Date: 5 May 2019 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Psalm 139:13–16
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

What con­sti­tu­tes the iden­ti­ty of a human being? A person’s value is given to him or her by God, who crea­ted all peo­p­le uni­que and valuable. On this basis, we may joyful­ly explo­re life. In doing so, we find a sus­tai­ning and ful­fil­ling iden­ti­ty only with God.


What do you think – is the­re a con­nec­tion bet­ween how Max sees hims­elf and how he tre­ats others? I am con­vin­ced that our iden­ti­ty, our self-image, has a huge influence on how we behave.

Most peo­p­le here have alre­a­dy con­scious­ly or uncon­scious­ly asked them­sel­ves the ques­ti­on: «Who am I?» What makes me me? Am I anyo­ne at all? How do my fri­ends and acquain­tances per­cei­ve me? Who influen­ces my iden­ti­ty? What does God say about who I am? I have an object here. A drink in an alu­mi­ni­um can. Some see it as a wel­co­me refresh­ment. Others dis­agree with the con­tents and find it unhe­alt­hy. And thirds only see the alu­mi­ni­um, which is expen­si­ve to pro­du­ce, expen­si­ve to recy­cle and pol­lu­tes the envi­ron­ment. Depen­ding on who looks at the object, it is valuable or not or even just was­te. This is also how we feel about our own lives and our fel­low human beings.

Who are you? Who am I? If you ask me, I could say: I am Jonas. Well, does that make me? That’s my name. All right – I’m a youth pas­tor. Actual­ly, that’s my job. I would also be me as a ban­ker or far­mer. I’m about 180 tall and about 80 kg. Is that who I am? I could be shorter/thinner and still be me. Even if I lost my arms and legs in an acci­dent, I would still be me. So I am more than what descri­bes me. But what is our identity?

A strong foundation

Our iden­ti­ty seems to be stron­gly rela­ted to our self-image. It is for­med super­fi­ci­al­ly from our abili­ties, expe­ri­en­ces and self-image. Self-image, in turn, is stron­gly influen­ced by our envi­ron­ment, par­ents, upbrin­ging, expe­ri­en­ces, fri­ends, tea­chers, and so on. Howe­ver, all the­se things do not defi­ne what value we have. All the­se things are con­stant­ly chan­ging and can chan­ge from one day to the next. Take a look at our deco­ra­ti­on (many thanks to Katha­ri­na). At the bot­tom it has a stur­dy, hea­vy root­stock. Atta­ched to it are indi­vi­du­al plat­forms deco­ra­ted with all sorts of per­so­nal items of our teens being bles­sed. I think this is a super image for our lives. If we want an iden­ti­ty that does not waver and is depen­dent on x num­ber of dif­fe­rent fac­tors, that is sta­ble and immo­va­ble, just like the root­stock of our deco­ra­ti­on, then we need to turn to God, we need one who is hims­elf immo­va­ble, if we want secu­ri­ty and safe­ty. About God it says in the Bible: «From abo­ve come only good gifts and only per­fect gifts; they come from the Crea­tor of the stars, who does not chan­ge and with whom the­re is no chan­ge from light to dark­ness.»(James 1:17 NGÜ). God does not chan­ge. He is not like all the things we have to deal with every day. God is good and he stays good. He does­n’t sud­den­ly turn dark and chan­ge his mind. And this God plays a decisi­ve role when we ask our­sel­ves what our value (and thus also the value of others) is.

When God crea­ted man, he had an idea, he had a pur­po­se. On the ori­gin of man it says: «Then God said, «We will make men in our image, like our­sel­ves. They shall have domi­ni­on over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over all catt­le, over wild ani­mals and over all cree­ping things.» Thus God crea­ted man in his own image, in the image of God he crea­ted them, male and fema­le he crea­ted them»(Gene­sis 1:26,27 NL). As a human being, you are the image of God. Wow – what a digni­ty that gives you. What a value that gives to every human being when we rea­li­se that he is an image of the God who made hea­ven and earth. The God who is in con­trol of ever­y­thing. You are not just a pro­duct of chan­ce, a freak of natu­re. You are an image of God. No mat­ter how you see yours­elf, or what others say about you, you basi­cal­ly have a huge value that no one can deny you! In a way, this is the foun­da­ti­on of our iden­ti­ty. You may and should be.

