How you and I are co-incarnated in Jesus

Date: 22 Novem­ber 2020 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Romans 12:2
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

God has offe­red us a new coven­ant through Jesus. Using Hebrews 3 and 5, I want to talk about what the Father’s thoughts are about us and what it means for us as Chris­ti­ans, as fol­lo­wers and imi­ta­tors of Jesus. I want to talk about how much we are co-incor­po­ra­ted in Jesus and belong to his fami­ly and what it means to grow up as his followers.

A few months ago I went through a pro­cess of ques­tio­ning what is actual­ly true. Seve­ral state­ments made it clear that cer­tain tea­chings I was fol­lo­wing – Bible trans­la­ti­ons, both of which are lin­ked to basic beliefs – are bad and wrong and occult and miss­ing the truth. I stron­gly ques­tio­ned whe­ther what I thought was good was wrong after all. I stop­ped rea­ding the Bible, wat­ching tea­chings and ser­mons. For some days my quiet time was only time with Jesus. Once when I was jog­ging, he spo­ke to me and said: «Do you remem­ber what I said? I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.» Then it beca­me clea­rer to me: It is not important which ser­mons I lis­ten to and which Bible trans­la­ti­ons I read. What is important is that I fol­low Jesus, becau­se he is the truth. I beca­me very awa­re of how important it is to have Jesus as our goal in ever­y­thing we do.

The aim of rea­ding the Bible is to get to know Jesus bet­ter. The goal in wor­ship is to wor­ship him, not to put on a smooth show. The goal in church is to cele­bra­te a feast for him as a com­mu­ni­ty. So in some way I have to be able to test. To check whe­ther, for exam­p­le, this ser­mon is good or bad or this Bible trans­la­ti­on is okay. That means that the­re has to be growth. In order for us to be able to exami­ne, we must first beco­me matu­re, and that is what I would like to talk about today. I don’t want to give the impres­si­on in the least that I am aiming at «be of age» I have achie­ved. Rather, I am stri­ving in this direc­tion and I would like to share a part of my pro­cess with you.

God’s temple, participation in the heavenly world

In this pro­cess, it has beco­me incre­asing­ly clear that at least two con­cre­te steps are needed.

- A rea­li­sa­ti­on of what our con­di­ti­on is. God, through Jesus, has intro­du­ced a new coven­ant that he offers us. It is a revo­lu­tio­na­ry new thing that dif­fers signi­fi­cant­ly from pre­vious con­di­ti­ons. It goes from «You have to do this and abide by the­se laws» over too «my grace is all you need». It is some­thing new.
Take acti­ve steps. An acti­ve approach and accep­tance. Go towards it and con­scious­ly accept it.

Today I would like to high­light one small fact about the new coven­ant. One ser­mon is not enough to talk about the new coven­ant and I mys­elf have not been deal­ing with it for long. I would like to high­light a small fact from Hebrews 3, which is very important for the first step. At the end we move on to Hebrews 5. Befo­re we dive in, a bit of back sto­ry: Chap­ter 2 of Hebrews is about how Jesus suf­fe­r­ed the tempt­a­ti­on of all huma­ni­ty and death its­elf, thus qua­li­fy­ing as a repre­sen­ta­ti­ve with imme­dia­te effect. This is important for under­stan­ding in chap­ter 3: «The­r­e­fo­re, dear brot­hers and sis­ters, turn all your atten­ti­on to Jesus. You too belong to tho­se who are sanc­ti­fied and cal­led to par­ti­ci­pa­te in the hea­ven­ly world. Look to him, the true Apost­le and High Priest, to whom we con­fess … » (Hebrews 3:1 NGÜ).

What have we read? You too belong to tho­se who are sanc­ti­fied and cal­led to par­ti­ci­pa­te in the hea­ven­ly world! Jesus is the repre­sen­ta­ti­ve of huma­ni­ty. Becau­se, as God’s Son, he went through ever­y­thing you can ever go through and ulti­m­ate­ly laid down his life as a bill-pay­er for your life, you now have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be co-incar­na­ted in his life. You are sanc­ti­fied and cal­led to share in the hea­ven­ly world. Becau­se you are included in Jesus» life, you are bla­me­l­ess in this con­text. You are part of his hea­ven­ly iden­ti­ty. The­re are two ver­ses in Ephe­si­ans that express this well:

«Tog­e­ther with Jesus Christ he rai­sed us from death, and tog­e­ther with him he has alre­a­dy given us a place in the hea­ven­ly world becau­se we are united with Jesus Christ» (Ephe­si­ans 2:6 NGÜ). An important empha­sis here is on the «alre­a­dy now». It is not some­thing that is yet to come, that we hope will come. It is pos­si­ble right here and now becau­se Jesus gives you a new life. Howe­ver, it invol­ves con­cre­te action on your part: «Put on the new life as you put on new clo­thes. You have now beco­me new peo­p­le, crea­ted by God hims­elf in his image. Let ever­yo­ne reco­g­ni­se that you now belong to God and live as it plea­ses him». (Ephe­si­ans 4:24 HFA).

You have to con­scious­ly accept this new life. I like the ana­lo­gy with the clo­thes. Some­ti­mes new clo­thes feel a bit stran­ge and inap­pro­pria­te at the begin­ning. But when you rea­li­se that you are co-incor­po­ra­ted into the death and resur­rec­tion of Jesus, you rea­li­se your bla­me­l­ess­ness in this con­text. You are sanc­ti­fied and cal­led to par­ti­ci­pa­te in the hea­ven­ly world. 

