Stand up straight or look stupid…for Jesus
Series: Welcome home | Bible text: 2 Corinthians 4:3–7
Why is it so difficult for us to talk about Jesus and our faith in a secular environment? What is the best way to do that? What could help me? Not a lecture, but a motivational injection!
«But whoever is ashamed of me and of my words, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and that of the Father and of the holy angels» (Luke 9:26 Lu).
When our latecomer Benjamin had to go to the dentist at the age of 12, he said: «Mum, you have to come with me, but you’re going on a bus ahead of me». He was ashamed to travel on the same bus with his mother, who was just over 50 years old; it could be that a school colleague was travelling on the same bus. When mum countered, «Then you can go on your own!», he gave in, trotted to the bus stop at a safe distance behind my wife, travelled on the same bus as her, but sat a few rows behind his mum! Of course, there were parents» evenings at school. Before one such event, our son said, «I’m going to this meeting alone, the teacher said both parents don’t really need to come.» We went anyway! It is not easy when children do not stand by their parents! It is not easy when children do not stand by their brothers and sisters if, for example, one is slightly or severely disabled. It is also not easy when children of God do not stand by their brothers and sisters! And what is it like for our heavenly Father if we cannot confess Him everywhere and shirk from it? When you go to the service, to the glow or to the house group, to a prayer evening – do you speak plainly in front of others, or do you just have «something going on» or «are occupied» in front of your colleagues? I have sometimes found myself reacting like that! 😊
Another example where I don’t look good at all: In spring, we visited the exhibition «Fake. The whole truth». A lady introduced us to the topic at the beginning. She began with the question «What is truth?» and invited us to express our opinions. I immediately thought of Jesus, who said of himself «I am the truth» but I could not muster the mouth and courage to point to Jesus. «Shame on you, Berni!» How ashamed and annoyed I was afterwards! I guess we have all been annoyed by a lame tongue when we have missed saying something about Jesus in a perfect, almost unique situation. Actually, this is a very serious matter when Jesus also says in the Gospel of Matthew: «Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven». (Matthew 10:32–33 Lu). I want to ask a first question based on these and similar Bible texts:
Why is it so difficult for us to talk about Jesus and our faith in him in a secular environment?
Philosopher Charles Taylor asks in his book A Secular Age: «Why, for example, was it virtually impossible in our Western society in the 1500s not to believe in God, while in the 2000s it seems to many not only easy but downright inevitable?» Our society has become more and more secular in the last centuries, especially in the 1st and 2nd world. Today, God and faith have less and less influence, or one can even say «disruptive influence», in all areas of our lives. Therefore, we are not surprised that we are facing an unprecedented persecution of Christians worldwide. Fortunately, it is not yet forbidden in our country to believe in God and His Word, but it is becoming increasingly difficult. Although today relatively many people still believe traditionally and attend churches of some kind, a personal relationship with God is alien to many. General secularisation has diluted old beliefs. Taylor says in his book that modern secularism is trapped in a scheme of thought that makes everything supernatural subject to a transcendent world of one’s own perception. According to the motto: «I myself determine who I am and who I will be one day. I decide for myself what makes sense and what does not. I also don’t need to ask any authorities outside of me how I should live». But: Should someone in prison still have an open door for God, then this God must first and foremost be there to do good and prevent bad. God is never an issue, but after every natural disaster, after every terrorist attack, people ask: «Why did God allow this? Where was God? If there were a God, he should be useful for us humans!» And now we Christians come and talk about sin and guilt, well-stocked with biblical passages.… rave about our Saviour and Redeemer, who offers us new life in his grace… But is it even possible to talk to people today about the Bible, God and Jesus? We say «yes» with conviction, the only question is:
What is the best way to do that?
Our present circumstances are best described by Paul in 2 Corinthians: «Wf the good news we proclaim appears to someone as if behind a veil, it only shows that they are lost. Satan, the god of this world, has so blinded the minds of unbelievers that they cannot perceive the glorious light of the message. Thus our message about the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, remains incomprehensible to them». (2 Cor 4:3–4 NL). This is the reality and it hurts us Christians: If you want to stand up for Jesus, then the word «stand up for Jesus» can be replaced with suffer, endure or endure for Jesus. We are currently experiencing this because our behaviour as Christians is reprehensible according to the «moral standards» of our opponents: e.g. when we stand up against abortion; when we want to reserve the term marriage for the relationship between a man and a woman; or are against same-sex couples being able to adopt children. We come off badly there! But that does not change the fact that we are what Jesus made us, namely salt of the earth and light in this world! We are needed! If it weren’t for us; if it weren’t for all of you with your faith and hope, then it would literally be «sad as hell» in this world!
