Pentecost – more (to) wait
Series: Metamorphosis | Bible text: Acts 1:4–9, 2:1–5
On the first Pentecost, the people present experienced some supernatural phenomena: fire, wind and foreign languages. Today, the Holy Spirit still wants to work among the followers of Jesus. In order to still experience the Holy Spirit today, we have to direct our focus on the decisive things in life and learn to wait patiently. This is the path to true metamorphosis as well as experiencing supernatural events.
Pentecost is the birthday of the Church. The reason is that on Pentecost the Holy Spirit was poured out on all people who followed Jesus. And without the Spirit of God there is no Church. The Holy Spirit also plays the decisive role in our theme for the year: «Yes, we all see with unveiled face the glory of the Lord. We see it as in a mirror, and by looking at the image of the Lord, our whole being is transformed in such a way that we become more and more like Him and share more and more of His glory. This transformation is the work of the Lord; it is the work of his Spirit» (2 Corinthians 3:18 NGÜ).
But isn’t there sometimes a big gap between what is written about the Holy Spirit in the Bible and our experiences? At the first Pentecost, there is talk of tongues of fire, roaring of the wind and the speaking of unlearned languages. All extraordinary phenomena. The Holy Spirit turns ordinary people into extraordinary ones. There are three challenges so that we can celebrate Pentecost 2021 more intensively and joyfully.
What is actually to be expected from the Holy Spirit? When Jesus told his friends to wait for the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem, it raised expectations in them. «When the apostles were with Jesus, they asked him again and again: «Lord, will you now deliver Israel and our Restore the Kingdom?» «(Acts 1:6 NLB).
Their expectation was liberation from the occupying power of the Romans and restoration of their Kingdom. However, a Kingdom of Judah does not need the Holy Spirit. Put simply, it needs an emotional speech, a media-effective demonstration, an army of armed soldiers and, at most, a few effective assassinations.
For what do we invest our lives? What is our heart beating for? We do pray: Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, but still put most of our energy into our Kingdom? Our time paints a world before our eyes in which we hardly need the Holy Spirit. Everything is doable. We are bombarded with invitations to courses and videos suggesting that we have a problem and that our lives need to get better. The recipe for success that comes with a three-step programme can be tried out right away next week. We work on a strategy for success in our work and attend further training courses so that our career progression continues to rise nicely. For decades we invest in our retirement provision so that our high standard of living is guaranteed until our 100th birthday. Week after week we steel our bodies according to the motto «Pain is gain», but we give up our relationships after three conflicts because it is too exhausting. Your dream body? No problem, eat a little less, do three sports and watch a few daily motivational videos. These are the things we love: A plan, a little effort and done. We can have contact with 200 people via social media in a week, but can’t manage to have a coffee with the slightly weird neighbour once a year. We have created a round world for ourselves. Everything we do is within our power. We play with trivia and feel really powerful.
Ironically, we also manage in the church without the Holy Spirit: a well thought-out congregational building strategy, a well-rounded programme with modern technical support, a few good sayings and upbeat songs, and a bistro. And in seetal chile they still have the idea of being able to start the metamorphosis with a few sermons. Is this not also about our Kingdom? Why do we actually want to let ourselves be transformed in our being? For self-optimisation? To become a good guy with a shining reputation? To secure a good reputation among colleagues? Every Sunday we hear the prayer of Francis of Assis: «Lord, make me an instrument of your peace». This is what metamorphosis must be about: becoming an instrument in His hand, available for Him and His Kingdom.
Jesus wants to give you and me the Holy Spirit, but not so that our lives run a little smoother, that we look better, become more athletic and more successful in our jobs. Jesus shakes over our Kingdoms the head. God’s vision for this world is his kingdom: «But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive his power. Then you will speak of me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, even to the ends of the earth.»(Acts 1:8 NLB). I see the blank stares of the disciples before me: What exactly should we do? Where do we start? What do we say? The farthest I have travelled so far is once around the lake! Where is the end of the earth? Jesus gives a task and knows: If you want to achieve this, you need a supporter. We cannot do the crucial things in life ourselves: proclaiming the Gospel, resolving conflicts, saving relationships from breaking, getting free from addictions and selfishness, bringing people together who have hated each other for 50 years, the profound transformation of our being towards God-likeness, building the church in the spirit of Jesus, …
Alcoholics Anonymous begin their meetings with the following two sentences:
- We admit that we are powerless in the face of alcohol – and could no longer master our lives.
- We believe that a power greater than ourselves can restore us to health.
There are forces that far exceed our strength. When we become aware of our limits, we are ready for the miracle of Pentecost..
