life and learn to wait patiently. This is the way to true metamorphosis as well as experiencing supernatural events. Pentecost is the birthday of the Church. The reason is that on Pentecost the Holy…
Where does Jesus want to take me a step further? Where does he want to encourage me to do something in view of him and his kingdom that I have never done before! Is it my turn to take a step in faith and extraordinary love? We were invited to a birthday party 10 days ago. We had a toast on a beautiful sun terrace with a view of the mountains – wonderful! A woman is there who is leaving with her partner in a few days for a three-month sailing trip. A married couple reports on their…
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus also speaks about marriage and divorce. Because the marriage covenant is fundamentally holy and indissoluble, he does so very restrictively. The only reason that legitimises divorce and remarriage is fornication. Jesus can probably only set such a high standard because he creates a new heart in his followers and thus enables them to be faithful and to love. Marriage is a cloister that God has chosen to make us more like Him. The same goal is pursued by metamorphosis.…
Summary: In the midst of thousands of questions and answers in the topic of «identity», the Bible asks us one question that is much more important than all the others: Are you born again? The new birth redeems us from our old condition – death – and gives us new life through Jesus. This identity floods all other facets of our being. At the Lifegroup Weekend a year ago, you – Selina, Svea, Immanuel, Janik, Peniel and Timon – requested that we talk about «identity» this morning.…
Summary: In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus speaks in a few words about sex as an expression of lust and as an expression of love. God as the inventor of sexuality talks about it in a very relaxed and helpful way. The first call to man was to be fruitful and multiply. And then came the Sabbath. God has given us two things: sexual life as a joy to express love, and the gift to control the urges. This sermon is about the basics for…
Summary: Many Christians have heard hundreds of sermons, but are amazed and excited when they learn a lot about themselves, about good communication and conflict management in a company staff seminar. Yet the Bible has much to say that is suitable for everyday life. This sermon relates Bible texts to the topics mentioned. Once a woman had spread rumours about her neighbours and slandered them. This caused a lot of trouble. A long time later she repented and asked her neighbour for forgiveness. He forgave her…
Summary: Jesus does not abrogate the Torah in the Sermon on the Mount, but interprets it correctly. Thus he says that we should not only not kill, but also not cover our neighbour with evil words. He gets to the root of the problem. In today’s sermon we learn how to deal with each other with dignity in case of conflict. Since Jesus values life very much, it is very important to him that no one is shamed. In England, a man robbed a bank. In the process he was…
Peter in the «cross-fire» of Jesus» resurrection. A rupture that ends in departure. «Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for in his great mercy he has given us new birth. Now we have a living hope, because Jesus Christ has risen from the dead» (1 Peter 1:3 NL). Easter morning – that was a turbulent morning! Two women want to embalm the body of Jesus, but he is no longer there. The tomb is empty. An angel frightens them, but…
Today is Good Friday, in three days Easter. This sequence also applies to the personal and faith process towards maturity. Paul wants to experience the resurrection power of Christ. For this to happen, he also wants to share in his suffering and become like him even into his dying. This sermon explains the significance of this truth for our lives. It seems to me that it happens more and more often that my wife Silvia says something about which thoughts run through my head at the same time. At the same time…
In the parable of the sower, Jesus describes a metamorphosis of the heart. The Word of God wants to change our hearts so that we grow and bear much fruit. God wants to send us out into this world as his ambassadors so that everyone can experience the Good News today. Metamorphosis is the theme of the year for seetal chile and is also in the title of today’s sermon. Metamorphosis, the Greek word for transformation. Nature shows this transformation process in the impressive example of the inconspicuous caterpillar.…
Unfortunately, we are not allowed to publish Yassir Erich’s sermon for reasons of personal protection.
In the Sermon on the Mount there are six theses which are translated as «You have heard that it says in the Law of Moses: … But I say unto you». How did Jesus relate to the law of the Old Testament? What is the relationship between law and grace? And what does the better righteousness mean that Jesus demands from his disciples? Such and other interesting and relevant questions will be clarified in this sermon. What did Jesus change about the way we live? Normally, Christians are of the following conviction:…
The city on the mountain describes a place of longing and is an image for heaven on earth. It is an image for the kingdom of God that is invisibly building itself in us and around us. It is a city that reaches far beyond geographical and political boundaries and where Jesus is the undisputed ruler on the throne. In this city built with living stones, Jesus is the cornerstone. With the surrender of our lives in baptism.…
We wonder how Peter’s experiences influenced his metamorphosis. The metamorphosis of Simon Peter begins on the shore of the Sea of Galilee where he is cleaning the fishing nets together with three others. Then Jesus comes. He looks at Simon very long and attentively and says: «You are Simon, the son of John, but you will be called Cephas» – this is the Aramaic word for Peter and means «rock» (Jn 1:40–42). Jesus is soon surrounded by a crowd. He ascends…
The first part of the Sermon on the Mount is about «city development». God is the creator and builder of the city, which is visibly situated on a mountain (Matthew 5:14). The virtues from the Beatitudes are something like the entrance gate to this city and at the same time a description of the culture that prevails there. People who dance to God’s music make up this city, the kingdom of God. The first part of the Sermon on the Mount is about «urban development». Austria’s Vienna, Germany’s Freiburg and St. Gallen in Switzerland bear…
The audience heard the Sermon on the Mount with Jewish ears. There are many images in it that set the head cinema of those present in motion. We approach the Sermon on the Mount from the Old Testament. In the Psalms we discover the three-step process: building virtue and character, realising God’s reign, and trusting God and praying. The metamorphosis should lead us to learn to dance to the music of God. Once upon a time there was a little boy. His father sat in the same room and wanted to read the newspaper.…
Jesus has chosen us and destined us to produce fruit in our lives. These fruits are Good Actions, character traits from the Holy Spirit and people coming to faith in Jesus. But fruit can only grow under the right circumstances, which is why Jesus commissioned us to «abide in his love». The best conditions for fruit to grow only exist in the bond with Jesus. Whoever reminds himself again and again of how firmly he is loved by God and who protects himself from…
Experiencing metamorphosis. Living between «I nimm es wie’s chunnt!» and my wishes for change. «This good news that has reached you is spreading all over the world. Everywhere it is changing people’s lives, just as it changed yours from the moment you heard and knew the truth about the grace of God» (Colossians 1:6 NL). Change – that’s a scary word for some, because they love it when everything continues in the usual style. «Only …
The metamorphosis «Let your being be transformed!» describes the process of a follower of Jesus in transforming from ego-nature to Jesus-likeness. Jesus needs the image of the grain of wheat that has to die in the earth so that it can bear much fruit. A follower of Jesus dies in the metamorphosis towards life. The focus of this sermon is on life in the adult stage. What does this look like in the key areas of life – money and possessions, career and employment, and family and friends?…
The environment in which a spiritual metamorphosis (transformation of being) can happen is following Jesus. Jesus sets the bar for discipleship very high and thus excludes all sympathisers. Neither material comfort nor a job nor a profession nor family or friends may stand between Jesus and his followers. But – there is a huge promise on discipleship: «And everyone who leaves houses, brothers, sisters, father, mother, children or fields for my name’s sake will have everything returned to him a hundredfold, and will have the…
Metamorphosis in zoology is the transformation of the larval form to the adult stage – for example, from a larva to a butterfly. The same term is also used in the Bible in Romans 12:2: «Be transformed in your being!» This is a very interesting description of the maturing process of a follower of Jesus. The imperative challenges us to allow a process in our own lives that is entirely outside our own capabilities. No one can bring themselves into spiritual maturity. This…
A Christmas message about lights, candlesticks and the illuminated. Today’s motto: «Blessed are the people whose God is the Lord! ( Psalm 144:15). «Behold, I proclaim great joy to you, which shall be to all the people: for unto you is born this day a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord, in the city of David» ( Luke 2:10–11). We are living in a brightly lit Christmas world at the moment. We live in a paradise of lights to rejoice in from the heart. Here and there, thousands of lights shine on us.…
Simeon is a man who lived in Jerusalem at the time of the birth of Christ. He lived an Adventist life because he was eagerly waiting for the Messiah. But then it came to an encounter with Christ: he saw Jesus with his eyes and even took him in his arms. The quintessence of this Christmas encounter is that Simeon experienced supreme joy and was able to die in peace. Those who encounter Jesus Christ will still experience this today. After the birth of her son Jesus, according to Jewish law, Mary was considered forty days…
How does it work: waiting for Jesus to come again? We ask Jesus and the two apostles Paul and Peter. Waiting sucks! What happens when you stand on the platform and the train doesn’t come? Already three minutes late, no announcement, no notice on the platform screen! «No, this can’t be happening! It’s always the same». Our dining table lamp, which we bought at the beginning of the year, has given up the ghost. We were told that it would take about 4–6 weeks to repair. At the beginning of the week I…
Gideon lays out the fleece twice and receives confirmation that God wants to give him victory against Midian. His army consists of 32,000 men, but they are reduced to 300. God does not want the Israelites to boast that they had saved themselves by their own strength. Trumpets, clay jars and torches play a role in the battle. This represents that God was in the midst of His people. The victory was won only through Him. The sermon gives strong…
God has offered us a new covenant through Jesus. Using Hebrews 3 and 5, I want to talk about what the Father’s thoughts are about us and what it means for us as Christians, as followers and imitators of Jesus. I want to talk about how much we are co-incarnated in Jesus and belong to his family and what it means to grow up as his followers. A few months ago I went through a process where I questioned what…
The people of Israel experienced a very difficult time a few years after their entry into the Promised Land. Over a period of seven years they were plundered and pillaged by the Midianites. To lead the people out of their misery, God calls the fearful Gideon out of hiding and addresses him as a «hero» of all things. When God wants to intervene in a situation, he often calls ordinary people who feel weak. A coward coupled with God’s strength makes a hero. Sometimes you hear…
Nathalie was a top athlete in the 1,500 and 5,000-metre races. She was part of the Swiss national athletics squad until a burnout and depression threw her off track. In a conversation, she gives us an insight into her athletic rise and how she overcame her crisis – away from the pious pressure to perform and towards a new relationship with God.
