Joseph – to prison despite success

Date: 13 Sep­tem­ber 2020 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Gene­sis 39–40
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

On his jour­ney so far, Joseph has alre­a­dy lear­ned a lot in terms of cha­rac­ter and fear of God. Now his first suc­ces­ses are begin­ning to show. He is hired as a per­so­nal ser­vant by one of Pharaoh’s minis­ters. Ever­y­thing is going well. Nevert­hel­ess, things go downhill again. Com­ple­te­ly unjus­t­ly, he is thrown into pri­son and for­got­ten the­re. But in the end, he grows even more into his desti­ny. He lear­ns two essen­ti­al things: to put his trust in God alo­ne and to look away from himself.

Joseph was his father’s favou­ri­te son. He had a dream about his future desti­ny at an ear­ly age. Along the way, he expe­ri­en­ced various tri­als. He had ele­ven brot­hers, expe­ri­en­ced much stri­fe, was almost kil­led, and then sold as a slave to Poti­far in Egypt. Poti­far was a minis­ter of the Pha­raoh and com­man­der-in-chief of the roy­al bodyguard.

Successful with radiance

Mean­while, Joseph has matu­red great­ly in cha­rac­ter through humi­lia­ti­on and sor­rowful well expe­ri­en­ces. To stay with Michelangelo’s pain­ting: David stands out cle­ar­ly from the block of marb­le. Joseph beca­me more the per­son God saw in him. The result: «The Lord hel­ped Joseph and let him suc­ceed in ever­y­thing while he work­ed in the house of his Egyp­ti­an mas­ter. Poti­phar noti­ced that the Lord was with Joseph and gave him suc­cess in ever­y­thing he under­took. The­r­e­fo­re he found favour and beca­me Potifar’s per­so­nal ser­vant. Soon Poti­far ent­rus­ted Joseph with the super­vi­si­on of his house and the manage­ment of all his pos­ses­si­ons. From that day on, the Lord bles­sed Poti­far for Joseph’s sake. All the work in the house was suc­cessful, the har­ve­st was good and his live­stock increased ste­adi­ly.» (Gene­sis 39:2–5 NL).

Suc­cess is not high stan­ding, a good sala­ry or a fan­cy man­si­on, but living in God’s pur­po­se for us. Suc­cess is when I get the most out of what God gives me. The word trans­la­ted here as suc­cess (v.3) also means suc­ceed or suc­ceed. Joseph was wal­king in step with his Lord. Jesus had the same reci­pe for suc­cess: «I assu­re you: The Son can do not­hing of hims­elf. He only does what he sees the Father doing. Wha­te­ver the Father does, the Son also does.»(John 5:19 NL). On this jour­ney, Joseph expe­ri­en­ced God’s bles­sing in a tan­gi­ble way. The enti­re jour­ney from spoi­led «Schnu­der­goof» to his desti­ny took a good 20 years. Here we see that the first suc­ces­ses came much ear­lier. God wants to make us suc­cessful alre­a­dy in our pro­vi­sio­na­li­ty. Step­ping in step with God beco­mes visi­ble: «And his mas­ter (Poti­phar) saw that the LORD was with him.»(Gene­sis 39:3 Lut).

The boss sees that the Lord was with him. More still: «From that day on, the Lord bles­sed Poti­phar for Joseph’s sake.»(V.5 NL). Bles­sed to be a bles­sing! Josef is expe­ri­en­cing what we have set out to do this year. Will it be visi­ble to tho­se around us that the Lord is with us? Or do we rather put the light under the «an uptur­ned ves­sel»(Matthew 5:15)? «In the same way, let your good deeds shi­ne befo­re men, so that all may see them and prai­se your Father in hea­ven for them.»(Matthew 5:16 NL). When Moses met God on Mount Sinai, his face lit up. He hims­elf did not noti­ce it, but the peo­p­le around him did. God is like the sun, we are like the moon. The moon can only reflect when it is illu­mi­na­ted by the sun. When­ever the earth is on the axis bet­ween the sun and the moon, the­re is a lunar eclip­se. Are the peo­p­le around us expe­ri­en­cing a lumi­nous full moon or rather a lunar eclip­se? The «earth» that can get in bet­ween could be cal­led iner­tia, indif­fe­rence or self-centredness.

