Putting down deep roots
Series: Teens Blessing | Bible text: Psalm 139:13–16
What constitutes the identity of a human being? A person’s value is given to him or her by God, who created all people unique and valuable. On this basis, we may joyfully explore life. In doing so, we find a sustaining and fulfilling identity only with God.
What do you think – is there a connection between how Max sees himself and how he treats others? I am convinced that our identity, our self-image, has a huge influence on how we behave.
Most people here have already consciously or unconsciously asked themselves the question: «Who am I?» What makes me me? Am I anyone at all? How do my friends and acquaintances perceive me? Who influences my identity? What does God say about who I am? I have an object here. A drink in an aluminium can. Some see it as a welcome refreshment. Others disagree with the contents and find it unhealthy. And thirds only see the aluminium, which is expensive to produce, expensive to recycle and pollutes the environment. Depending on who looks at the object, it is valuable or not or even just waste. This is also how we feel about our own lives and our fellow human beings.
Who are you? Who am I? If you ask me, I could say: I am Jonas. Well, does that make me? That’s my name. All right – I’m a youth pastor. Actually, that’s my job. I would also be me as a banker or farmer. I’m about 180 tall and about 80 kg. Is that who I am? I could be shorter/thinner and still be me. Even if I lost my arms and legs in an accident, I would still be me. So I am more than what describes me. But what is our identity?
A strong foundation
Our identity seems to be strongly related to our self-image. It is formed superficially from our abilities, experiences and self-image. Self-image, in turn, is strongly influenced by our environment, parents, upbringing, experiences, friends, teachers, and so on. However, all these things do not define what value we have. All these things are constantly changing and can change from one day to the next. Take a look at our decoration (many thanks to Katharina). At the bottom it has a sturdy, heavy rootstock. Attached to it are individual platforms decorated with all sorts of personal items of our teens being blessed. I think this is a super image for our lives. If we want an identity that does not waver and is dependent on x number of different factors, that is stable and immovable, just like the rootstock of our decoration, then we need to turn to God, we need one who is himself immovable, if we want security and safety. About God it says in the Bible: «From above come only good gifts and only perfect gifts; they come from the Creator of the stars, who does not change and with whom there is no change from light to darkness.»(James 1:17 NGÜ). God does not change. He is not like all the things we have to deal with every day. God is good and he stays good. He doesn’t suddenly turn dark and change his mind. And this God plays a decisive role when we ask ourselves what our value (and thus also the value of others) is.
When God created man, he had an idea, he had a purpose. On the origin of man it says: «Then God said, «We will make men in our image, like ourselves. They shall have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over all cattle, over wild animals and over all creeping things.» Thus God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them»(Genesis 1:26,27 NL). As a human being, you are the image of God. Wow – what a dignity that gives you. What a value that gives to every human being when we realise that he is an image of the God who made heaven and earth. The God who is in control of everything. You are not just a product of chance, a freak of nature. You are an image of God. No matter how you see yourself, or what others say about you, you basically have a huge value that no one can deny you! In a way, this is the foundation of our identity. You may and should be.
The freedom to discover
With this knowledge in mind, you may set out to know your identity. The teens who are being blessed today are more at the beginning of this journey. You are like the platforms of our deco. Not everyone is at the same level, not everyone carries the same item. The items can also be taken away and replaced. I want to encourage you to get to know each other better. Discover your talents and your potential. Try things out. Ask your parents, teachers, mentors and friends what they see in you. Get involved in different areas and explore your personality. Do not be afraid. For the foundation of God’s promise and love stands firm and does not change. Your dignity is given to you by God.
«It is you who created my body and my soul, you artfully formed me in my mother’s womb. I thank you that I am so wonderfully created, it fills me with awe. Yes, I have realised that: Your works are wonderful! I was not hidden from you when I took shape, when I was created in the dark, artfully formed in the deep womb of the earth. Your eyes saw me already when my life was born in my mother’s womb. All the days that were to come were already written in your book before any of them arrived.»(Psalm 139:13–16 NGÜ).
Have you ever felt inferior and insufficient? It has probably happened to each of us that we did something because of which we were told or thought that we were insufficient and worthless. But the Bible tells us that we are not only an image of God, but that God also deliberately created us the way we are. With all our rough edges. God created you wonderfully and your life is laid out before him and nothing that happens to you is a surprise to him. God is never overwhelmed by what is going on in your life. Of the teens, many are on the cusp and after the summer something very new is coming your way. You will probably not always succeed in everything and you will reach your limits. And God sees it! He wants to be with you and make you aware of your worth again and again and promise you your identity.
Deep roots
So far, we have mainly looked at the value of every human being. Everyone is made in God’s image, is wanted and loved by God. But God did not simply create us humans to populate this earth like ants that always have to work and then die. God made man to have fellowship with him. That was his intention. After God made the first humans, they rebelled against God and preferred to be independent of God. We still feel the consequences of this decision today. Every human being longs to belong, extremely many have low self-esteem and we have a need for strength and self-control. I believe that our soul can only become calm when we have returned to communion with God. But we cannot do that on our own. God had to take a step towards us and he did so in Jesus Christ. Jesus lived in this world and showed us in a very practical way how God intended life to be and how much he loves us. Jesus even died the agonising death on the cross so that we can become God’s children. «But to all those who received him [Jesus] and believed in his name, he gave the right to become God’s children.»(John 1:12 NCC). When we are united with Jesus, our identity changes abruptly. Along with the dignity and good thoughts of God over our lives, we become children of God. As his children we no longer have to be afraid, he guarantees that he will provide us with everything we need. As children of God, we belong. Extremely many people are lonely. Thanks to Jesus, we are allowed to belong to God’s family without having to do anything. It is a gift. As children of God, we are forgiven – we no longer have to carry our old burdens around with us, God forgives us.
I want to encourage you who are being blessed today to seek your spiritual identity above all, in addition to your natural abilities and talents. Life is exciting, adventurous and has much to offer. That is also a good thing and we are allowed to enjoy it. But all the things of the world cannot give us real support and fulfilment. We can only find an identity that is reliable and worth living for with God.