King Hezekiah had an extremely difficult inheritance to bear. His father did everything the Lord had forbidden. Hezekiah broke away from his family history and took a stand of his own. He burned all the idols and utensils of idolatry in the Kidron Valley and reintroduced worship. Characteristic of Hezekiah is his trust in God. Because of this, he succeeded in everything he did. When he was deathly ill, God gave him an additional 15 years of life. They were not good for him. He overestimated himself…
Jonathan is a man – unlike his father King Saul – who lives God’s dreams through his faith. In the face of formidable superiority, he makes the decision to pursue God’s goals. Jonathan makes it clear that initiative and risk-taking are spiritually valuable and necessary qualities. His conviction is: «It is not hard for the LORD to help by much or little» (1 Samuel 14:6). Jonathan experienced this impressively together with his loyal armour-bearer. Around 1000 B.C., Israelite tribes had Saul…
Is the Gospel more than eternal life? To be with God once? Of course! Eternal life begins already here on earth. Through Jesus Christ we have access to God’s grace. What does grace mean? We want to look at this together and let ourselves be inspired anew by the Gospel. Using the story of David and Mefibosheth, we will see how God wants to bless your life today and how you can become a blessing to others. In Moldova this year we have many…
Agur is a wise man with high self-knowledge and self-awareness. He knows his weaknesses and temptations: Falsehood and lying, and having too much or too little. He prays to God to keep this away from him. Basically, he prays for authenticity, for truth and for a lifestyle of contentment and frugality. These are the conditions he needs so that he can live out of a healthy relationship with God. Like you and me. Our whole economic system is based on…
How do we manage to stand together despite all our idiosyncrasies and differences? In the Bible, we meet two men in the temple who avoid each other. Both have something to say to us! Have you also experienced that Jesus preached to you personally? Through an experience, a person or an image – in a dream or in front of your eyes? Rosmarie and I wanted children soon after we got married, but we had to wait 8 years…
Being spoiled by his father, rejection and betrayal by his vengeful brothers, all the injustices in Egypt – Joseph seems predestined for a victim role. How can someone cope with such a past? The key was the renunciation of taking on God’s role, the trust in God’s goodness and the desire to live his life for God’s glory. Our prisons are full of people who, on closer inspection, experienced a bad childhood with sad experiences. A father who again and again…
We cannot influence what happens WITH us, but we can influence what happens IN us. Joseph was able to draw an extremely positive (interim) balance of his life at the age of 40. And this despite the fact that he had bad starting conditions for his life. In a long 22 years he learned to persevere, to embrace suffering and to look forward with hope. This shaped him into a man who saved the lives of many people. Some people find realisation in spite of many oppositions and crises.…
On his journey so far, Joseph has already learned a lot in terms of character and fear of God. Now his first successes are beginning to show. He is hired as a personal servant by one of Pharaoh’s ministers. Everything is going well. Nevertheless, things go downhill again. Completely unjustly, he is thrown into prison and forgotten there. But in the end, he grows even more into his destiny. He learns two essential things: to put his trust in God alone and to look away from himself. Joseph was the favourite son…
We look at the 12 disciples and ask ourselves what lessons we can learn from them for our togetherness in the congregation. The term «disciple» originally refers to the pupils of a teacher. In the Old Testament world, disciples belonged to a rabbi or a prophet; in the Greek world, they gathered around philosophers. The forerunner of Jesus, John the Baptist, already had his disciples, as did Jesus. We encounter the term disciple only…
His brothers threw Joseph into a well. There he sat, full of fear and with no prospects for the future. But God was already pulling the strings in the background. Joseph later says: «God turned all the evil you planned into good. In this way he wanted to save the lives of many people» (Genesis 50:20 NL). We are simply no longer used to dealing with pain, suffering and death. Yet it is the way God shapes us and makes us salt and light on this…
Daniel served three godless kings in his lifetime. In a culture that can be described as demonic, he takes influence and meets the people of this culture full of wisdom and insight. He becomes a high and respected man. Through an active relationship with the living God and a strong foundation in the scriptures, he manages to resist the propaganda of the Babylonian Empire and becomes a blessing to many people. A man full of wisdom and insight If you have been…
Those who want to discover new lands need courage. It challenges us to take steps in faith, even though we do not know where the journey is going. We do not yet know the path we should take. But Joshua gives us advice in the Bible on what we should pay attention to when we are on the way to discover new things. Firstly, our eyes should always be on God (Ark of the Covenant), and secondly, it is important that we start new adventures with a pure heart. Oh how…
Joseph had dreams at the age of 17 that would actually come true thirteen years later. From his dreams to his destiny, there were many tests and challenges to pass. One of them was the pride test. God helped him to become a humble person. From the first meeting between Jacob and Rachel he knew: for this woman I am ready to give everything! Laban, Rachel’s father, knew how to use this and let him spend seven years for…
We humans are so different, and so are we Christians. We have our days. We have our imprints. We have our preferences. We have our expectations. We have our inclinations… Is a close brotherly and sisterly togetherness in the church possible at all? Comment of Jesus: All things are possible to him who believes! A girl once said: «I am glad that I have my brother, even if some days it gives me the greatest pleasure to wring his neck.…
God is good. His goodness is a gift and does not have to be earned. But there are moments when God’s goodness remains hidden from us, times when God seems to turn against us. The prophet Jeremiah describes harrowing negative experiences he has with God. But he maintains that there is still a «remnant» of God’s goodness and shows the way in which he «taps into» this remnant… It is a word from the book of Lamentations that we…
Fascinating flashes from the lives and faith of others! In two sermons we will look into the lives of three brothers and sisters, first from the OT (today 19 July) and then (2 August) from the NT. I am pursuing two goals: I want to know how their fraternal coexistence worked. I want to know if certain observations can be transferred to our fraternal coexistence in the congregation – which would be a blessing for all of us! Here in the congregation we have the good habit of…
After Jesus had chosen his twelve disciples, he took them to his side to instruct them. Hardly knowing what to expect, they listened intently to Jesus» Sermon on the Mount. «You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world». With this statement, Jesus gave them and all others who were listening – and who believed in him – the task of making the Father in heaven and his kingdom known to the whole world. Powerful words, which to this day have neither…
When Abraham has to sacrifice his long-awaited and beloved son Isaac, his trust in God is severely tested. Abraham passes this test because he trusts that God is good and has ways in store that he does not yet know about. Today, God is no longer looking for material sacrifices, but for our undivided hearts. Abraham was in awe of God. That is the condition to be obedient even when it seems to one’s disadvantage. The consequence of this is blessing.…
Prayers are deeply rooted in an active relationship with God. They are based on asking God again and again what he wants to do, and then praying and acting on it. If we don’t deepen our relationship with Jesus, our prayers are ineffective and don’t hit the mark. Wow, you saw it in the theatre, this sermon today is about prayer! And very classically it was shown in the prayer for healing. But I want to say right up front that.…
It seems as if Lot had no ethical compass, just drifted along and took the path of least resistance. Accordingly, his life resembles a series of misfortunes. How can we make wise and sustainable choices in our lives? Despite everything, Lot goes down in history as a «righteous man». This has much to do with the prayer of his uncle Abraham. With Lot, Abraham’s nephew, many things were not right. But there is no example that…
The parents Adam and Eve gave their second son the name Abel, which means breath or nothingness. This has been said over and over again to him through his name. Words have power. Abel, despite his short life, became the first example of faith (Hebrews 11:4). Unlike Cain, he sacrificed the first and best to God. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus takes Abel to task. If he noticed that Cain had something against him, he should have approached him and solved the problem.…
