Of holiday and other frustrations

Date: 4 August 2019 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: James 1:2
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

Are frus­tra­ti­ons just as much a part of life as moments of hap­pi­ness? How do we cope with moments of frus­tra­ti­on in life?


Wel­co­me home to all tho­se who are back from their holi­days. Hop­eful­ly you have many hap­py things to tell. Hop­eful­ly ever­y­thing was just right: the wea­ther, the food, the excur­si­ons, the bed, the tog­e­ther­ness as a fami­ly, as a cou­ple, or among fri­ends! After the best holi­days, coming home is also some­thing very nice for many: the fami­li­ar four walls again, the fami­li­ar bed again, the fami­li­ar food again – it’s all so nice. And the mothers are also hap­py when the child­ren soon return to school… How much we could tell each other about holi­day joys and per­haps also holi­day frus­tra­ti­ons! Ever­y­thing loo­ked so much nicer on the home­page! The wea­ther was so bad and the food a dis­ap­point­ment. The mat­tress was too hard… the ser­vice was bad! Sud­den­ly someone gets ill, or an acci­dent hap­pens. Ros­ma­rie once bro­ke a toe on the first day on the beach… What a frus­tra­ti­on! Or it can all start off beau­tiful­ly. Ever­y­thing is right: the wea­ther, the accom­mo­da­ti­on, the food – but then, during the holi­day pro­gram­me, it hap­pens. Mum wants to read, dad wants action. The inte­rests are so dif­fe­rent. They all have their own needs. And now? Who wins? The stron­gest? At first you swal­low emp­ty; then the first frus­t­ra­ting words fall – and final­ly it gets hef­ty! In fami­lies with child­ren, this situa­ti­on is almost pre-pro­grammed – the more child­ren, the more ide­as, noti­ons and hopes… and sud­den­ly the mood is in the toi­let! «I would like to go home again!» – «It pis­ses me off, I always have to do what the others want.…» Dif­fe­rent hopes and expec­ta­ti­ons col­l­i­de… That hap­pens in the most beau­tiful holi­days!!! Despi­te the best conditions!!!

I would like to approach the sub­ject of frus­tra­ti­on with you this mor­ning and will do so in a three-step approach:

  1. Expe­ri­ence frustration
  2. Com­bat frustration
  3. Mana­ging frustration

Experience frustration

It is often said of holi­days: anti­ci­pa­ti­on is the grea­test and most beau­tiful joy! Why do they say this? We can ima­gi­ne it so beau­tiful­ly in advan­ce… We want to have a lot of time on holi­day: to sleep in, to relax, to enjoy, to do things… we are real­ly loo­king for­ward to it! We have high hopes and our expec­ta­ti­ons grow from day to day befo­re our depar­tu­re. And sud­den­ly we are pre-pro­grammed by our ide­as! Why? Becau­se we know exact­ly what we want!

It’s exact­ly the same in ever­y­day life. I don’t want to address the issue only in rela­ti­on to holi­days. The­re are so many things we hope for: That our health will get bet­ter. That the situa­ti­on at work will chan­ge. That we get a bet­ter grip on the month­ly bud­get… One or the other is frus­tra­ted by the job; they had ima­gi­ned the job dif­fer­ent­ly. They hard­ly have any time left for their per­so­nal life; for silence, sports and family!

And it is simi­lar in the life of faith. We are fil­led with spi­ri­tu­al hopes and expec­ta­ti­ons! We have had good con­ver­sa­ti­ons with fri­ends – now we hope that they will come to wor­ship one day. We know that God hears our pray­ers. Now we expect a cor­re­spon­ding respon­se from Him. On the way with Jesus, we hold fast to the pro­mi­ses of the Bible. It is the­re, black on white… and again we expe­ri­ence it dif­fer­ent­ly and are frus­tra­ted. We expect to expe­ri­ence God in ever­y­day life – at work, in the neigh­bour­hood, in the fami­ly, in the house group, in the church group… and yet we expe­ri­ence so little.

