Cédric Brügger

Pas­tor of the see­tal chile

As a fol­lower of Jesus, I am in this world, but I try to ali­gn mys­elf with God’s stan­dards. As far as pos­si­ble, I vol­un­t­a­ri­ly inte­gra­te mys­elf into the sta­te struc­tu­re and pray for the govern­ment. Fol­lo­wers of Jesus are the salt and light of the world, so it is important to shape the cul­tu­re – but how should this be done? Which path is the right one? The decisi­ve cha­rac­te­ristic and cri­ter­ion is love for God, for fel­low fol­lo­wers of Jesus and for our fel­low human beings. The sta­te and I fol­lo­wers of Jesus… 
God crea­ted the earth and he wan­ted to estab­lish order on the earth. This has its roots in the hea­ven­ly order. The key point here is that God is the King! This is why Isra­el had no king for a long time. Howe­ver, the peo­p­le incre­asing­ly said good­bye to theo­cra­cy and wan­ted a mon­ar­chy. No mat­ter what form of govern­ment we live in, we should sub­mit to it. Fol­lo­wers of Jesus are not cal­led to cri­ti­cise things, but to be the salt of the world. 
All peo­p­le have par­ents and we can­not choo­se them. It is a bibli­cal prin­ci­ple that we should honour our father and mother. This is the key to a ful­fil­led life. The basic pre­re­qui­si­te for being able to honour my par­ents is God’s love for us. Being accept­ed by him makes it pos­si­ble for me to honour my par­ents. When I honour my par­ents, I am ulti­m­ate­ly hono­u­ring God, who pla­ced me in this fami­ly! Today we are going to deal with the… 
«He will not break the bent reed or extin­gu­ish the smould­e­ring wick. […]» (Isai­ah 42:3 NLB). This is today’s dai­ly rea­ding. It descri­bes the pro­mi­sed ser­vant of God. Jesus Christ ful­fils every aspect of what is pro­mi­sed about him. He is the gent­le ser­vant of God who does not break the brui­sed reed or snuff out the smould­e­ring wick. The one who meets us weak peo­p­le as a pati­ent phy­si­ci­an and wants to show hims­elf strong in our weak­ne­ss. In this way we can… 
«EIFACH mue­tig – with Jesus as our role model…» is our new the­me for the year. The­re are various images for the rela­ti­onship bet­ween Jesus and the Church. One of them is the bri­de and bri­de­g­room. If the rela­ti­onship bet­ween Jesus and his bri­de is seen through the eyes of the old wed­ding cerem­o­ny, much beco­mes clear. The basis is the mar­ria­ge con­tract, which pri­ma­ri­ly places the bri­de­g­room under obli­ga­ti­on and grants the bri­de pro­tec­tion. The bri­de, on the other hand, is com­ple­te­ly preoc­cu­p­ied with pre­pa­ring for the upco­ming wedding… 
Advent is a time of spring for the Church. It awaits the coming of Jesus like a per­son in love with their bel­oved. She can hard­ly wait to embrace him. The lover over­co­mes every obs­ta­cle to be clo­se to his bel­oved. «Ari­se, my fri­end, my beau­ty, and come!» This is Jesus» invi­ta­ti­on to each indi­vi­du­al and to the Church. It is time to fol­low him and immer­se our­sel­ves in spring. Spring is a sign of anti­ci­pa­ti­on and… 