Why is there so much injustice in this world? Or is God even unjust? Cain felt set back and unappreciated compared to his brother Abel. Deeply offended and consumed by envy, he gave free rein to violence and killed his brother. God had shown him a better way to deal with his negative feelings. Nevertheless, God gave Cain a second chance. He should live, a marked man, but live. Have mercy on us, Lord. Why is it that a person is diagnosed with…
Saul was anointed as the first king over Israel. As equipment for this, the Spirit of God came upon him. He was SPIRITED. The Spirit caused him to speak prophetically, to be transformed into another person and to be led by God. Through disobedience to God, he was deSPIRITED, the Lord turned away from him, which ultimately ended in suicide. We can learn much from this story for our life with the Holy Spirit. An advocate (literally the summoned one) is a lawyer or…
Noah lived in a corrupt world – people turned away from God. But Noah found grace with God. He walked his path with him, listened to him and thus became a light in the society of that time. Through Jesus, we too are called and empowered to live as lights in a corrupt world. Also today we take time to get to know a person from the Bible. I wanted to take a person from the book of Genesis with a…
Hagar had to stand in as a slave for Sarah, Abraham’s wife, because she could not have children. When she was pregnant, the two women had a catfight, so Hagar fled into the desert. There she met an angel who told her to humble herself and go back. Hagar called the Lord who had spoken to her El Roi – God who sees me. Because she received kudos from God, she was able to go back to the emotional wreckage. Have you already…
Jesus says, «For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.» » (Matthew 12:48–50). Along with an appreciation for mothers, the sermon looks at how we ourselves can become mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters to one another. The sermon is peppered with experiences and much motivation to live spiritual family togetherness as a congregation! Mother’s Day! I especially welcome you mothers and I sincerely hope that you have the most comfortable seats today! It…
Judah is instrumental in the sale of his brother Joseph to Egypt. He then goes down to Canaan. Canaan stands for love of the temptations of the world. After acting out his sexual needs on his disguised daughter-in-law Tamar, he realises his guilt and turns back. Now he is even willing to lay down his life for his brother. Judah was a brother of Joseph who caused Joseph to be sold into slavery in Egypt (Genesis…
Eve was tempted by the serpent in the Garden of Eden on three levels: Greed, avarice and ostentation. These are the same temptations we still encounter today and seem to be the apt response to our longing for happiness. The result is ultimately shame and deficit. People do not become happy through external things, but in love for God and in being there for other people. Hans had served his boss faithfully for seven years and received a lump of gold as a reward, which was so…
When the serpent tempted humans in the Garden of Eden, Adam stood silently and passively beside his wife. This pattern has been repeated millions of times over the course of time. Many men shut themselves off when things become confusing or threatening. The second Adam, Jesus Christ, changes the sign completely. We find ourselves in the most beautiful idyll in the Garden of Eden. Recently I photographed a picture on which the following text was printed next to a magnificent landscape: «Eden in Thurgau – the Thurgau landscape as…
The risen Jesus meets Mary at the empty tomb as a gardener. God is like a gardener for us. He knows how to transform barren land into a flourishing garden. Easter turns a Good Friday of mourning into a Good Friday, a story of mourning into a story of hope. When the houses are built on a development and the first people move into their flats, the surroundings are still brown, dirty and dreary. The gardener is the last professional to come and take care of this dreariness, creating a garden,…
For some, nonsensical, unnecessary, simply a scandal; for others, the basis for their new life with God. In addition, we experience Andreas on his interesting path to faith. Andreas sits on the floor and rolls a cigarette. For almost 3 weeks, the 18-year-old has been on a journey of self-discovery. All by himself, he rode his moped all the way to England and back, 3000 km. Now he is on his way back and is taking a break on a bench; his overalls are dirty, his…
«Giants are also only dwarfs», from Caleb, the courageous spy of God. With the help of the Holy Spirit, I want to make it clear to my listeners that we can be courageous on the road with God, because huge challenges become small from his perspective. The sermon is preceded by a short film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mq_r9SvtsDU&feature=youtu.be Put your hand on your heart and be honest. – Who among you would have dared to go to the cinema with this company? That takes a lot of courage, doesn’t it? I myself would have gone to the cinema with…
Elisha and his servant experience a story of seeing or not seeing in the face of an enemy army. Through a prayer of Elisha, Gehazi’s vision was unlocked into the invisible spiritual reality. As a result, he lost all fear because he saw the armies of God far superior to worldly dangers. Even in our car driving lessons we were taught that we drive where we look. If we look at the tree on the bend, there is great danger of a collision. That is why in…
Whoever listens to Jesus and acts accordingly is like a man who builds his house on rock. On the other hand, the one who only listens and does not act sinks his life. A disciple responds to Jesus» invitation to follow him and now does everything he can to share his whole life with him and become like him. «Disciple» is another name for the person who has a rocky foundation. Small groups are the training centre on the way to becoming a disciple. The French Christian…
What we can learn from Daniel and his dream team for our everyday life – in good and difficult times! We meet the people of God today at a moment when they could ask themselves: Is this the end of the people of God: we have lost our land, we are defeated by a foreign power; the temple, our sanctuary, is robbed and destroyed; i.e. end of worship! Their last kings led the people to spiritual and historical ruin. And the mighty Babylonian king.…
What is a disciple? To get to the bottom of this question, we look at the origin of all discipleship, rabbinism in Jewish Galilee. This is discipleship: I respond to Jesus» invitation to follow him and now put all my efforts into sharing all of life with him and becoming like him. The disciple is an apprentice or apprentice of Jesus. «Therefore go to all the nations and make disciples of them» (Matthew 28:19 NL). Before this…
Ansgar Gmür was director of the Homeowners» Association, tenor, ventriloquist and tough businessman. Now he wants to become a pastor. Gmür was born the seventh of eight children into a mountain farming family in Amden. His mother died when he was eleven. Under his strict father, he had to work hard and had only a pair of shoes with holes. Even at 27, he was underweight and his doctor didn’t want to believe that he didn’t have enough money for food. But Gmür caught up with the Matura after his apprenticeship as a laboratory technician…
Samuel was a priest, prophet and centurion in Israel about 3000 years ago. In his younger years he learned to listen to and obey God. He expressed his experience in the following words to King Saul: «To obey him is very much better than to offer sacrifice, to listen to him is better than the fat of rams» (1Samuel 15:22). What is a life of listening and obeying as opposed to a life of offering sacrifices? The outstanding importance…
Samuel was born into a time when the word of God was «dear». Completely clumsy and unaware, he began to listen to God’s speaking. He humbly obeyed his God and thus became a priest, prophet and centurion in one person, the likes of which had not been seen since Moses. From his experience we can learn a lot for our own communication with God. When we listen to Him and obey Him, we become blessed and a blessing to others! As…
God trusts us to grow beyond ourselves and thus become a blessing for others. Little Zacchaeus experienced much contempt in his life, but the loving care of Jesus changed everything. Jesus gave him the strength to grow far beyond himself. In the same way, Jesus turns to each of us and blesses us with his attention so that we in turn can bless others with care and encouragement. Think about it: Can you think of a situation in which you have been in contact with…
How does a man of God live under God’s blessing in everyday life? And what if he suddenly gets into a clinch and fear spreads? What we can learn from an Old Testament blessing bearer in the year 2020. Abram is about 70 years old when he leaves Ur in Chaldea with his father Terah and his wife Sarai, who is barren. His nephew Lot is also with him, his father having died young. The destination of the journey is Haran; either the Euphrates or the Tigris…
«And Enoch walked with God» (Genesis 5:22). It is vital that we walk with God. This means that we walk through life believing and in union with God. The very best thing we can do in life is to accept Jesus into our lives and ask and seek His will. So let us walk with God. Enoch is one of the better known people in the Old Testament. This is because, together with Elijah, he was the only one who…
