Lord, deliver us…
Series: Holy – Holy – Holy | Bible text: Matthew 6:9–13
This sermon illuminates the spectrum of the request «Deliver us from evil!» from the Our Father’s Prayer.
In these current, very turbulent times, this outcry can be heard very often in this world. What is happening here is unsettling and fuelling fear. Wars everywhere, almost on every continent. The homelessness of refugees. Hunger, disease, injustice… Lord, deliver us from all this evil in the world! In fact, the request from the «Our Father» very close: «Deliver us from evil!»
I clarify: «from the evil one» is ambiguous: there is in the singular of «the evil«This refers to Satan, the enemy of all that is good, who, as we read in the Bible, prowls around like a roaring lion, always on the lookout for a victim to devour. The Evil and the Evil cannot be separated; they are one. The plural refers to all the evil in this world that we are confronted with. And it is not least the evil within us that causes us trouble.
Since the fall of man in paradise, man has known what is good and what is evil. Therefore, in relation to our topic, we can say that good and evil are actually very close to us humans. We can and should differentiate! We read about Job, for example, that he was careful not to do evil. But unfortunately, evil has been rampant since the beginning of human history! After the Flood, God said to himself: «From now on I will no longer curse the earth for the sake of mankind, for the thoughts and desires of the human heart are evil from its youth» (Genesis 8:21 LUT). Albert Einstein, who graduated from the Kanti Aarau in Aargau, once said the following: «The real problem of humanity lies in the hearts and minds of people. It is not a physical problem. It is easier to change the composition of plutonium than to change the malicious, self-centred mind of a human being. I fear not so much the explosive power of the bomb as the power of the malice of the human heart, its explosive power for evil.»
Why does Jesus invite us to pray like this in Our Father?
Because he himself lived here in this world! Jesus himself experienced with skin and hair what people in this world are capable of! The evil one attacked and tempted him personally. Jesus knows like no other what Christians have to endure and overcome in this world of evil, no matter where they live. Jesus» life story speaks for itself: He was born in a stable. Jesus spent the first years of his life as a refugee in Egypt. King Herod wanted to kill him. As soon as Jesus appeared in public, there was massive opposition from the scribes and Pharisees. Jesus experienced many disappointments. Many believed in Him, but then abandoned Him and no longer wanted to know anything about Him. His family once thought that Jesus had gone mad. He was crazy! He was repeatedly disappointed by his friends, the twelve disciples. Until, at the end of His days on earth, the devil pulled out all the stops to humiliate, beat up, torture and then kill Jesus.
Do we not currently also have the impression that Satan is pulling out all the stops: wars, injustice, deceitfulness, selfishness, greed for power, greed for money, sex lust, greed, infidelity, lies, bullying, falsehood, confusion, etc.?
When the Saviour now encourages us to pray: «Deliver us from evil», then he lets us share in his victory over the evil one and evil. Jesus is victorious over hell, death and the devil. He has risen from the dead and lives! He has been given all power in heaven and on earth. God has given us a share in this power in Jesus Christ, which is why Paul says in his letter to the Romans: «Don’t just pretend to love others, but really love them. Hate all evil and stand on the side of good» (Romans 12:9 NLB).
I recently came across an article on the internet that dealt with the empty churches and the decreasing number of believers. It was entitled: «God is no longer omnipotent in Switzerland!» How can a journalist say that? If only he knew! He has done bad research! Genesis 15:18 says: «The LORD is King for ever and ever!» And in view of this, we confess like Job: «I know that my Saviour is alive!» (Job 19:25 LUT). Lord, save us! Soon we will be celebrating the Saviour who came to this earth for us! Jesus wants to get us out of the apocalyptic depression. We have no reason to moan: «Oh, it’s the end times now, there’s a lot of bad things coming our way…» No, Jesus does not want us to leave the field to his adversary without resistance, but that we pray and pray again and again: «Deliver us from the evil one!»
Jesus invites us to pray like this because he has sent us with our hope into this turbulent world!
Although evil is showing itself in increasing intensity, this is still your and my place! Isn’t that crazy? Here is a quote that is 1700 years old! The significance of this line of prayer «deliver us from evil» is how Bishop Cyprian of Carthage described it: «When we say «deliver us from evil», there is nothing more we need to ask for. Once we have received the protection we have asked for against evil, we are safe and secure against everything the devil and the world can do. What fear could still arise from the world for someone whose protector in the world is God himself.» (from Joseph Ratzinger, Jesus of Nazareth, p. 201⁄2, Herder, 2007). These words are astonishing! Although, it almost sounds a bit like the parable of the rich farmer: «Dear soul, now you have Jesus, now you are protected, safe and freed from all fear; now allow yourself to rest, eat and drink and enjoy life!» (Luke 12:19). Does Bishop Cyprian mean it in this sense?
