Beatitudes – Jesus congratulates
Series: Metamorphosis | Bible text: Matthew 5:3–12
The first part of the Sermon on the Mount is about «city development». God is the creator and builder of the city, which is visibly situated on a mountain (Matthew 5:14). The virtues from the Beatitudes are something like the entrance gate to this city and at the same time a description of the culture that prevails there. People who dance to God’s music make up this city, the Kingdom of God.
The first part of the Sermon on the Mount is about «urban development». Austria’s Vienna, Germany’s Freiburg and St. Gallen in Switzerland bear the label «model city». Thus it was written about St. Gallen: «In a European city comparison, St. Gallen scores excellently. The eastern Swiss metropolis is a strong regional economic centre with a low tax burden, a highly qualified workforce and a relaxed housing market.«Modern cities invest large sums in urban development. Urban development is a profession that can be learned in specially developed degree programmes.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reveals himself to a certain extent as a city developer who sets out to realise his kingdom in the form of a city. In Matthew 5:14–16 we discover that this city is made up of people. «A city that lies on a mountain cannot remain hidden»(Matthew 5:14 NGÜ). The city should be visible from afar. It is the city where God is the King. He is the creator and builder.
The congratulations
Since the sentences in Matthew 5:3–12 all begin with «Happy to praise are…»(Luther: «Blessed are…») are introduced, this section is also called the Beatitudes. The first two verses of Psalm 1 also begin with the same words. So it is like a congratulation for a basic decision made in life or a challenge to make one. This decision concerns the question of which community we want to locate our lives in, and thus becomes the gateway to God’s city. Jesus challenges us to think carefully about the music we want to dance to. It is important to remember that the music we dance to will rub off on our lives and character. From Psalm 1 we know: A flourishing life (not a problem-free) life is found in dancing to the music of God.
These congratulations speak to all those who have set out to learn to dance to the music of heaven with Jesus and in his community, that they are thereby called sons and daughters of God. They are part of God’s future project, the city on the mountain, the Kingdom of God movement.
The virtues
The Beatitudes contain eight theses. If we read them from Psalm 1, we discover in them eight virtues that distinguish the character of a person who dances to the music of the kingdom of heaven.
«Happy are those who are poor before God»(V.3 NGÜ). Humility must not be confused with self-abasement and submissiveness. It is rather the courageous acceptance of reality: He, God is the Creator and Sustainer, I am His «poor» (i.e. dependent and needy) creature. From the Jewish tradition, the person who professes the creed of Israel is humble: «Hear, O Israel! The LORD our God, the LORD is only. Therefore you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.»(Deut 6:4f EU).
Suffering from the hardship of the world
«Happy to praise are those who mourn»(V.4 NGÜ). The term Pity is often understood as a feeling that occurs spontaneously when we see people in need. But a virtue is more than a spontaneously triggered feeling. It is about a deep concern in the face of need in the world. People who are about to hear the music of heaven and dance to it suffer when they see stumbling humanity – of which they are also a part. It is about seeing the world through the eyes of Jesus and weeping over it.
«Happy to praise are the meek»(V.5 NGÜ). Meekness is often misunderstood as softness. When Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey as the Messiah King, he is characterised as «meek». But this does not prevent him from going straight to the temple and driving out the merchants. It becomes clear that meekness must not be understood in the sense of softness. It is about the inner strength that enables non-violence and trusts completely in God.
Longing for justice
«Happy to praise are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness»(V.6 NGÜ). This virtue follows on from the second virtue: Those who see the world with God’s eyes and suffer from hardship also carry within them a longing for a more just world.
«Happy to praise the merciful»(V.7 NGÜ). Out of the consternation in the face of need and the longing for a more just world, a helping attitude arises which leads to corresponding actions. Mercy can be understood as action that serves justice. God does not want to see religious rituals (sacrifices), but merciful action (Hosea 6:6). In Matthew 25:31–46 this virtue is unfolded and concretised in the «six works of mercy»: Feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome strangers, clothe the naked, visit the sick and the imprisoned.