In our basic documents, the mission of seetal chile is described with the words gathering, strengthening and sending. Accordingly, there is a vision picture of a village. Now we have noticed that the dimension of mission is completely missing from the picture and is also little emphasised in our congregational culture. We believe that we have reached a point where we should focus more on the mission and renew the vision picture accordingly. «When the salt comes on the meat, on the fish.…
«I will bless you and you shall be a blessing» (according to Genesis 12:2). Abraham, the father of many nations, received this promise from God. God demanded an incredible departure from him: He was to leave his homeland, where he had already been rooted for 75 years. As a man blessed by God, he was to become a blessing for many other people and nations. In the life of Abraham and many other people we discover a common thread: God addresses people, blesses them and…
God miraculously led Joshua and the Israelites through the Jordan River into the Promised Land. With the crossing of the Jordan, something new began and the promises of God began to be fulfilled. What can we learn from this moment so that we too can dare something new and thereby experience more of God’s promises in our lives? It takes a new focus, a cleansing and, in the end, wet feet. In a few days a new year begins. Something new…
Did the main participants fall into a spiritual depression after the birth in Bethlehem? Not at all! The experiences of those days and nights continued to move them and they lived on for months and years. And what about us? Does Christmas live on in us into a new year? We have reached the peak of the Christmas celebrations 2019! Some events are already behind us; others we still have ahead of us. We merrily continue to celebrate with relatives, friends and loved ones. This is every year…
John the Baptist makes it clear that apart from the usual Christmas preparations, there are a few other things that are important in view of the coming Lord: As a forerunner of Jesus, he calls for repentance and conversion. He proclaims the Saviour and shows that the way to the glory of God leads through him, the crucified Christ. As an evangelist, he does not cuddle, but speaks plainly and radically rejects any form of pious hypocrisy. Advent, this time before Christmas, is for…
A prison cell is a good comparison for the Advent situation. The door is locked and can only be opened from the outside. In Jesus, God came to our world as a human being to free us from our prisons. The only appropriate response to God’s grace, is Mary’s when she says: «I am the servant of the Lord and bow to his will.» On 21 November 1943, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote from Nazi prison to his friend Eberhard Bethge: «Such a…
In the parable in Luke 15, when the son returned home after a long time, his father presented him with a splendid dress, a finger ring and shoes. In addition, he slaughtered the fatted calf and threw a feast. All this means that the returnee was granted the identity of a son. Fathers and mothers also have the task of speaking identity to their children and this also in their gender. «In the home must begin what is to shine in the fatherland.» This series of topics deals with…
Gaby Wentland is an internationally known speaker. She lives with her husband in Hamburg and has founded the association MISSION FREEDOM, which works against human trafficking and forced prostitution. Together with her team, they take in young women and children and accompany them to a new freedom. Her presentations are full of stories of people who have experienced God’s love and power and have been changed by it.
Gaby Wentland is an internationally known speaker. She lives with her husband in Hamburg and has founded the association MISSION FREEDOM, which works against human trafficking and forced prostitution. Together with her team, they take in young women and children and accompany them to a new freedom. Her presentations are full of stories of people who have experienced God’s love and power and have been changed by it.
God created marriage as a gift for us humans. What are the challenges of marriage? And what do man and woman do to make a marriage last – until death do us part? What is the position of husband and wife in the Christian community? There are marriage courses lasting several weeks. A couple is prepared for marriage in several meetings. And now I am supposed to present a sermon in 25 minutes that appeals to as many as possible and enriches and changes marriages?! To the…
On the fifth commandment («You shall honour your father and mother.») lies a huge promise. The implementation of this demand looks different in every phase of life. But it is always about respecting, honouring and strengthening the position of father and mother. The condition for adult children is that they have left father and mother. The goal is not independence, but hearts turned towards each other in freedom. «In the home must begin what is to shine in the fatherland.» This sentence by Jeremias Gotthelf,…
The fact that God presents Himself as Father in the Bible gives a huge dignity to the topics of parenting, upbringing and filiation. We may first enjoy God’s fatherly qualities personally and then also apply them in parenting. God’s parenting model describes itself with the words freedom, consistency and relationship. God’s first priority is a heart relationship. Psychology says that what you experience in the first six years of life is your «normal». In other words, what you perceive as normal in life is what…
A diametrically different personality type from Mary is Peter. He is a strongly extroverted person. When the community of Jesus» disciples was challenged, he was usually the quickest to react. He is an innovative, loud person, but he fails time and again because of his unsteadiness. Jesus takes care of him, changes him and gives him the great responsibility of being the rock on which Jesus builds his church. After the last sermon, I was asked the following question by email: What is Jesus? Intro?…
The church needs both introverts and extroverts so that it can act thoughtfully! Two sermons deal with the interaction of people with these two personality orientations. Mary, the mother of Jesus, shows some clearly introverted characteristics. Today the focus is on introverts. They are challenged to grow into spiritually-emotionally mature people. Four weeks ago Debora Sommer was with us and preached on the topic «Curtain up for quiet Christians». I have been working on this topic for about a year and have…
In the Bible, the story of David and Mefi-Bosheth gives a powerful picture of how God deals with us. God reveals his own restorative nature in the way David restores the son of his friend Jonathan. What is a name? The thing we call a rose would smell just as lovely under any other name. This is the famous question that Juliet asks in William Shakespeare’s tragic masterpiece. The names Capulet and Montague were for Romeo and Juliet…
Doing good deeds that Jesus has prepared for us! What does that mean? How do we access these deeds? How active are we in doing good and how active is God? «For we are God’s creation. He created us anew in Christ Jesus to carry out the good deeds he prepared for our lives» (Ephesians 2:10 NL). This text is a firm ground on which we can approach this morning’s theme: Good…
Those who turn to Jesus Christ are given a dwelling in the heavenly home! Unfortunately, the images of heaven are often so colourless and boring that many do not even look forward to the eternal home. This sermon provides motivating images of heaven. What we believe about the future affects our lives in the here and now. There is almost nothing more beautiful than roaming through the woods on a bike on a late summer day and looking down on Lake Hallwil from a high trail. This…
About half of all people are introverts. Yet personality traits of extroverts are often portrayed as more positive – also and especially in the Christian context. As a result, introverts often feel inadequate and withdraw even more. In doing so, not only they themselves but also others overlook the significant strengths and abilities they can bring to the table. Debora Sommer shows what makes introverts tick and what contribution they can make in this world and their communities. According to their nature, introverts can do much in the kingdom of God…
People who see themselves as guests on earth and have their home in heaven live refreshingly differently. The example of Paul from Philippians explicitly supports this thesis. Despite imprisonment with an open outcome, the basic melody of his life is joy, freedom from worries, serenity and freedom. We want to learn something from this inspiring example. How would you like to be? I make you a suggestion: Your heart is full of joy, even when life gets pretty tight. You are a…
Why is it so difficult for us to talk about Jesus and our faith in a secular environment? What is the best way to do that? What could help me? Not a lecture, but a motivational injection! «But whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and that of the Father and the holy angels» (Luke 9:26 Lu). When our straggler Benjamin had to go to the dentist at the age of 12, he said: «Mum,…
Werner Messmer has been in the limelight for many years as an entrepreneur, politician and President of the Swiss Association of Master Builders. In an interview, he gives us an insight into how he walks with God in these public offices as well as in his private life. The way he lives his faith and the experiences he has are very encouraging and inspiring.
