Date: 23 Janu­ary 2022 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Gene­sis 1:1–2,4
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

An omni­po­tent God could have crea­ted the world in the dura­ti­on of a blink of an eye. But God takes time, crea­tes time and gives it to crea­ti­on. This is the ulti­ma­te announce­ment against stress and rest­less­ness. How long do you think a day las­ted in the crea­ti­on sto­ry? Ins­tead of arguing about this, the Chris­ti­an church should focus on important beliefs and stand united against Dar­wi­ni­an theses.

Recent­ly someone told me that the Coro­na viru­s­es muta­ted into the more or less harm­less Omic­ron vari­ant out of a sur­vi­val stra­tegy. If they atta­cked their host, the human, too hard, it would die out, which would also threa­ten their own sur­vi­val. Howe­ver, we see a simi­lar beha­viour in the deve­lo­p­ment of resis­tance of bac­te­ria to antibiotics.

«The hea­vens pro­cla­im the glo­ry of God and the fir­ma­ment bears wit­ness to His mar­vell­ous works»(Psalm 19:2 NLB). We live in an inge­nious crea­ti­on. Last Octo­ber, my nie­ce had an acci­dent with a meat pro­ces­sing machi­ne. Ins­tead of a steak, the machi­ne caught her hand. Quick-wit­ted, the boss gras­ped the situa­ti­on and took her to the emer­gen­cy inclu­ding the machi­ne on her hand. My nie­ce was able to cope with this very stressful situa­ti­on men­tal­ly and pain-wise becau­se her body reac­ted with shock. When I heard this, I thought: «How inge­nious­ly God crea­ted this world. Man even func­tions excel­lent­ly in emer­gen­cy mode!»

The geni­us and crea­ti­vi­ty of what has been crea­ted testi­fy to a magni­fi­cent and omni­po­tent God. «Sin­ce the crea­ti­on of the world, peo­p­le have seen the earth and the hea­vens and ever­y­thing that God has crea­ted, and can cle­ar­ly reco­g­ni­se Him, the invi­si­ble God, in His eter­nal power and divi­ne essence. The­r­e­fo­re, they have no excu­se for not having known about God.»(Romans 1:20 NLB).

God takes time

Again and again the dis­cus­sion is held whe­ther God is real­ly able to crea­te the world in six days. The lon­ger the more I mar­vel at the fact that he took so much time. If God is all-powerful, He could have crea­ted the world with a snap of His fin­gers. The sur­pri­sing mes­sa­ge of the seven days is: God takes his time! The crea­ti­on of the world and time go hand in hand. From now on the­re is a befo­re and an after. The eter­nal God opens up to the expe­ri­ence of chro­no­lo­gi­cal time.

God takes time, crea­tes time and gives it to crea­ti­on. This beco­mes visi­ble very beau­tiful­ly on the third day of crea­ti­on. «Grass grew on the earth, as well as plants and trees that bore seed. And God saw that it was good»(Gene­sis 1:12 NLB). God gave crea­ti­on time to grow and reproduce.

Alt­hough God crea­ted an incre­di­ble amount, he was not stres­sed. From the crea­ti­on account we get a lot of rest and lei­su­re. At the moment we are rebuil­ding our litt­le house. Com­pared to the con­s­truc­tion of an enti­re cos­mos, this is quite mode­st work. And yet we tend to feel stressed.

We tend to live like we are in a hams­ter wheel. The­re are various engi­nes that lead to high self-acce­le­ra­ti­on. One of them is the tech­ni­cal acce­le­ra­ti­on, which can be seen in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, among other things. Ano­ther motor that dri­ves this hams­ter wheel is the loss of eter­ni­ty, so that peo­p­le today are doo­med to expe­ri­ence an eter­nal life befo­re death. In the fear of being left behind or miss­ing out, we increase the epi­so­des of expe­ri­ence per time and over­lap dif­fe­rent expe­ri­en­ces. A third dri­ver is com­pe­ti­ti­on. Life func­tions accor­ding to the logic of the mar­ket. The allo­ca­ti­on of resour­ces, goods, wealth, pri­vi­le­ges, posi­ti­ons, sta­tus, reco­gni­ti­on takes place in com­pe­ti­ti­on. Power is defi­ned as work per unit of time, which results in a strong acce­le­ra­ti­on.