Winning the succession

17 Novem­ber 2024 
Fol­lo­wing Jesus cos­ts me ever­y­thing. The first fol­lo­wers of Jesus, the disci­ples, were sobe­red by the fact that not even tho­se who had an advan­ta­ge accor­ding to their under­stan­ding would enter the king­dom of God through their own means. How were they simp­le men sup­po­sed to mana­ge this? What then is the bene­fit of disci­ple­ship? The disci­ples asked Jesus the same ques­ti­on, becau­se they had left ever­y­thing behind for him. Fol­lo­wing Jesus pro­mi­ses a dou­ble gain. On the one hand, I gain a lot in the com­mu­ni­ty of believers,… 
Fol­lo­wing Jesus Christ cos­ts me ever­y­thing – even my life. Fol­lo­wing him has a pri­ce. I can only deci­de in favour or against it, the­re is no midd­le ground. Howe­ver, this decis­i­on is always vol­un­t­a­ry. The pri­ce of fol­lo­wing Jesus means that Jesus Christ should be the most important thing for me. The goal of Jesus» call to disci­ple­ship is not self-deni­al or cross-bea­ring, but the wil­ling­ness to fol­low him. Disci­ple­ship cos­ts me ever­y­thing Fol­lo­wers of Jesus say that he… 
The goal of fol­lo­wing Jesus is to beco­me more like him. But this goal is never achie­ved on earth. I quick­ly allow mys­elf to be led astray on this path. We are dis­trac­ted by what is not yet going as we would like. But loo­king back, I can see that a lot has alre­a­dy chan­ged. On the path of disci­ple­ship, I repea­ted­ly encoun­ter two chal­lenges. Do I draw con­clu­si­ons about God from the dif­fi­cul­ties – or do I draw con­clu­si­ons about the dif­fi­cul­ties from God? Fol­lo­wing Jesus is an attempt to… 
The peo­p­le of Isra­el were ins­truc­ted to cele­bra­te fes­ti­vals at cer­tain times as soon as they were in the Pro­mi­sed Land. One of the­se is the Feast of First­fruits. The first part of the grain har­ve­st belongs to God. Only when this has been sacri­fi­ced may the rest be eaten. Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the Feast of First­fruits. In a sen­se, he is also the first of many, as is the case with grain – he is the first to rise from the dead. Fol­lo­wers of Jesus… 
God took up resi­dence on this earth in the tent of reve­la­ti­on. God took up resi­dence among his peo­p­le with his glo­ry. The glo­ry of God shows its­elf as a mani­fes­ta­ti­on of his power. But this glo­ry was too gre­at for peo­p­le to bear. That is why it was vei­led. Sin­ce Jesus Christ, howe­ver, the Holy Spi­rit dwells in every per­son who fol­lows Jesus. This makes the body a sanc­tua­ry of the Holy Spi­rit. The­r­e­fo­re, life is then a ser­vice to God and reflects… 
The peo­p­le of Isra­el joyful­ly made a coven­ant with God. But just a few weeks later, they renoun­ced their God. Their initi­al enthu­si­asm did not pro­tect them from a dis­agree­ment. They exch­an­ged God for some­thing much worse. Fol­lo­wers of Jesus are also in dan­ger of exchan­ging a life of abun­dance and free­dom for a life that is domi­na­ted by a few things. But God for­gi­ves us for such missteps. Howe­ver, it may be that we… 

