Sympathiser or follower
Series: Metamorphosis | Bible text: Luke 9:57–62; Mark 2:14
The environment in which a spiritual metamorphosis (transformation of being) can happen is following Jesus. Jesus sets the bar for discipleship very high and thus excludes all sympathisers. Neither material comfort nor a job nor a profession nor family or friends may stand between Jesus and his followers. But – on discipleship lies a huge promise: «And everyone who leaves behind houses, brothers, sisters, father, mother, children or fields for my name’s sake will have everything restored a hundredfold and will receive eternal life»(Matthew 19:29 NGÜ).
The older ones among us may still remember the film Blues Brothers remember. Even if you don’t know the cult film, the plot will seem very familiar: Two petty criminals are on the run after a bank robbery. To disguise themselves, they have dressed up as typical American street preachers: a serious black suit over a white shirt, a black hat and casual sunglasses. And then the crucial thing: Whenever they get into a dicey situation, the phrase comes: «We are on a mission from the Lord!«The film lives from the fact that this deception is usually only seen through too late.
How are those who are truly on a mission from the Lord to be distinguished from those who use this label as a cover? How are the real followers of Jesus to be distinguished from the sympathisers? It is not important that we can judge others. The mirror we look into today should give us an answer for ourselves personally.
We have to find an answer for ourselves, because the powerful metamorphosis is reserved for followers of Jesus. As is now well known, metamorphosis transforms an animal from the juvenile stage into adulthood, where it takes on a completely new form and way of life. The same word Paul uses for the transformation of a follower of Jesus towards the perfection of God (Matthew 5:48).
Our sermon text today wants to show us who is actually on the way on behalf of the Lord and what the identifying marks are. In Luke 9:56–62 Jesus talks to three people about the price of discipleship. Let’s have a listen!
Obstacles to succession
Material comfort
The first man immediately applies for the succession himself, he was not called: «As they walked along, Jesus was approached by a man. I will follow you wherever you go,» he said.»(Luke 9:57 NGÜ). This enthusiastic young man may have been a fan of Jesus. And he probably also expected to be welcomed with open arms. Every new movement is grateful for sympathisers! But Jesus reacts very snubbingly by answering: «The foxes have their den and the birds their nests; but the Son of Man has no place where he can rest»(V.58 NGÜ). What a poor acquisition by Jesus. Instead of rejoicing in the enthusiasm, Jesus practically says: «Do you actually know what it means to follow me? It means leaving behind the comforts and advantages of ordinary life. Are you willing to follow me, even if it means giving up things that most people consider their unbreakable right to possess?» Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem and at the end of that journey sees his death on the cross. Jesus» whole earthly life is described in the Apostolic Confession by the two words «suffered» and «crucified». Following this Jesus is not something a person can do by their own choice. «No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him to me»(John 6:44 NL). Enthusiasm and initiative are not enough for discipleship.
We hear nothing more from this person and must assume that he was not prepared to give up the ordinary comforts of life to follow the Son of God.
The profession or an occupation
«Jesus said to another, «Follow me,» but he replied, «Lord, allow me to go home first and take care of my father’s funeral».»(V.59 NGÜ). The second heard the call of Christ to follow him. He was also ready to do so in a certain way, but he wanted to previously to do one more thing. He wanted to go home and bury his father. That is a man of honour and I would probably happily agree with him. After all, it is also a law. «Lord, allow me first…» In other words, «Lord, me first.» He called Jesus «Lord», but he put his own interests first. The word «Lord» and «me first» are in complete contradiction. Whether the father was already dead or whether the son wanted to stay at home until he died is irrelevant – he allows himself to rank another thing higher than Jesus» reputation. It is perfectly legitimate and good to pay homage to one’s dying or dead father, but if anything or anyone is higher than Christ, it becomes sin.. Even the law of the Old Covenant must not stand between Jesus and his followers. This man had other things to do – we could say a job or a task – and that kept him from following.
«Jesus replied: «Let the dead bury their dead. But you go and proclaim the message of the kingdom of God!»(V.60 NGÜ). Now a person wants to follow Him and Jesus only reacts impiously. The spiritually dead can bury the physically dead, but they cannot preach the gospel. A follower of Jesus should turn to life and help many people to find real life in order to take away the power of death. Just like in nature: metamorphosis creates a sexually mature adult animal that can multiply.
