Date: 1 Decem­ber 2019 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Gene­sis 1:27; Luke 15:21–24
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

In the para­ble in Luke 15, when the son retur­ned home after a long time, his father pre­sen­ted him with a sple­ndid dress, a fin­ger ring and shoes. In addi­ti­on, he slaugh­te­red the fat­ted calf and threw a feast. All this means that the retur­nee was gran­ted the iden­ti­ty of a son. Fathers and mothers also have the task of spea­king iden­ti­ty to their child­ren and this also in their gender.

«What is to shi­ne in the fat­her­land must begin in the home.«This series of topics looks at the impact of the fami­ly on the lives of indi­vi­du­als and socie­ty. A few weeks ago I pre­sen­ted how God as a father deals with his child­ren. One point was cal­led: God as Father speaks iden­ti­ty. Peo­p­le with a healt­hy iden­ti­ty is what the world needs. Spea­king iden­ti­ty is the­r­e­fo­re one of the big­gest tasks in the fami­ly and is tan­ta­mount to giving child­ren a good root system.

Identity as a person

Jesus tells a para­ble in which the youn­ger son makes an inhe­ri­tance advan­ce and lea­ves his bor­ing home with the aim of final­ly enjoy­ing life. After some time, howe­ver, he comes back to his father «like a bea­ten dog»: «His son said to him: «Father, I have sin­ned, against hea­ven and also against you, and am no lon­ger wort­hy to be cal­led your son». But his father said to the ser­vants, «Quick! Bring the best clo­thes in the house and put them on him. Get a ring for his fin­ger and san­dals for his feet. And slaugh­ter the calf we fat­ten­ed in the sta­ble, for my son here was dead and has come back to life. He was lost, but now he is found.» And a joyful feast began»(Luke 15:21–24 NL).

At this reuni­on, the father does not first talk about the son’s beha­viour, but about his iden­ti­ty through strong symbols:

The best dress: By pre­sen­ting the best dress, the rela­ti­onship is res­to­red. «Jacob loved Joseph more than his other sons becau­se he had only been born to him in his old age. The­r­e­fo­re, one day he had Joseph made a sple­ndid robe»(Gene­sis 37:3 NL). The gift of a magni­fi­cent dress is an expres­si­on of the father’s love. It was Joseph’s undo­ing becau­se he attrac­ted the envy of his brot­hers. That is why they sold him to Egypt. Many years later he is made vice­roy the­re: «And Pha­raoh said to Joseph: «Her­eby I give you aut­ho­ri­ty over all Egypt». Then he put his roy­al signet ring on his fin­ger. He gave him pre­cious robes and put a gol­den chain around his neck.» (Gene­sis 41:41f NL). The man who no lon­ger felt wort­hy enough to be cal­led «son» and wan­ted to go home as a day labou­rer, is appoin­ted as depu­ty father. The cove­ring of the sple­ndid gar­ment is also an expres­si­on of for­gi­ve­ness and cove­ring of shame. In a pro­phe­tic text an angel says: « «Take off his filt­hy garm­ents.» And to Yes­hua he said, «Her­eby I have taken away your sin, and now let you put on fes­ti­ve garm­ents.» «(Zecha­riah 3:4 NL). A father for­gi­ves and covers the shame. It is so important that father and mother cover up weak­ne­ss in the child­ren and not laugh about it. Cyni­cism exposes.

A ring for his fin­ger: The son who has squan­de­red his enti­re inhe­ri­tance is rein­sta­ted as heir. Wit­hout the good man having to affirm that he will never again enga­ge in such shenanig­ans, he is again given full trust. He gets back exact­ly what he has just fai­led in. Do we also keep giving our child­ren new chan­ces? From the sto­ry of Pha­raoh and Joseph we learn that the ring also has the mea­ning of the trans­fer of aut­ho­ri­ty. The son’s aut­ho­ri­ty is restored.