Set anchor

21 July 2024 
The peo­p­le of Isra­el came to Mount Sinai – the moun­tain of God. The­re, God regu­la­ted and cla­ri­fied his rela­ti­onship with this peo­p­le. He made a coven­ant with Isra­el. This coven­ant has its roots in the past. In what God had alre­a­dy done good for the peo­p­le. But by ente­ring into this coven­ant, it has impli­ca­ti­ons for the future rela­ti­onship. The coven­ant was an anchor point in the disci­ple­ship of Isra­el and has much to say for the disci­ple­ship of Jesus. God regulates… 
Fol­lo­wing Jesus Christ is com­pared to a race for a valuable pri­ze. Ever­yo­ne should run in such a way that they win. The pro­mi­sed goal, the pri­ze, is eter­nal life in the pre­sence of God. This image makes it clear that our living body is of gre­at importance. The body shows who a per­son belongs to. I was recent­ly on Face­book again after a long time. The­re I saw a com­ment on a pro­fi­le of a for­mer young child that was well… 
Disci­ple­ship hap­pens in the encoun­ter with Jesus Christ. But dif­fe­rent peo­p­le react dif­fer­ent­ly. Based on the bibli­cal sto­ry of the four men who brought their para­ly­sed fri­end, we encoun­ter three types. They all encoun­ter Jesus dif­fer­ent­ly. The givers know exact­ly what is going on. They are pre­sent, but with a cri­ti­cal eye. The trus­ting ones show their faith in action. They are firm­ly con­vin­ced that Jesus Christ can help, and so they bring the nee­dy per­son to him. The nee­dy are in… 
Moses fol­lo­wed his God. He belie­ved that he meant well for him. He deci­ded against his pri­vi­le­ges as a mem­ber of the eli­te and ins­tead opted for a life of hard­ship and suf­fe­ring. He did this stead­fast­ly becau­se he kept his eyes firm­ly fixed on the one who is invi­si­ble – his God in hea­ven. For him, the worst of disci­ple­ship (suf­fe­ring) out­weig­hed the best of the world. We have now dealt with this a few times in the sermon… 
Jesus Christ cele­bra­ted the Pas­so­ver with his disci­ples on the day befo­re his cru­ci­fi­xi­on. In doing so, he poin­ted some ele­ments to hims­elf. In doing so, he show­ed that he was the lamb that had to be sacri­fi­ced so that peo­p­le could be set free. Just as the Jews remem­ber the Exodus from Egypt on Pas­so­ver, fol­lo­wers of Jesus remem­ber the death of Jesus Christ on Good Fri­day. Jesus was a Jew and cul­ti­va­ted the tra­di­ti­ons This mor­ning I will take you with me… 
Abra­ham was loo­king for a new home in hea­ven. He put his trust in God. Fol­lo­wers of Jesus Christ also hope for a new home in hea­ven. Through their new crea­ti­on, they alre­a­dy have a share in it, but still live on earth with pain, suf­fe­ring and death. Howe­ver, they have the pro­s­pect of a pro­mi­sed land. This is the new earth and the new hea­ven. Hea­ven and earth come tog­e­ther the­re. The old has pas­sed away, so the­re are no tears, no… 
Lis­tening to God is a basic requi­re­ment for a fol­lower of Jesus Christ. But how do we lis­ten to God? Three good ways to hear God are pray­er, Bible rea­ding and silence. The­se alo­ne do not gua­ran­tee that we hear God, but the­re is a good chan­ce that I will per­cei­ve, reco­g­ni­se and feel God’s impul­ses for my life. In many cases, lis­tening to God also means first of all say­ing yes to your own sto­ry, your own life with all its natu­ral limitations… 
As a suc­ces­sor, it is important to know who exact­ly is being fol­lo­wed. The aim of fol­lo­wing someone is always to beco­me more like their role model. But what does this mean when we fol­low someone who not only says «Fol­low me», but about whom it is said: «Then Jesus wept»? This bibli­cal pas­sa­ge shows us a lot about the natu­re of the one who says «Fol­low me». Many peo­p­le ask them­sel­ves what would have hap­pen­ed if they had done this and that.… 
Jesus Christ is the Word. As such, he was the­re from the begin­ning. He gave the world his light and ther­eby also life. His light shi­nes in the dark­ness and can­not be over­co­me by it. At Christ­mas we cele­bra­te the grea­test gift. We cele­bra­te that the Word beca­me a man and lived among us. If we now belie­ve in the word of Jesus Christ, that is, if we accept him as a gift from God, then we beco­me child­ren of God. My first god­fa­ther Bueb is… 
«Adve­ni­re» means to arri­ve. During Advent, we remem­ber and look for­ward to the arri­val of Jesus Christ. It is both a look back and a look for­ward. We look back to the first coming and look for­ward to the second coming. Becau­se we do not know when Jesus Christ will return, it is important to watch and not sleep. We need to get rea­dy and be rea­dy. In this time of wai­ting, we should hold on to Jesus Christ and keep our… 
At first glan­ce, the demands pla­ced on a fol­lower of Jesus Christ appear to be a pure impo­si­ti­on and some­ti­mes even unat­trac­ti­ve – becau­se they often seem to put you on the losing side. Howe­ver, when the­se are con­tras­ted with a life with con­tra­ry moral ide­as, they sud­den­ly seem very desi­ra­ble. The church is a good place to prac­ti­se the­se things. But the cru­cial thing is not THAT we try to keep the­se gui­de­lines, but our MOTIVATION. This should… 
Jesus Christ was chal­len­ged by the reli­gious lea­ders. They wan­ted to set a trap for him, wher­eby he eit­her had to turn to grace or to the law. But Jesus Christ takes a dif­fe­rent path. He cat­ches us humans in our dealings with offen­ces that are against God’s law. In his grace, he meets the indi­vi­du­al and straigh­tens him out. In this way, the com­mandments of God are not abo­lished, but rather con­firm­ed. Through this encoun­ter with the holy God, we are cal­led out into… 

Get away from me!

