Date: 22 August 2021 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Psalm 145:17
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

We are knit­ted dif­fer­ent­ly and yet all inge­nious­ly crea­ted by God, no mat­ter whe­ther it is an exhi­bit or a cham­ber pot!

We’­ve been see­ing a potter’s hands in the count­down and in the teaser for more than half a year now. What does that do for you? Some peo­p­le want to try some­thing like that. Others, on the other hand, don’t like to get their hands dir­ty. We start by lis­tening to the pro­phet Isai­ah, who says about his peo­p­le befo­re God: «Lord, you are our father. We are the clay, you are the pot­ter and we are the work of your hand». (Isai­ah 64:7 NLB).

The image of God as a pot­ter occurs in the Bible in both the Old and New Tes­ta­ments. At that time, of cour­se, pot­tery was an ever­y­day image. Peo­p­le lived with clay ves­sels they made them­sel­ves. They were used for coo­king, sto­ring, ser­ving, eating and drin­king… And when we read in the crea­ti­on account how God crea­ted human beings, we under­stand that this image of the pot­ter fits God very well: «Then the Lord God for­med man from the earth and brea­thed into his nostrils the breath of life». (Gene­sis 2:7 NLB).

No one is like YOU!

I don’t know if God got his hands dir­ty when he crea­ted Adam. But it is obvious that it was his idea and his crea­ti­on to crea­te us humans like this. And now we are ama­zed that the pro­phet Isai­ah wri­tes long after crea­ti­on: We are the work of God’s hand. You and I, we are all for­med and brought into being by him. I would like to watch an excerpt from the­se pot­tery vide­os with you with this very per­so­nal for­mu­la­ti­on of Isaiah’s word: «I am the clay, you God, are the pot­ter. I am the work of your hand».

God has crea­ted a uni­que spe­ci­men with you. The­re is no The­re is only one per­son on this earth who is exact­ly like you, and that will remain so even after you have died, the­re will never be a dupli­ca­te of you. Pot­tery is art. I like to watch, but I would never trust mys­elf to pro­du­ce some­thing beau­tiful or useful! God has made a work of art out of us humans. We are the work of his hand! Now I can ima­gi­ne atten­ti­ve lis­ten­ers get­ting restless!

What hap­pens when someone is born with a disa­bi­li­ty: My sis­ter-in-law was born with tri­so­my 21 and slight­ly autis­tic. For a long time she was a ray of suns­hi­ne for the who­le fami­ly – but still a huge task and chall­enge! Or I think of Nick Vuji­cic, who was born wit­hout arms and legs – just think of your arms and legs on your chair; ima­gi­ne having to live like that! Nick beca­me a Chris­ti­an and today speaks inter­na­tio­nal­ly about his disa­bi­li­ty, his faith in Jesus Christ and his hope! Over one bil­li­on peo­p­le live with a disa­bi­li­ty in this world. That’s 15 per cent of the world’s population.

I am awa­re that it is not within our com­pe­tence to ask: Why? Isai­ah says: «Woe to him who accu­ses his Crea­tor! In God’s eyes he is no more than a clay jar among many others. Does a lump of clay ask the pot­ter, «What are you doing to me?» Or does he mock and say, «My mas­ter has two left hands?» (Isai­ah 45:9 Hfa). But the­re are also non-dis­ab­led peo­p­le who pro­vo­ke ques­ti­ons: e.g. Hit­ler? Or curr­ent­ly the arso­nists of the devas­ta­ting forest fires in sou­thern Euro­pe! Are they geni­u­ses? Or the Tali­ban, who are now taking over the who­le of Afgha­ni­stan? After the Fall of Man, many things are going wrong in this world, as we see on the screen every day!

God is our potter

Inci­den­tal­ly, it did not look any bet­ter with Isai­ah. Befo­re he says «You are our Father… you the pot­ter, we the clay… we are the work of your hand». it sounds quite dif­fe­rent: «We have all beco­me like unclean ones. Our righ­teous deeds are no bet­ter than a blood­s­tained gar­ment. Like lea­ves we all wither, and through our sins we blow away like the wind. Yet no one cal­led upon your name, and no one rose up to hold fast to you. For you hid yours­elf from us; the­r­e­fo­re we beca­me as soft as wax in the grip of our sin». (Isai­ah 64:5–6 NLB). We know this! We’­ve all had warm wax squeezed through our fin­gers! It’s simi­lar to craft clay!

If we are like warm cand­le wax in the clut­ches of sin and sin can tin­ker with us as it plea­ses, then all is not well with us! But Isai­ah, after his ana­ly­sis of the situa­ti­on, clings to God on behalf of God’s peo­p­le: «And yet, Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the pot­ter and we are the work of your hand!» Isai­ah does not want it with all his peo­p­le, and we do not want it eit­her: to live in the clut­ches of sin. Jesus is the Rede­emer; can free us from it! It is good to rep­ent and, freed from guilt, to place our­sel­ves anew in God’s hands.

The pro­phet Jere­mi­ah recei­ved the fol­lo­wing com­mand from God one day: «Go down to the potter’s work­shop. I will tell you some­thing the­re» (Jere­mi­ah 18:2 NLB). Doci­le as he is, Jere­mi­ah goes to the pot­ter and wat­ches him. If the pot­ter is not com­ple­te­ly satis­fied with his pro­duct, he kneads the clay again and starts sha­ping it all over again. He works at it until the object looks exact­ly as he wants it to. Then God said the fol­lo­wing to Jere­mi­ah: «Why should­n’t I be able to do the same with my peo­p­le as this pot­ter?» I think we are all «second-hand Chris­ti­ans» becau­se after our re-crea­ti­on, the hea­ven­ly Father has to knead and res­ha­pe us in His hands at least a second time until we are as He intended!

