Serene engagement
Series: Metamorphosis | Bible text: Matthew 6:25–34
He who finds his ultimate support in the heavenly Father becomes serene. Free of worry and fear, he can focus on the kingdom of God. This means committing oneself to the values of peace, joy and justice in all areas of life. Whoever does this without reserve will experience God’s provision by means of many coincidences. The metamorphic cycle is: serenity from prayer – commitment to the kingdom of God – provision by chance. The entry point is in prayer – enjoying childlikeness and nurturing communion with Daddy.
The 828-metre-high Burj Khalifa in Dubai is the tallest skyscraper in the world. 192 thick steel girders were driven 50 metres into the ground and shuttered with 45,000 cubic metres of concrete. The bridge with the largest span is the Chaotianmen Yangtze Bridge in China with an arch of 552 metres. To withstand the resulting loads, piers with good support are needed. Children who are to exert a positive influence on society later on need good support in the parental home, where they experience acceptance and security. There is an obvious connection between a person’s inner rootedness and their attitudes and virtues, right down to the impact on society.
From the Ignatian tradition comes the following play on words:
- What is my last HALT? What can and will I rely on, build on, hope for?
- Out of this grows HOLDINGS such as generosity, kindness, trust, freedom, reconciliation and hope.
- These direct my CONDUCT.
- And this in turn contributes to shaping the RELATIONS where I live.
Support, attitudes, behaviour, conditions – this is the chain of effects that is also made clear in the Sermon on the Mount.
Where does the support come from in our lives that allows us to remain calm even in the storms of everyday life? It is the intimate communion with our Father in heaven. That is why the Prayer of the Unfather is in the middle of the whole Sermon on the Mount. The following statements are made about this Father:
«Look at the birds. They do not need to sow or reap or gather provisions, for your heavenly Father provides for them. And you are much more important to him than they are»(Matthew 6:26 NLB). God created the world in a great ecological balance. Every animal is part of an elaborate food chain. The cattle egret, for example, is often seen on the back of large animals such as buffaloes and elephants. They pick small pesky animals off their bodies. It’s convenient for both. Only fresh food is available for this heron species. Nothing is packed and stored in tins. The heavenly daddy provides anew every day.
«[…] Look at the lilies and how they grow. They do not work or sew clothes for themselves. Yet even King Solomon in all his splendour was not so gloriously clothed as they. If God cares so wonderfully for the flowers that blossom today and wither tomorrow, how much more does he care for you? […]» (Matthew 6:28–30 NLB). Our Father in heaven dresses the flowers so beautifully that we can’t manage it after any colour and style consultation. The colours are ingeniously coordinated. It’s just right. At the moment, Silvia and I are working on the colour concept for the kitchen and living room when we renovate our new house. It’s incredibly difficult and involves a lot of uncertainty as to how it will finally look. Our Father gives every living being the perfect outfit.
«[…] Your heavenly Father knows your needs»(Matthew 6:32 NLB). This is the core statement and basis for serenity. Your heavenly Father knows your needs. That is true! In the comparisons with feeding the birds and clothing the lilies, the conclusion is: «And you are much more important to him than them» and «How much more does he care for you then?» You are incomparably more important to the heavenly Father than a bird or a flower. He cares for you – as a father does for his child. This Father is not one who just talks big and has nothing to offer. No, He draws from unlimited resources, He owns all silver and gold (Haggai 2:8). And this wealthy father says to the elder son in the parable: «Look, my dear son, you and I are very close, and all I have is yours»(Luke 15:31 NLB). If you have acquired the right to be a child of the heavenly Father through faith in Jesus Christ, this also applies to you. You receive a share in all the riches of the Father.
This knowledge bursts all worries like soap bubbles. In communion with this God you experience deeply and existentially that you can answer the relevant questions like: Am I enough? Am I valuable and beautiful? Do I belong? Does God mean well with me? Does He care for me? you will hear an unreserved YES. This is the basis of serenity, tranquillity and stress-free living.