Family and friends
«Another said: «I want to follow you, Lord, but first allow me to say goodbye to my family».»(V.61 NGÜ). The third, who would like to follow Jesus, is similar to the first in that he approached Jesus and wanted to follow him. He is similar to the second, because he also wants to say goodbye to his family «first». In itself this intention was reasonable and good, but even normal politeness in everyday life is wrong when it is placed above immediate and total obedience. In another passage Jesus says: «If someone wants to come to me, he must put everything else aside – father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, even his own life; otherwise he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not carry his cross and follow me on my path cannot be my disciple»(Luke 14:26f NGÜ). It happens again and again that people let themselves be prevented from radical discipleship by friends or family. What do my parents, my colleagues at work or in the fire brigade think? Especially among persecuted Christians, it is a frequently experienced scenario that followers of Jesus are disowned by their family.
Jesus replied: «He who puts his hand to the plough and then looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God».»(V.62 NGÜ). Ploughing is all about drawing a straight line to make the most of the space in the field so that a lot of grain can grow. In this work, one cannot turn around, otherwise the furrow will inevitably become crooked and crooked. Similarly, it doesn’t help to look into the distance. When ploughing, I only have to keep the small area in front of my feet in view, then one drawn line will harmoniously follow the other. When I follow Jesus, I must not look back, I must not cling to the past and mourn it, but look courageously forward.
The reward of succession
So we have now learned the three main obstacles to discipleship through the three men: Material comfort, a profession or occupation, family and friends. Jesus must be able to rule over the heart of man without rivals. All other preferences or liabilities must take second place. What this might look like is shown to us by the tax collector Levi: «As he went on and passed the customs house, he saw Levi, the son of Alphaeus, sitting there. Jesus said to him, «Follow me!» So Levi got up and followed Jesus»(Mark 2:14 NGÜ). We have learned that no one can recommend himself to follow Jesus. It is a moment of grace when Jesus calls a person. Then we should definitely respond immediately and unconditionally! Here at customs, a model case is taking place: Jesus calls, Levi follows. The bridges are burned and it’s just moving forward. Levi acts completely irrationally. He does not sign up for a life programme whose curriculum he could study beforehand. He does not affirm any philosophy, does not give any intellectual consent and does not speak any confession of faith. Jesus says nothing about the content of discipleship, he presents no goal or ideal. Simply: Follow me, run after me! There is only one justification for discipleship: Jesus Christ Himself! It is he who calls. That is why the tax collector follows. The fact that Jesus is the Christ gives him authority to call and to demand obedience. Jesus calls to discipleship, not as teacher and example, but as the Christ, the Son of God. And as such he has a claim on man.
A follower of Jesus is on a mission from the Lord. A sympathiser seeks the benefits of the Christian faith, but not discipleship. There used to be a book or music club that had incredibly attractive offers for members only. I would have liked to benefit from them, but I didn’t want to become a member because you had to pay an annual fee. The question that preoccupied me was: How can I benefit from these advantages without having to pay the membership fee? A sympathiser asks God this question: How can I benefit from your grace without having to pay the price of discipleship?
Dietrich Bonhoeffer calls this «cheap grace». Many Christians want grace, but not discipleship. Cheap grace means grace as a system, grace without price, without cost. That is the very essence of grace, that the bill is paid in advance for all time. On the paid bill, everything is to be had for free. The costly grace calls to discipleship. «It is grace because it calls people to follow Jesus Christ; it is costly because it costs people their lives.» But: We do not live towards dying, but die towards life.
We are in a fun society where we often ask the question, «What’s the point?» Wrong question! Discipleship is about the call and claim of the Son of God alone, it is all about Him. Nevertheless, there is a huge promise in discipleship: «And everyone who leaves behind houses, brothers, sisters, father, mother, children or fields for my name’s sake will have everything restored a hundredfold and will receive eternal life»(Matthew 19:29 NCC). Jesus does not want to make us toothless or will-less recipients of orders, but rather to lead us more into the life in which we really come alive – namely in the one hundred percent dependence on Him. A parasite will never feel alive without a host. People who follow Jesus can be recognised by the fact that they are more alive than others – like vibrating strings on an instrument that stimulate other strings to resonate.
Possible questions for the small groups
Read Bible text: Luke 9:57–62; Mark 2:14; Matthew 19:29
- Have you defined a personal metamorphosis goal for the year? What is it?
- Why does Jesus treat the three followers so brusquely? What do you feel when you read the text?
- Why did Levi follow Jesus immediately upon his call? What is the nature of discipleship?
- What is the reward of discipleship?
- What is stopping you from following as unconditionally and clearly as Levi did?