Josef – in the endurance test
Series: Like you and me | Bible text: Genesis 45:3–8; Genesis 50:20
We cannot influence what happens WITH us, but we can influence what happens IN us. Joseph was able to draw an extremely positive (interim) balance of his life at the age of 40. And this despite the fact that he had bad starting conditions for his life. In a long 22 years he learned to persevere, to embrace suffering and to look forward with hope. This shaped him into a man who saved the lives of many people.
Some people find their way to the realisation of their dreams despite many obstacles and crises – like Madelaina in the play. Others, however, let their lives be determined by circumstances. A lot of perseverance was demanded of Joseph from his dreams to his destiny. We cannot influence what happens WITH us but we can influence what happens IN us.. Let us take the opportunity that the things that happen to us trigger much healing in us.
Exercise endurance
Joseph had his proud dreams at the age of 17. At 30 he became Pharaoh’s deputy (Genesis 41:46). Then followed seven fat years. Because Joseph knew from Pharaoh’s dreams that seven lean years would follow, he developed an elaborate grain storage system to prevent an impending famine. Joseph’s family was also hit by famine. His father Jacob learned that grain could be bought in Egypt and sent his remaining sons to the granary of Egypt after two years of famine (Genesis 45:6). There they met Joseph without recognising him. This encounter demanded everything from Joseph, full wisdom and humility. So Joseph was 39 years old at the time. 22 years after the break with his brothers, he had reached the peak of maturity. 21 years ago we came to Seon ;-) Since my «school» was not so intensive and the tests not so blatant, I am still missing a good bit to this maturity. Good things need maturity. Diamonds were formed millions of years ago, deep in the earth’s interior, hundreds of kilometres below the earth’s crust. Under intense pressure and glowing heat, carbon atoms join to form a solid crystal lattice and form rough diamonds. They are transported to the earth’s surface during volcanic eruptions. The value is created by grinding.
Josef was tested over a period of 22 years. We cannot influence what happens WITH us but we can influence what happens IN us.. Joseph influenced what happened IN him over the years. Later, when he finally revealed himself to his brothers, he summed up: «[…] But his brothers were stunned and could not utter a word. «Come here to me,» he said. They came closer. And again he said: «I am your brother Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt. But do not reproach yourselves for that. God himself sent me before you to save your lives. For for two years now there has been famine, and for the next five years too you will neither be able to sow nor reap. God has sent me before you so that he may miraculously keep you alive and some of you may remain. Yes, it is not you who have sent me here, but God! And he has made me Pharaoh’s chief adviser – lord of all his house and ruler over all Egypt.» » (Genesis 45:3–8 NL).
Maturing processes take a lot of time. In Joseph’s case, it took 22 years from the dream to his destiny. Behind it is perseverance and patience. In our express society, we do not automatically find these qualities. We «waste» every minute when nothing is going on. When I started my apprenticeship almost 30 years ago, we apprentices stood at the vice for three months filing away at a solid U‑iron. Today, in a company like that, everyone would have quit the apprenticeship after just a quarter of a year. At the beginning of my rehabilitation period after my shoulder operation, I once took the bus from Dürrenäsch to Seon. 24 minutes! Hardly bearable for me. We urgently need to learn to allow boredom. If boredom lingers long enough, creative ideas suddenly come and the possibility arises to reflect on things in life and to mature.
A few weeks ago we looked at the cycle described in Romans 5:3–5: Difficulties – Patience – inner strength – hope – love. It is my conviction that God would not choose difficulties as a means if it were otherwise. Therefore, once again: Never waste a crisis!
Embrace suffering
Difficulties and crises are the starting point of every maturing process. Joseph trusted God even in the most difficult circumstances. This enabled much good to happen in his heart and he found impressive maturity. We cannot influence what happens WITH us but we can influence what happens IN us. How can we influence what happens inside us? By embracing suffering instead of pushing it aside. Embracing suffering does not mean glorifying it or seeking it out. The Russian writer Fyodor M. Dostoyevsky helps us to understand this when he says: «You have to love your destiny because it is the way God shapes you.» Love your destiny and embrace the suffering means the same thing.
In order to embrace our destiny – especially the hard part – we need to understand and affirm the following sentence from Paul: «And we know that for those who love God and belong to Him according to His will, everything leads to good» (Romans 8:28 NL). In our Western European culture we like to understand that God will harmonise everything and make it feel good. In the next sentence Paul explains to us what he means by good: «For God chose them before the beginning of time and predestined them to become like His Son […].»(Romans 8:29 NL). Everything that happens to us – especially the difficult things – should contribute to our becoming more like Jesus in our whole being. The goal of life with Jesus is not to stay in a comfort zone, but to be like Him. Joseph testifies at the end of his story that this is indeed true: «As far as I am concerned, God has turned all the evil you have planned to good. In this way he wanted to save the lives of many people»(Genesis 50:20 NL).
Expect more
Joseph was formed by God into a mature personality. In the leadership literature one finds the term for this Convergence. Convergence is when a person’s maturity of character, experience and competencies converge. We are on the way there.
Many people went through such processes of maturity. Jesus says about Peter: «I assure you: When you were young, you could do what you wanted and go where you pleased. But when you are old, you will stretch out your hands and another will lead you and take you where you do not want to go.»(John 21:28 NL). Peter used to live self-determined, in old age God will determine him. Young Moses was hot-tempered and unpredictable. He killed an Egyptian who was oppressing his people. The old Moses led a people of millions out of captivity into a new homeland and let himself be guided by the pillar of fire and the cloud. Good things take time. Gordon MacDonald said when he was about 70 years old: «I think that I have not yet preached my best sermon.» Do you also think that your best time is yet to come. The best is yet to come. Not only in terms of eternal communion with God, but also in your life on this earth. You should still be able to say this sentence when you are 50, 60, 70 or 80 years old!
It is to be regretted and a great damage to the kingdom of God when people of 50 years and older withdraw into their own world. There are a few role models in the Bible who handled this differently. «When Joshua had become very old, the Lord said to him: «You are getting old and there is still a great deal of land to be conquered».»(Joshua 13:1 NL). Even if you are very old, there is still much land ahead of you to conquer. His companion, Caleb, says: «The Lord has kept me alive until now, as he promised. Forty-five years ago, during Israel’s wilderness wanderings, he gave Moses this promise for me. Today I am 85 years old. I am still as strong as I was when Moses sent me on scouting, and I am still spry and as good in battle today as I was then. Therefore, I ask you to give me the mountain land» (Joshua 14:10–12 NL). At the age of 85, Caleb did not demand the Mediterranean beach or the fertile Jordan Valley, but the challenging and difficult to cultivate mountainous country. The more mature you are, the more challenging tasks you can tackle!
We cannot influence what happens WITH us but we can influence what happens IN us.. Through faith in Jesus Christ, a completely new starting point arises: God now dwells in you in the person of the Holy Spirit. He is the one who works on your heart. He is the resource that makes you a mature personality who is a blessing to other people.
Possible questions for the small groups
Read Bible text: Genesis 45:3–8; Genesis 50:20
- It took Josef 22 years to pass the master craftsman’s examination. Endurance was required. How do you train endurance? To what extent do you allow boredom in your everyday life and how do you use it?
- Joseph challenges us to embrace suffering. What does this mean for you concretely in your life? How do you embrace suffering?
- Do you believe that with those who love God all things work for the best (Romans 8:28)? What then is the best?
- Joshua, even in his old age, still had much land ahead of him to conquer. What kind of land lies ahead? What could the mountainous land mean that could still be occupied even in old age?