The freedom to discover

With this know­ledge in mind, you may set out to know your iden­ti­ty. The teens who are being bles­sed today are more at the begin­ning of this jour­ney. You are like the plat­forms of our deco. Not ever­yo­ne is at the same level, not ever­yo­ne car­ri­es the same item. The items can also be taken away and repla­ced. I want to encou­ra­ge you to get to know each other bet­ter. Dis­co­ver your talents and your poten­ti­al. Try things out. Ask your par­ents, tea­chers, men­tors and fri­ends what they see in you. Get invol­ved in dif­fe­rent are­as and explo­re your per­so­na­li­ty. Do not be afraid. For the foun­da­ti­on of God’s pro­mi­se and love stands firm and does not chan­ge. Your digni­ty is given to you by God.

«It is you who crea­ted my body and my soul, you artful­ly for­med me in my mother’s womb. I thank you that I am so won­derful­ly crea­ted, it fills me with awe. Yes, I have rea­li­sed that: Your works are won­derful! I was not hid­den from you when I took shape, when I was crea­ted in the dark, artful­ly for­med in the deep womb of the earth. Your eyes saw me alre­a­dy when my life was born in my mother’s womb. All the days that were to come were alre­a­dy writ­ten in your book befo­re any of them arri­ved.»(Psalm 139:13–16 NGÜ).

Have you ever felt infe­ri­or and insuf­fi­ci­ent? It has pro­ba­b­ly hap­pen­ed to each of us that we did some­thing becau­se of which we were told or thought that we were insuf­fi­ci­ent and wort­hl­ess. But the Bible tells us that we are not only an image of God, but that God also deli­bera­te­ly crea­ted us the way we are. With all our rough edges. God crea­ted you won­derful­ly and your life is laid out befo­re him and not­hing that hap­pens to you is a sur­pri­se to him. God is never over­whel­med by what is going on in your life. Of the teens, many are on the cusp and after the sum­mer some­thing very new is coming your way. You will pro­ba­b­ly not always suc­ceed in ever­y­thing and you will reach your limits. And God sees it! He wants to be with you and make you awa­re of your worth again and again and pro­mi­se you your identity.

Deep roots

So far, we have main­ly loo­ked at the value of every human being. Ever­yo­ne is made in God’s image, is wan­ted and loved by God. But God did not sim­ply crea­te us humans to popu­la­te this earth like ants that always have to work and then die. God made man to have fel­low­ship with him. That was his inten­ti­on. After God made the first humans, they rebel­led against God and pre­fer­red to be inde­pen­dent of God. We still feel the con­se­quen­ces of this decis­i­on today. Every human being longs to belong, extre­me­ly many have low self-esteem and we have a need for strength and self-con­trol. I belie­ve that our soul can only beco­me calm when we have retur­ned to com­mu­ni­on with God. But we can­not do that on our own. God had to take a step towards us and he did so in Jesus Christ. Jesus lived in this world and show­ed us in a very prac­ti­cal way how God inten­ded life to be and how much he loves us. Jesus even died the ago­ni­s­ing death on the cross so that we can beco­me God’s child­ren. «But to all tho­se who recei­ved him [Jesus] and belie­ved in his name, he gave the right to beco­me God’s child­ren.»(John 1:12 NCC). When we are united with Jesus, our iden­ti­ty chan­ges abrupt­ly. Along with the digni­ty and good thoughts of God over our lives, we beco­me child­ren of God. As his child­ren we no lon­ger have to be afraid, he gua­ran­tees that he will pro­vi­de us with ever­y­thing we need. As child­ren of God, we belong. Extre­me­ly many peo­p­le are lonely. Thanks to Jesus, we are allo­wed to belong to God’s fami­ly wit­hout having to do any­thing. It is a gift. As child­ren of God, we are for­gi­ven – we no lon­ger have to car­ry our old bur­dens around with us, God for­gi­ves us.

I want to encou­ra­ge you who are being bles­sed today to seek your spi­ri­tu­al iden­ti­ty abo­ve all, in addi­ti­on to your natu­ral abili­ties and talents. Life is exci­ting, adven­tur­ous and has much to offer. That is also a good thing and we are allo­wed to enjoy it. But all the things of the world can­not give us real sup­port and ful­film­ent. We can only find an iden­ti­ty that is relia­ble and worth living for with God.