Date: 10 Janu­ary 2021 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Luke 9:57–62; Mark 2:14
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

The envi­ron­ment in which a spi­ri­tu­al meta­mor­pho­sis (trans­for­ma­ti­on of being) can hap­pen is fol­lo­wing Jesus. Jesus sets the bar for disci­ple­ship very high and thus excludes all sym­pa­thisers. Neither mate­ri­al com­fort nor a job nor a pro­fes­si­on nor fami­ly or fri­ends may stand bet­ween Jesus and his fol­lo­wers. But – on disci­ple­ship lies a huge pro­mi­se: «And ever­yo­ne who lea­ves behind hou­ses, brot­hers, sis­ters, father, mother, child­ren or fields for my name’s sake will have ever­y­thing res­to­red a hundred­fold and will recei­ve eter­nal life»(Matthew 19:29 NGÜ).

The older ones among us may still remem­ber the film Blues Brot­hers remem­ber. Even if you don’t know the cult film, the plot will seem very fami­li­ar: Two pet­ty cri­mi­nals are on the run after a bank rob­be­ry. To dis­gu­i­se them­sel­ves, they have dres­sed up as typi­cal Ame­ri­can street pre­a­chers: a serious black suit over a white shirt, a black hat and casu­al sun­glas­ses. And then the cru­cial thing: When­ever they get into a dicey situa­ti­on, the phra­se comes: «We are on a mis­si­on from the Lord!«The film lives from the fact that this decep­ti­on is usual­ly only seen through too late.

How are tho­se who are tru­ly on a mis­si­on from the Lord to be distin­gu­is­hed from tho­se who use this label as a cover? How are the real fol­lo­wers of Jesus to be distin­gu­is­hed from the sym­pa­thisers? It is not important that we can judge others. The mir­ror we look into today should give us an ans­wer for our­sel­ves personally.

We have to find an ans­wer for our­sel­ves, becau­se the powerful meta­mor­pho­sis is reser­ved for fol­lo­wers of Jesus. As is now well known, meta­mor­pho­sis trans­forms an ani­mal from the juve­ni­le stage into adult­hood, whe­re it takes on a com­ple­te­ly new form and way of life. The same word Paul uses for the trans­for­ma­ti­on of a fol­lower of Jesus towards the per­fec­tion of God (Matthew 5:48).

Our ser­mon text today wants to show us who is actual­ly on the way on behalf of the Lord and what the iden­ti­fy­ing marks are. In Luke 9:56–62 Jesus talks to three peo­p­le about the pri­ce of disci­ple­ship. Let’s have a listen!

Obstacles to succession

Material comfort

The first man imme­dia­te­ly appli­es for the suc­ces­si­on hims­elf, he was not cal­led: «As they wal­ked along, Jesus was approa­ched by a man. I will fol­low you whe­re­ver you go,» he said.»(Luke 9:57 NGÜ). This enthu­si­a­stic young man may have been a fan of Jesus. And he pro­ba­b­ly also expec­ted to be wel­co­med with open arms. Every new move­ment is gra­teful for sym­pa­thisers! But Jesus reacts very snub­bin­gly by ans­we­ring: «The foxes have their den and the birds their nests; but the Son of Man has no place whe­re he can rest»(V.58 NGÜ). What a poor acqui­si­ti­on by Jesus. Ins­tead of rejoi­cing in the enthu­si­asm, Jesus prac­ti­cal­ly says: «Do you actual­ly know what it means to fol­low me? It means lea­ving behind the com­forts and advan­ta­ges of ordi­na­ry life. Are you wil­ling to fol­low me, even if it means giving up things that most peo­p­le con­sider their unbre­aka­ble right to pos­sess?» Jesus is on his way to Jeru­sa­lem and at the end of that jour­ney sees his death on the cross. Jesus» who­le earth­ly life is descri­bed in the Apos­to­lic Con­fes­si­on by the two words «suf­fe­r­ed» and «cru­ci­fied». Fol­lo­wing this Jesus is not some­thing a per­son can do by their own choice. «No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him to me»(John 6:44 NL). Enthu­si­asm and initia­ti­ve are not enough for discipleship.

We hear not­hing more from this per­son and must assu­me that he was not pre­pared to give up the ordi­na­ry com­forts of life to fol­low the Son of God.