24 Sep­tem­ber 2023 
Often we humans are too busy to deal with reli­gious mat­ters. We keep a safe distance and hide behind what we alre­a­dy know and can do. But Jesus Christ wants to meet us and he does. He dis­turbs our busyn­ess. But the know­ledge of the holy evo­kes resis­tance in us. For we are any­thing but holy. Yet we reco­g­ni­se that we want the encoun­ter with the holy. So we are in a ten­si­on like Peter.… 
Today we come to the last ser­mon of the small sum­mer ser­mon series on per­sons from the Old Tes­ta­ment. We accom­pa­ny the­se peo­p­le and see how they are on the way with a holy God. Today we come to the pro­phet who has the same name as my son – Hosea. A life in the ser­vice of God When we look at the pro­phe­ts, we noti­ce that they all have their one-sided­ness. This is pre­cis­e­ly the strength of the pro­phe­ts. Last Sun­day was about Jonah. His mes­sa­ge was: «God…
Today we come to the second part of the sum­mer ser­mon series, in which we accom­pa­ny peo­p­le as they go through life with their holy God. Last time we loo­ked at the three fri­ends Shadrach, Mes­hach and Abed-Nego as they went all out for their God. They were rea­dy to lay down their lives for him – but God saved them. This ulti­m­ate­ly led to a gre­at king who could not help but con­fess that only this God can save. Today we want to look at… 
Through the sto­ry of three Old Tes­ta­ment fri­ends, we want to immer­se our­sel­ves in what it means to fol­low a holy God. The three fri­ends live in a for­eign coun­try and adapt as much as pos­si­ble. They inte­gra­te well, but a con­flict is ine­vi­ta­ble at the latest when they have to deci­de bet­ween their faith and the demands of their king. They are even pre­pared to lay down their lives for this. Fol­lo­wers of Jesus Christ are also stran­gers in this world. They live here,… 
The first king of the divi­ded king­dom of Isra­el in the north was Jero­boam. God pro­mi­sed him and his fami­ly that they would remain in power fore­ver if they only kept to one thing: To be faithful to the God of Isra­el. But Jero­boam was led by fear, which ulti­m­ate­ly led to the down­fall of his king­dom. Fol­lo­wers of Jesus Christ are cal­led to lea­ve behind all fal­se secu­ri­ties and to trust God com­ple­te­ly. The pro­mi­se of God gives a future! This mor­ning we look at… 
The sto­ry of Cain and Abel is an exam­p­le of a con­flict bet­ween a human being and the holy God. First the­re is a dif­fe­rence which trig­gers some­thing in Cain and influen­ces his inner atti­tu­de. He throws God’s war­ning to the wind and looks for a scape­goat in Abel, on whom he final­ly takes out his anger. Cain pro­jects the guilt onto Abel and makes him respon­si­ble for HIS pro­blem. Today we are immer­sed in one of the first con­flicts in human history.… 
God intro­du­ces hims­elf as «the jea­lous one». When it comes to the peo­p­le of Isra­el, God can­not tole­ra­te them fol­lo­wing ano­ther God. For he has cho­sen them for hims­elf. The holi­ne­ss and jea­lou­sy of God belong clo­se tog­e­ther. Becau­se the peo­p­le of Isra­el are sup­po­sed to be holy, God’s jea­lou­sy hits them when they beco­me unfaithful to God. God’s jea­lou­sy seeks us human beings. In Jesus Christ, God comes clo­se to us and inter­ce­des for us. Jea­lou­sy is in our… 
Through the sto­ry of the Good Sama­ri­tan we can learn a lot about how the appli­ca­ti­on of our faith should be done. Being clo­se to God does not equal being like God. Just becau­se we spend a lot of time in the pro­xi­mi­ty of God does not neces­s­a­ri­ly mean that this influen­ces our thoughts and actions. The­r­e­fo­re, help can some­ti­mes come from the very peo­p­le from whom it is least expec­ted. Fol­lo­wers of Jesus are to emu­la­te the exam­p­le of the Good Sama­ri­tan. But Jesus Christ hims­elf is even more mer­ciful than the Sama­ri­tan. He… 
