Like you and me

«I will bless you and you shall be a bles­sing» (accor­ding to Gene­sis 12:2). Abra­ham, the father of many nati­ons, recei­ved this pro­mi­se from God. God deman­ded an incre­di­ble depar­tu­re from him: He was to lea­ve his home­land, whe­re he had alre­a­dy been roo­ted for 75 years. As a man bles­sed by God, he is to beco­me a bles­sing for many other peo­p­le and nations.

This year we will look into the life of Abra­ham and many other bibli­cal cha­rac­ters. We will dis­co­ver a com­mon thread: God speaks to peo­p­le, bles­ses them and makes them a bles­sing to others. Moti­va­ted and equip­ped with God’s bles­sing, you can make a dif­fe­rence in this world!

That makes sense!

25 Decem­ber 2020 
A Christ­mas mes­sa­ge about lights, cand­le­sticks and the illu­mi­na­ted. Today’s mot­to: «Bles­sed are the peo­p­le who­se God is the Lord! ( Psalm 144:15). «Behold, I pro­cla­im gre­at joy to you, which shall be to all the peo­p­le: for unto you is born this day a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord, in the city of David» ( Luke 2:10–11). We are living in a bright­ly lit Christ­mas world at the moment. We live in a para­di­se of lights to rejoice in from the heart. Here and the­re, thou­sands of lights shi­ne on us.… 
Sime­on is a man who lived in Jeru­sa­lem at the time of the birth of Christ. He lived an Adven­tist life becau­se he was eager­ly wai­ting for the Mes­siah. But then it came to an encoun­ter with Christ: he saw Jesus with his eyes and even took him in his arms. The quint­essence of this Christ­mas encoun­ter is that Sime­on expe­ri­en­ced supre­me joy and was able to die in peace. Tho­se who encoun­ter Jesus Christ will still expe­ri­ence this today. After the birth of her son Jesus, accor­ding to Jewish law, Mary was con­side­red for­ty days… 
How does it work: wai­ting for Jesus to come again? We ask Jesus and the two apost­les Paul and Peter. Wai­ting sucks! What hap­pens when you stand on the plat­form and the train does­n’t come? Alre­a­dy three minu­tes late, no announce­ment, no noti­ce on the plat­form screen! «No, this can’t be hap­pe­ning! It’s always the same». Our dining table lamp, which we bought at the begin­ning of the year, has given up the ghost. We were told that it would take about 4–6 weeks to repair. At the begin­ning of the week I… 
Gideon lays out the fleece twice and recei­ves con­fir­ma­ti­on that God wants to give him vic­to­ry against Midi­an. His army con­sists of 32,000 men, but they are redu­ced to 300. God does not want the Israe­li­tes to boast that they had saved them­sel­ves by their own strength. Trumpets, clay jars and tor­ches play a role in the batt­le. This repres­ents that God was in the midst of His peo­p­le. The vic­to­ry was won only through Him. The ser­mon gives strong… 
God has offe­red us a new coven­ant through Jesus. Using Hebrews 3 and 5, I want to talk about what the Father’s thoughts are about us and what it means for us as Chris­ti­ans, as fol­lo­wers and imi­ta­tors of Jesus. I want to talk about how much we are co-incar­na­ted in Jesus and belong to his fami­ly and what it means to grow up as his fol­lo­wers. A few months ago I went through a pro­cess whe­re I ques­tio­ned what… 