San­dals for his feetBare­foot­ness means aban­don­ment of rights, loss of honour or impri­son­ment (2 Samu­el 15:30). The son recei­ves the foot­wear of pres­ti­ge. His posi­ti­on in the fami­ly is restored.

The fat­ted calf: At that time, a fami­ly fat­ten­ed a calf in case unex­pec­ted guests of honour appeared. The wicked son is con­side­red the guest of honour. And then the par­ty starts. Do our child­ren always learn that they are guests of honour?

The son, who deser­ved a tel­ling off, is sim­ply given his iden­ti­ty. The father impres­si­ve­ly shows him that his value does not depend on his actions, but on his being. Our child­ren need to expe­ri­ence again and again that they are loved uncon­di­tio­nal­ly – espe­ci­al­ly when they have fai­led and their beha­viour has been insuf­fi­ci­ent. When our child­ren have to assert them­sel­ves in a dif­fi­cult envi­ron­ment, Sil­via and I always pray the same pray­er: «Father in hea­ven, show them who they are befo­re you!«If child­ren do not know who they are, they will beco­me the play­thing of their envi­ron­ment, they will have to strugg­le with infe­rio­ri­ty and, in order to belong, they will have to do things that do not cor­re­spond to their con­vic­tions. Tell your child­ren again and again: «You are our bel­oved daugh­ter, you plea­se us!» «You are our bel­oved son, I che­rish you very much!«This pro­vi­des them with a strong root sys­tem for a secu­re stand.

Tea­chers were told that some stu­dents were high­ly gifted. Alt­hough this was not true, it was found that this anti­ci­pa­ted posi­ti­ve assess­ment was con­firm­ed later on. This was made pos­si­ble by the tea­cher con­vey­ing his expec­ta­ti­ons to the stu­dents in subt­le ways, such as per­so­nal atten­ti­on, wai­ting for a stu­dent respon­se, fre­quen­cy and strength of prai­se and repri­mand, or a high per­for­mance demand. This is cal­led the Pyg­ma­li­on effect. And it also plays out in the home. If we think big about our child­ren, grant them the gre­at iden­ti­ty in Jesus» name, they will beco­me more and more what they alre­a­dy are in our eyes.

Identity as a woman or man

«Thus God crea­ted man in his own image, in the image of God he crea­ted them, male and fema­le he crea­ted them»(Gene­sis 1:27 NL). The­re is man and woman. The gene­tic dif­fe­rence bet­ween man and woman is 1.5%. This is not much, but when you con­sider that the dif­fe­rence bet­ween a man and a mon­key is also 1.5%, it is still quite a lot. Even though we can­not say that women are like this or like that, we can still talk about mas­cu­li­ni­ty and femininity.

Exten­si­ve stu­dies have been done on this dif­fe­rence in 53 count­ries. If you take the phy­si­cal cha­rac­te­ristic of height, for exam­p­le, you find that women are on avera­ge 165 cm long and men 178 cm. Peo­p­le over 191cm are still 5% women, while peo­p­le under 152cm are only 5% men. The over­lap of the two Gauss cur­ves is 50%. If you add a second phy­si­cal cha­rac­te­ristic like mus­cle strength, the over­lap beco­mes smal­ler. This has now been done with many phy­si­cal, men­tal and cogni­ti­ve traits and lo and behold: clear fema­le and male cha­rac­te­ristics emer­ge:

Dimen­si­on of cor­po­rea­li­ty (fem.): The clo­sen­ess to life, vul­nerabi­li­ty, fer­ti­li­ty and sen­si­ti­vi­ty. Fur­ther: Sen­se of aes­the­tics and beau­ty, value on outer appearance, more eating dis­or­ders, apti­tu­de for intui­ti­on, is more sexu­al­ly desi­red, hig­her social adapt­a­ti­on – less self-asser­ti­on, psy­chic warmth, etc.