Some pas­sa­ges in the Bible seem to dis­turb us. Becau­se they do not fit into our pic­tu­re, becau­se they do not cor­re­spond to what we would expect from God. The righ­teous­ness of God is depen­dent on his holi­ne­ss. Only when we bring this tog­e­ther do we under­stand why God acts dif­fer­ent­ly than we ima­gi­ne. In the face of things that do not cor­re­spond to God’s will, it is pre­cis­e­ly his jus­ti­ce that is reve­a­led. God can­not sim­ply lea­ve them as they are, but must do jus­ti­ce. Fol­lo­wers of Jesus Christ, on the other hand, should… 
The desi­re to impro­ve our­sel­ves more and more is inher­ent in us humans. But unfort­u­na­te­ly, this opti­mi­sa­ti­on fails in the encoun­ter with the holy God. Becau­se even an opti­mi­sed ego can­not stand befo­re God on its own. The pro­blem is so-cal­led sin, which means miss­ing the tar­get. In order to res­to­re man’s access to God, Jesus Christ died on Good Fri­day. He was the com­ple­te­ly bla­me­l­ess sacri­fice nee­ded to bear all the guilt of the world.… 
The holy God allows us humans to encoun­ter him. Howe­ver, the­re are pas­sa­ges in the Bible whe­re peo­p­le die becau­se they came too clo­se to God. This is also the case with Uzzah. He tried to save the ark of the coven­ant from fal­ling over and ended up dying hims­elf. This reac­tion of God is infu­ria­ting and meets with gre­at incom­pre­hen­si­on. Howe­ver, this reac­tion is only con­sis­tent. For God’s holi­ne­ss should not be met with too much levi­ty. But if God is met with respect and… 
We can­not force encoun­ters with the holy God. But when we do encoun­ter him, it can some­ti­mes be ter­ri­fy­ing. Nevert­hel­ess, we do not have to be afraid of this God. For if we use this fear pro­per­ly, it leads us into fear of God. This in turn leads us to wor­ship in rever­ence, as befits a holy God. I recent­ly had a con­ver­sa­ti­on with a per­son about this year’s teaser for the annu­al the­me. This per­son expres­sed a basic… 
God crea­ted the earth in six days and on the seventh he res­ted. The­r­e­fo­re, he bles­sed it and gave it a spe­cial mea­ning and endo­wed this seventh day with heal­ing power. But he not only bles­sed this day, he sanc­ti­fied it. He set this day apart from all others becau­se it was the day when God hims­elf res­ted from his crea­ti­on. But God did not rest becau­se he was exhaus­ted, but becau­se ever­y­thing was per­fect­ly yielded.… 
God cho­se Isra­el to be his holy peo­p­le. The over­ri­ding mea­ning of holy is set apart. Thus the peo­p­le of Isra­el are also set apart from the other peo­p­les becau­se they are God’s own peo­p­le whom he has cho­sen for his histo­ry with huma­ni­ty. In this peo­p­le the­re are priests who­se main task is the ser­vice of God. Their lives are enti­re­ly dedi­ca­ted to the ser­vice of God. Fol­lo­wers of Jesus Christ are also part of this holy peo­p­le. They form a holy peo­p­le of roy­al priest­hood. The… 
The Old Tes­ta­ment descri­bes the very eventful histo­ry of the peo­p­le of Isra­el. In the pro­cess, howe­ver, hope for res­to­ra­ti­on fli­ckers up again and again. Hope for a time when things will be peaceful, when the­re will be no more rest­ric­tions and no more suf­fe­ring. Such hop­eful texts are often accom­pa­nied by the expec­ta­ti­on that a Mes­siah – an anoin­ted one of God – will appear. A hall­mark of him is such mira­cles. The New Tes­ta­ment evi­dence is clear that Jesus Christ is the pro­mi­sed Mes­siah. Through him… 
Advent focu­ses on the direc­tion and anti­ci­pa­ti­on of Christ­mas, the birth of Jesus Christ. His first coming brought sal­va­ti­on to us humans, but Advent is not only about the first coming, but also the second. Jesus will come again one day, but we don’t know the exact time. It hap­pens unex­pec­ted­ly. While his first coming brings hope for all peo­p­le, his second coming brings sepa­ra­ti­on. It sepa­ra­tes tho­se who belong to him from… 

