Date: 26 Novem­ber 2023 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Matthew 6:9–13
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

This ser­mon illu­mi­na­tes the spec­trum of the request «Deli­ver us from evil!» from the Our Father’s Prayer.

In the­se cur­rent, very tur­bu­lent times, this out­cry can be heard very often in this world. What is hap­pe­ning here is unsett­ling and fuel­ling fear. Wars ever­y­whe­re, almost on every con­ti­nent. The home­l­ess­ness of refu­gees. Hun­ger, dise­a­se, inju­s­ti­ce… Lord, deli­ver us from all this evil in the world! In fact, the request from the «Our Father» very clo­se: «Deli­ver us from evil!»

I cla­ri­fy: «from the evil one» is ambi­guous: the­re is in the sin­gu­lar of «the evil«This refers to Satan, the ene­my of all that is good, who, as we read in the Bible, prowls around like a roaring lion, always on the loo­kout for a vic­tim to devour. The Evil and the Evil can­not be sepa­ra­ted; they are one. The plu­ral refers to all the evil in this world that we are con­fron­ted with. And it is not least the evil within us that cau­ses us trouble.

Sin­ce the fall of man in para­di­se, man has known what is good and what is evil. The­r­e­fo­re, in rela­ti­on to our topic, we can say that good and evil are actual­ly very clo­se to us humans. We can and should dif­fe­ren­tia­te! We read about Job, for exam­p­le, that he was careful not to do evil. But unfort­u­na­te­ly, evil has been ram­pant sin­ce the begin­ning of human histo­ry! After the Flood, God said to hims­elf: «From now on I will no lon­ger cur­se the earth for the sake of man­kind, for the thoughts and desi­res of the human heart are evil from its youth» (Gene­sis 8:21 LUT). Albert Ein­stein, who gra­dua­ted from the Kan­ti Aar­au in Aar­gau, once said the fol­lo­wing: «The real pro­blem of huma­ni­ty lies in the hearts and minds of peo­p­le. It is not a phy­si­cal pro­blem. It is easier to chan­ge the com­po­si­ti­on of plu­to­ni­um than to chan­ge the mali­cious, self-cent­red mind of a human being. I fear not so much the explo­si­ve power of the bomb as the power of the mali­ce of the human heart, its explo­si­ve power for evil.»

Why does Jesus invite us to pray like this in Our Father?

Becau­se he hims­elf lived here in this world! Jesus hims­elf expe­ri­en­ced with skin and hair what peo­p­le in this world are capa­ble of! The evil one atta­cked and tempt­ed him per­so­nal­ly. Jesus knows like no other what Chris­ti­ans have to endu­re and over­co­me in this world of evil, no mat­ter whe­re they live. Jesus» life sto­ry speaks for its­elf: He was born in a sta­ble. Jesus spent the first years of his life as a refu­gee in Egypt. King Herod wan­ted to kill him. As soon as Jesus appeared in public, the­re was mas­si­ve oppo­si­ti­on from the scri­bes and Pha­ri­sees. Jesus expe­ri­en­ced many dis­ap­point­ments. Many belie­ved in Him, but then aban­do­ned Him and no lon­ger wan­ted to know any­thing about Him. His fami­ly once thought that Jesus had gone mad. He was cra­zy! He was repea­ted­ly dis­ap­poin­ted by his fri­ends, the twel­ve disci­ples. Until, at the end of His days on earth, the devil pul­led out all the stops to humi­lia­te, beat up, tor­tu­re and then kill Jesus.

Do we not curr­ent­ly also have the impres­si­on that Satan is pul­ling out all the stops: wars, inju­s­ti­ce, deceitful­ness, sel­fi­sh­ness, greed for power, greed for money, sex lust, greed, infi­de­li­ty, lies, bul­ly­ing, fal­se­hood, con­fu­si­on, etc.?

When the Saviour now encou­ra­ges us to pray: «Deli­ver us from evil», then he lets us share in his vic­to­ry over the evil one and evil. Jesus is vic­to­rious over hell, death and the devil. He has risen from the dead and lives! He has been given all power in hea­ven and on earth. God has given us a share in this power in Jesus Christ, which is why Paul says in his let­ter to the Romans: «Don’t just pre­tend to love others, but real­ly love them. Hate all evil and stand on the side of good» (Romans 12:9 NLB).