What makes the Father in heaven the best host? Based on the well-known Psalm 23, we draw conclusions about our own hospitality. And we will once again be amazed at how generous and good God is. Our theme for the year, «Welcome Home», means that each of us personally finds a home with the heavenly Father, but also that we offer hospitality to one another in this world. The Catholic priest Romano Guardini links these two strands together: «But if we are to be able to practise hospitality, we must offer hospitality to…
«Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for in this way some have sheltered angels without realising it!» (Hebrews 13:2). The Greek word used in the Bible for hospitality literally means love for the stranger. Such hospitality is not only gastronomy, but also a spiritual event. Rabbi Shmuel of Brysow was one of the most respected men of his Hasidic faith. And he was rich. One day a large group of merchants came to Brysow, and shortly…
Jesus calls on his followers to «make disciples of the nations». A disciple then was like an apprentice with us 70 years ago. Back then, an apprentice became part of the Master’s family, watching him and learning how to do a thing, then doing it himself. To carry out this great commission, Christians are to go, baptise and teach. In the Ostschweizer Tagblatt, a man named Konrad Bösch reported: «Soon the time will come again when the apprenticeships will be filled anew.…
Are frustrations just as much a part of life as moments of happiness? How do we cope with moments of frustration in life? Welcome home – to all those who are back from their holidays. Hopefully you have many happy things to tell. Hopefully everything was just right: the weather, the food, the excursions, the bed, the togetherness as a family, as a couple, or among friends! After the best holidays, coming home is also something very nice for many: the familiar four walls again, the familiar bed again, the familiar…
We have heard a lot recently about home, becoming at home and being at home with God. Today I want to ask the question: Where does God actually live? The teacher asked in school: Where does God live? One student immediately raised his hand and said, «God lives in the bathroom.» «What makes you think that?» asked the teacher. The pupil replied: «Every morning when my father is standing in front of the closed bathroom door, he bangs on the door and shouts: «My God, are you…?
«There are friends, there is family – and there are friends who become family «Welcome home! Real friends are wanted – because good relationships are worth their weight in gold. Helpful tips for developing friendships. I remember a programme on ARD called «Erlebnis Erde» (Experience Earth) which showed that there are 10 million animal and plant species on earth, none of which can survive on their own. Whether for food or reproduction or other requirements: they are essential for each other’s survival.…
A paralytic experiences healing and forgiveness of his sins through Jesus. He comes to this experience because he has friends and neighbours who help him. They have a heart for him. They carry him to Jesus and do not give up despite obstacles. They firmly believe that Jesus will help and thus become a blessing for the paralysed man. This morning we want to reflect together on a story that you probably all know very well. It is the story of the…
The Book of Ruth speaks of the exodus from home as well as the return. In order for the widow Ruth to make her home in Israel, she needed a redeemer. Boaz took over this function. This gave her a livelihood and eternal hope. Jesus is our redeemer; he too enables us to have a home in the house of God. Today’s blessing of Noemi G. is reason enough to look at the Noomi of the Bible in the Book of Ruth. It is a story of coming home. For the time being, however, it was off to…
We do not find true rest through a method, but through a person. Jesus wants to give us his rest. The summer holidays are just around the corner. A time when we wish to come to rest, recharge our batteries and escape the stress of everyday life. And with that comes the question of how exactly that works. In any case, I ask myself this question again and again. «How do I find peace? How can I switch off and recharge my batteries?
What do others learn from you? What do they hear from you? What do they see in you? Paul is a perfect role model! What do people see in your Christianity? Welcome home! Yes, what does it look like at home? Mum and dad sometimes say «The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree»! «That’s what he or she gets from me» both mum and dad say when they discover something positive about their children, and if it’s something that’s not so good, they also both say:.…
When your back is against the wall, you still have sight ahead. Our Father fights for you. Your struggle is also God’s struggle. We are not saved from everything in our lives. Just as Judah and Jerusalem had to go to the battlefield, sometimes we have to go to the battlefield and see God fighting for us. Jesus hung on the cross to save us from our guilt. He won for us. His victory is the way…
First we must live ourselves, and then help others to live. This order is illustrated to us by a story of lepers who first filled their own bellies and then shared the good news. We are invited to the table in the house of God. There we are fed with delicacies. We are then challenged to invite others. Before each flight, we are told how to use the oxygen mask in an emergency. Pull the mask down towards you. Place the oxygen mask over your…
Pentecost originated from the Jewish festival of Shavuot, which is also called the «festival of the harvest». It is therefore obvious that Pentecost in turn heralds a time of harvest. By receiving the Holy Spirit, the followers of Jesus are equipped with a power through which they can be witnesses for the cause of Jesus to the furthest corners of the earth. Through this, people become at home with God. Welcome home! When the Israelites left captivity, it took exactly seven weeks for them to…
How different we are! Welcome home! That sounds like a pleasant home. It sounds like family. Let’s be honest! Aren’t we a bit too full of words when we really realise how different we are? Back then, when Jesus was with us on this earth, he also looked into the churches. Again and again. It wasn’t in churches, it was in the temple, where the service took place. I warmly welcome you to our service!…
Jesus challenges his companions to repent and become like children (Matthew 18:3). To become truly at home with the heavenly Father requires a childlike faith. This is what someone finds when he has left behind the previous phases of «naïve faith» and «complex faith». Four weeks ago a woman here in the service told how she had found childlike faith through severe visitations. Childlike faith is a sign of maturity in the relationship with the heavenly Father.…
The Bible repeatedly presents God as a father with many good qualities. We want to be challenged by these to also live a good fatherhood in our families. Despite all our efforts, we miss some things and do not even meet our own requirements. This leaves its mark on the children. But God as Father takes care of us and gives healing. A congregation organised a faith course on «Breathing into God’s Presence». One course participant listened to everything patiently, but remained…
God not only has a Father’s heart, but also a Mother’s heart. In order to become completely at home with Him, we need a great closeness to both hearts. Our relationship with our biological mother has a great influence on our closeness to the mother heart of God. Mother wounds suffered must therefore be cared for and need healing. Emperor Frederick II made experiments with children. He wanted to find out the primordial language common to all human beings. He believed that he would be able to discover it by observing the language in which children speak.…
What constitutes the identity of a human being? A person’s value is given to him or her by God, who created all people unique and valuable. On this basis, we may joyfully explore life. In doing so, we find a sustaining and fulfilling identity only with God. What do you think – is there a connection between how Max sees himself and how he treats others? I am convinced that our identity, our self-image, has a huge impact on how we behave.…
By the term «visitation» we understand a stroke of fate that is perceived as a test or punishment from God. In Luke 19:44 we encounter the word in the Bible and it refers to Jesus» visit to Jerusalem, with which he wanted to call people home to the heavenly Father. Based on personal stories, we want to show the potential of visitations and how they can bring us closer to God. According to Wikipedia, the term «visitation» means a stroke of fate that acts as a test or punishment.…
On Easter we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Death and resurrection are part of the normal spiritual rhythm of every follower of Jesus. Spiritual growth cannot be had without the minor or major deaths that occur in every life. Easter clearly shows us that the resurrection power of God is greater than death. It is equally clear to us that life emerges from death. A beautiful example of this is the Jericho Rose, where from seemingly dead undergrowth, through…
Today we think of Jesus» last journey to the cross and death. The Passion story is always impressive and gets under the skin. What did Jesus take upon himself to open the way back to God for us? Alone, without help? Who stood by him and helped him? I’m not sure if you already know that there are last aid courses in addition to first aid courses. The Sunday newspaper titled its report on these courses «The…
What do you do before you move into a new home? What do you do before you move into a new home? What do a whole people do when they move into a new home? Today’s Bible text deals with aspects of this question. We are dealing with a text from the 5th book of Moses. The Israelite people are on the east bank of the Jordan River preparing to enter their new homeland. The prophet Moses, who for over 40 years…