The profession or an occupation

«Jesus said to ano­ther, «Fol­low me,» but he repli­ed, «Lord, allow me to go home first and take care of my father’s fun­e­ral».»(V.59 NGÜ). The second heard the call of Christ to fol­low him. He was also rea­dy to do so in a cer­tain way, but he wan­ted to pre­vious­ly to do one more thing. He wan­ted to go home and bury his father. That is a man of honour and I would pro­ba­b­ly hap­pi­ly agree with him. After all, it is also a law. «Lord, allow me first…» In other words, «Lord, me first.» He cal­led Jesus «Lord», but he put his own inte­rests first. The word «Lord» and «me first» are in com­ple­te con­tra­dic­tion. Whe­ther the father was alre­a­dy dead or whe­ther the son wan­ted to stay at home until he died is irrele­vant – he allows hims­elf to rank ano­ther thing hig­her than Jesus» repu­ta­ti­on. It is per­fect­ly legi­ti­ma­te and good to pay homage to one’s dying or dead father, but if any­thing or anyo­ne is hig­her than Christ, it beco­mes sin.. Even the law of the Old Coven­ant must not stand bet­ween Jesus and his fol­lo­wers. This man had other things to do – we could say a job or a task – and that kept him from following.

«Jesus repli­ed: «Let the dead bury their dead. But you go and pro­cla­im the mes­sa­ge of the king­dom of God!»(V.60 NGÜ). Now a per­son wants to fol­low Him and Jesus only reacts impious­ly. The spi­ri­tual­ly dead can bury the phy­si­cal­ly dead, but they can­not preach the gos­pel. A fol­lower of Jesus should turn to life and help many peo­p­le to find real life in order to take away the power of death. Just like in natu­re: meta­mor­pho­sis crea­tes a sexu­al­ly matu­re adult ani­mal that can multiply.

Family and friends

«Ano­ther said: «I want to fol­low you, Lord, but first allow me to say good­bye to my fami­ly».»(V.61 NGÜ). The third, who would like to fol­low Jesus, is simi­lar to the first in that he approa­ched Jesus and wan­ted to fol­low him. He is simi­lar to the second, becau­se he also wants to say good­bye to his fami­ly «first». In its­elf this inten­ti­on was reasonable and good, but even nor­mal poli­ten­ess in ever­y­day life is wrong when it is pla­ced abo­ve imme­dia­te and total obe­dience. In ano­ther pas­sa­ge Jesus says: «If someone wants to come to me, he must put ever­y­thing else asi­de – father and mother, wife and child­ren, brot­hers and sis­ters, even his own life; other­wi­se he can­not be my disci­ple. Whoe­ver does not car­ry his cross and fol­low me on my path can­not be my disci­ple»(Luke 14:26f NGÜ). It hap­pens again and again that peo­p­le let them­sel­ves be pre­ven­ted from radi­cal disci­ple­ship by fri­ends or fami­ly. What do my par­ents, my col­le­agues at work or in the fire bri­ga­de think? Espe­ci­al­ly among per­se­cu­ted Chris­ti­ans, it is a fre­quent­ly expe­ri­en­ced sce­na­rio that fol­lo­wers of Jesus are disow­ned by their family.

Jesus repli­ed: «He who puts his hand to the plough and then looks back is not fit for the king­dom of God».»(V.62 NGÜ). Ploug­hing is all about dra­wing a straight line to make the most of the space in the field so that a lot of grain can grow. In this work, one can­not turn around, other­wi­se the fur­row will ine­vi­ta­b­ly beco­me croo­ked and croo­ked. Simi­lar­ly, it does­n’t help to look into the distance. When ploug­hing, I only have to keep the small area in front of my feet in view, then one drawn line will har­mo­nious­ly fol­low the other. When I fol­low Jesus, I must not look back, I must not cling to the past and mourn it, but look cou­ra­ge­ous­ly forward.