«But you shall be per­fect, even as your Father in hea­ven is per­fect».Mat­thi­as said an important sen­tence about this sen­tence from Jesus» Ser­mon on the Mount in last Sunday’s ser­mon, which I would like to repeat at this point: «Man is per­fect when he rea­li­ses the pur­po­se for which he was crea­ted (by God)!» This is the trans­for­ma­ti­on whe­re God is on us.

What is just and what is unjust?

But God shapes his child­ren very dif­fer­ent­ly becau­se we have very dif­fe­rent tasks. But we like to ima­gi­ne a «unity pot» of a Chris­ti­an! A pot from God, the pot­ter, sees so off and if you don’t so the­re is some­thing wrong with you! Like a uni­fied Bible trans­la­ti­on, the­re should be a uni­fied Chris­ti­an. Or I could also say: From the «see­tal chi­le cater­pil­lar» the­re is after all the But­ter­flies and not others! No! But God is much more creative.


He is pro­ving this to us right now with the but­ter­flies. At pre­sent, more than 180,000 spe­ci­es of but­ter­flies are known in the world and about 700 more spe­ci­es are dis­co­ver­ed every year. God has never stop­ped crea­ting new things! He is still crea­ting new peo­p­le today: «When someone belongs to Christ, he is a new crea­ti­on. The old has pas­sed away; some­thing enti­re­ly new has begun!» (2 Corin­thi­ans 5:17 NGÜ)

As crea­tor, God has the free­dom to form a beau­tiful fruit bowl at one time and a cham­ber pot at ano­ther. How do you see yours­elf? As a beau­tiful lan­tern or as a simp­le soup pot? «Why does­n’t God make us all equal­ly beau­tiful, it’s not fair!» Paul takes up this thor­ny issue in the Let­ter to the Romans. First he men­ti­ons Rebe­kah, the wife of the pro­ge­ni­tor Isaac, who is expec­ting twins, and tells how God says to her: «The older will have to be sub­or­di­na­te to the youn­ger». (Gene­sis 25:23 NLB).

In a cul­tu­re whe­re the first­born has such a pri­vi­le­ged posi­ti­on, this was an affront! Paul men­ti­ons ano­ther pas­sa­ge from the book of Malachi whe­re God says about the­se twin brot­hers: «To Jacob I have given my love, but to Esau I have cast away». (Malachi 1:2–3 NLB). Does­n’t this cau­se us to cry out: «God, you can’t do this! This is against every rule of edu­ca­ti­on! You are not that brutal.

Paul has anti­ci­pa­ted our per­ple­xed recla­ma­ti­on and comm­ents: «So? What are you ima­gi­ning? You are a man and you want to start arguing with God? Does a ves­sel say to the one who for­med it, «Why did you make me the way I am?» Does not the pot­ter have the right to dis­po­se of the clay and make two dif­fe­rent ves­sels out of one and the same mass – one for an hono­ura­ble pur­po­se (exhi­bit) and one for a less hono­ura­ble pur­po­se (cham­ber pot)?» (Romans 9:20–21 NGÜ).

Who are you to deci­de what is just and what is unjust? We quick­ly rea­li­se that in other bibli­cal images we also like to compa­re: e.g. the body of Christ, which has count­less dif­fe­rent com­pon­ents! You would like to be a lip that helps you speak, or at least a lung, but not a toe­nail! Jesus descri­bes hims­elf as a good she­p­herd, but you may feel he could be a bet­ter she­p­herd for you! Jesus has hea­led count­less peo­p­le of their ill­nesses – why does­n’t he heal me!

I have the firm impres­si­on that a per­son must first have come to know God and have Yes for Him befo­re he can say Yes to hims­elf for who he is. He must first have expe­ri­en­ced the grace of God in hims­elf befo­re he can deal more gra­cious­ly with God and other peo­p­le. He must hims­elf be jus­ti­fied by God befo­re he can ack­now­ledge the jus­ti­ce of God. Through the sacri­fi­ci­al death of Jesus we can find this jus­ti­ce! «Now that we have been declared righ­teous by God through faith, we have peace with God becau­se of what Jesus our Lord did for us.» (Romans 5:1 NLB). With this peace in my heart, I per­so­nal­ly share the tes­tim­o­ny of David who says in Psalm 145: «The Lord is righ­teous in all he does, a God to be reli­ed on»( Psalm 145:17 NLB).





You can find the ques­ti­ons for the small groups on the back ;)



Possible questions for the small groups

Read the Bible text: Isai­ah 45:9–12 and Jere­mi­ah 18:1–10

  1. Have any of you been to a pot­tery class? (If yes, what are your expe­ri­en­ces, impressions?)
  2. What do you think God was thin­king when he crea­ted you? Do you reco­g­ni­se God’s hand in you, his shaping?
  3. Tell each other about your gifts and qua­li­ties that God has pla­ced in you (This may take a litt­le effort, but it’s good!).
  4. In what situa­ti­on or events have you also had the impres­si­on that God is unjust?
  5. Are the­re dis­ap­point­ments that you can’t get over? Do you have the free­dom to report them?
  6. What helps us most to let God stand in His sovereignty?