The peo­p­le of Isra­el expe­ri­en­ced a very dif­fi­cult time a few years after their ent­ry into the Pro­mi­sed Land. Over a peri­od of seven years they were plun­de­red and pil­la­ged by the Midia­ni­tes. To lead the peo­p­le out of their mise­ry, God calls the fear­ful Gideon out of hiding and addres­ses him as a «hero» of all things. When God wants to inter­ve­ne in a situa­ti­on, he often calls ordi­na­ry peo­p­le who feel weak. A coward cou­pled with God’s strength makes a hero. Some­ti­mes you hear… 
King Heze­ki­ah had an extre­me­ly dif­fi­cult inhe­ri­tance to bear. His father did ever­y­thing the Lord had for­bidden. Heze­ki­ah bro­ke away from his fami­ly histo­ry and took a stand of his own. He bur­ned all the idols and uten­sils of ido­la­try in the Kidron Val­ley and rein­tro­du­ced wor­ship. Cha­rac­te­ristic of Heze­ki­ah is his trust in God. Becau­se of this, he suc­cee­ded in ever­y­thing he did. When he was death­ly ill, God gave him an addi­tio­nal 15 years of life. They were not good for him. He ove­re­sti­ma­ted himself… 
Jona­than is a man – unli­ke his father King Saul – who lives God’s dreams through his faith. In the face of for­mi­da­ble supe­rio­ri­ty, he makes the decis­i­on to pur­sue God’s goals. Jona­than makes it clear that initia­ti­ve and risk-taking are spi­ri­tual­ly valuable and neces­sa­ry qua­li­ties. His con­vic­tion is: «It is not hard for the LORD to help by much or litt­le» (1 Samu­el 14:6). Jona­than expe­ri­en­ced this impres­si­ve­ly tog­e­ther with his loy­al armour-bea­rer. Around 1000 B.C., Israe­li­te tri­bes had Saul… 
Is the Gos­pel more than eter­nal life? To be with God once? Of cour­se! Eter­nal life beg­ins alre­a­dy here on earth. Through Jesus Christ we have access to God’s grace. What does grace mean? We want to look at this tog­e­ther and let our­sel­ves be inspi­red anew by the Gos­pel. Using the sto­ry of David and Mefi­bos­heth, we will see how God wants to bless your life today and how you can beco­me a bles­sing to others. In Mol­do­va this year we have many… 
Agur is a wise man with high self-know­ledge and self-awa­re­ness. He knows his weak­ne­s­ses and tempt­a­ti­ons: Fal­se­hood and lying, and having too much or too litt­le. He prays to God to keep this away from him. Basi­cal­ly, he prays for authen­ti­ci­ty, for truth and for a life­style of con­tent­ment and fru­ga­li­ty. The­se are the con­di­ti­ons he needs so that he can live out of a healt­hy rela­ti­onship with God. Like you and me. Our who­le eco­no­mic sys­tem is based on… 
How do we mana­ge to stand tog­e­ther despi­te all our idio­syn­cra­sies and dif­fe­ren­ces? In the Bible, we meet two men in the temp­le who avo­id each other. Both have some­thing to say to us! Have you also expe­ri­en­ced that Jesus pre­a­ched to you per­so­nal­ly? Through an expe­ri­ence, a per­son or an image – in a dream or in front of your eyes? Ros­ma­rie and I wan­ted child­ren soon after we got mar­ried, but we had to wait 8 years… 