Two things are nee­ded to be a light in this world: Allo­wing our­sel­ves to be illu­mi­na­ted by God and tur­ning our faces towards the peo­p­le. Yes, it takes an inte­rest in life, in the suc­ces­ses and fail­ures, of our neigh­bours and stu­dy or work colleagues.

Integer by conviction

But God has not yet rea­ched his goal with Joseph. Soon his faith is put to the test once again: «[…] Joseph was a hand­so­me young man. The­r­e­fo­re Potiphar’s wife began to desi­re him and asked him to sleep with her»(Gene­sis 39:6f NL). What a tempt­a­ti­on. Joseph has been sold into a for­eign land, he is far away from home and his loved ones and now comes the oppor­tu­ni­ty to escape this loneli­ne­ss for a few hours. The offer of a «Trösch­ter­lis» stands. The tes­to­ste­ro­ne level is high. No one will know, least of all his fami­ly. Final­ly, some­thing for the soul! Who could resist?

But Joseph refu­sed. «My mas­ter trusts me in ever­y­thing con­cer­ning his house­hold. He has no more power in this house than I do! He has with­held not­hing from me except you, for you are his wife. How could I do such a thing? It would be a gre­at sin against God» «(Gene­sis 39:8f NL). Two things pre­vent Joseph from dra­wing in the short-term joy: Cha­rac­ter and fear of God. Cha­rac­ter con­sists of Self-con­trol, Inte­gri­ty and Loyal­ty.

  • Self-con­trolJoseph was not under pres­su­re to satis­fy his lust imme­dia­te­ly. A good trai­ning ground for this inner resi­li­ence is deal­ing with phy­si­cal­i­ty in fri­end­ship. Why should a per­son mus­ter the self-con­trol in such a cri­ti­cal situa­ti­on if it is not pos­si­ble within the fami­li­ar frame­work of a part­ner­ship? The wise Solo­mon says about this: «A per­son wit­hout self-con­trol is as defen­ce­l­ess as a city with torn walls»(Pro­verbs 25:28 NL).
  • Inte­gri­ty and loyal­tyJoseph had prin­ci­ples in life which he put into prac­ti­ce even in the grea­test tempt­a­ti­on. God’s word and will for­med a strong foun­da­ti­on in his life. Inte­gri­ty is the cor­re­spon­dence of inner con­vic­tion and actu­al imple­men­ta­ti­on, even when things get tight. Loyal­ty to the boss was important to him, even when he could have gre­at satis­fac­tion at his expen­se. Dwight L. Moo­dy said: «Cha­rac­ter is what you are in the dark.» Cha­rac­ter is what you are in secret when no one is looking.

God­speedFear of God is kno­wing who God is and who I am. The fear of God pre­vents us from mini­mi­sing sin. Sin is not what we do wrong. Sin is that we want to con­trol our lives ins­tead of God. It is gre­at how Joseph let God rule his life and was obe­dient in this deli­ca­te tempt­a­ti­on. Obe­dience is the love lan­guage of God.

Imprisoned after miscarriage of justice

Potifar’s wife was frus­tra­ted and dis­ap­poin­ted becau­se of Joseph’s rejec­tion. She the­r­e­fo­re tur­ned the tables and accu­sed Joseph of wan­ting to rape her. «When Poti­phar heard this, he was furious. He had Joseph thrown into the pri­son whe­re the king’s pri­soners were locked up.»(Gene­sis 39:19f NL). The­re he sits now, com­ple­te­ly inno­cent in pri­son – as Robert DuBo­i­se did for 37 years. DuBo­i­se, now 56, was sen­ten­ced to life in pri­son for the mur­der of a 19-year-old girl in 1983. He alle­gedly raped, beat and mur­de­red her. DuBo­i­se swo­re his inno­cence – in vain. He had to endu­re almost 40 years behind bars. At the end of August, the night­ma­re sud­den­ly came to an end. A DNA sam­ple pro­ved him wrong. «It is an over­whel­ming fee­ling of reli­ef. I have been pray­ing and hoping to God every day.«DuBo­i­se told repor­ters that he had no grudge against tho­se who were respon­si­ble for this inju­s­ti­ce. He did not want to bur­den his heart with hat­red or bitterness.

