A full-screen role model
Series: Welcome home | Bible text: Philippians 4:8–9
What do others learn from you? What do they hear from you? What do they see in you? Paul is a perfect role model! What do people see in your Christianity?
Welcome home! Yes, how does it look at home? Mum and dad sometimes say «The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree»! «He or she gets that from me» both mum and dad say when they discover something positive about their children, and if it’s something that’s not so good, they also both say «He gets that from you». «Being a role model» is always current and is an eternally modern, widely used term. Role models have meaning everywhere! Be it in education, in sport, in business, in politics, in seetal chile… Paul has reached the final word in his letter to the Philippians. The last words of a letter are sometimes still very important. This is also the case here. And now, dear friends, let me say something in conclusion: And then Paul lists many things that are worth thinking about: what is true, decent, just, pure, kind and admirable; think about things that deserve praise and recognition. That’s a whole list of thinking tasks, listed in just one verse. One gets the impression that Paul is presenting us with a holiday task. You must have a lot of time!
Concentrate on what is true.… Some say that too much salt is unhealthy. Others the opposite. Some say that boys ask girls for friendship. Others say: once upon a time, it works the other way round. Some say: A Christian should allow himself a time of silence every day. Others allow themselves this very irregularly. So, like Pilate, we ask: What is truth? The Bible describes Satan as the father of lies; Jesus, on the other hand, says of himself «I am the truth». The truth in person. What is true is what corresponds to Jesus; what he tells us and what he has exemplified for us.
Concentrate on what is decent.… In the basic text, the Greek word means «honourable» – according to our dignity. In the last sermon I recalled that Jesus has given us a share in his glory, in his «doxa». He has given us prestige, great honour and attached a good reputation to us. So: focus on what fits with what Jesus has made of you and given to you.
Concentrate on what is just.… We know very quickly what is unjust. But what is just? In the Bible, «just» has another meaning than just «fair»; just also means «relationship-building». Justice contributes significantly to cohesion in the congregation. Just means to be fair to others in their value. To – appreciate – their value!
Think about what is pure.… A pure bride is one who has never had sex before marriage. The term here actually means chaste; but also holy and pleasing to God. Jesus Christ has washed us clean of all sin and guilt when we surrendered our lives to him. This purity begins in the heart. Jesus reproached the Pharisees for keeping their cups and bowls clean on the outside; but their inward parts, their hearts, were full of robbery and wickedness. (Luke 11:39) We are to reflect on this, what is pure and lovely and worthy of admiration; about things that deserve distinction and praise. That is, to weigh up what comes to mind; to consider; to reckon with; to see it as it is.… We notice that Paul is also concerned with our togetherness in the congregation. We are to observe what is good and worthy of imitation in one another, to hold on to it and to do it in the same way. In this way, we can motivate each other to do good as well.
Paul adds to his long list by saying: Do not stop doing what you have learned and heard from me and what you have seen with me; and the God of peace will be with you. (NL) Paul offers himself as a role model. Paul is a full-image role model! That was possible at that time. One could observe Paul doing almost everything: teaching, working, eating, sleeping, arguing, exhorting, dealing with people – all day long! And us? Being a Sunday role model is too little. It’s a pitiful slice of your life. That’s why church weekends or church holiday weeks are so important. You get to know each other from a completely different perspective. This also applies to children’s and youth weeks. The current summer time is great for visiting each other. Sitting together and having a drink in the garden, chatting, talking about life, exchanging experiences of faith – but please not only with friends you have known for a long time. You will find so many interesting and experienced people among us. Just approach people and invite them. Let’s look at each other’s fingers, into the whole of life, also in everyday life.
How do I become a role model?
What is a role model anyway? Wikipedia defines it as follows: «A role model is a person with whom a person – usually a young person – identifies and whose behavioural patterns he or she imitates or tries to imitate». A role model is authentic, genuine: what they talk about, they do. Parents go to great lengths to be such role models for their children. Of course, sometimes education still has to contribute! Good table manners, regular personal and dental hygiene, gratitude and kindness cannot be taught by example alone! Many people classify as exemplary those who are likeable, with whom they have the same hay, in other words: with whom they can share their own norms and values – from whom they also receive confirmation in the own Behaviour and the own Attitudes. That has little to do with being a role model. They are just pats on the back that simply do you good. Actually, one should also say: we are always role models, either good or bad. Because we are always observed. We are creatures who measure ourselves against each other and compare ourselves again and again – women and men.