«And when he was gathered with them, he commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father. wait»(Acts 1:4 Elb). Waiting. Nothing else. A strange word for our time. With us, everything goes in a jiffy. On the Wednesday before Ascension Day, I ordered the birthday present for Silvia. It arrived on Saturday, her birthday, and I was able to save myself. I’m already looking forward to the drones that are supposed to deliver parcels, so we can order a little later! We’re mad at people who don’t get back to us right away. A study says that the average person in Switzerland touches the display of their mobile phone 2600 times. As soon as a waiting period starts, we reach into our pocket and unlock our mobile phone. Our brains are conditioned not to have to wait – how if that were not a reality that is part of being human.
Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead. Then his crew gets the assignment to preach the gospel all over the world – but wait. Not three, but 50 days! Is this not lost time? «Wait» means that what God gives us is not in our control. Pentecost challenges us that our heart should start beating to the rhythm of God. I listen to the music of God and start dancing to it. Its and not our Kingdom is to be built. The first lesson with the Holy Spirit is to wait, to be patient.
Waiting until the Holy Spirit comes is not passive. It is about consciously reaching out our needy heart to Jesus so that he can fill it. Spending time before God. Pray. Reading His Word and meditating. It is hard to believe, but there are Christians who get up an hour earlier every morning to spend time waiting before God.
In waiting, something essential happens, as Thomas Keating explains: «Spirit begins its work in restoring us to where we are, regardless of our age. It does this by uncovering and healing the destructive aspects of our driven behaviour and ongoing relationships. Then the Spirit digs deeper and deeper into our lives, not always chronologically, looking under the bed of our earliest emotional experiences. We carry within us rejection, trauma, insecurity or fear. And though this stripping away can be painful, whenever we bring our hurts to God, we experience healing and a greater fullness. Our relationship with God and others becomes less weighed down by obstacles.»
While we wait for God, he digs like an archaeologist. He brings out emotions from the depths for us to work on. God is at least as interested in bringing heaven and earth together in your life as he is in doing visible things through you. Those who do not first experience waiting and going deep will not experience the supernatural either.
«On the day of Pentecost, everyone was gathered. Suddenly a roar sounded from the sky like the roar of a mighty storm and filled the house where they were gathered. Then something appeared that looked like flames that split, like tongues of fire that descended on each one of them. And all those present were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Holy Spirit inspired them» (Acts 2:1–4 NLB).
After the wait, it starts: wind, tongues of fire, foreign languages – if it wasn’t in the Bible, I could hardly believe it. Pentecost shifts the boundaries. When the Holy Spirit works, supernatural things also happen. What happened here in Jerusalem was not due to the great apostles, but to the Holy Spirit. We celebrate Pentecost today, expressing that what happened then we still expect today through his Spirit.
It is also very important to observe that the Holy Spirit does not always lead to the spectacular, the good feeling. All these apostles filled with the Spirit of God died a cruel martyr’s death years or decades later. The Holy Spirit sometimes leads us in ways we do not understand.
Independently of this, God also wants to do extraordinary things among us through his Spirit, e.g. heal people of their illness. How many times have we prayed against a serious illness and God did not heal right away. I think that now would be the perfect moment for a miracle, but it does not come. We are in the tension of waiting on the one hand and on the other hand still fully expecting. Our mission statement says that we expect healing and reconciliation. Only the Holy Spirit can bring about both! We cannot put God before the cart in such a way that He must act supernaturally. But my scepticism must not be the reason why God does not do it. We cannot force God’s Spirit, but we can count on Him, expect more from Him. We dream that our surroundings will taste more like God, that families will be healed, that the hopeless will receive hope and the powerless strength, that prisoners and addicts will be set free.
We dream that where there is death, there comes life. For this, the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary. For the Jews, Pentecost is the memory of the event when they as a people received the law on stone tablets at Sinai. In that context, 3000 people died (Ex 32:28). On the occasion of Pentecost, 3000 people were baptised and found life in Christ. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom and true life!
Possible questions for the small groups
Read the Bible text: Acts 1:4–9 and 2:1–5
- What would you say if someone told you that they suddenly spoke Japanese out of the blue during the last service? Does the Spirit of God still work supernaturally today?
- What should we expect from the Holy Spirit? What is the difference of our Kingdom and the Kingdom of God?
- How do you feel about waiting? Are there times in your daily life when you consciously reach out to God to fill your heart?
- Tell each other how you have already experienced the Holy Spirit.
- Pray for each other for new fulfilment through the Holy Spirit!