Being spoi­led by his father, rejec­tion and betra­y­al by his ven­geful brot­hers, all the inju­s­ti­ces in Egypt – Joseph seems pre­desti­ned for a vic­tim role. How can someone cope with such a past? The key was the ren­un­cia­ti­on of taking on God’s role, the trust in God’s good­ness and the desi­re to live his life for God’s glo­ry. Our pri­sons are full of peo­p­le who, on clo­ser inspec­tion, expe­ri­en­ced a bad child­hood with sad expe­ri­en­ces. A father who again and again… 
We can­not influence what hap­pens WITH us, but we can influence what hap­pens IN us. Joseph was able to draw an extre­me­ly posi­ti­ve (inte­rim) balan­ce of his life at the age of 40. And this despi­te the fact that he had bad start­ing con­di­ti­ons for his life. In a long 22 years he lear­ned to per­se­ve­re, to embrace suf­fe­ring and to look for­ward with hope. This shaped him into a man who saved the lives of many peo­p­le. Some peo­p­le find rea­li­sa­ti­on in spi­te of many oppo­si­ti­ons and crises.… 
On his jour­ney so far, Joseph has alre­a­dy lear­ned a lot in terms of cha­rac­ter and fear of God. Now his first suc­ces­ses are begin­ning to show. He is hired as a per­so­nal ser­vant by one of Pharaoh’s minis­ters. Ever­y­thing is going well. Nevert­hel­ess, things go downhill again. Com­ple­te­ly unjus­t­ly, he is thrown into pri­son and for­got­ten the­re. But in the end, he grows even more into his desti­ny. He lear­ns two essen­ti­al things: to put his trust in God alo­ne and to look away from hims­elf. Joseph was the favou­ri­te son… 
We look at the 12 disci­ples and ask our­sel­ves what les­sons we can learn from them for our tog­e­ther­ness in the con­gre­ga­ti­on. The term «disci­ple» ori­gi­nal­ly refers to the pupils of a tea­cher. In the Old Tes­ta­ment world, disci­ples belon­ged to a rab­bi or a pro­phet; in the Greek world, they gathe­red around phi­lo­so­phers. The forerun­ner of Jesus, John the Bap­tist, alre­a­dy had his disci­ples, as did Jesus. We encoun­ter the term disci­ple only… 
His brot­hers threw Joseph into a well. The­re he sat, full of fear and with no pro­s­pects for the future. But God was alre­a­dy pul­ling the strings in the back­ground. Joseph later says: «God tur­ned all the evil you plan­ned into good. In this way he wan­ted to save the lives of many peo­p­le» (Gene­sis 50:20 NL). We are sim­ply no lon­ger used to deal­ing with pain, suf­fe­ring and death. Yet it is the way God shapes us and makes us salt and light on this… 
Dani­el ser­ved three god­less kings in his life­time. In a cul­tu­re that can be descri­bed as demo­nic, he takes influence and meets the peo­p­le of this cul­tu­re full of wis­dom and insight. He beco­mes a high and respec­ted man. Through an acti­ve rela­ti­onship with the living God and a strong foun­da­ti­on in the scrip­tures, he mana­ges to resist the pro­pa­gan­da of the Baby­lo­ni­an Empire and beco­mes a bles­sing to many peo­p­le. A man full of wis­dom and insight If you have been… 