God always puts burdens and difficulties on us. It is important that we do not simply eradicate burdens or difficulties, and even less so if it costs us something. If we live with them and accept them, burdens and difficulties can become a source of richness, depth, growth and fulfilment – even happiness. A legend from the Sahara tells that a begrudging man saw a particularly beautiful young palm tree growing in an oasis. Since he had been touched by…
The goal in life with Jesus Christ is to become more at home with the heavenly Father. Companions help us to achieve this. Aaron and Miriam were Moses» companions. Thanks to them, Moses became the capable and mature man we know from the Bible. My best colleague during my «tech time» was an Engadine and mountain guide. When we looked out of the window during lectures in Buchs in the Rhine Valley, we looked directly at the Kreuzberge on the edge of the Alpstein. For him, that was often…
Many people believe that everything will be fine as soon as they have found the perfect partner. Those who put the whole burden of their hopes and longings on their partner will crush them with their expectations. The story of Jacob, Rachel and Leah illustrates this point and shows us the way to freedom. People’s longing for true love has always been sung about and described, but in our present culture this longing is increased to almost immeasurable proportions. The stages of our world…
For decades Abraham waited for the promised son and when he finally came, he was to sacrifice him on a mountain. Isaac’s sacrifice taught Abraham to love God more than his son. It is also our problem that fulfilled dreams like to elevate themselves to idols. That is why we must always put them on the altar. Only those things can safely remain part of our lives that really no longer have an idol function.… Exactly twenty years ago, I was writing the final thesis of my…
Our vocation is to grow spiritually. Growing in faith is synonymous with «becoming at home» in the house of God. In this sermon, the different stages of growth are shown and you will be motivated to reach out for the next one. Intensive reflection and living with the Bible is the most powerful factor in spiritual growth. Albert Einstein’s young neighbour was talking to him at a party. The woman asked him, «What exactly do you do for a living?» Einstein looked at her and said, «I devote…
God is a God for all generations. Jesus met people of different generations. And what about us? Don’t we prefer to meet people of our own generation? But since we are usually surrounded by people from different generations, we should somehow be able to deal with it. How do we do that? How do we manage that in the seetal chile? «One day the prophet’s disciples said to Elisha, «As you see, the place where we meet with you is not big enough. Let’s go to the…
In the parable of the two prodigal sons, the question arises, who then is to do the work on the farm? Obviously, the older brother made a mistake by toiling in the fields like a slave. But just sitting in the banquet hall doesn’t work either. Every human being reaches out for love, acceptance and appreciation. If we try to earn these things by our actions, it comes out badly. But if we act on the foundation of love, acceptance and appreciation,…
The elder son in the parable is a stranger in his own home and lives a bitter «orphan mentality». All the wealth of the father would be available to him, but he does not use it. How can the change from such a lifestyle to a son or daughter mentality and thus to a liberated Christianity happen? Home is the place where I am unconditionally accepted and can give myself as I am. There I can also sometimes show off a «scolding» and…
Seek peace and pursue it! Peace is the fruit of the Spirit that is in our hearts. What is there to seek and chase?! On the other hand, we are aware that peaceful coexistence does not fall into our laps. But for a cosy home, peace is! Welcome home to our search for peace! Peace is not so easy to define. Many people spontaneously say: Peace is the opposite of war. But is that what war is in…
Sermon for the Alliance Service
This sermon connects the annual theme «Welcome Home» with a current challenge in congregational life that we are facing. Namely, we ask ourselves how, inspired by the hospitality in God’s house, we can derive a comprehensive welcoming culture for the seetal chile. In this endeavour, we find strong impulses in the parable of the father with the two prodigal sons. Every January we hold a so-called vision service. These services are meant to open our eyes to the future. We talk about what spiritual significance…
What is home? Is home simply a country or perhaps even just a house with which we associate sentimental memories? According to Psalm 91:9, the presence of God makes a place a home: «With the LORD I am safe! Yes, with God Most High you have found a home.» In this sermon series, we will discover together how to come home inside, find a fulfilled life and help others discover that home. On Sunday mornings, when I was still a child or teenager in the…
At the very end of the prayer Our Father, it moves into worship. «For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.» This is not only the case in this prayer, but also in many other places in the Bible – and could become a habit of life. Today is 30 December. If you still have open New Year’s resolutions from last January, there are about 30 hours left. If your resolution was to stop putting things on the…
Without a personal encounter with God, Christmas remains only a fairy tale and personal faith bland and unattractive. To change this, God became human in the person of Jesus and made himself touchable, visible, audible and tangible. Through an encounter with God, Advent becomes an adventure! If you extend the word Advent with the three letters u‑r-e, it means adventure. Our theme for the year is «Abentüür Gebät». Prayer becomes an adventure when it comes to an encounter with God, which is also the…
On behalf of God, he points to the birth of an unprecedented, powerful ruler. Isaiah describes him with four winsome names. A Messiah who also fits 1:1 into our present darkness. Christmas is a unique festival of lights! The lights that shine in gardens and on balconies are impressive; but with sleighs, reindeer and Sami lice, they have little to do with Bethlehem. In Bettwil, we drive past a house with a garden that has been transformed into a world of lights. There you step…
The reformation of King Asa is a helpful illustration of how we can make our door high and the gate wide to receive the King of all kingdoms. This sermon is specifically addressed to Christians whose faith life has become lukewarm and who long for more excitement, rest and peace through Jesus Christ. Advent is a fitting time to prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus.
Line bus prayers let us experience that God can be changed. With hot air balloon prayers, we ourselves experience a change. In any case, prayers have the power to change God, the world and ourselves! But prayers are not primarily about solving problems, but about deepening our relationship with the heavenly Father.
The Brennende Berg (356.7 m above sea level) is a forested hill on the border of the Saarland towns of Saarbrücken and Sulzbach. It is home to a smouldering coal seam that caught fire in the 17th century and is still smouldering today. Such underground fires remind us of something that can be seen in many people – including myself: a smouldering inner life that is difficult to smother and erupts every now and then. Jesus Christ is able to free us from our hurts, fixations and imprints.…
In search of love and freedom She lived in the world of the rich and beautiful and had her own agency for promotion and styling. Tina liked to be in front of the camera and created her own world «World of Venus» with pin-up calendars and VIP events. As a glamour girl, she cultivated her image as a «love goddess». Tina Schmidt talks about her life: «I only felt loved when I was desired. I thought I would die without sex. Only a completely different kind of…
Deliver us from evil! A liberating, indispensable petition for common prayer! In a turbulent world, we need such an address to refuel. God trusts us to reach our goal of faith even under evil circumstances, because we are not travelling alone, but together with Jesus and many other believers.
The Book of Job gives us a deep insight into evil, who is behind it and how it works. Very impressively, Job lives out how we can behave in dark times so as not to become a prey to evil. Through his clinging to the Redeemer («Yet I know that my Redeemer lives and will have the last word on this earth.») his faith was raised to a higher level and he was blessed in an impressive way.
Jesus was tested by the tempter in the areas of popularity, possessions and power. These are the three areas that are powerful engines in our lives as well. Together with fear, this forms a negative spiral: one never has enough. The three evangelical counsels (chastity, poverty and obedience) are, to a certain extent, the brakes that make a good creative handling of these inner forces possible.
There is temptation in the form of testing and temptation in the form of seduction. With the sixth petition in the Our Father prayer, we pray God that we do not fall into temptation, do not fall into its trap. This petition is not about optimising our morals, but about reaching the goal – being with God.
Grace is the greatest thing for us humans! There is nothing greater! Grace is worth more than gold. Grace is life!
God surprises us again and again and nothing is impossible for God. This is still true for us today.
Jesus says: the harvest is great, but the labourers are few. How should we understand these words of Jesus? Together we want to discover what harvest means for us today and what our mission is in the great harvest of God.
Do we really need forgiveness like daily bread? With the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector praying together in the temple, Jesus shows that there are two kinds of people, those who know they are sinners and those who do not. Yet recognising one’s own vulnerability to sin would be the key to an upbeat and joyful life with Jesus!
