An extraordinary love
Series: Metamorphosis | Bible text: Matthew 26:6–13
Where does Jesus want to take me a step further? Where does he want to encourage me to do something in view of him and his kingdom that I have never done before! Is it my turn to take a step in faith and extraordinary love?
We were invited to a birthday party 10 days ago. Toasting together on a beautiful sun terrace with a view of the mountains – wonderful! A woman is there who is leaving with her partner in a few days for a three-month sailing trip. A couple tells us about their plans to travel in a camper van. The other couple raves about their home on Lake Lucerne… and we got smaller and smaller! A few days ago, I came across a group of men with their motorbikes in a car park – each equipped with a splendid BMW K 1600 GT style! All motorbikes for which you could have bought a great car for the same price. How do you feel when you are paraded like that?
Keep these questions in mind as we now move to a men’s round in the Bible. They are invited to a meal. They have lively conversations and talk with the host Simon, whom Jesus healed of leprosy. Then it happens: Suddenly a woman comes along, digs out a jar of precious anointing oil from her bag and begins to anoint Jesus. The open conversation between the men turns into whispering behind closed doors. «This is a waste beyond compare! This oil could have been sold well. Then the money could be used for poor people.»
When Jesus becomes aware of what they are muttering, he addresses the men: « «Why are you giving the woman such a hard time?» he said to them. «She has done a good work on me. There will always be poor people with you. But me you will not have with you much longer. By pouring this anointing oil over me, she has anointed my body in advance for my burial. I tell you: Everywhere in the world where the Gospel will be preached, she will also be remembered and spoken of for what she did.» » (Matthew 26:10–13 NGÜ).
A brave woman: she dares to break into this round of men to do something she has never done before. It certainly wasn’t that easy for her. She jumps over her own shadow. She lives a freedom in dealing with this precious oil that is astounding. What used to be the value of a year’s salary, she lets jump on that one evening. Motive: love for her master! It is as if this woman had felt that this was the last opportunity for her to give a sign of gratitude out of love before the crucifixion of Jesus. For her, getting to know Jesus was the greatest thing in life. Through faith she has gained a close relationship with Jesus. She is an enthusiastic disciple. Filled with her great love for Jesus, she dares to take a courageous step. Why does she do this? Her great love for God and Jesus pushes her inwardly to do so.
Paul sums it up for us when he writes in 2 Corinthians: «Whatever we do, we do because the love of Christ moves us»(2 Corinthians 5:14 NLB). This is something we should all take to heart, personally and as a congregation. Whatever we do and move in the kingdom of God, we do because the love of God moves us to do it! What then emerges can be like what the well-heeled woman did here; or also like what the poor widow did who put her last two coins into the offering box in the temple. Both acted out of great love for Christ. The one with two five-cent coins, the other with a few tens of thousands. The faithful men present here at this banquet did not understand the generous woman.
There are Christians who prefer it quiet; just not to attract attention, preferably as usual, preferably the same as always. They have their job in the congregation; they contribute financially, they regularly attend church services… Their faith and their love for Jesus is stuck on rails. What they do and don’t do is piously standardised. This gives them security and a good feeling. I don’t want to say that this is wrong! Because what is important is not what we do, but how we do it! Is it under the motto «Everything we do, we do because the love of Christ moves us»?! Or are there other motives behind it? The question, however, is rather whether Jesus could also thread something extraordinary with my time and my commitment? Can he jump over your shadow with you? Or do you say: «No, I’d rather not! I am now in a good mood in my life and faith! Please don’t change anything!» If Christians who think like this had lived at the time of Jesus, they would still be fishing as disciples or in the custom house because you don’t give up your job. The begging widow would not have got her due, because you can’t be so pushy. The paralytic would not have found four helpers who adventurously laid him at Jesus» feet. The blind man of Jericho would have remained blind because one does not shout like that in the street! The daughter of Jairus would have been buried, because who believes that Jesus can raise the dead! In this way, we could now browse not only the New Testament but also the Old Testament and also modern times and ask ourselves: What all would have been not would have happened in the Kingdom of God if faith-filled people, out of love for Jesus, had not repeatedly dared to do something courageous; they would have broken down boundaries, tackled the unfamiliar and tackled amazing things in faith.