New territory

16 August 2020 
Tho­se who want to dis­co­ver new lands need cou­ra­ge. It chal­lenges us to take steps in faith, even though we do not know whe­re the jour­ney is going. We do not yet know the path we should take. But Joshua gives us advice in the Bible on what we should pay atten­ti­on to when we are on the way to dis­co­ver new things. First­ly, our eyes should always be on God (Ark of the Coven­ant), and second­ly, it is important that we start new adven­tures with a pure heart. Oh how… 
Joseph had dreams at the age of 17 that would actual­ly come true thir­teen years later. From his dreams to his desti­ny, the­re were many tests and chal­lenges to pass. One of them was the pri­de test. God hel­ped him to beco­me a hum­ble per­son. From the first mee­ting bet­ween Jacob and Rachel he knew: for this woman I am rea­dy to give ever­y­thing! Laban, Rachel’s father, knew how to use this and let him spend seven years for… 
We humans are so dif­fe­rent, and so are we Chris­ti­ans. We have our days. We have our imprints. We have our pre­fe­ren­ces. We have our expec­ta­ti­ons. We have our incli­na­ti­ons… Is a clo­se brot­her­ly and sis­ter­ly tog­e­ther­ness in the church pos­si­ble at all? Com­ment of Jesus: All things are pos­si­ble to him who belie­ves! A girl once said: «I am glad that I have my brot­her, even if some days it gives me the grea­test plea­su­re to wring his neck.… 
God is good. His good­ness is a gift and does not have to be ear­ned. But the­re are moments when God’s good­ness remains hid­den from us, times when God seems to turn against us. The pro­phet Jere­mi­ah descri­bes har­ro­wing nega­ti­ve expe­ri­en­ces he has with God. But he main­ta­ins that the­re is still a «rem­nant» of God’s good­ness and shows the way in which he «taps into» this rem­nant… It is a word from the book of Lamen­ta­ti­ons that we… 
Fasci­na­ting flas­hes from the lives and faith of others! In two ser­mons we will look into the lives of three brot­hers and sis­ters, first from the OT (today 19 July) and then (2 August) from the NT. I am pur­suing two goals: I want to know how their fra­ter­nal coexis­tence work­ed. I want to know if cer­tain obser­va­tions can be trans­fer­red to our fra­ter­nal coexis­tence in the con­gre­ga­ti­on – which would be a bles­sing for all of us! Here in the con­gre­ga­ti­on we have the good habit of… 
After Jesus had cho­sen his twel­ve disci­ples, he took them to his side to ins­truct them. Hard­ly kno­wing what to expect, they lis­ten­ed intent­ly to Jesus» Ser­mon on the Mount. «You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world». With this state­ment, Jesus gave them and all others who were lis­tening – and who belie­ved in him – the task of making the Father in hea­ven and his king­dom known to the who­le world. Powerful words, which to this day have neither… 
When Abra­ham has to sacri­fice his long-awai­ted and bel­oved son Isaac, his trust in God is sever­ely tes­ted. Abra­ham pas­ses this test becau­se he trusts that God is good and has ways in store that he does not yet know about. Today, God is no lon­ger loo­king for mate­ri­al sacri­fices, but for our undi­vi­ded hearts. Abra­ham was in awe of God. That is the con­di­ti­on to be obe­dient even when it seems to one’s dis­ad­van­ta­ge. The con­se­quence of this is blessing.… 
Pray­ers are deep­ly roo­ted in an acti­ve rela­ti­onship with God. They are based on asking God again and again what he wants to do, and then pray­ing and acting on it. If we don’t deepen our rela­ti­onship with Jesus, our pray­ers are inef­fec­ti­ve and don’t hit the mark. Wow, you saw it in the theat­re, this ser­mon today is about pray­er! And very clas­si­cal­ly it was shown in the pray­er for heal­ing. But I want to say right up front that.… 
It seems as if Lot had no ethi­cal com­pass, just drifted along and took the path of least resis­tance. Accor­din­gly, his life resem­bles a series of mis­for­tu­nes. How can we make wise and sus­tainable choices in our lives? Despi­te ever­y­thing, Lot goes down in histo­ry as a «righ­teous man». This has much to do with the pray­er of his uncle Abra­ham. With Lot, Abraham’s nephew, many things were not right. But the­re is no exam­p­le that… 