I recent­ly came across an artic­le on the inter­net that dealt with the emp­ty churches and the decre­asing num­ber of belie­vers. It was entit­led: «God is no lon­ger omni­po­tent in Switz­er­land!» How can a jour­na­list say that? If only he knew! He has done bad rese­arch! Gene­sis 15:18 says: «The LORD is King for ever and ever!» And in view of this, we con­fess like Job: «I know that my Saviour is ali­ve!» (Job 19:25 LUT). Lord, save us! Soon we will be cele­bra­ting the Saviour who came to this earth for us! Jesus wants to get us out of the apo­ca­lyp­tic depres­si­on. We have no reason to moan: «Oh, it’s the end times now, there’s a lot of bad things coming our way…» No, Jesus does not want us to lea­ve the field to his adver­sa­ry wit­hout resis­tance, but that we pray and pray again and again: «Deli­ver us from the evil one!»

Jesus invites us to pray like this because he has sent us with our hope into this turbulent world!

Alt­hough evil is show­ing its­elf in incre­asing inten­si­ty, this is still your and my place! Isn’t that cra­zy? Here is a quo­te that is 1700 years old! The signi­fi­can­ce of this line of pray­er «deli­ver us from evil» is how Bishop Cypri­an of Car­tha­ge descri­bed it: «When we say «deli­ver us from evil», the­re is not­hing more we need to ask for. Once we have recei­ved the pro­tec­tion we have asked for against evil, we are safe and secu­re against ever­y­thing the devil and the world can do. What fear could still ari­se from the world for someone who­se pro­tec­tor in the world is God hims­elf.» (from Joseph Ratz­in­ger, Jesus of Naza­reth, p. 2012, Her­der, 2007). The­se words are asto­nis­hing! Alt­hough, it almost sounds a bit like the para­ble of the rich far­mer: «Dear soul, now you have Jesus, now you are pro­tec­ted, safe and freed from all fear; now allow yours­elf to rest, eat and drink and enjoy life!» (Luke 12:19). Does Bishop Cypri­an mean it in this sense?

No! Not many others have gone through as many bad things as he did. His con­fes­si­on did not come about in a time of high faith, but in a time of gre­at per­se­cu­ti­on of Chris­ti­ans. Ever­y­thing was taken away from Bishop Cypri­an and he was put in pri­son. He was then sent into exi­le by the pro­con­sul for a time. Back and then to pri­son again. A new pro­con­sul final­ly gave him an ulti­ma­tum: «Eit­her you recant your pro­fes­si­on of faith or you die!» He repli­ed: «I am a Chris­ti­an and a bishop. I know no other gods but the one and only true God, who made hea­ven and earth, and the sea, and all that is in it. We Chris­ti­ans ser­ve this God, we pray to him day and night, for our­sel­ves and all peo­p­le, inclu­ding for the wel­fa­re of the emper­or.» He was behea­ded short­ly after­wards. Bishop Cypri­an died as a mar­tyr in 258. Now we could ask Cypri­an: Is your safe­ty and secu­ri­ty, your fearless­ness against ever­y­thing the world and the devil can do to you, a rea­li­ty? He exem­pli­fied the ans­wer: «Yes, that is a fact! Becau­se Jesus was with me all the years of my ter­ri­ble life and I was also locked up in the guil­lo­ti­ne, I was safe in him!»

We must not over­look the last sen­tence of his quo­te abo­ve: «…We Chris­ti­ans ser­ve this God, we pray to him day and night, for our­sel­ves and all peo­p­le, also for the wel­fa­re of the emper­or». That was his con­cept of pray­er! The Our Father was pro­ba­b­ly his most fre­quent pray­er! Deli­ver us from evil. Deli­ver us from evil!

«Deliver us from evil» is an indispensable plea!