Purity (clarity) of the heart
«Happy to praise are those who have a pure heart»(V.8 NGÜ). This virtue is not about a sinless heart or impurity that needs purification. It is about the heart as the centre of the person being sincere and transparent. What is required is clear focus, unambiguity and consequent action.
Willingness for reconciliation and peace
«Happy are those who make peace»(V.9 NGÜ). It is about the virtue of affirming, longing for and promoting peace from the bottom of one’s heart. The programmatic announcement of the Messiah on Christmas night is: «Glory and honour to God in the highest, and peace on earth to the people on whom His good pleasure rests.»(Luke 2:14 NGÜ).
Willingness to endure resistance for the sake of justice
«Happy are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness […] when you are insulted and persecuted for my sake, and the worst things are unjustly said to you»(V.10+11 NGÜ). When the first seven virtues become life-defining in a person, it must be expected that now and then someone will fall under the wheels of a society that does not live such virtues. The inner readiness to sometimes be insulted or even oppressed for the sake of the kingdom of God becomes a virtue itself. If we have the way of Jesus before our eyes, let us prove ourselves to be dancers of God in this virtue as well. In another place, there is talk of carrying the cross.
How do these virtues become ours? Like father like daughter or son. The heavenly Father embodies these virtues. When we abide in Him and dance to His music, inner attitudes flourish that mature into virtues and ultimately make up a person’s character. This is metamorphosis – the larva becomes an adult being.
In the letter to the Thessalonians Paul gives us another important hint concerning metamorphosis: «We never cease to pray for you, that our God will make you ready for the life to which he has called you. And we pray that God will fill your good intentions and what you do by faith with his power.»(2Thessalonians 1:11 NLB). Metamorphosis presupposes good intentions. These he fills with his power, so that we find the life to which he has called us. Each of us could choose one virtue from the Beatitude and make it our intention. From this we could formulate a goal for the year, write this in the spiritual diary and begin to ask for God’s power in this matter.
The promises
As already mentioned: Whoever allows himself to be planted in God’s community and dances to His music is happy to be praised. Really? Are the people who are poor, mourning, renouncing violence and persecuted really «happy to be praised»? Are they not to be pitied? Recently a woman said that she was at war with God right now! The reason is that there are things in life that do not go smoothly. Suffering, pressure and resistance are part of a life with God. Never waste a crisis! They promote growth and maturity. Regardless of how paradoxical the Beatitudes sound and how your life is going at the moment: You are happy to be praised when you have planted your life with God. Then you are like a blossoming tree by a stream. Heat and drought can do nothing to you.
The eight theses of the Beatitudes all have the same structure: Congratulation – Virtue – Promise. The congratulation is in the present tense, the promise in the future tense. A person who dances to the music of God is already dancing to happiness. And yet we live in provisionality. The best is yet to come: life in the city of God, where He dwells in the midst of His sons and daughters and establishes His kingdom. Someone once said: «It is good that we do not yet know what it will be like in the heavenly city, otherwise no one would want to live.«Already happiness and deep peace, but not yet in maximum perfection; this is the life of a person who has entrusted his life to Jesus.
The Beatitudes describe the future of those who are called God’s daughters and sons with eight different promises: To them belongs the kingdom of heaven / they will be comforted / they will receive the earth as a possession / they will be filled / they will find mercy / they will see God / they will be called sons of God / to them belongs the kingdom of heaven. The idea of this glorious wealth should trigger a reaction in us: «Rejoice and be glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven»(Matthew 5:12 NGÜ).
Jesus came to earth to build God’s kingdom. He wants to do this with us humans. When we locate our lives in Jesus and entrust ourselves to Him, we become city builders alongside Him. Virtues and our character play an important role in this. They form the culture of this future city. You are cordially invited to be a building block of it!
Possible questions for the small groups
Read Bible text: Matthew 5:1–12; 2 Thessalonians 2:11
- Read through the eight theses of the Beatitudes. What feelings and thoughts come up?
- What is the difference that our virtue and character formation should make up the culture of the city of the living God and not just our private piety?
- Which of the eight virtues mentioned appeals to you most? Which ones would you like to promote in your life?
- Read 2 Thessalonians 1:11. Formulate an intention regarding virtues, write it in your diary and pray for it daily!