Hoping and expec­ting are motors of life: they are in kee­ping with crea­ti­on and very posi­ti­ve! God knows about our hopes and He wants us to hope! It is jus­ti­fied that we hope. If we no lon­ger expect any­thing and stop hoping – then all is not well with us! Espe­ci­al­ly when it comes to spi­ri­tu­al things. If we give up hope, we distance our­sel­ves from Jesus. But we have to stay with him, becau­se we can learn a lot from him. For none of us has expe­ri­en­ced any­thing but a simi­lar level of frus­tra­ti­on as he did: His fami­ly distanced them­sel­ves from him. His disci­ples behave com­ple­te­ly out of line. The very peo­p­le of God, who should be very clo­se to him, are on the side­lines. Enthu­si­a­stic fol­lo­wers sud­den­ly turn their backs on him.…

In the end, we can real­ly ask our­sel­ves: Are frus­tra­ti­ons just as much a part of life as moments of hap­pi­ness? How do we cope with moments of frus­tra­ti­on in life?

Release frustration

Becau­se we can’t stand frus­tra­ti­on for long, we have deve­lo­ped pseu­do-solu­ti­ons that we think are effec­ti­ve and helpful.

a) The­re is the suppression.

For the sake of peace, we keep quiet and keep ever­y­thing bot­t­led up. We pre­tend to the out­side world that ever­y­thing is fine – until it real­ly beco­mes too much and one day our col­lars burst. Silence is not gold this time, but scrap metal! No solu­ti­on – it does­n’t work!

b) Or we keep our distance.

We avo­id the pro­blem. We put it on the back bur­ner. The­re is no solu­ti­on any­way, etc. But deep down we are dis­sa­tis­fied and dis­ap­poin­ted. No solu­ti­on – not possible!

c) We give up! We come to terms with the cir­cum­s­tances! – as the say­ing goes!

This is per­haps how the solu­ti­on sounds in terms of holidays:

  • We go on holi­day separately!
  • Never again in a tent!
  • Never again to the sea or any­whe­re else…!

Sounds like a solu­ti­on – but it’s not that simple!


What solu­ti­on are you hat­ching for your frus­tra­ti­on? Do you want to just up and lea­ve? Chan­ge jobs? Chan­ge your wife? Chan­ge the car? Chan­ge the church? Never go back to a small group? Drop ever­y­thing? For­get ever­y­thing? Let’s go!

The­re are even bibli­cal examp­les of this: Peter said after Jesus» death: «I’m going fishing! I don’t care what you have in mind, I’m going fishing!«Prompt­ly a few more disci­ples go with him. The Emma­us disci­ples go home. «That’s it?! Let’s go, we’­ve lost not­hing here. Bye!«The­re are other examp­les from con­tem­po­ra­ry spi­ri­tu­al life. How many Chris­ti­ans have done evan­ge­li­stic work in their neigh­bour­hood, in their cir­cle of acquain­tances, but no one has ever come to faith in Jesus. In this frus­tra­ti­on they have given up: «It’s no use any­way!» Or they stop pray­ing: «It’s no use any­way!»

Silence, get­ting angry, giving up, rash actions – the con­se­quen­ces of frus­tra­ti­on are mani­fold! That’s why it’s important that the third thing we ask our­sel­ves is how we can cope with the frustration.

Managing frustration

The fol­lo­wing thoughts are from Max Luca­do (from Max Luca­do, «For­med by God», Fran­cke-Ver­lag, 2004): When a pot­ter fires a ves­sel, he must test its sta­bi­li­ty. He takes it out of the kiln and pushes it hard. If it makes a sin­ging sound, it is finis­hed. If it makes a muf­fled sound, it goes back into the kiln. An emp­ty let­ter­box, when mail is urgen­tly expec­ted. A new dress, put on for the first time and alre­a­dy a tear! A missed train con­nec­tion. A fai­led meal with guests. A huge holi­day dis­ap­point­ment. Ano­ther rejec­tion of a job appli­ca­ti­on. The­se can be such powerful nud­ges. They hit us wit­hout any warning!