The Bible says several times that if we refuse to forgive others, God will not forgive us either. Forgiveness is very one-sided and unjust. But if we dare, we will find that relationship is enabled and renewed.
The pastor of Seon talks about his eventful life.
«Nothing is more cowardly than excuses; nothing is greater than admitting guilt» (Friedrich von Bodelschwingh). How do we deal with our guilt? What role does our conscience play? Why does Jesus teach us to pray like this?
In the parable of the begging widow, Jesus shows that persistent and determined prayer leads to the goal. The widow got what was coming to her. How much more will people get their rights if they persistently ask their Father in heaven!
Sometimes our daily bread does not seem very appetising to us – it is hard to digest. How we can deal with such hard bread and even mature through it, we learn from three courageous men.
«Daily» and «today» express that we are not to ask the Father in heaven for supplies, but for daily needs. If we always live in tomorrow, we make ourselves many unnecessary worries. The sermon challenges us to be whole before God now – and we will be blessed!
«Pray always and in every situation with the power of the Holy Spirit. Keep alert and also pray continually for all who belong to Christ» (Ephesians 6:18). It is remarkable that this verse directly follows the spiritual armour. Therefore: It is indispensable for you to pray! And you cannot do without others praying for you.
When we accept Jesus into our lives, it is neither make-up nor mascot nor guarantee for a problem-free life, but life-changing power. This process of change continues until we reach the goal of our faith.
Jabez prayed against his own name, which was a curse word. It means torment and pain! Although the prayer sounds somewhat self-centred, it says: And God let come what he had asked for. Jabez rose up against his disposition through prayer. Prayer changed his life.
Inspired by the story in Mark 8:14–28, this sermon deals with the topic of doubt. It explores the question of what doubt is and how we can deal with it in our prayer life.
Prayer in Jesus» name is said to have a one hundred percent success rate. What does it mean for a person to pray in His name and to be an agent. The perfect empowerment consists in the care of the Holy Spirit and the influence of Jesus» name in the very highest place.
We don’t have to keep asking, «Jesus, what do you want me to do? What is your will?» And then get angry when we hear nothing! No. We may plan and decide, but it is necessary and good if we are open to God, who may want to tell us what to do or correct us.
Jesus healed not only souls, but whole people according to body, soul and spirit. He still wants to do that today through his allies. Nevertheless, it is undeniable that our body – the older it gets – will diminish. Quite in contrast to the spirit, which is renewed from day to day. How do we deal with this tension?
The parable of the prodigal son is an image of the Gospel and at the same time linked to the Our Father. How this link is formed and what this has to do with the theme «When God is silent» will be the subject of this sermon.
«Thy will be done» Is not a call for us to simply leave our will and desires to the side, but to deal with them responsibly. Why this is so and how this can look in practice will be the topic of this sermon.
«Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven». This phrase comes before the request for provision («Give us this day our daily bread.»). Apparently, it is more important that we grow into a deeper relationship of trust with God than that He fulfils all our wishes.
The Jews read the Book of Ruth on their feast of Pentecost (shavuot). This Old Testament story illustrates how the Holy Spirit unites people.
The first sermon at the church weekend on Pentecost on the theme «connected». The Holy Spirit connects us with God.
In prayer, we can step inwardly out of the many gazes of men and place ourselves under the one gaze of God. There we find a deeply liberated way of life, without pressure and full of strength. It is life in the presence of God, the place of freedom.
Inspirations from the vocation story of Moses before the thorn bush for one’s own life.
What does it mean when God’s kingdom comes? The sermon wants to encourage to ally oneself with God and to see oneself as a sent one for God’s kingdom in this world. We can help build God’s kingdom by making God’s Word a reality.
From top chef to ruin to «total enjoyment». André Heiniger is interviewed about his eventful life.
In Psalm 13, David lets us share how he prays in times of crisis. In the process, he himself experiences a positive turn. What steps lead David to this turnaround is the topic of this sermon.
In the prayer David says in Psalm 131, he gives us deep insight into the secret of a quiet heart full of peace. Three enemies who must be replaced stand in the way of this peace.
An Easter sermon on the threefold «Peace be with you» from Jesus to the disciples who had locked themselves in fear. The resurrection of Jesus has the power to first open doors of the heart and then other doors as well.
This reflection talks about the contrasts that come to light on Good Friday and Easter.
«Thy kingdom come». The one from Jesus in the prayer we know as Our Father. What kingdom Jesus is talking about, what nerve he strikes with his contemporaries and what this ultimately has to do with us is the subject of this sermon.
A second time is about how the name of our Father in heaven can be sanctified. Through worship. But worship is much more than good feelings and beautiful songs. It is also about giving thanks, lamenting and proclaiming. Worship is the very meaning of our lives. The story of King Jehoshaphat from 2 Chronicles 20 brings together all facets of worship and shows the beautiful consequence of it.
This sermon explores the question of what it means to sanctify the name of our Father in heaven. In addition, the connection to the third commandment «You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain» is shown.
Who is «Our Father», the person we address in prayer? It is a God who introduces himself with four letters (YHWH) that mean «his». The Father in heaven has the proper name «He-who-is» and many other names. God is just so big and so wide that you cannot capture him with a proper name. That would limit him and make him tangible. Each one of his many names shows certain characteristics of him.
The form of address in «Our Father» is written in the first person plural. Jesus, who recommended this prayer for imitation, had something in mind. When we call upon the Father in heaven from within the community, we will experience powerful effects of our prayers.
«Thy will be done!» If we really want that, we have to learn to listen to God’s voice. In community things go better and we can support each other. One form of this is prophetic prayer.
About the mystery of an unchanging God who nevertheless lets us talk to him.
Who is actually «Our Father in heaven»? Who does Jesus say we should talk to? On the one hand, he is the near Father and on the other hand, he dwells in the distant heaven. How does the love of God relate to his holiness? Our image of God has a great influence on the basic attitude with which we pray.
We look at the vision of seetal chile and ask ourselves how God sees our community. This involves the well in the middle of the village as well as the building land reserves.
Start of the new year’s theme «Abentüür Gebät». When asked by his disciples to teach them how to pray, Jesus responded with the «Our Father’s Prayer». This prayer provides the structure for the sermons in 2018. Today, the aim is to gain an initial overview.
Looking back with the right perspective can help to move courageously and confidently into the future.
The way of the shepherds and the way of the wise men to Bethlehem to the manger is quite different. Nevertheless, for both groups it leads to the worship of God.
God came down in Jesus Christ on We+D115:D116ihnachten to take us up to heaven.
This sermon on Psalm 37:7 aims to encourage conscious silence during Advent.
The tree of life that stood in paradise in Adam and Eve’s time reappears in the new city to come. It bears fruit twelve times a year and its leaves have healing power. It is a free gift of grace that man is given a second chance to eat from the tree of life and then live eternally with God.
This vision of the New Jerusalem is not meant to shape us into world-weary, but into hopeful, peace-making, loving people.
How are the biblical events of the first resurrection, the millennial kingdom and the final judgement to be understood and classified?
From white and black magic, a woman finds God.
In a speech shortly before entering the Promised Land, Moses reminded the people of Israel not to forget God in all their prosperity and to be grateful to Him. How can we be grateful regardless of our personal situation?
Bablyon the Great is presented to us as a prostitute who seduces people from all nations. One day, however, her last hour will come…
This sermon is not about the popularly called «bowl judgments» but about how a Christian can stay awake and clothed in the face of these signs. The central biblical passage for this is Revelation 16:15.
In this sermon you will learn the reason for suffering in this world and how you can act in it.
John gives us an overview of what is happening in this world and shows us the key qualifications that a follower of Jesus needs in order to survive in this time: Patience, obedience and faith. What does this mean for our lives?
=D100:D101The number of the beast in Revelation 13 is 666. Elsewhere the Bible speaks of the Antichrist coming to deceive us. Where is he? How can we recognise him and prepare ourselves?
Revelation 12 describes a cutting-edge image that, according to various speculations, will come to pass on 23 September 2017. We are curious. In any case, this chapter shows us how Satan works in this world and what weapons he is powerless against.