The par­ents Adam and Eve gave their second son the name Abel, which means breath or not­hing­ness. This has been said over and over again to him through his name. Words have power. Abel, despi­te his short life, beca­me the first exam­p­le of faith (Hebrews 11:4). Unli­ke Cain, he sacri­fi­ced the first and best to God. In the Ser­mon on the Mount, Jesus takes Abel to task. If he noti­ced that Cain had some­thing against him, he should have approa­ched him and sol­ved the problem.… 
Why is the­re so much inju­s­ti­ce in this world? Or is God even unjust? Cain felt set back and unapp­re­cia­ted com­pared to his brot­her Abel. Deep­ly offen­ded and con­su­med by envy, he gave free rein to vio­lence and kil­led his brot­her. God had shown him a bet­ter way to deal with his nega­ti­ve fee­lings. Nevert­hel­ess, God gave Cain a second chan­ce. He should live, a mark­ed man, but live. Have mer­cy on us, Lord. Why is it that a per­son is dia­gno­sed with… 
Saul was anoin­ted as the first king over Isra­el. As equip­ment for this, the Spi­rit of God came upon him. He was SPIRITED. The Spi­rit cau­sed him to speak pro­phe­ti­cal­ly, to be trans­for­med into ano­ther per­son and to be led by God. Through dis­o­be­dience to God, he was deSPI­RI­TED, the Lord tur­ned away from him, which ulti­m­ate­ly ended in sui­ci­de. We can learn much from this sto­ry for our life with the Holy Spi­rit. An advo­ca­te (lite­ral­ly the sum­mo­ned one) is a lawy­er or… 
Noah lived in a cor­rupt world – peo­p­le tur­ned away from God. But Noah found grace with God. He wal­ked his path with him, lis­ten­ed to him and thus beca­me a light in the socie­ty of that time. Through Jesus, we too are cal­led and empowered to live as lights in a cor­rupt world. Also today we take time to get to know a per­son from the Bible. I wan­ted to take a per­son from the book of Gene­sis with a… 
Hagar had to stand in as a slave for Sarah, Abraham’s wife, becau­se she could not have child­ren. When she was pregnant, the two women had a cat­fight, so Hagar fled into the desert. The­re she met an angel who told her to hum­ble hers­elf and go back. Hagar cal­led the Lord who had spo­ken to her El Roi – God who sees me. Becau­se she recei­ved kudos from God, she was able to go back to the emo­tio­nal wrecka­ge. Have you already… 
Jesus says, «For whoe­ver does the will of my Father in hea­ven is my brot­her and sis­ter and mother.» » (Matthew 12:48–50). Along with an app­re­cia­ti­on for mothers, the ser­mon looks at how we our­sel­ves can beco­me mothers and fathers, brot­hers and sis­ters to one ano­ther. The ser­mon is pep­pe­red with expe­ri­en­ces and much moti­va­ti­on to live spi­ri­tu­al fami­ly tog­e­ther­ness as a con­gre­ga­ti­on! Mother’s Day! I espe­ci­al­ly wel­co­me you mothers and I sin­ce­re­ly hope that you have the most com­for­ta­ble seats today! It… 
Judah is instru­men­tal in the sale of his brot­her Joseph to Egypt. He then goes down to Cana­an. Cana­an stands for love of the tempt­a­ti­ons of the world. After acting out his sexu­al needs on his dis­gu­i­sed daugh­ter-in-law Tamar, he rea­li­ses his guilt and turns back. Now he is even wil­ling to lay down his life for his brot­her. Judah was a brot­her of Joseph who cau­sed Joseph to be sold into slavery in Egypt (Gene­sis…
Eve was tempt­ed by the ser­pent in the Gar­den of Eden on three levels: Greed, ava­ri­ce and osten­ta­ti­on. The­se are the same tempt­a­ti­ons we still encoun­ter today and seem to be the apt respon­se to our lon­ging for hap­pi­ness. The result is ulti­m­ate­ly shame and defi­cit. Peo­p­le do not beco­me hap­py through exter­nal things, but in love for God and in being the­re for other peo­p­le. Hans had ser­ved his boss faithful­ly for seven years and recei­ved a lump of gold as a reward, which was so… 
When the ser­pent tempt­ed humans in the Gar­den of Eden, Adam stood sil­ent­ly and pas­si­ve­ly bes­i­de his wife. This pat­tern has been repea­ted mil­li­ons of times over the cour­se of time. Many men shut them­sel­ves off when things beco­me con­fu­sing or threa­tening. The second Adam, Jesus Christ, chan­ges the sign com­ple­te­ly. We find our­sel­ves in the most beau­tiful idyll in the Gar­den of Eden. Recent­ly I pho­to­gra­phed a pic­tu­re on which the fol­lo­wing text was prin­ted next to a magni­fi­cent land­scape: «Eden in Thur­gau – the Thur­gau land­scape as… 