From the prophetic model to today’s reality

Let us con­ti­nue rea­ding at the Epist­le to the Hebrews. The­re are other facts that point to the pre­sent sta­te of the new coven­ant. «… and keep in mind how faithful­ly he ser­ves the one who appoin­ted him! In this he is com­pa­ra­ble to Moses, of whom Scrip­tu­re says that he pro­ved faithful in all God’s house. Moses, howe­ver, belon­ged to this house hims­elf, while Jesus is its buil­der. (After all, every house has a buil­der, and the one who crea­ted ever­y­thing is God). And becau­se it is not the house but its buil­der that is tru­ly hono­u­red, the honour and glo­ry of Jesus is also grea­ter than that of Moses. When Moses, as that scrip­tu­re says, pro­ved faithful in all God’s house, it refers to his ser­vice as a ste­ward – a ser­vice that poin­ted bey­ond hims­elf and his time to God’s spea­king through Christ» (Hebrews 3:2–5 GNT).

Do you remem­ber the sto­ry of Moses and the Israe­li­tes in the desert? God gave Moses a very detail­ed order to build a holy tent. Moses car­ri­ed out ever­y­thing exact­ly accor­ding to plan. In rela­ti­on to this chap­ter, Moses is the pro­phe­tic model. It shows what God thinks about his temp­le and how much effort and love he put into the detail. It is com­pared to Moses being the buil­der of the house and Jesus being the caret­a­ker. «Christ, on the other hand, pro­ves his faithful­ness as the Son of God and thus as the Lord over God’s house. This house is us – pro­vi­ded we con­fi­dent­ly hold on to the hope God has given us, which fills us with joy and pri­de». (Hebrews 3:6 NGÜ). 

Jesus is respon­si­ble for his own house­hold, not as a ser­vant, but as a son. The­se ver­ses from Hebrews 3 show us how much we are a part of this fami­ly. We are not a part at play, or in a dress rehear­sal for the main game. It is not an event that takes place in the future. It is now! We have a place in the hea­ven­ly world. We have a roy­al iden­ti­ty here on earth. You are the temp­le of God, his house. You are his address here on earth.

One of the dif­fe­ren­ces that the new coven­ant brings is that we no lon­ger speak in pro­phe­tic figu­res and ana­lo­gies. Whe­re once the Holy Spi­rit was on cho­sen peo­p­le from time to time, today he lives here in the world in you. Many pro­phe­ci­es in the Old Tes­ta­ment poin­ted to the coming time when the Mes­siah would come. What was lon­ged for over gene­ra­ti­ons for a long time is now a rea­li­ty in full frui­ti­on. This fills us. Fil­led with self-con­fi­dence, joy and pride. 

Let yourselves be transformed

During this pro­cess I have not only lear­ned a lot about the new coven­ant, which will pro­ba­b­ly con­ti­nue for a long time. I have also beco­me awa­re of how much I am still in the old coven­ant. I have been sear­ching fran­ti­cal­ly for some­thing that has long been a rea­li­ty in my life. I was loo­king for the living God, the work of the Holy Spi­rit, mani­fes­ta­ti­ons like healings, pro­phe­ci­es and spea­king in ton­gues as descri­bed in the Bible. All this I have sought with the mind­set of the old coven­ant: I must seek more, per­form more, do more, go to church more, do more good, be more of an exam­p­le to others.… The com­mon deno­mi­na­tor here is per­for­mance. It’s the old «I do it mys­elf law.» The more you do, the more you recei­ve. Yet Jesus, through his minis­try on earth, made a mockery of the old law becau­se he intro­du­ced grace. In the Let­ter to the Romans I found a litt­le hint how we can beco­me awa­re of this new rea­li­ty. «And do not con­form your­sel­ves to this cour­se of the world, but be trans­for­med by the rene­wing of your mind, that you may pro­ve what is the good and accep­ta­ble and per­fect will of God» (Romans 12:2 SCHL2000).

I deli­bera­te­ly cho­se this trans­la­ti­on becau­se it says very well: «Let your­sel­ves be trans­for­med». Other trans­la­ti­ons some­ti­mes say that we should learn to think in a new way. This impli­es that we come to this trans­for­ma­ti­on by cram­ping into the head. But, it does mean that we are to be trans­for­med. It means to set our hearts on Jesus, to enter into a fri­end­ship with him. Ever­y­thing God wants to do through us, every reve­la­ti­on he gives us, never comes from per­for­mance on our part, but always from a fri­end­ship with him.

From milk to solid food

I belie­ve that after a cer­tain initi­al peri­od whe­re we get to know Jesus, the­re has to be growth. The­re is a good image of gro­wing up in Hebrews 5. It is an ana­lo­gy that as a fresh fol­lower of Jesus you are like a litt­le child being fed with milk. You learn the basic aspects of the gos­pel. Over time you grow and you have to move on to solid food. Why is this so important? «Anyo­ne who can only tole­ra­te milk is not a child and does not under­stand what adults talk. An adult can eat solid food. Only tho­se who have trai­ned their jud­ge­ment can distin­gu­ish bet­ween good and evil». (Hebrews 5:13–14 HFA).


We must allow our­sel­ves to be trans­for­med by the rene­wal of our minds so that our dis­cern­ment can be trai­ned. We were never cal­led to do this, to com­mu­ni­ty. We are cal­led to lead the con­gre­ga­ti­on To be. We are not cal­led to have a cool time in our church. The church is a place whe­re we are nou­ris­hed and streng­the­ned to car­ry out the mis­si­on Jesus gave us. May­be at first it feels a bit stran­ge to go from milk to solid food. But we are cal­led to be a part of his hea­ven­ly iden­ti­ty, to make an impact as child­ren of the king here on earth.





















Possible questions for the small groups

Read the Bible text: Romans 12:2

  1. What did you remem­ber from the sermon?
  2. Have you ever thought about what the new coven­ant means for your life?
    Life has?
  3. Are you living in the new covenant?
  4. What are your thoughts on gro­wing up spiritually?