Why does only one of the light bulbs light up? Because only it is connected to the power source! A light bulb does not carry the power to light up within itself.
In the same way, a person needs to be connected to the source – the creator of life – in order to illuminate their surroundings. In this way, the essence of God, his love and joy, is expressed everywhere in everyday life and gives hope. This is precisely our mission!
It is not first about us going to heaven, but about heaven coming to earth through us. How can this happen? Through your willingness to look at God and then shine in this world!
A Christmas sermon about the mega joy experienced by the shepherds in the field. The reason for this joy was that the Saviour was born and created the condition for peace on earth.
This is the last of the four sermons on work and sums up the theme. The main message is: Christ is not only our Lord on Sunday, but he is also our employer on Monday.
Do we want to make a name for ourselves with the work or do we get a name and then do the work? This question decides whether I can glow at work or not.
Theme series: Faith and work
The first of four sermons on the topic of faith and work deals with the basics. The following questions are clarified: What does God have to do with work? What do I have to do with work? How do we work?
Daniel shows us as a role model that we do not need to be total social deniers who go on hunger strike or withdraw from everything. However, with sympathetic determination, we must know the point where our «but» must come.
Worship consists of praising, thanking, lamenting and proclaiming. If we worship in every situation of life, a strong soul can be formed in us.
We often experience a discrepancy between what we live and what the Bible actually intended. This tension is part of the life of a person who is on the way with Jesus. In this sermon, the solution is shown how our lives can nevertheless change sustainably and positively.
Jan Hus (1369–1415) is a shining example of a man who dedicated his life to the truth. His life ended at the stake on 6 July 1415 at the Council of Constance. It is impressive what an impact his life had.
What does it mean to shine in public and what are the requirements for this? This sermon explores this question using James 2:14–17 and other passages from this letter.
Our line of sight is crucial in our lives. Where should we look?
A sermon by Wieland Müller on gratitude. Müller is the leader of Chrischona Germany.
In the Bible, people are called happy who experience opposition and rejection because of their faith. Why does the good news often create friction in this world and what does this mean for active Christians?
An image that is used again and again for the church in the Bible is the body. The church is the body of Christ on this earth. This has strong implications for our togetherness and our mission.
In the Nicene and Constantinople Creeds, the Church is described by the proper words of the title. We look into the matter and try to understand why the Church Fathers chose exactly these words.
What does it mean to glow in church? This question is addressed in this and the next three sermons.
From the biography of Steve Jobs
The impossible becomes possible! This statement is underpinned by the life of William Wilberforce (1759–1833). Wilberforce is the man who abolished slavery in the world’s leading slave-trading nation, Great Britain.
We draw inspiration from various role models who «glowed» in their time under special circumstances. Hanna did this as a childless woman. In the same household there was another concubine who had children and therefore mocked her.
At the latest in difficult life situations, it is decisive whether God is the centre or only the means in a person’s life.
A short sermon on the play «Esther» or «Here I am right».
What it means to go through life as a single person, what steps can be helpful and how the church can provide a good environment.
Are there determinations and curses that are automatically passed on from one generation to the next? Can it be that because of my ancestors I am blocked? In this sermon, an answer to this question is given based on Exodus 34:1–9.
How do you think Jesus would treat homosexual people? There are only speculative answers to this question because there are no such examples in the Bible. And yet a clear pattern can be discerned in how Jesus encounters people: Full of affection and compassion, and he always meets them with great clarity and challenging explicitness.
A sermon for the feast of Pentecost.
Till death do you part! in this day and age, most marriages end before death. This sermon is about how to counteract premature corrosion of marriage with suitable rust-proofing.
The sermon for the blessing of the teens
The third sermon in the mini-series «Everything has its time». How can we better order our time so that we are not simply under the tyranny of the urgent?
The first sermon of the mini-series «Everything has its time». Time is a gift from God. God himself has taken time and given it to you so that you can become his beloved child!
Jesus went through various stations during the Passion period, each of which can stand for an emotional or life situation of us humans. At the centre is the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
A sermon on Good Friday.
David Gautschi introduces the organisation MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship).
The fifth sermon on the «Shame or Dignity» campaign._x000D_ _x000D_ How can we experience honour, dignity and restoration through Jesus Christ?
The fourth sermon on the campaign «Shame or Dignity».
The third sermon on the campaign «Shame or Dignity». How do we respond to shaming and how do we become the best version of ourselves?
The second sermon on the campaign «Shame or Dignity».
The first sermon on the campaign «Shame or Dignity».