Holiness creates global aliveness

Date: 2 April 2023 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Reve­la­ti­on 22:1–2; Eze­kiel 47:1–12; John 7:37–39
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

The pro­phet Eze­kiel descri­bes a visi­on of a river who­se source is in the Holy of Holies of the Temp­le. From the­re the water flows through the land into the Dead Sea. Ever­y­whe­re it pas­ses, health, food and life emer­ge. One day this visi­on will be ful­ly and glo­bal­ly ful­fil­led. Until that day comes, the fol­lo­wers are ent­rus­ted with the task of wet­ting their sur­roun­dings with the life-giving water and thus pro­mo­ting life.

Later in this ser­vice we will take Mar­tin to a distant land as a Fri­end in the field send out. For me, this rai­ses the ques­ti­on of whe­ther this is still neces­sa­ry and eco­no­mic­al­ly jus­ti­fia­ble in a digi­ta­li­sed world. This much can alre­a­dy be reve­a­led: This topic is also direct­ly rela­ted to the holi­ne­ss of God. C.S. Lewis: «How litt­le do peo­p­le know who think that holi­ne­ss is bor­ing. Once one has expe­ri­en­ced the one true thing.… It is irre­sis­ti­ble! If only ten per­cent of the world’s popu­la­ti­on unders­tood it, would­n’t the who­le world be con­ver­ted and hap­py in no time?»

Source: Holiness of God

We know from various sto­ries that God’s holi­ne­ss is life-threa­tening. Nad­ab, Abihu, Uzzah, Hana­ni­as and Sap­p­hi­ra lost their lives when they came into cont­act with God’s holi­ne­ss. In ear­ly Isra­el, the temp­le was the cen­tral place whe­re God was pre­sent with his holi­ne­ss. The rear­most room was cal­led the «Holy of Holies». It was the cent­re of God’s pre­sence. Peo­p­le were only allo­wed to approach this room with the grea­test cau­ti­on. The solu­ti­on in the Bible is that one must beco­me «pure», moral­ly and ritual­ly. Ritu­al puri­ty is a sta­te of stay­ing away from any­thing that has to do with death, e.g. tou­ch­ing things like dise­a­sed skin, dead bodies or even cer­tain bodi­ly fluids. All the­se things make us «impu­re». Beco­ming ritual­ly impu­re is not neces­s­a­ri­ly sin­ful. But it is wrong to come into God’s pre­sence in an impu­re sta­te. The­r­e­fo­re, God gave the Israe­li­tes clear ins­truc­tions so that they would know when they were unclean and how they could beco­me clean in order to be allo­wed to enter the temp­le again.

The pro­phet Isai­ah knew the rules very well when he finds hims­elf in a visi­on in the temp­le, right in God’s pre­sence. Fea­ring that he will be des­troy­ed, his blood free­zes in his veins. But then a stran­ge being, a sera­phim, appears and tou­ch­es Isaiah’s lips with a hot coal. This bur­ning coal makes Isai­ah pure. This is remar­kab­le, becau­se when we touch some­thing unclean, usual­ly the uncle­an­ness is trans­fer­red to us. Here we find a com­ple­te­ly new idea: The coal – this holy and pure object – trans­fers its puri­ty to Isai­ah when it tou­ch­es him. Isai­ah is not kil­led by God’s holi­ne­ss, but changed.

Jesus is the ful­film­ent of this visi­on. He touch­ed peo­p­le who were unclean: Peo­p­le with dise­a­sed skin, a woman with chro­nic blee­ding or even dead peo­p­le. And actual­ly their impu­ri­ty should be trans­fer­red to Jesus when he tou­ch­es them. But ins­tead, Jesus» puri­ty is trans­fer­red to them and their bodies are hea­led. Jesus is like the holy coal in Isaiah’s visi­on, He is the embo­di­ment of God’s holiness.