The gardener

12 April 2020 
The risen Jesus meets Mary at the emp­ty tomb as a gar­de­ner. God is like a gar­de­ner for us. He knows how to trans­form bar­ren land into a flou­ris­hing gar­den. Eas­ter turns a Good Fri­day of mour­ning into a Good Fri­day, a sto­ry of mour­ning into a sto­ry of hope. When the hou­ses are built on a deve­lo­p­ment and the first peo­p­le move into their flats, the sur­roun­dings are still brown, dir­ty and drea­ry. The gar­de­ner is the last pro­fes­sio­nal to come and take care of this drea­ri­ne­ss, crea­ting a garden,… 

The cross

10 April 2020 
For some, non­sen­si­cal, unneces­sa­ry, sim­ply a scan­dal; for others, the basis for their new life with God. In addi­ti­on, we expe­ri­ence Andre­as on his inte­res­t­ing path to faith. Andre­as sits on the flo­or and rolls a ciga­ret­te. For almost 3 weeks, the 18-year-old has been on a jour­ney of self-dis­co­very. All by hims­elf, he rode his moped all the way to Eng­land and back, 3000 km. Now he is on his way back and is taking a break on a bench; his over­alls are dir­ty, his… 
«Giants are also only dwarfs», from Caleb, the cou­ra­ge­ous spy of God. With the help of the Holy Spi­rit, I want to make it clear to my lis­ten­ers that we can be cou­ra­ge­ous on the road with God, becau­se huge chal­lenges beco­me small from his per­spec­ti­ve. The ser­mon is pre­ce­ded by a short film: Put your hand on your heart and be honest. – Who among you would have dared to go to the cine­ma with this com­pa­ny? That takes a lot of cou­ra­ge, does­n’t it? I mys­elf would have gone to the cine­ma with… 
Eli­sha and his ser­vant expe­ri­ence a sto­ry of see­ing or not see­ing in the face of an ene­my army. Through a pray­er of Eli­sha, Gehazi’s visi­on was unlo­cked into the invi­si­ble spi­ri­tu­al rea­li­ty. As a result, he lost all fear becau­se he saw the armies of God far supe­ri­or to world­ly dan­gers. Even in our car dri­ving les­sons we were taught that we dri­ve whe­re we look. If we look at the tree on the bend, the­re is gre­at dan­ger of a col­li­si­on. That is why in… 
Whoe­ver lis­tens to Jesus and acts accor­din­gly is like a man who builds his house on rock. On the other hand, the one who only lis­tens and does not act sinks his life. A disci­ple responds to Jesus» invi­ta­ti­on to fol­low him and now does ever­y­thing he can to share his who­le life with him and beco­me like him. «Disci­ple» is ano­ther name for the per­son who has a rocky foun­da­ti­on. Small groups are the trai­ning cent­re on the way to beco­ming a disci­ple. The French Christian… 

Dream Team

15 March 2020 
What we can learn from Dani­el and his dream team for our ever­y­day life – in good and dif­fi­cult times! We meet the peo­p­le of God today at a moment when they could ask them­sel­ves: Is this the end of the peo­p­le of God: we have lost our land, we are defea­ted by a for­eign power; the temp­le, our sanc­tua­ry, is rob­bed and des­troy­ed; i.e. end of wor­ship! Their last kings led the peo­p­le to spi­ri­tu­al and his­to­ri­cal ruin. And the migh­ty Baby­lo­ni­an king.… 

The disciple

08 March 2020 
What is a disci­ple? To get to the bot­tom of this ques­ti­on, we look at the ori­gin of all disci­ple­ship, rab­bi­nism in Jewish Gali­lee. This is disci­ple­ship: I respond to Jesus» invi­ta­ti­on to fol­low him and now put all my efforts into sha­ring all of life with him and beco­ming like him. The disci­ple is an app­ren­ti­ce or app­ren­ti­ce of Jesus. «The­r­e­fo­re go to all the nati­ons and make disci­ples of them» (Matthew 28:19 NL). Befo­re this… 

