Search peace
Seek peace and pursue it! Peace is the fruit of the spirit that is in our hearts. What is there to seek and chase?! On the other hand, we are aware that peaceful coexistence does not fall into our laps. But for a cosy home, peace is! Welcome home to our search for peace!
Peace is not so easy to define. Many people spontaneously say: peace is the opposite of war. But is peace what a war leaves behind in a country after peace has been concluded? I think of the bombed-out cities in Germany after the Second World War. Or of the countless grieving families after both world wars; and actually after every war.
Others say: Peace is the opposite of strife? Do you only enjoy peace after a serious quarrel – or are there not still aftershocks, e.g. a bottomless disappointment that it could come to this quarrel at all? Or a paralysing fear of the next argument?
Peace has also become a casual colloquialism: «That’s peace,» – this snowshoe hike through the freshly snow-covered landscape. «It was so peaceful, just walking together,» a couple enthuses.
Peace can be tattooed on your upper arm; it can be written in big letters on your T‑shirt or on your cap – but you’re having trouble in the classroom, or with your parents, and you’re ranting about this evil world. Peace may be written on the sticker on your school bag – but you still whine about your teachers and classmates!
Of course, peace is also sung about in many different ways. I think back to a song by Nicole in the 80s, which was at the top of the charts for over 5 months: «A little peace, a little sun… A little peace, a little joy, a little warmth, that’s what I wish for. A little peace, a little dreaming… A little peace, a little love…
That is typical for us humans, we like to «tickle»! It’s like a gourmet buffet. We want to be able to enjoy as much as possible, so only a little bit of everything! We like to enjoy the whole of life with all its tempting morsels. Nicole then confesses herself: I know my songs don’t change much, I am just a girl who says what she feels…
Seek peace and pursue it.…
We suspect that a very special peace is meant by this call. Divine peace, which is rendered in the Bible with the Hebrew term shalom or the Greek term eiréné, means: regardless of all circumstances – I am well, there is a peace in my heart; I have enough; I can look God in the eye; I am too-peaceful.
We have lacked this divine peace since the Fall. From childhood, we are people who never have enough. Without this peace from God, we are restless and dissatisfied; constantly pulling others down, getting angry with others, etc.. And we are concerned first with our own well-being and not with the well-being of others.
The peace of God in 3 different stages from OT via NT to the final peace
1. in the Old Testament, the peace of God was for his chosen people
God’s peace was then in the people of God.…
– Presence of God in the tabernacle or later in the temple; or in the wilderness wandering with the cloud or in the night the flame of fire.
– This peace gave security, e.g. for a good night’s sleep (Psalm 4:9).
– Experienced through God’s protection and preservation.
– In the experience of the Day of Atonement, and the various feast days
– A good land to dwell in (Psalm 37:11)
– If the king was good and did what is right, the people will live in peace (Psalm 72:3)
– Those who listened to God and stood faithfully by Him were assured of peace (Psalm 85:9).
– Peace was dependent on the fulfilment of the law (Psalm 119:165)
This was all true for God’s people. It was true for the other peoples: «There is no peace for the wicked,» says my God. Isaiah 57:21
2. in the New Testament
Jesus brought a threefold peace to this earth to us humans: >peace between man and God, >peace among us humans and the >peace with yourself.
Now the peace of God is so close to us that it lives in us!
Jesus said during his farewell speeches: Even though I am no longer here, peace will remain with you. Yes, I give you my peace – a peace that no one else in the world can give you. John 14, 27
He is present in the children of God through the Holy Spirit. Peace is a fruit of the Spirit within us. Jesus is the announced Prince of Peace. As Prince, he has this fruit at his disposal. He can spread it through us, passed on, for example, simply through our being and our actions; through what we radiate and spread. This peace in us has an influence on our whole being with body, soul and spirit. Paul connects it with our sanctification:
May the God of peace sanctify you through and through. May he protect your spirit, soul and body so that they will be intact when Jesus Christ our Lord returns. 1 Thessalonians 5:23
This process of sanctification continues until we reach the goal of faith. We are still talking about the struggle of faith. We are still challenged, sometimes massively. We are suffering from sickness. We are still suffering, despite this divine peace within us, from tensions in the interpersonal sphere, quarrels in marriage, thick air in the family, bullying at work. Suffering because of our failures, our self-will, small faith – but all this cannot ground God’s peace in us.