God has given time to crea­ti­on. And he invi­tes us to share in his rest.

Time of a day of creation

As I said, God could have crea­ted the world in the dura­ti­on of a blink of an eye. He took one day. How much time is that? If the days men­tio­ned in Gene­sis 1 are calen­dar days, the earth would be bet­ween 6000 and 10000 years young. May­be so, but the­re are quite a few argu­ments and facts from natu­ral sci­ence for a much older Earth. The ques­ti­on of dating the dino­saurs or the ice ages are the most popu­lar. Ano­ther fact is the fos­sils and their dis­tri­bu­ti­on and disper­si­on in lay­ers and sedi­ments. From the lower to the upper lay­ers, a world­wi­de pat­tern of ani­mals wit­hout spi­nes, fish, amphi­bi­ans, rep­ti­les, mammals and humans is found.

The key ques­ti­on con­cer­ning the age of the earth and the cos­mos has to do with the inter­pre­ta­ti­on of the Hebrew word yom in Gene­sis 1 – in most ver­si­ons of the Bible as the Day trans­la­ted. Howe­ver, this Hebrew word does not exclu­si­ve­ly mean a 24-hour peri­od. It covers various peri­ods of time, inclu­ding a long peri­od of time. When 300 pro­fes­sors of Hebrew and Old Tes­ta­ment were asked about this ques­ti­on of time, none of them sta­ted that Gene­sis 1 refers to six con­se­cu­ti­ve 24-hour days.

Con­side­ring the pro­cess that took place on one day of crea­ti­on, this also indi­ca­tes a lon­ger peri­od. As alre­a­dy men­tio­ned, on the third day it is poin­ted out that «grass grew on the earth and plants and trees bore seeds». And while Gene­sis 1:26–27 says that Adam and Eve were both crea­ted on the 6th day, Gene­sis 2:7–23 makes it clear that a long time had pas­sed bet­ween the crea­ti­on of Adam and Eve – not a span of 24 hours.

Howe­ver, accor­ding to the Bible, the announce­ment of each new day is «It beca­me evening and mor­ning«which can be inter­pre­ted as a refe­rence to a 24-hour day. On the other hand, the rever­se order – first evening, then mor­ning – is remar­kab­le. Per­haps this mere­ly indi­ca­tes the end of one age and the begin­ning of the new one.

Natu­ral sci­ence does not have to con­tra­dict faith. Rather, it can sup­port the truth of the Bible – inclu­ding the belief in a per­so­nal God reve­a­led in Scrip­tu­re as well as in natu­re. The cla­im that the earth is young con­tra­dicts sci­en­ti­fic evi­dence. Under no cir­cum­s­tances should we place sci­en­ti­fic claims abo­ve the Bible, rather I am con­vin­ced that the Bible, cor­rect­ly inter­pre­ted, agrees with the facts of natu­re. The two crea­ti­on accounts in Gene­sis say not­hing about the age of the earth. They were writ­ten by the wri­ters as a mes­sa­ge from God to his peo­p­le, not as a report for his­to­ri­ans who want to estab­lish a pre­cise timetable.

Nor is it the case that belief in an old earth auto­ma­ti­cal­ly sup­ports Dar­wi­nism. The mes­sa­ge of the Bible and sci­ence tog­e­ther speak against it. For exam­p­le, evi­dence of macro-evo­lu­ti­on from a sin­gle-cel­led orga­nism to com­plex orga­nisms to humans is lack­ing. Sci­ence also has no expl­ana­ti­on of how life was gene­ra­ted from inor­ga­nic sub­s­tances. The ori­gin of life remains the big pro­blem of Dar­wi­ni­an sci­ence. We Chris­ti­ans would do well to focus on the important con­vic­tions and stand united against the Dar­wi­ni­an theses.