We are and remain the beloved children of our heavenly Father. Jesus dwells in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. In him we have the hope of a unique future after our passing. Nothing can destroy our firm pillars of Christian faith in the current level 5 anti-Christian hurricane! It would not be the first storm that Jesus would have calmed! That is in his power! Paul said in Corinthians: «… everyone can see that our strength comes entirely from God and is not our own».. So it is also for us as salt and light. It is the Lord who makes you light and salt. For a city that lies on a mountain, it is difficult to remain hidden. And Jesus, who has kindled the light in you, does not put you under a vessel either, no, you are a stand lamp for Jesus – or a stand lamp! Not a dumb-dumb sparkle! Basically, we need to keep in mind: We don’t have to defend or justify ourselves or God. He does that himself. You can’t convert anyone either, that has to be done by the Holy Spirit on behalf of the sovereign God. The LORD says: «I am merciful to whom I am merciful, and on whom I have mercy I have mercy». (Exodus 33:19).
The interaction of us humans on the one hand in our search for God, and on the other hand, God’s gracious responsiveness – is a great mystery. Why were you, of all people, allowed to understand Jesus and what he did for you? It is a mystery! This was also expressed so well in the testimonies of the baptised at the last one! But there were always faithful people involved who testified to their faith and lived it authentically. Patiently and lovingly they accompanied their seeking friends! «Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven…» On the term «confess». What is in this word? The Greek word «homologeo» contains two words that we actually already know. «Homo» means «equal». And in the word logeo, there is «logos», the word. A Mr Baader, who took the trouble to translate the Codex Sinaiticus, created the German verb «gleichworten» = to speak alike, from this Greek handle. The words we speak about Jesus and faith should correspond to the words you have received in you from him and also to the words you have received from the Bible, the Word of God. If Jesus is the way, the truth and the life for you, your speaking about Jesus corresponds to this truth, even if you need other words. Finally, the question: What is the best way to confess Jesus in front of others?
- Recognition comes before confession! Before you can shine, it must first become clear to you. Make an effort to understand Jesus and his words, that you have them in you! When Jesus asked the disciples who they thought he was, Peter answered: «You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God! Speak only of what you have understood.
- Just talk personally about what you have understood about Jesus and what you have personally experienced with him. Then you are almost guaranteed open ears. But if you want to give your counterpart religious instruction or a sermon, the conversation will usually end sooner than you would like.
- You are always in your assigned place, salt and light for Jesus. No matter whether you are introverted or extroverted, whether your heart is in your mouth or in your fingertips – you are always you, even as a new creation – and it is always Jesus who pulls the trigger! The more you are happy to belong to God, the more you radiate this joy.
- And never forget: If you are a Christian, then you have experienced the most important and the best that a human being can ever experience! Then others may think that you look stupid now, but they are wrong!
- I know it is difficult to live as a Christian in such a secular and ungodly environment. But we have each other! We can encourage and lift each other up! That’s good and we need that! We need the welcome home!
- The icing on the cake comes at the end: In the Letter to the Hebrews we read: «So Jesus and all those whom he sanctifies have the same Father. Therefore Jesus is not ashamed to call them his brothers». (Hebrews 2:11 NL). And also in the Letter to the Hebrews, a few chapters later: «But they were looking for a better place, a home in heaven. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has built them a city in heaven». (Hebrews 11:16 ). Jesus is not ashamed to call us his brothers and sisters! The heavenly Father is also not ashamed when we say to Him «You are my Father»!
Possible questions for the small groups
- Matthew 10:32–33 speaks of Jesus, who also does not confess to us «before the heavenly Father» if… On the other hand, Luke 12:8–9 says «before the angels» – a contradiction?
- Tell each other about your «confession experiences»!
- How can we prevent the zeitgeist from muzzling us?
- How can the fact that we as Christians have nothing to be ashamed of in the secular world help us practically to stand up for our faith?
- If Jesus and the heavenly Father are not ashamed of us flawed Christians – in which case will He not confess to us after all?
- What good is it to this godless world if we are light and salt in spite of everything; spreading a good smell for Jesus; being a letter that others can read, etc.?
- Do you have brothers and sisters who pray for your testimony and vice versa?
- Can you come out without shame that you belong to seetal chile? And also to all the people who also come and go here?