Hope in times of fear

09 Octo­ber 2022 
Fol­lo­wers of Jesus Christ have a firm hope. A hope that gives secu­ri­ty and sup­port in times of uncer­tain­ty and fear. No mat­ter how mise­ra­ble and frigh­tening the per­so­nal and social cir­cum­s­tances, hope has the poten­ti­al to car­ry us through such times. But the­re is not only a hope, but also a respon­si­bi­li­ty. This is to bear wit­ness to hope – not fear. Chris­ti­ans are to be bea­rers of hope and do deeds of hope.… 

Your weakness is needed

18 Sep­tem­ber 2022 
Through Jesus Christ, hea­ven on earth has daw­ned. But this King­dom of God is very dif­fe­rent from what we would expect. It is a king­dom that con­sists of the weak­ne­ss of us humans. God choo­ses that which is weak and not that which is strong. God calls men and women into his ser­vice who would not be cho­sen by the stan­dards of the world. In this way God shows that he has the power to make some­thing out of hope­l­ess cases. Sin­ce we humans… 

Heaven on earth

28 August 2022 
Life on this earth is not only cha­rac­te­ri­sed by beau­tiful moments. The­re are num­e­rous chal­lenges and dif­fi­cul­ties. The Bible out­lines a dif­fe­rent future here. A future in which ever­y­thing is peaceful and healt­hy, a future in which the­re is no war and death. This future king­dom has daw­ned on this earth with Jesus. Howe­ver, only imper­fect­ly and in a ten­si­on of alre­a­dy the­re and yet not yet the­re. Nevert­hel­ess, the King­dom of God that has daw­ned on this earth can already… 

Hope that carries!

07 August 2022 
«Hope dies last» is a com­mon say­ing. The Bible also speaks of hope. But this Chris­ti­an hope is very con­cre­te. It is a trust in the trust­wort­hi­ness of God. It has its foun­da­ti­on in the resur­rec­tion of Jesus Christ. This resur­rec­tion hope gives a per­spec­ti­ve for the moment, but also for an uncer­tain future. Such hope moves and moti­va­tes. Such hope gives mea­ning to life. As fore­war­ned in a ser­mon almost six months ago, I bring… 
In Switz­er­land, moun­ta­ins are omni­pre­sent. They are all around us. But even in our own lives the­re are pro­ver­bi­al moun­ta­ins whe­re we are stuck and don’t know what to do. We also encoun­ter moun­ta­ins in the Bible, and God often comes into cont­act with peo­p­le on moun­ta­ins. On the moun­ta­ins, hea­ven and earth touch. Jesus Christ hims­elf often went up moun­ta­ins and met God the­re. In the past, the Israe­li­tes had to go on pil­grimage to Jeru­sa­lem on Mount Zion,… 
At Pen­te­cost, things were tur­ned upsi­de down with the recep­ti­on of the Holy Spi­rit. The Holy Spi­rit is the com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent, incom­pre­hen­si­ble one, and yet he appears to us humans in a per­cep­ti­ble and audi­ble way. The Holy Spi­rit – God in us. Through the power of the Holy Spi­rit, the events of Babel are rever­sed. Peo­p­le from dif­fe­rent count­ries under­stand each other again. With Pen­te­cost, the Chris­ti­an Church comes into being. This event is the day of its birth, and the Holy Spi­rit still wants to be pre­sent in… 
In every cul­tu­re the­re are cer­tain prin­ci­ples of how socie­ty is struc­tu­red. This includes eva­lua­tions of what is good or bad, how to behave in public and what a suc­cessful life looks like. But in every cul­tu­re the­re is a blind spot, an area whe­re God’s good plan for his crea­ti­on is not being fol­lo­wed. When a blind spot is dis­co­ver­ed, it is neces­sa­ry to start the­re and to right this wrong. Peo­p­le quick­ly fall prey to the dan­ger of not pre­ser­ving creation.… 
The world is open to young peo­p­le. They have a lar­ge part of their lives ahead of them. What is worth living for? This ques­ti­on is not only asked by young peo­p­le, but by ever­yo­ne. For what is it worth inves­t­ing one’s life? Peo­p­le look for sup­po­sed ful­film­ent in three are­as. We look for mea­ning in what we do, in what we own, or in what others think of us. Alt­hough all the­se things are com­mon nowa­days and also widely… 

Who is in charge?