The further question is:
Do you want to be a good role model?!!!
Perhaps people among us are now saying: «Yes, no one can be like this Paul among us!» Who could say that about themselves? Do not cease from what you have learned and heard from me and what you have seen in me; and the God of peace will be with you. (NL) The Philippians have from Paul learned, him belongs and seen. So: «Welcome home», where we are all about mutual learning, listening, seeing and observing!
We can learn, hear and see in two places:
- With Jesus Christ. By what he does with you; how he changes you, gives you new gifts and equips you for your Christian life. By what he says to you, directly in reflection or through words from the Bible.
- with brothers and sisters of faith whom you have around you.
If you want to learn, listen and observe, then you are interested in other Christians! Then you seek fellowship with other Christians and ask them: «How do you do it? What do you think about it, etc.». If you don’t want to learn, hear and see, you are short-sighted, live a shortened life and miss out on becoming a role model for others yourself. Paul not only calls on the believers to take role models seriously and pay attention to them, he also calls on his co-workers, To become role models: e.g. his co-workers Timothy and Titus! Be an example to the believers in everything you say and do, an example of love, faith and purity. (1 Tim 4:12 NGÜ) Similarly with Titus: And you yourself be a good example to them in everything and an example of the credibility and dignity of your teaching. (Titus 2:7 NL) Paul is never concerned in such appeals that his co-workers achieve a certain standing before men. He is concerned solely with God’s cause. The people who have newly come to faith in Jesus Christ need teachers who do not beat around the bush with theory, but who exemplify the whole programme, are genuine! Just as the Philippians experienced. They learned, heard and saw it from the apostle Paul!
In the final part I want to drill deeper into the practice:
What does «being a role model» mean for us Christians in practical terms?
When you grow in faith and become an example, it often happens unconsciously. Others learn from you, take their cue from you, listen to you and pay attention to you without you noticing what Jesus is doing to them through you. This is what happened to the Christians of Thessalonica. Suddenly people were talking about their faith and its effects throughout Macedonia and Achaia! Was this their intention, their goal? Not at all. This is not what they did. God made that out of them. Paul, in this letter to the Philippians, gives God the glory from the beginning: Every time I think of you, I thank my God. I always pray for you and do it with a joyful heart. Because from the first day until today you have worked together with me for the good news. I am quite sure that God, who began his good work in you, will continue and complete it until the day Christ Jesus comes again. What is really at stake is well expressed by Paul in chapter 3. He is in the same boat with the Philippians and says: We do not put our trust in human effort, but are proud of what Christ Jesus has done for us. (Philippians 3:3b NL) Christ alone is my concern. I want to get to know him better and better: I want to experience the power of his resurrection. (Philippians 3:10a NL) Isn’t that amazing that the full-image example Paul says: I want to know Jesus better and better: I want to experience the power of his resurrection. (read these verses twice, you have to «take» them properly like medicine!)
A cool Christian is only a cool role model if Jesus is his trademark and not his own coolness. People, especially children and young people, see through us very quickly! We can know a lot about our faith, and talk a lot about it, but what challenges others to imitate are ultimately not words, but deeds! Children and young people learn faith when they can observe and experience faith. The people around you prove it to you adults: Actions, not words, inspire reflection and imitation! We only become an example for others in total dependence on Jesus. Jesus himself lived this dependence on the Father! How often did he say: «…as you, Father…» Why don’t you also say: «Like you, Jesus!» I would like to close with a suggestion of a prayer for each day: «Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I want to live with you this day in such a way …that I can accept the people I meet as you accept me.
…that you become visible and tangible in me for others.
…that others can discover and get to know you with me.
…that others also want to live with you and open themselves for you.» Amen!
Possible questions for the small groups
Read the Bible text: Philippians 4:8–9
- Where and how do you experience role models? Tell each other.
- Where and how are you a role model for others? Narrated.
- Paul writes «Concentrate on… Think about…». What does that mean in practical terms? What does he want you to do? When and where should one do this?
- Exchange ideas about the individual predicates: true, decent, just, etc.
- Where do you have the opportunity to be role models? Is it working, or what is lacking? Finally, pray for each other for your different roles as role models.