For many years, the reci­pe for suc­cess in inter­na­tio­nal foot­ball was pos­ses­si­on of the ball. But at the last World Cup, the most suc­cessful teams like Argen­ti­na and France prac­ti­sed a new stra­tegy: Pres­sing and quick swit­ching play. After win­ning the ball, the offen­si­ve forces imme­dia­te­ly swarm out, so that only a few seconds pass until the con­clu­si­on. Through Jesus, a shift from the defen­si­ve to the offen­si­ve has taken place with regard to holi­ne­ss. It is no lon­ger a mat­ter of careful­ly defen­ding ones­elf from harm, but of aggres­si­ve­ly brin­ging life-enhan­cing holi­ne­ss to the out­side world. The holi­ne­ss of God wants to chan­ge the unclean, the unworthy.

A good hundred years after Isai­ah, Eze­kiel has a visi­on in which he stands in front of the temp­le and sees water drip­ping out of it. The water beco­mes a stream that grows into a deep river and flows through the desert. It lea­ves a trail of green trees and flows into the Dead Sea. On the way, ever­y­thing beco­mes fresh and ali­ve. So ins­tead of beco­ming pure and flowing into the temp­le, God’s holi­ne­ss comes out of the temp­le and makes ever­y­thing pure and brings it to life.

The vision: whole world

The final ful­film­ent of this visi­on is descri­bed in Reve­la­ti­on: «And the angel show­ed me a pure river with the water of life, as clear as crys­tal, sprin­ging from the thro­ne of God and of the Lamb and flowing down the midd­le of the main road. On each side of the river is a tree of life that bears twel­ve dif­fe­rent fruits and pro­du­ces a new fruit every month. The lea­ves are used for the heal­ing of the nati­ons»(Reve­la­ti­on 22:1–2 NLB). In this future sce­na­rio, we see our world made com­ple­te­ly new. The who­le earth has beco­me God’s temp­le. And Ezekiel’s river is the­re. It flows from God’s pre­sence and waters all crea­ti­on. It washes away all impu­ri­ty and brings ever­y­thing back to life. One day the who­le earth will be floo­ded with God’s holi­ne­ss. It will be inde­scri­ba­b­ly, unbe­lie­v­a­b­ly great.

We are not the­re yet. The­re is a most inte­res­t­ing pre-ful­film­ent of this visi­on that rela­tes direct­ly to you and me. Paul sums it up when he descri­bes the fol­lo­wers of Jesus as Temp­le of the Holy Spi­rit (1 Corin­thi­ans 6:19). In modern times, the­re is not one cen­tral temp­le whe­re God’s holi­ne­ss dwells, but many mobi­le temp­les. A per­son beco­mes a temp­le of the Holy Spi­rit when he ent­rusts his life to Jesus Christ. The most sho­cking thing is that water also flows out of the­se temp­les. Jesus says to his fol­lo­wers: «If anyo­ne thirsts, let him come to me and drink! Whoe­ver belie­ves in me, from within him will flow rivers of living water […] By the «living water» he meant the Spi­rit, which was to be given to ever­yo­ne who belie­ved in him.» (John 7:37–39 NLB).

This besto­wal of the Spi­rit hap­pen­ed at Pen­te­cost. It was the initi­al spark for the mis­si­on to spread the mes­sa­ge of Jesus «In Jeru­sa­lem, in all Judea, in Sama­ria, even to the ends of the earth.»(Acts 1:8 NLB). Pen­te­cost has tur­ned the fol­lo­wers of Jesus into swarm­ing Temp­les of the Holy Spi­rit made. And as such, we have the pri­vi­le­ge of direc­ting streams of living water into our envi­ron­ment. From the defen­si­ve to the offen­si­ve! It is remar­kab­le, howe­ver, that only the per­son who comes to Jesus and drinks can give water. From inti­ma­cy with Jesus we beco­me the source for our par­ched envi­ron­ment.