Jesus was also sen­ten­ced to death com­ple­te­ly unjus­t­ly. Becau­se he accept­ed this wit­hout grumbling, we can bene­fit. He stood vica­rious­ly for you and me in the rift bet­ween God and us. He is the bridge that we can enter again into full com­mu­ni­on with God.

Like Robert DuBo­i­se, Josef also beco­mes the vic­tim of a mis­car­ria­ge of jus­ti­ce. Joseph does not resign, but gets hims­elf up and beco­mes suc­cessful even in this very dif­fi­cult envi­ron­ment. The pri­son admi­nis­tra­tor put him in char­ge of all the other pri­soners. «The ste­ward no lon­ger had to worry about any­thing. For the Lord was with Joseph and made all that he did suc­ceed»(Gene­sis 39:23 NL). The bak­er and the cup­bea­rer are ser­ving their sen­ten­ces at the same time. Both dream. Joseph inter­prets the dreams and announ­ces to the cup­bea­rer that he will be released in the next three days and rein­sta­ted as cup­bea­rer. Joseph asks the cup­bea­rer to put in a good word for him with Pha­raoh. «The cup­bea­rer no lon­ger thought of Joseph, but for­got him» (Gene­sis 40:23 NL). It was not until two years later, when Pha­raoh also had a dream that no one could inter­pret, that the cup­bea­rer remem­bers Joseph.

You can do ever­y­thing right in life and still get into trou­ble! God also makes fer­ti­li­ser out of this dung and leads Joseph once again a big step fur­ther into his desti­ny. Quite incon­spi­cuous­ly, Joseph pla­ced his trust away from God in peo­p­le in his suc­cess. «Think of me when you are well again! Tell Pha­raoh about me and ask him to get me out of here.»(Gene­sis 40:14 NL). This likes to hap­pen in young suc­cessful years. Sud­den­ly you trust your own stra­te­gies or cer­tain peo­p­le ins­tead of unre­ser­ved­ly trus­ting God..

In cap­ti­vi­ty, Joseph allo­wed hims­elf to be rea­li­gned with God. You can hear it in the pre­face to the dream inter­pre­ta­ti­on of Pha­raoh: «It is not in my power to do that, Sire, only God can. But he will sure­ly announ­ce some­thing good to you» (Gene­sis 41:16 NL). God wants it to stop being about me, to be about Him. When God works on our cha­rac­ter, we come to the point whe­re we say with John the Bap­tist: «He has to get big­ger and big­ger and I have to get smal­ler and smal­ler.»(John 3:30 NL).

In addi­ti­on, Joseph was freed from hims­elf even more during the cri­sis and gai­ned a shar­per eye for his fel­low human beings. Thus, in pri­son, he says to the bak­er and the cup­bea­rer: «The next mor­ning, Josef noti­ced the dejec­ted expres­si­on on their faces» (Gene­sis 40:6 NL). If he sim­ply saw hims­elf as a vic­tim of cir­cum­s­tance, he would not have an eye for others. Joseph is now free inside.


Last week, in an inter­view here on stage, someone ans­we­red the ques­ti­on why she lives with Jesus: «Jesus is my reci­pe for suc­cess.» Suc­cess is to trust in Jesus and to live ever­y­day life in step with Him. Becau­se Jesus – like Joseph – was unjus­t­ly con­dem­ned, rela­ti­onship with the Crea­tor beca­me pos­si­ble in the first place. With all my heart I invi­te you to a suc­cessful life. A suc­cessful life is not to be con­fu­sed with an easy life!


Possible questions for the small groups

Rea­ding the Bible text: Gene­sis 39–40

  1. What is suc­cess? In what way are you successful?
  2. What does it take for peo­p­le to see that the Lord is with us? What are your expe­ri­en­ces in this regard?
  3. Joseph was bad­ly pres­sed by Potiphar’s wife. Why was he able to resist the temptation?
  4. What is cha­rac­ter? What about your self-con­trol and integrity?
  5. What about this ser­mon struck you in the heart? What do you want to do concretely?