I am convinced that our persecuted brothers and sisters also experience this deep peace! Even if they are in prisons or labour camps, through what they radiate, even others come to faith.
Just as the apostle Peter had to admonish the Christians then, we still need it today. He writes in his letter and urges us: …to focus on the common goal. Be full of compassion, love one another as brothers and sisters in the faith, be merciful and courteous to one another! Do not repay evil with evil and insults with insults! On the contrary, bless! 1 Petr. 3,8ff
Seek peace and pursue it.…
The Greek word here for seek (zéteo) does not just mean your search for your glasses or car keys! It has far greater meanings: to seek out, to examine, to explore, to ponder, to ponder, to ponder, to miss, to desire, to desire, to demand, to demand. Think about how you should behave in this tense situation at work. Reflect a little on why you left the house group, the small group in a strange mood again! I am convinced that Jesus loves such brooders! Seeking peace means that you want to give room with all your heart to the peace in you, to Jesus in you, and not to the anger in your belly. Where hurts, jealousy, envy, disappointments and other things are disrupting our inner peace, you can consider the good with the help of Jesus!
Thinking about love!
Actually, in our verse of Psalm 34, the first part is missing: «Forsake evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it!» You may or may not have much reason to be really angry with someone. Whether your anger is justified or unfounded, do good. Seek the good. Yes, we all know that this is not easy, to give way to Jesus in us. It would only be fatal if we resign ourselves: «I’m just quickly on 180! Sometimes I just can’t sit still and I have a poisonous tongue. I’m just sensitive…»
The word «hunt» really comes from hunting vocabulary. I have never been involved in a hunt, but what I know about hunters is that they are passionate. They have only one goal: not to go home empty-handed. They put their all into it, they are focused, they sweat or wait patiently, they don’t give up – and they are a conspiratorial community!
Remember: The peace of God is within you, make room for it in your heart and in your head! Paul encourages us to hold on to God’s grace: The God of peace will soon force Satan under your feet and tread him down. I wish you that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ will accompany you! Romans 16:20
In the idea spektrum of 9 January, 9 people were asked what this exhortation of Psalm 34 means to them. I would like to quote a few sentences from the answers:
– The more place the hero of peace, Jesus, takes up in me, the more I have chased peace. (Ramona Keil)
– I do not aspire to live without conflict. I want to become a peacemaker in conflict situations. (Elisabeth Kunz)
– I want to seek peace attentively, honestly and persistently in relationships with my fellow human beings. This means honestly thinking about relationships; courageously approaching others when unspoken things are in the air; not giving up when others react dismissively. (Christine Grogg)
– A cantonal councillor: I want to respect my political opponents as human beings, love them and see them as Jesus Christ sees them: as people whom he loves and for whom he came into this world to save. (Erich Vontobel)
3. the peace of God in its ultimate beauty and glory
But even this New Testament high level of divine peace from God is an intermediate stage. We will only experience the peace of God in its final beauty and glory in heaven. Until that time comes, we still have to be patient. Paul describes this waiting room in Romans 8:19: Yes, the whole of creation is eagerly waiting for the children of God to become visible in all their glory.
In this longing, we naturally also think of the promises of Revelation: no more suffering, no more tears, no more pain, no more death – but I find the description of this time by Isaiah just as beautiful: Then the wolf and the lamb will live together in harmony; the leopard and the goat will camp together. The calf, the lion and the fatling will become friends and a little boy will shepherd them. Cow and bear will graze together. Their cubs will rest next to each other. The lion will eat straw like the cattle. The infant will play at the otter’s loophole. Yes, an infant puts its hand into a poisonous snake’s den. Isaiah 11, 6
Let us rejoice together in the 50 weeks ahead of us this year, which we have – God willing – to grow in peace. I would like to express my personal faith for all of you and for us as a whole congregation with the following verse: You will experience God’s peace, which is greater than our human mind can ever comprehend. His peace will keep your hearts and minds in faith in Jesus Christ. Philippians 4:7
Possible questions for the small groups
Read the Bible text: Psalm 34:15
As believers living in the age after Christ, we have many advantages compared to the people of God before Christ! List some things…
2. what are our weak points that often lead to discord and strife?
3) How have you concretely sought peace and hunted for peace in difficult situations?
What do you imagine a heart full of peace from God to be?
Would any of you like to share a current tension in your interpersonal life? (possibly also as a prayer request)
How do you do that? What do you do, leave «evil» and do «good» instead?
What do you personally take away from this verse 15 from Psalm 34?