Dimen­si­on of cor­po­rea­li­ty (masc.): The strength, aggres­si­on, robust­ness, self-con­fi­dence and stress resis­tance. Fur­ther: throw more accu­ra­te­ly and are bet­ter able to assess tra­jec­to­ries, more com­pe­ti­ti­ve, hig­her self-asser­ti­on and domi­nan­ce – less social adjus­t­ment, more self-con­fi­dence – less appre­hen­si­on, ten­den­cy to nar­cis­sism, com­mu­ni­ca­te more rough­ly and coar­se­ly in child­hood, asses­ses his abili­ties bet­ter, etc.

Father and mother have dif­fe­rent tasks in paren­ting. A mother covers more of the children’s basic needs such as clo­sen­ess and secu­ri­ty. Fathers have a gre­at respon­si­bi­li­ty in initia­li­sing the sex of the child­ren. We know today that the gen­der iden­ti­ty of a child comes from the man: he pro­vi­des the decisi­ve chro­mo­so­me. The con­fir­ma­ti­on and for­ma­ti­on of our iden­ti­ty and sexua­li­ty – for both men and women – hap­pens pri­ma­ri­ly through the father. This does not mean that the mother plays no role in this pro­cess – of cour­se she does. But the dra­wing of a child’s iden­ti­ty into the affir­ma­ti­on of mas­cu­li­ni­ty or femin­in­i­ty hap­pens through the man. That’s how God has set it up. You do that by spea­king into your children’s lives and by emo­tio­nal­ly con­nec­ting with your child­ren, buil­ding a rela­ti­onship, get­ting to know and under­stand their world. This is how cha­rac­ter and iden­ti­ty is built. That is why it is important to invol­ve other men in the absence of a father.

Let us speak to our child­ren about their iden­ti­ty as men and women. A girl should learn from her father that she is beau­tiful. Why not go clo­thes shop­ping with the daugh­ter and advi­se her in the pro­cess? It is also important that the father not only values logi­cal con­clu­si­ons, but also intui­ti­ve ones. For boys, com­pe­ti­ti­on is important. They want to mea­su­re their strength and find out that they are strong. Recent­ly I went to see the war film «Mid­way» with my son. It was a real boys» night out. It’s okay for a boy to speak a litt­le more cru­de­ly than a girl.

Dimen­si­on of the mind (f): Emo­tio­nal intel­li­genceempa­thy, emo­tio­na­li­ty, kind­ness and sen­si­ti­vi­ty. Fur­ther: more cont­act-ori­en­ted, holds more eye cont­act, smi­les more at the other per­son, lan­guage more adapt­ed to the child, more depres­si­on and anxie­ty dis­or­ders, feels com­for­ta­ble in a two-per­son rela­ti­onship, etc.

Dimen­si­on of the mind (m): Emo­tio­nal sta­bi­li­ty. Less empa­thy, hig­her fac­tu­al ori­en­ta­ti­on, hig­her emo­tio­nal robust­ness – less sen­si­ti­ve and touchy-fee­ly, less affec­ti­ve men­tal dis­or­ders, more com­for­ta­ble in the pack, etc.

It is important to value the emo­tio­na­li­ty of girls and not to descri­be them as «sen­si­ti­ve» or their beha­viour as «tal­ka­ti­ve». Boys, on the other hand, are not «sta­kes» if they do not imme­dia­te­ly per­cei­ve every mood and some­ti­mes move some­what clum­si­ly in the social space.

Dimen­si­on of the intellect (f): Social com­pe­tence, con­fi­dence, asso­cia­ti­ve thin­king, lan­guage ver­sa­ti­li­ty. Next: Rela­ti­onship-ori­en­ted Per­son-ori­en­ted occu­pa­ti­ons, more talen­ted with lan­guage, can repeat the mea­ning of a text bet­ter, start tal­king ear­lier, trus­ting – less sus­pi­cious, less dys­le­xia, more con­sci­en­tious, emo­tio­nal pro­blem sol­ving, empha­sise more often how much interlo­cu­tors mean to them, talk about social issues, etc.