The reward of succession

So we have now lear­ned the three main obs­ta­cles to disci­ple­ship through the three men: Mate­ri­al com­fort, a pro­fes­si­on or occu­pa­ti­on, fami­ly and fri­ends. Jesus must be able to rule over the heart of man wit­hout rivals. All other pre­fe­ren­ces or lia­bi­li­ties must take second place. What this might look like is shown to us by the tax coll­ec­tor Levi: «As he went on and pas­sed the cus­toms house, he saw Levi, the son of Alphae­us, sit­ting the­re. Jesus said to him, «Fol­low me!» So Levi got up and fol­lo­wed Jesus»(Mark 2:14 NGÜ). We have lear­ned that no one can recom­mend hims­elf to fol­low Jesus. It is a moment of grace when Jesus calls a per­son. Then we should defi­ni­te­ly respond imme­dia­te­ly and uncon­di­tio­nal­ly! Here at cus­toms, a model case is taking place: Jesus calls, Levi fol­lows. The bridges are bur­ned and it’s just moving for­ward. Levi acts com­ple­te­ly irra­tio­nal­ly. He does not sign up for a life pro­gram­me who­se cur­ri­cu­lum he could stu­dy before­hand. He does not affirm any phi­lo­so­phy, does not give any intellec­tu­al con­sent and does not speak any con­fes­si­on of faith. Jesus says not­hing about the con­tent of disci­ple­ship, he pres­ents no goal or ide­al. Sim­ply: Fol­low me, run after me! The­re is only one jus­ti­fi­ca­ti­on for disci­ple­ship: Jesus Christ Hims­elf! It is he who calls. That is why the tax coll­ec­tor fol­lows. The fact that Jesus is the Christ gives him aut­ho­ri­ty to call and to demand obe­dience. Jesus calls to disci­ple­ship, not as tea­cher and exam­p­le, but as the Christ, the Son of God. And as such he has a cla­im on man.

A fol­lower of Jesus is on a mis­si­on from the Lord. A sym­pa­thiser seeks the bene­fits of the Chris­ti­an faith, but not disci­ple­ship. The­re used to be a book or music club that had incre­di­bly attrac­ti­ve offers for mem­bers only. I would have lik­ed to bene­fit from them, but I did­n’t want to beco­me a mem­ber becau­se you had to pay an annu­al fee. The ques­ti­on that preoc­cu­p­ied me was: How can I bene­fit from the­se advan­ta­ges wit­hout having to pay the mem­ber­ship fee? A sym­pa­thiser asks God this ques­ti­on: How can I bene­fit from your grace wit­hout having to pay the pri­ce of discipleship?

Diet­rich Bon­hoef­fer calls this «cheap grace». Many Chris­ti­ans want grace, but not disci­ple­ship. Cheap grace means grace as a sys­tem, grace wit­hout pri­ce, wit­hout cost. That is the very essence of grace, that the bill is paid in advan­ce for all time. On the paid bill, ever­y­thing is to be had for free. The cos­t­ly grace calls to disci­ple­ship. «It is grace becau­se it calls peo­p­le to fol­low Jesus Christ; it is cos­t­ly becau­se it cos­ts peo­p­le their lives.» But: We do not live towards dying, but die towards life.


We are in a fun socie­ty whe­re we often ask the ques­ti­on, «What’s the point?» Wrong ques­ti­on! Disci­ple­ship is about the call and cla­im of the Son of God alo­ne, it is all about Him. Nevert­hel­ess, the­re is a huge pro­mi­se in disci­ple­ship: «And ever­yo­ne who lea­ves behind hou­ses, brot­hers, sis­ters, father, mother, child­ren or fields for my name’s sake will have ever­y­thing res­to­red a hundred­fold and will recei­ve eter­nal life»(Matthew 19:29 NCC). Jesus does not want to make us toothl­ess or will-less reci­pi­ents of orders, but rather to lead us more into the life in which we real­ly come ali­ve – name­ly in the one hundred per­cent depen­dence on Him. A para­si­te will never feel ali­ve wit­hout a host. Peo­p­le who fol­low Jesus can be reco­g­nis­ed by the fact that they are more ali­ve than others – like vibra­ting strings on an instru­ment that sti­mu­la­te other strings to resonate.





Possible questions for the small groups

Read Bible text: Luke 9:57–62; Mark 2:14; Matthew 19:29

  1. Have you defi­ned a per­so­nal meta­mor­pho­sis goal for the year? What is it?
  2. Why does Jesus tre­at the three fol­lo­wers so brusque­ly? What do you feel when you read the text?
  3. Why did Levi fol­low Jesus imme­dia­te­ly upon his call? What is the natu­re of discipleship?
  4. What is the reward of discipleship?
  5. What is stop­ping you from fol­lo­wing as uncon­di­tio­nal­ly and cle­ar­ly as Levi did?