With their backs to the wall
Series: | Bible text: 2 Chronicles 20
When your back is against the wall, you still have sight ahead. Our Father fights for you. Your struggle is also God’s struggle. We are not saved from everything in our lives. Just as Judah and Jerusalem had to go to the battlefield, sometimes we have to go to the battlefield and see God fighting for us. Jesus hung on the cross to save us from our guilt. He won for us. His victory is the way to eternal life, which he offers us all as a gift if we believe in him.
Possible questions for the small groups
Reading the Bible text: 2 Chronicles 20
In which situations do you find yourself with your back against the wall?
What difference do you experience when you fight yourself or when you let God fight for you?
Where have you experienced God fighting for you and winning?
What can you do for people who have their backs to the wall?