Dimen­si­on of the intellect (m): The objec­ti­vi­tySys­te­ma­tis­a­ti­on abili­ty, line­ar thin­king, spe­cia­li­sa­ti­on, spa­ti­al ima­gi­na­ti­on, abs­trac­tion. Fur­ther: inte­rest in facts, line­ar thin­king and goal-ori­en­ted, focus­sed pro­blem sol­ving, bet­ter able to distin­gu­ish bet­ween the essen­ti­al and the unessen­ti­al, autism and Arsperger’s syn­dro­me clus­te­red, twice as many speech dis­or­ders (stut­te­ring), talks more about sys­tems than about rela­ti­onships, etc.

What hap­pens when boys repress their own mas­cu­li­ni­ty? Repres­sed mas­cu­li­ni­ty beco­mes irrele­vant, moo­dy and weak as a flag in the wind. Women go to coun­sel­ling cen­tres and say: «He’s not man­ly enough for me. A good man, poli­ti­cal­ly cor­rect and all sorts, and I cho­se him to be harm­less. But now he’s too harm­less for me.«Repres­sed femin­in­i­ty beco­mes indif­fe­rent, cold and clo­ses its­elf off to life. But you can also fall off the hor­se on the other side! When men repress the ali­en gift, i.e. find mas­cu­li­ni­ty super and femin­in­i­ty stu­pid, they beco­me emo­tio­nal­ly reck­less, sexu­al­ly dis­in­hi­bi­ted, vio­lent and ner­dy. When women repress the ali­en endow­ment, their social com­pe­tence turns into sche­ming and assaul­ti­ve, their empa­thy into emo­tio­nal insta­bi­li­ty and their sen­se of life wants atten­ti­on to a gre­at ext­ent, which they try to achie­ve through exag­ge­ra­ted behaviour.

Dear fathers and mothers, con­scious­ly deal with the­se dif­fe­ren­ces so that you can speak to your sons and daugh­ters about their iden­ti­ty as men and women respec­tively. Their dif­fe­rence is good, needs under­stan­ding and should be sup­port­ed ver­bal­ly again and again. Women are dif­fe­rent. Men too. Thank God! Ever­yo­ne bene­fits when men are male and women are fema­le. Eros is the uncon­scious attrac­tion of the sexes and thri­ves on dif­fe­rence. Dr Jean Twen­ge, a psy­cho­lo­gist, says that the attrac­tion of the sexes has decreased among Mil­le­ni­als. They have less desi­re for sex and fewer part­ner­ships. Ase­xua­li­ty is a new phe­no­me­non of our time. A pity, really!

After Jesus had sent out 72 disci­ples in groups of two to the vil­la­ges, they retur­ned full of joy: «Lord, even the demons obey us when we cast them out in your name!»(Luke 10:17). They rejoi­ced in their actions, in their achie­ve­ment for Jesus. Jesus then points them to their iden­ti­ty: «Jesus repli­ed: do not rejoice that evil spi­rits obey you, but rejoice that your names are writ­ten in hea­ven.» (20). Let us rejoice in our posi­ti­on as child­ren of God and as men or women and not in our actions! The basis for this is laid in the paren­tal home.



Possible questions for the small groups

Read Bible text: Luke 15:21–24; Luke 10:17–20

  1. How would you descri­be the recep­ti­on of the retur­ning Son in the Father’s house? What does the father (not) do?
  2. What do the­se sym­bols from the para­ble mean for our rela­ti­onship with God and for our dealings with our own children?
  3. Why is our iden­ti­ty so important for a hap­py life?
  4. What signi­fi­can­ce do father and mother have for the initia­li­sa­ti­on of gen­der in children?
  5. What should be loo­ked out for in girls? What should boys pay atten­ti­on to?