How do I deal with it? Do I sing bright­ly? Or do I dro­ne dul­ly? Luca­do gives three tips for «Dumpf­lings» on how to deal with it

  1. Begin to give thanks for every nudge – not iro­ni­cal­ly with clen­ched tee­th, but cheerful­ly! («Con­sider it a very spe­cial reason to rejoice, my brot­hers and sis­ters, when you have to go through tri­als of various kinds.» James 1:2 NGÜ). Becau­se every nudge reminds us that God is sha­ping and edu­ca­ting us. Draw your les­sons from every nudge. Every nudge will hurt or bene­fit you, depen­ding on how you clas­si­fy and respond to it.
  2. Think about whe­re the­re are «kick-off rush hours» in your life. How can we deal with the­se times? By arming our­sel­ves with an extra char­ge of pray­er and not giving up.
  3. Remem­ber: All impul­ses are for the good of tho­se who love and ser­ve God.

as far as Max Luca­do is concerned.

We see: A frus­tra­ti­on is not a cata­stro­phe, but a chan­ce to get to the bot­tom of true values. Dis­ap­point­ments are posi­ti­ve becau­se we beco­me dis­il­lu­sio­ned and can dis­card a delu­si­on. In this way we can rea­li­se the truth about our­sel­ves, about our fal­se expec­ta­ti­ons and desi­res, as well as about our wrong reac­tions, our bad way of life or our wrong prio­ri­ties. If we are frus­tra­ted, we may need a long walk or a quiet room. Or a coun­ter­part to talk to; to pray together.…

So we come

  1. in con­ver­sa­ti­on with God. We are to put into words the frus­tra­ti­on befo­re him. John the Bap­tist sat in pri­son frus­tra­ted. John sent peo­p­le to Jesus with his ques­ti­ons. How good we have it today that we can talk to Jesus ever­y­whe­re. Frus­tra­ti­on melts hope like ice in the­se tem­pe­ra­tures. But pray­er resur­rects hope! In the Word of God we find con­fi­dence to con­ti­nue to dare some­thing and to trust anew. Befo­re God we also dis­co­ver whe­re we have fai­led and find cou­ra­ge to cor­rect our­sel­ves or even apo­lo­gi­se. Thus we come anew
  2. into con­ver­sa­ti­on with the peo­p­le who have con­tri­bu­ted to our frus­tra­ti­on. Tho­se who live on for­gi­ve­ness them­sel­ves beco­me more mer­ciful towards their fel­low human beings. They are also allo­wed to make mista­kes and hope for for­gi­ve­ness – just like us!

Whe­re have you expe­ri­en­ced such impul­ses late­ly? What frus­tra­ti­ons does God use in your life? Whe­re does he want to shape your cha­rac­ter? I wish you much pati­ence for your situa­ti­on, stay clo­se to Jesus and con­ti­nue with him. Let’s not for­get: God works on the cha­rac­ter of his child­ren through ever­y­thing, be it through some­thing that gives you trou­ble or some­thing you can be hap­py for. As a pot­ter, he has only one goal with you: to form a masterpiece!




Possible questions for the small groups

  1. Tell each other about frus­t­ra­ting expe­ri­en­ces and how you dealt with them
  2. Jesus expe­ri­en­ced frus­tra­ti­on – and the disci­ples? Count them up!
  3. Do any examp­les from the Old Tes­ta­ment come to mind?
  4. Make out a to-do list, prio­ri­ti­sed by what to do in a frus­t­ra­ting experience.
  5. Do you have peo­p­le with whom you can share frustrations?
  6. Can you see posi­ti­ve gains from your frustrations?