
Why does only one of the light bulbs light up? Becau­se only it is con­nec­ted to the power source! A light bulb does not car­ry the power to light up within itself.

In the same way, a per­son needs to be con­nec­ted to the source – the crea­tor of life – in order to illu­mi­na­te their sur­roun­dings. In this way, the essence of God, his love and joy, is expres­sed ever­y­whe­re in ever­y­day life and gives hope. This is pre­cis­e­ly our mission!

It is not first about us going to hea­ven, but about hea­ven coming to earth through us. How can this hap­pen? Through your wil­ling­ness to look at God and then shi­ne in this world!

Mega joy

25 Decem­ber 2016 
A Christ­mas ser­mon about the mega joy expe­ri­en­ced by the she­p­herds in the field. The reason for this joy was that the Saviour was born and crea­ted the con­di­ti­on for peace on earth. 

A new look at our work

11 Decem­ber 2016 
This is the last of the four ser­mons on work and sums up the the­me. The main mes­sa­ge is: Christ is not only our Lord on Sun­day, but he is also our employ­er on Monday. 

The thing with the name

04 Decem­ber 2016 
Do we want to make a name for our­sel­ves with the work or do we get a name and then do the work? This ques­ti­on deci­des whe­ther I can glow at work or not. 

God’s plan for our work

20 Novem­ber 2016 
The first of four ser­mons on the topic of faith and work deals with the basics. The fol­lo­wing ques­ti­ons are cla­ri­fied: What does God have to do with work? What do I have to do with work? How do we work? 

Life in the headwind

06 Novem­ber 2016 
Dani­el shows us as a role model that we do not need to be total social deni­ers who go on hun­ger strike or with­draw from ever­y­thing. Howe­ver, with sym­pa­the­tic deter­mi­na­ti­on, we must know the point whe­re our «but» must come. 

For a strong soul

23 Octo­ber 2016 
Wor­ship con­sists of prai­sing, than­king, lamen­ting and pro­clai­ming. If we wor­ship in every situa­ti­on of life, a strong soul can be for­med in us. 

I am not an elephant

16 Octo­ber 2016 
We often expe­ri­ence a dis­crepan­cy bet­ween what we live and what the Bible actual­ly inten­ded. This ten­si­on is part of the life of a per­son who is on the way with Jesus. In this ser­mon, the solu­ti­on is shown how our lives can nevert­hel­ess chan­ge sus­tain­ab­ly and positively. 
Jan Hus (1369–1415) is a shi­ning exam­p­le of a man who dedi­ca­ted his life to the truth. His life ended at the sta­ke on 6 July 1415 at the Coun­cil of Con­s­tance. It is impres­si­ve what an impact his life had. 

I am a firefly

25 Sep­tem­ber 2016 
What does it mean to shi­ne in public and what are the requi­re­ments for this? This ser­mon explo­res this ques­ti­on using James 2:14–17 and other pas­sa­ges from this letter. 


11 Sep­tem­ber 2016 
A ser­mon by Wie­land Mül­ler on gra­ti­tu­de. Mül­ler is the lea­der of Chrisch­o­na Germany. 

Church – in the world

04 Sep­tem­ber 2016 
In the Bible, peo­p­le are cal­led hap­py who expe­ri­ence oppo­si­ti­on and rejec­tion becau­se of their faith. Why does the good news often crea­te fric­tion in this world and what does this mean for acti­ve Christians? 

Church – in the flesh

21 August 2016 
An image that is used again and again for the church in the Bible is the body. The church is the body of Christ on this earth. This has strong impli­ca­ti­ons for our tog­e­ther­ness and our mission. 

Baywatch or Beach Club

07 August 2016 
What does it mean to glow in church? This ques­ti­on is addres­sed in this and the next three sermons. 

William Wilberforce

10 July 2016 
The impos­si­ble beco­mes pos­si­ble! This state­ment is under­pin­ned by the life of Wil­liam Wil­ber­force (1759–1833). Wil­ber­force is the man who abo­lished slavery in the world’s lea­ding slave-tra­ding nati­on, Gre­at Britain. 
We draw inspi­ra­ti­on from various role models who «glo­wed» in their time under spe­cial cir­cum­s­tances. Han­na did this as a child­less woman. In the same house­hold the­re was ano­ther con­cu­bi­ne who had child­ren and the­r­e­fo­re mocked her. 
Are the­re deter­mi­na­ti­ons and cur­ses that are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly pas­sed on from one gene­ra­ti­on to the next? Can it be that becau­se of my ances­tors I am blo­cked? In this ser­mon, an ans­wer to this ques­ti­on is given based on Exodus 34:1–9.
How do you think Jesus would tre­at homo­se­xu­al peo­p­le? The­re are only spe­cu­la­ti­ve ans­wers to this ques­ti­on becau­se the­re are no such examp­les in the Bible. And yet a clear pat­tern can be dis­cer­ned in how Jesus encoun­ters peo­p­le: Full of affec­tion and com­pas­si­on, and he always meets them with gre­at cla­ri­ty and chal­len­ging explicitness. 

Before it is too late

08 May 2016 
Till death do you part! in this day and age, most mar­ria­ges end befo­re death. This ser­mon is about how to coun­ter­act pre­ma­tu­re cor­ro­si­on of mar­ria­ge with sui­ta­ble rust-proofing. 

Hamster or mill wheel

17 April 2016 
The third ser­mon in the mini-series «Ever­y­thing has its time». How can we bet­ter order our time so that we are not sim­ply under the tyran­ny of the urgent? 

Our God ticks differently

03 April 2016 
The first ser­mon of the mini-series «Ever­y­thing has its time». Time is a gift from God. God hims­elf has taken time and given it to you so that you can beco­me his bel­oved child! 

flying for life

20 March 2016 
David Gaut­schi intro­du­ces the orga­ni­sa­ti­on MAF (Mis­si­on Avia­ti­on Fellowship). 

Restoration of honour

13 March 2016 
The fifth ser­mon on the «Shame or Digni­ty» campaign._x000D_ _x000D_ How can we expe­ri­ence honour, digni­ty and res­to­ra­ti­on through Jesus Christ?