Goal orientation
Whoever has set this pillar, this support, in life, can build into the height and width. His attitudes, shaped by the heavenly Father, lead to behaviour and conditions that are in accordance with the Kingdom of God. Therefore Jesus demands: «Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness […].»(Matthew 6:33 LUT). There are the elements of goal orientation and determination in it. It’s about determination and commitment.
What are we supposed to work for? I used to equate the Kingdom of God with the Church. Consequently, one spoke of a vocation when someone set out professionally in the direction of a spiritual office. There is a big misunderstanding behind this, about as big as this, that the Gospel is exclusively about personal, individual salvation. No, the gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ not only saves souls, but redeems all creation. The Kingdom of God is just as holistic. It describes the culture of the city on the mountain described in Matthew 5.
But the Kingdom of God is to grow in all areas of life: in personal spirituality, in the family, in the church, in work and in politics. From a holy serenity and self-forgetfulness, I become free from opportunism and can focus with full commitment on what is good and right. Paul characterises the kingdom of God in three terms: «For the kingdom of God is not about questions of eating and drinking, but about what the Holy Spirit brings about: Justice, peace and joy»(Romans 14:17 NGÜ). We are to commit ourselves to these values out of the filiation of God. Whenever God’s word happens, gets hands and feet, the kingdom of God becomes visible.
If I support the preservation of an endangered species, if I reduce CO2-When I reduce my carbon footprint, when I work to improve living conditions in a government agency or association, when I seek dialogue in my family instead of withdrawing, when I am righteous in my workplace, when I nurture my relationship with Heavenly Father, when I share the good news of the Kingdom of God with others, when I honestly record my hours and expenses, when I address things directly instead of talking about them behind the scenes, I am seeking the Kingdom of God.
Unfortunately, not everything that happens under the roof of a church is the kingdom of God. An essential dimension of God’s kingdom is loving relationships or relations. Kingdom of God happens when I leave my inner circle and turn to someone who does not (yet) belong. Jacob Thiessen, rector of STH, once said: «Moreover, one does not come only to consume or to criticise. Every member of the congregation performs a service through his or her presence. Those who have this attitude come to worship in a completely different way.«Do you come to the service ready to serve. With eyes open for people who feel lonely and don’t belong (yet)? Who could you serve today?
Jesus said: Seek the kingdom of God and I will form the Church. When we have found our footing with the heavenly Father, we are set free to seek the kingdom of God. The spoils of this are satisfaction and contentment.
«Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, so all this will fall to you»(Matthew 6:33 LUT). With this statement the circle closes: serenity from prayer – commitment to the kingdom of God – provision by chance. This in turn leads to communion with the daddy out of gratitude, from which follows serenity, commitment and further coincidences with sender. The entry into this wondrous cycle of metamorphosis is in prayer – enjoying childhood and nurturing communion with Daddy.
Besides the daily coincidences (see wardrobe and food table) of God’s provision, the experience of buying the house in Seon was such a coincidence for us. We never had to focus on that, but could seek the kingdom of God. The sentence «so all this will fall to you» is in the passive voice. Our action is for the Kingdom of God, the provision of the necessities of life is the Father’s thing. It is just like in natural life too. Just as the 3‑year-old daughter does not worry about food and clothing, a child of God does not have to worry about material things. Our Father in heaven lets everything fall to us that we so often worry about. By chance, things fly towards us. It’s easy to live with this all-round carefree package! A great gratitude arises, which in turn leads us into prayer to the heavenly Father.
Our vocation is to become, figuratively speaking, a Burj Khalifa or a Chaotianmen-Yangtse Bridge in society. With the assurance that our ultimate hold is secured with the heavenly Father, we can exert high and wide influence on this world by seeking the kingdom of God. Through metamorphosis, our attitudes, our behaviour and our circumstances change.
Possible questions for the small groups
Read the Bible text: Matthew 6:25–34
- According to the Sermon on the Mount, what is a prerequisite for serenity? How do I recognise where I have the last hold?
- What are the prerequisites for a carefree or anxiety-free life?
- What is the Kingdom of God? How is it characterised? In which areas of life should it appear?
- What does the strong verb «to seek» express in the context of the kingdom of God?
- Does the Father in heaven really allow all this to happen? What are your experiences with this promise?