03 April 2022 
In the begin­ning, God crea­ted human beings as man and woman – equal and with a com­mon mis­si­on. But the Fall chan­ged this situa­ti­on. Ins­tead of ruling tog­e­ther, from now on men ruled over their wives, a few over all others. But through Jesus, the­se rela­ti­onships were res­to­red. Jesus Christ show­ed a new under­stan­ding of domi­ni­on. If anyo­ne wants to be the lea­der, let him be the ser­vant of all. To begin today’s ser­mon, I would like to share with you a… 
Ever sin­ce Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the know­ledge of good and evil, shame ente­red their lives. To this day, shame domi­na­tes our lives and inter­fe­res with people’s abili­ty to rela­te to each other. Just as Adam and Eve made clo­thes out of fig lea­ves, we too cover our inner shame in various ways. In doing so, we quick­ly fall into a shame-guilt spi­ral. But Jesus» death on the cross has cle­ared the way to mys­elf. He wants me… 

The Father of Creation

06 March 2022 
God is often addres­sed as YHWH in the Old Tes­ta­ment. This name is so sacred to the Jews that they do not pro­no­un­ce it. It is pre­cis­e­ly this God who also crea­ted the earth. We want to trace the one who says «I am who I always am» (Exodus 3:14) and ask what this being means for my exis­tence. Fol­lo­wers of Jesus Christ may par­ti­ci­pa­te in this being, becau­se through his «I am» words he direct­ly con­nects with it. This allows… 
Man is crea­ted in the image of God. He reflects God. In this sta­tus lies a tre­men­dous respon­si­bi­li­ty, which is incum­bent on man. But the image that human beings pre­sent is crumbling and has migh­ty cracks. Man does not mana­ge to live up to his respon­si­bi­li­ty. But the­re is hope. In Jesus Christ we find the per­fect image of God – wit­hout scrat­ches. Fol­lo­wers of Jesus may share in the per­fect image of God through him. Through Jesus Christ they find their true destiny -.… 
In the Kigo theat­re we immer­sed our­sel­ves in the Christ­mas sto­ry. A sto­ry that comes from ano­ther world. A world that does not at all cor­re­spond to ours – at least that is how it seems. So much seems stran­ge. Angels are prac­ti­cal­ly only known as deco­ra­ti­ve items. Sheep at best as a side dish for chips and herb but­ter, and she­p­herds at best on the pack­a­ging of Pena­ten cream. And yet this sto­ry also has some­thing to say to you and me. Just like the wise men from the east… 
Kno­wing God is the most important thing. My lip ser­vice and even mira­cles in the name of God are insi­gni­fi­cant if I do not know God. Kno­wing God means that I put all my trust in him. This trust is cal­led faith. By being roo­ted on a good foun­da­ti­on – Jesus Christ – good deeds can come about. Faith and being roo­ted can be seen in the fact that my life is dri­ven by love. I lived in Bern for almost four years. Often when I had visitors… 
Ask – recei­ve, seek – find, knock – it will be ope­ned to you. This is how sim­ply Jesus descri­bes the life of pray­er. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, this state­ment does not cor­re­spond very well with our expe­ri­ence. How often do we ask, seek, knock, but the­re is no respon­se. This is becau­se most of the time we pray with too much of an «I» fix­a­ti­on. Our Father in hea­ven wants to do us good and knows exact­ly what is good for us. But first we have to reco­g­ni­se what we should ask, seek and knock for. It goes… 
Peo­p­le tend to look down on others and judge their beha­viour, lives, etc. This is often done out of sheer arro­gan­ce to boost their own self-esteem. This is often done out of sheer arro­gan­ce to increase their own self-esteem. Jesus asks us to start with our­sel­ves first. We are to reco­g­ni­se the bars in our lives and stop doing so. In doing so, we rea­li­se that it is impos­si­ble for us humans to live up to the high stan­dard of the Ser­mon on the Mount. This in turn dri­ves us into the arms of Jesus Christ, who mer­ciful­ly accepts us. Over­co­ming our own (reli­gious) arrogance.… 
As fol­lo­wers of Jesus Christ, we are cal­led to do good. Howe­ver, it should not be about being prai­sed. Love for fel­low human beings and God should be the sup­port­ing moti­ve and result in a giving life­style. For some time now, I have been finan­ci­al­ly sup­port­ing a fami­ly in India in their liveli­hood. When I visi­ted the fami­ly in Janu­ary 2020, I assu­med that they than­ked me for my sup­port. So I spent the few days…