The impact: Food and life

The water flowing from the sanc­tua­ry has striking effects: «When I went back, I sud­den­ly saw that trees were gro­wing on both sides of the river bank. Then he said to me: This water flows east­wards into the Ara­ba (Jor­dan Val­ley) and the­re it flows into the Dead Sea. When it flows in, it heals the water of the Dead Sea. Ever­y­thing that stirs and moves whe­re the water comes will live. The­re will be a gre­at many fish, becau­se this water comes the­re and makes the salt water healt­hy. Whe­re this water will flow, the­re ever­y­thing will live» (Eze­kiel 47:7–9 NLB).

The water flows from the Holy of Holies of the temp­le, from God’s pre­sence. The reason is very simp­le: God is the powerful crea­tor behind the who­le uni­ver­se. HE is the only being who has the power to crea­te a world full of beau­ty and life. HE is per­fect, the source of all life. All the­se abili­ties make HIM uni­que and that is the mea­ning of «holy»..

  • Living water brings nou­rish­ment: The Reve­la­ti­on text says that the trees pro­du­ce a new fruit every month, twel­ve times more often than our apple tree in front of the house. This means that food is abun­dant. People’s hun­ger is satis­fied in all facets – not only the phy­sio­lo­gi­cal. No, also the hun­ger for belon­ging, for mea­ning, for secu­ri­ty, for love, etc.
  • Living water crea­tes health: Sal­va­ti­on and heal­ing are clo­se­ly rela­ted to God’s holi­ne­ss. The water from the Holy of Holies has heal­ing power and makes healt­hy what it wets.
  • Living water crea­tes lifeThe water from the sanc­tua­ry over­ri­des the levers of natu­ral sci­ence and crea­tes life in places whe­re it is actual­ly not pos­si­ble. Only anae­ro­bic micro-orga­nisms can live in the Dead Sea. Whe­re­ver this water flows, it crea­tes life. This does not only mean bio­lo­gi­cal life, but pri­ma­ri­ly divi­ne, eter­nal life.

All this beco­mes pos­si­ble when the wal­king temp­les swarm out on the offen­si­ve. When you have expres­sed your attach­ment to Jesus Christ through bap­tism, streams of living water also flow out of you. This water brings nou­rish­ment, health and life to your fami­ly, your neigh­bour­hood, your class­room, your work­place. Switch from the defen­si­ve to the offen­si­ve, swarm and let it flow! Your ever­y­day life offers you exclu­si­ve oppor­tu­ni­ties that others don’t have. That is your respon­si­bi­li­ty. Let us remem­ber: we do not have to pro­du­ce the water, but we are allo­wed to drink it in the encoun­ter with the com­ple­te­ly different.

Living water can­not be trans­mit­ted digi­tal­ly. It would be like put­ting only pla­s­tic flowers in your gar­den ins­tead of real ones. The­se flowers do not pro­du­ce seeds to mul­ti­ply, do not smell and do not pro­vi­de pol­len for bees or bum­ble­bees to pro­cess. The­r­e­fo­re, it is with gre­at con­vic­tion that we send Mar­tin to a spi­ri­tual­ly, as well as sceni­cal­ly, dry land. Like us here, he beco­mes the imple­men­ter of the visi­on of Eze­kiel and John the­re. Through our joint swarm­ing and wate­ring we pro­mo­te the glo­bal final ful­film­ent of the visi­on. When Jesus comes again, he crea­tes a new hea­ven and a new earth full of life, food and health. Until that hap­pens, we need Fri­ends in the field.


Possible questions for the small group 

Read the Bible text: Eze­kiel 47:1–12; Reve­la­ti­on 22:1–2

  1. The water flows from the holy of holies of the temp­le. Why from the­re of all places?
  2. What are the natu­ral and sym­bo­lic effects of this water?
  3. Are you alre­a­dy a temp­le of the Holy Spi­rit? What task is con­nec­ted with it? What is the con­di­ti­on for you to be able to ful­fil it?
  4. When will the visi­on of Eze­kiel be ful­ly ful­fil­led? What has to hap­pen befo­re that?
  5. Why is it still neces­sa­ry today Fri­ends in the fieldlike Mar­tin is?