Timeless convictions

It does not harm my faith if I stop fight­ing for a young earth. The Bible reta­ins its divi­ne aut­ho­ri­ty even if I con­sider the days in Gene­sis 1 as eons. Let us hold fast to the mes­sa­ge of the crea­ti­on story:

  • The­re is an eter­nal and loving God who deli­bera­te­ly crea­ted the world out of not­hing. «By faith we under­stand that the world came into being at God’s com­mand and that ever­y­thing we see now came into being from what is not seen»(Hebrews 11:3 NLB).
  • A supre­me­ly crea­ti­ve God crea­ted every kind of plant and ani­mal crea­ting – per­haps mischie­vous­ly smi­ling – incon­ceiv­a­b­ly many and graceful varia­ti­ons. Micro-evo­lu­ti­on (rela­tively small varia­ti­ons within a spe­ci­es) is pro­ven, it is visi­ble and not con­tro­ver­si­al. An exam­p­le of this is the afo­re­men­tio­ned deve­lo­p­ment of resis­tance in bac­te­ria to antibiotics.
  • On the 6th day, God crea­ted man in His image. Peo­p­le do not inhe­rit their intrin­sic worth and digni­ty based on ancestry, finan­cial sta­tus or roy­al posi­ti­on. Value and digni­ty are besto­wed upon a per­son by the Crea­tor, the exal­ted God. That is why Solo­mon says: «He who mocks the poor insults his Crea­tor»(Pro­verbs 17:5 NLB).
  • Man is given the task to ser­ve crea­ti­on, to care for it and to cul­ti­va­te it. He has a ste­ward­ship man­da­te along the lines of a she­p­herd loo­king after the wel­fa­re of his sheep. Man should use the resour­ces of the earth, but not harm it. He is respon­si­ble for the well-being of the who­le earth.
  • Crea­ti­on is «very good» becau­se each indi­vi­du­al crea­tu­re is uni­que­ly in func­tion and aes­the­tics is and becau­se the rela­ti­onships within the indi­vi­du­al gen­res and bey­ond are per­fect­ly ali­gned with each other. The secret of this inter­con­nec­ted­ness has a name: Jesus Christ. About him it is said: «He was the­re befo­re ever­y­thing else began, and he holds all crea­ti­on tog­e­ther»(Colos­si­ans 1:17 NLB).


«Now we still see things imper­fect­ly, as in a dim mir­ror, but then we will reco­g­ni­se ever­y­thing in com­ple­te cla­ri­ty. Ever­y­thing I know now is incom­ple­te; but then I will know ever­y­thing, as God alre­a­dy knows me now»(1 Corin­thi­ans 13:12 NLB). Peo­p­le who are con­nec­ted to Jesus Christ will have full insight into the details of crea­ti­on in eter­ni­ty. In the mean­ti­me, it is wise to focus on more important doc­tri­nes, the Chris­ti­an faith stands and falls with the death and resur­rec­tion of Christ and his return. Expe­ri­en­cing this gos­pel is more important than arguing about the age of crea­ti­on. The resur­rec­tion of Jesus is the begin­ning of the new crea­ti­on. Our atti­tu­de towards Him deter­mi­nes whe­ther we are part of it!


Questions for the small groups

Read the Bible text: Gene­sis 1:1–2:4

  1. God took his time in crea­ting the world? What could this mean for creation?
  2. What does it mean that He has given time to crea­ti­on? How can we radia­te peace despi­te many tasks?
  3. What do you think about the age of the earth? What speaks for a young and what for an old world? Which con­vin­ces you more?
  4. Which truths from the crea­ti­on sto­ry are non-negotiable?
  5. What are the more important tea­chings in the Bible? How do I per­so­nal­ly, exis­ten­ti­al­ly rela­te to them?