According to Jesus, the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed. When it is placed in the earth, it grows into a large perennial that can become a nesting place for migratory birds. The growth DNA of the mustard seed was placed in the people who believe in Jesus Christ. Therefore, great things can come about through their lives.
Jesus has given each of his followers a part of his wealth to trade with. What is the mission? What is the capital? How are they to trade? What happens when they report?
Between the 6th and 7th trumpets we are given a glimpse behind the scene. We see the two witnesses who die and after a time rise again.
Between the 6th and 7th trumpets we are given a glimpse behind the scene. We see that God reigns absolutely sovereign over the whole scene.
A sermon for Pentecost.
A sermon on the solos of the Reformation. Delivered in Bad Schussenried on the occasion of the Gemeindeweekend 2017.
A sermon on the solos of the Reformation. Delivered in Bad Schussenried on the occasion of the Gemeindeweekend 2017.
A sermon on the solos of the Reformation. Delivered in Bad Schussenried on the occasion of the Gemeindeweekend 2017.
The visions of the trumpets answer important questions, such as how a follower of Jesus should behave in the face of catastrophes and wars in this world.
The sermon for the blessing of the teens.
Mohanathas Balasubramaniam talks about his life.
A hopeful sermon on the resurrection of Christ.
Jesus Christ laid down his life for us on the cross on Good Friday. Again and again he says that his followers will also experience persecution and tribulation. These things are part of the core of faith, so to speak. What we are currently experiencing in the Western world is not normal. John sees the victorious overcomers in two different visions. These images are meant to encourage us to lay down our lives completely for Christ – no matter what the cost.
The seals will be broken and reveal what judgements will pass over the earth in a first series of sieves.
Epistle to Laodicea There is a way in the Gospel from an indifferent, passionless, lukewarm Christianity to a «hot» passion for Jesus.
Epistle to Philadelphia Even if you have little strength, hold steadfastly to Jesus. In doing so, you will create a great future for yourself and those around you!
Epistle to Sardis
Letter to Thyatira Christ challenges the church in Thyatira to many No’s for the great Yes!
Epistle to Pergamum
Jesus personally writes heavenly feedback to the seven churches in Asia Minor. He tells the Ephesians that a church can do everything right and have a great magnetic effect, but if love is missing, everything is in vain.
Paul tells the church in Ephesus to put on the new life like new clothes. In this sermon, this process is put under the microscope.
Revelation sets our mental cinema in motion through the many images shown. At the beginning, the main character, Jesus Christ, is introduced. In the process, amazing things come to light!
Using the keywords belong – believe – behave, we explain our church culture and course. In doing so, we answer questions about how our welcoming culture can be reconciled with a Bible-based interpretation of the Bible.
Today we start the new annual theme «Foresight». In the course of 2017 we will interpret the book of Revelation. This sermon gives a first insight and shows the actual meaning of Revelation. It unveils and reveals in vivid, pictorial form the invisible realities and powers behind the visible events, thereby explaining the course of history.
A Christmas sermon about the mega joy experienced by the shepherds in the field. The reason for this joy was that the Saviour was born and created the condition for peace on earth.
This is the last of the four sermons on work and sums up the theme. The main message is: Christ is not only our Lord on Sunday, but he is also our employer on Monday.
Do we want to make a name for ourselves with the work or do we get a name and then do the work? This question decides whether I can glow at work or not.
Theme series: Faith and work
The first of four sermons on the topic of faith and work deals with the basics. The following questions are clarified: What does God have to do with work? What do I have to do with work? How do we work?
Daniel shows us as a role model that we do not need to be total social deniers who go on hunger strike or withdraw from everything. However, with sympathetic determination, we must know the point where our «but» must come.
Susanne Geske is our guest and talks about her life. Susanne is the widow of the German missionary Tilman Geske, who was murdered in Turkey nine years ago.
Worship consists of praising, thanking, lamenting and proclaiming. If we worship in every situation of life, a strong soul can be formed in us.
We often experience a discrepancy between what we live and what the Bible actually intended. This tension is part of the life of a person who is on the way with Jesus. In this sermon, the solution is shown how our lives can nevertheless change sustainably and positively.
Jan Hus (1369–1415) is a shining example of a man who dedicated his life to the truth. His life ended at the stake on 6 July 1415 at the Council of Constance. It is impressive what an impact his life had.
What does it mean to shine in public and what are the requirements for this? This sermon explores this question using James 2:14–17 and other passages from this letter.
Our line of sight is crucial in our lives. Where should we look?
A sermon by Wieland Müller on gratitude. Müller is the leader of Chrischona Germany.
In the Bible, people are called happy who experience opposition and rejection because of their faith. Why does the good news often create friction in this world and what does this mean for active Christians?
An image that is used again and again for the church in the Bible is the body. The church is the body of Christ on this earth. This has strong implications for our togetherness and our mission.
In the Nicene and Constantinople Creeds, the Church is described by the proper words of the title. We look into the matter and try to understand why the Church Fathers chose exactly these words.
What does it mean to glow in church? This question is addressed in this and the next three sermons.
From the biography of Steve Jobs
The impossible becomes possible! This statement is underpinned by the life of William Wilberforce (1759–1833). Wilberforce is the man who abolished slavery in the world’s leading slave-trading nation, Great Britain.
We draw inspiration from various role models who «glowed» in their time under special circumstances. Hanna did this as a childless woman. In the same household there was another concubine who had children and therefore mocked her.
At the latest in difficult life situations, it is decisive whether God is the centre or only the means in a person’s life.
A short sermon on the play «Esther» or «Here I am right».
What it means to go through life as a single person, what steps can be helpful and how the church can provide a good environment.
Are there determinations and curses that are automatically passed on from one generation to the next? Can it be that because of my ancestors I am blocked? In this sermon, an answer to this question is given based on Exodus 34:1–9.
Martin Dreyer is a freelance theologian, qualified pedagogue, addiction counsellor and writer. He became known nationwide in the nineties through the founding of the Christian youth movement «Jesus Freaks». His breakthrough as an author came with the Volx Bible, a Bible in easy-to-understand language, which has become a paperback bestseller. Martin is married, has a daughter and a son and lives in Berlin. Despite these considerable successes, there are also dark dark sides to his life. The failure of his first marriage, alcohol and drugs as well as a…
Martin Dreyer is a freelance theologian, qualified pedagogue, addiction counsellor and writer. He became known nationwide in the nineties through the founding of the Christian youth movement «Jesus Freaks». His breakthrough as an author came with the Volx Bible, a Bible in easy-to-understand language, which has become a paperback bestseller. Martin is married, has a daughter and a son and lives in Berlin. Despite these considerable successes, there are also dark dark sides to his life. The failure of his first marriage, alcohol and drugs as well as a…
How do you think Jesus would treat homosexual people? There are only speculative answers to this question because there are no such examples in the Bible. And yet a clear pattern can be discerned in how Jesus encounters people: Full of affection and compassion, and he always meets them with great clarity and challenging explicitness.
A sermon for the feast of Pentecost.
Till death do you part! in this day and age, most marriages end before death. This sermon is about how to counteract premature corrosion of marriage with suitable rust-proofing.
The sermon for the blessing of the teens
The third sermon in the mini-series «Everything has its time». How can we better order our time so that we are not simply under the tyranny of the urgent?
The first sermon of the mini-series «Everything has its time». Time is a gift from God. God himself has taken time and given it to you so that you can become his beloved child!
Jesus went through various stations during the Passion period, each of which can stand for an emotional or life situation of us humans. At the centre is the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
A sermon on Good Friday.
David Gautschi introduces the organisation MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship).
The fifth sermon on the «Shame or Dignity» campaign._x000D_ _x000D_ How can we experience honour, dignity and restoration through Jesus Christ?
The fourth sermon on the campaign «Shame or Dignity».
The third sermon on the campaign «Shame or Dignity». How do we respond to shaming and how do we become the best version of ourselves?
The second sermon on the campaign «Shame or Dignity».
The first sermon on the campaign «Shame or Dignity».
Selected verses on the theme from Proverbs
Selected verses on child rearing from Proverbs