Maybe God has wanted to challenge you for a long time to do something extraordinary! How can you recognise a Christian? By the bumper sticker? By attending church? By their pious talk? No. Rather by their freedom to go all out in love with Jesus, with everything they are and have. They are in love with Jesus – what do you do when you are in love! I am happy to belong to a congregation where people, out of an extraordinary love for Jesus, dare to do something they have never done before; for example, talking to someone about Jesus; praying aloud in a group; taking a year-long biblical course; getting involved in the congregation where it is most needed; venturing abroad, for example to Tajikistan; doing a short assignment with a relief organisation… Others have reached deep into their wallets with enthusiasm for the Kingdom of God. And I can only say that all these examples are inspiring. They are encouraging and challenge us as a whole congregation to go all out again and again. You can’t do that on your own. You need the guidance of the Holy Spirit, because He gives the will and the accomplishment and He distributes the tasks.
In 1 Corinthians it says: «But all this is done by one and the same Holy Spirit, who distributes these gifts and alone decides which gift each individual receives.»(1 Corinthians 12:11 NLB). God can also trust you with something that goes beyond your limits! He changes you by giving you new tasks and the abilities to do them. I very much hope that here in the Seetal-Chile the love for God will continue to be actively expressed. That is not always easy. There can also be criticism, as in this story.
«The disciples were very upset when they saw this. «What a waste of money», they were annoyed. «She should rather have sold it for a lot of money and given the proceeds to the poor».»(Matthew 26:8–9 NLB). What looks like love for the poor in the disciples is not love. They resent the money because it is unusually much. Jesus corrects the grumbling disciples: «She has done a good work! She is completely right. You always have poor people around your ears. Caring for them is one of your core tasks. It’s a standing order, but you don’t have me with you all the time.» Jesus says, «Why are you grieving this woman?» And in the basic text, «Why do you make this woman weary?!» There was a time when you didn’t say to yourself, «Oh, you’re giving me a hard time!» but «You’re making me tired…»! Criticism takes away all the joy of working together. Criticism makes you tired! Praise and admiration motivate! «Hey, I think it’s great that you are investing yourself there. I think you are in the right place there! It’s in keeping with your gifts. Keep up the good work! It’s good that you exist!»
Jesus tells the disciples something else they did not know: the woman is doing the only right thing. Through her and the hosts, Jesus can experience Psalm 23: «Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. Thou anointest my head with oil, and pourest me out a full cup.» (V.5). For Jesus it is the preparation for his death! What matters to you is not what is right in the eyes of others at the moment, but your motive. Continue to invest a lot because you have only one thing in mind: to love Jesus and to live for him! It is a great challenge for all of us to feel what is right now and what is not. But I am convinced that your love for Jesus will move you to do the right thing. It is also good if we help each other to check our motives. Because: How close «totally wrong» and «super good» can be next to each other! This is also expressed in the Bible. In both Gospels (Matthew and Mark), after this story of extraordinary love, the betrayal of Judas is described. Both exposed themselves! The woman out of love for Jesus; and Judas out of love for money.
Together with you, thanks to Jesus, I always want to take a step forward! I want to have the desire with all of you to move something in God’s kingdom that makes God’s love for people clear anew! Be it also through a sign of extraordinary love!
Possible questions for the small groups
Read Bible text: Matthew 26:6–13
Honestly, how would you have reacted as a spectator at this anointing?
Are you at all available for something extraordinary? (time, cooperation, money)
How do you know if I am doing something out of love for Jesus or out of other motives? What often slows us down?
Looking back on your life, what would you have done? not if Jesus had not moved you to do so?
Do you measure and compare yourself with others in community service?
What triggers you when church people move away to the mission?
Bless one another and pray for extraordinary love for walking together with Jesus!