No! Not many others have gone through as many bad things as he did. His confession did not come about in a time of high faith, but in a time of great persecution of Christians. Everything was taken away from Bishop Cyprian and he was put in prison. He was then sent into exile by the proconsul for a time. Back and then to prison again. A new proconsul finally gave him an ultimatum: «Either you recant your profession of faith or you die!» He replied: «I am a Christian and a bishop. I know no other gods but the one and only true God, who made heaven and earth, and the sea, and all that is in it. We Christians serve this God, we pray to him day and night, for ourselves and all people, including for the welfare of the emperor.» He was beheaded shortly afterwards. Bishop Cyprian died as a martyr in 258. Now we could ask Cyprian: Is your safety and security, your fearlessness against everything the world and the devil can do to you, a reality? He exemplified the answer: «Yes, that is a fact! Because Jesus was with me all the years of my terrible life and I was also locked up in the guillotine, I was safe in him!»
We must not overlook the last sentence of his quote above: «…We Christians serve this God, we pray to him day and night, for ourselves and all people, also for the welfare of the emperor». That was his concept of prayer! The Our Father was probably his most frequent prayer! Deliver us from evil. Deliver us from evil!
«Deliver us from evil» is an indispensable plea!
We absolutely need a prayer concept for the present time. We pray in good and bad times that we do not lose our faith, our relationship with God and our sonship with God. We pray that we reach the goal of life. We pray so that we can overcome our challenges of faith in everyday life.
So that we can face our trials and temptations, it is important for us to know the enemy’s tactics. He can appear as a slimy sneak. He wants to trick you. He wants to turn your list of priorities upside down, all with one goal in mind: to keep you from spiritual things! He wants to throw your good intentions of being a Christian overboard. He wants to sneak into your marriage with little things to disrupt your relationship. He knows so well how to sow strife in families that parents and children clash. Or he simply knocks on your door with greed: «You should still have this and do that to be happy.» That should be possible. You can afford it. Others have or do it too. It’s also important for you.
It is important for us to know ourselves so that we can face our trials and temptations. What are your personal strengths and weaknesses? What are your weaknesses? What areas do you need to watch out for? Pray again and again «deliver me from evil» and tell Jesus about your jealousy, about your temper – from which the whole family suffers, about your greed or other addictions, about your self-pity. As in all relationships, communication is everything in your relationship with Jesus!
This is real: we can let go of evil with the help of Jesus! The author of Hebrews calls us to do this: «[…] Let take everything off usthat weighs us down, and the sin that ensnares us […]» (Hebrews 12:1 LUT). So that we can face our trials and temptations, it is important for us to know about God in you. I would like to remind you on the basis of the Bible: The heavenly Father lives in you and has given you a share in his Spirit. «How do we know that we live in God and that God lives in us? We recognise it by the fact that he has given us a share in his spirit» (1 John 4:13 New Testament). If that isn’t fascinating love and compassion! God loves us with his divine agape love in a way that no human being can love us.
The Our Father is not only a prayer for us, it is also a prayer of intercession! «Redeem us from evil», the others are included in this request!
In other words, you show solidarity with them in your thoughts,
- whose faith is on shaky ground. …with those who despair of their doubts. «Deliver them from evil!»
- with your relatives, friends, neighbours and work colleagues who do not yet know Jesus. «Deliver them from evil!»
- with those who are persecuted and mistreated because of their faith (about 200 million Christians around the world); «Deliver them from evil!»
- with those who have lost everything in the war, are refugees, are traumatised, have no future. «Deliver them from evil!»
The conclusion of the sermon must also include the conclusion of the Our fathers; this is the spiritual grape sugar for new strength:
«Deliver us from evil, (why and how?) For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory for ever and ever!» God is still almighty and glorious in the Seetal, in the whole of Switzerland, but also in the whole world! Amen!
Possible questions for the small group
- Lists some things from the Bible that are required of us for the end times.
- Read about spiritual armour in Ephesians 6:10–20. What weapons are needed in the present time?
Time particularly important in your opinion? - Do you recognise a current tactic of the adversary, on you personally, on the church?
- For whom would you particularly like to intercede with the sentence «Deliver them from evil!»
- Describe what the «God in you» means to you!
- Concludes with a community of prayer.