We abso­lut­e­ly need a pray­er con­cept for the pre­sent time. We pray in good and bad times that we do not lose our faith, our rela­ti­onship with God and our son­ship with God. We pray that we reach the goal of life. We pray so that we can over­co­me our chal­lenges of faith in ever­y­day life.

So that we can face our tri­als and tempt­a­ti­ons, it is important for us to know the enemy’s tac­tics. He can appear as a slimy sneak. He wants to trick you. He wants to turn your list of prio­ri­ties upsi­de down, all with one goal in mind: to keep you from spi­ri­tu­al things! He wants to throw your good inten­ti­ons of being a Chris­ti­an over­board. He wants to sneak into your mar­ria­ge with litt­le things to dis­rupt your rela­ti­onship. He knows so well how to sow stri­fe in fami­lies that par­ents and child­ren clash. Or he sim­ply knocks on your door with greed: «You should still have this and do that to be hap­py.» That should be pos­si­ble. You can afford it. Others have or do it too. It’s also important for you.

It is important for us to know our­sel­ves so that we can face our tri­als and tempt­a­ti­ons. What are your per­so­nal strengths and weak­ne­s­ses? What are your weak­ne­s­ses? What are­as do you need to watch out for? Pray again and again «deli­ver me from evil» and tell Jesus about your jea­lou­sy, about your tem­per – from which the who­le fami­ly suf­fers, about your greed or other addic­tions, about your self-pity. As in all rela­ti­onships, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is ever­y­thing in your rela­ti­onship with Jesus!

This is real: we can let go of evil with the help of Jesus! The aut­hor of Hebrews calls us to do this: «[…] Let take ever­y­thing off usthat weighs us down, and the sin that ens­na­res us […]» (Hebrews 12:1 LUT). So that we can face our tri­als and tempt­a­ti­ons, it is important for us to know about God in you. I would like to remind you on the basis of the Bible: The hea­ven­ly Father lives in you and has given you a share in his Spi­rit. «How do we know that we live in God and that God lives in us? We reco­g­ni­se it by the fact that he has given us a share in his spi­rit» (1 John 4:13 New Tes­ta­ment). If that isn’t fasci­na­ting love and com­pas­si­on! God loves us with his divi­ne aga­pe love in a way that no human being can love us.

The Our Father is not only a pray­er for us, it is also a pray­er of inter­ces­si­on! «Rede­em us from evil», the others are included in this request!

In other words, you show soli­da­ri­ty with them in your thoughts,

  • who­se faith is on shaky ground. …with tho­se who des­pair of their doubts. «Deli­ver them from evil!»
  • with your rela­ti­ves, fri­ends, neigh­bours and work col­le­agues who do not yet know Jesus. «Deli­ver them from evil!»
  • with tho­se who are per­se­cu­ted and mistrea­ted becau­se of their faith (about 200 mil­li­on Chris­ti­ans around the world); «Deli­ver them from evil!»
  • with tho­se who have lost ever­y­thing in the war, are refu­gees, are trau­ma­tis­ed, have no future. «Deli­ver them from evil!»

The con­clu­si­on of the ser­mon must also include the con­clu­si­on of the Our fathers; this is the spi­ri­tu­al gra­pe sugar for new strength:

«Deli­ver us from evil, (why and how?) For thi­ne is the king­dom, and the power and the glo­ry for ever and ever!» God is still almigh­ty and glo­rious in the See­tal, in the who­le of Switz­er­land, but also in the who­le world! Amen!


Possible questions for the small group 

  1. Lists some things from the Bible that are requi­red of us for the end times.
  2. Read about spi­ri­tu­al armour in Ephe­si­ans 6:10–20. What wea­pons are nee­ded in the pre­sent time? 
    Time par­ti­cu­lar­ly important in your opinion?
  3. Do you reco­g­ni­se a cur­rent tac­tic of the adver­sa­ry, on you per­so­nal­ly, on the church?
  4. For whom would you par­ti­cu­lar­ly like to inter­ce­de with the sen­tence «Deli­ver them from evil!»
  5. Descri­be what the «God in you» means to you!
  6. Con­cludes with a com­mu­ni­ty of prayer.