Listen up

23 Febru­ary 2020 
Samu­el was a priest, pro­phet and cen­tu­ri­on in Isra­el about 3000 years ago. In his youn­ger years he lear­ned to lis­ten to and obey God. He expres­sed his expe­ri­ence in the fol­lo­wing words to King Saul: «To obey him is very much bet­ter than to offer sacri­fice, to lis­ten to him is bet­ter than the fat of rams» (1Samuel 15:22). What is a life of lis­tening and obey­ing as oppo­sed to a life of offe­ring sacri­fices? The out­stan­ding importance… 

The expensive word

16 Febru­ary 2020 
Samu­el was born into a time when the word of God was «dear». Com­ple­te­ly clum­sy and una­wa­re, he began to lis­ten to God’s spea­king. He hum­bly obey­ed his God and thus beca­me a priest, pro­phet and cen­tu­ri­on in one per­son, the likes of which had not been seen sin­ce Moses. From his expe­ri­ence we can learn a lot for our own com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with God. When we lis­ten to Him and obey Him, we beco­me bles­sed and a bles­sing to others! As… 

Outgrowing yourself

09 Febru­ary 2020 
God trusts us to grow bey­ond our­sel­ves and thus beco­me a bles­sing for others. Litt­le Zac­chae­us expe­ri­en­ced much con­tempt in his life, but the loving care of Jesus chan­ged ever­y­thing. Jesus gave him the strength to grow far bey­ond hims­elf. In the same way, Jesus turns to each of us and bles­ses us with his atten­ti­on so that we in turn can bless others with care and encou­ra­ge­ment. Think about it: Can you think of a situa­ti­on in which you have been in cont­act with… 

Abram in the clinch

02 Febru­ary 2020 
How does a man of God live under God’s bles­sing in ever­y­day life? And what if he sud­den­ly gets into a clinch and fear spreads? What we can learn from an Old Tes­ta­ment bles­sing bea­rer in the year 2020. Abram is about 70 years old when he lea­ves Ur in Chal­dea with his father Terah and his wife Sarai, who is bar­ren. His nephew Lot is also with him, his father having died young. The desti­na­ti­on of the jour­ney is Haran; eit­her the Euphra­tes or the Tigris… 
«And Enoch wal­ked with God» (Gene­sis 5:22). It is vital that we walk with God. This means that we walk through life belie­ving and in uni­on with God. The very best thing we can do in life is to accept Jesus into our lives and ask and seek His will. So let us walk with God. Enoch is one of the bet­ter known peo­p­le in the Old Tes­ta­ment. This is becau­se, tog­e­ther with Eli­jah, he was the only one who… 
In our basic docu­ments, the mis­si­on of see­tal chi­le is descri­bed with the words gathe­ring, streng­thening and sen­ding. Accor­din­gly, the­re is a visi­on pic­tu­re of a vil­la­ge. Now we have noti­ced that the dimen­si­on of mis­si­on is com­ple­te­ly miss­ing from the pic­tu­re and is also litt­le empha­sis­ed in our con­gre­ga­tio­nal cul­tu­re. We belie­ve that we have rea­ched a point whe­re we should focus more on the mis­si­on and renew the visi­on pic­tu­re accor­din­gly. «When the salt comes on the meat, on the fish.… 

Like you and me

05 Janu­ary 2020 
«I will bless you and you shall be a bles­sing» (accor­ding to Gene­sis 12:2). Abra­ham, the father of many nati­ons, recei­ved this pro­mi­se from God. God deman­ded an incre­di­ble depar­tu­re from him: He was to lea­ve his home­land, whe­re he had alre­a­dy been roo­ted for 75 years. As a man bles­sed by God, he was to beco­me a bles­sing for many other peo­p­le and nati­ons. In the life of Abra­ham and many other peo­p­le we dis­co­ver a com­mon thread: God addres­ses peo­p­le, bles­ses them and…