The Metamorphosis of Peter
Series: Metamorphosis | Bible text: 1 Peter 1:13–16
We wonder how Peter’s experiences influenced his metamorphosis.
The metamorphosis of Simon Peter begins on the shore of the Sea of Galilee where he is cleaning the fishing nets together with three others. Then Jesus comes. He looks at Simon very long and attentively and says: «You are Simon, the son of John, but you will be called Cephas» – this is the Aramaic word for Peter and means «rock» (Joh. 1,40–42). Jesus is soon surrounded by a crowd. He gets into the boat with Simon and preaches. After the sermon Jesus says to Simon Peter: «Now go further out and cast your nets there, and you will catch many fish. «Master,» Simon replied, «we worked hard all last night and caught nothing. But if you say so, I will try again.» Indeed, the nets are so full of fish that they threaten to tear. The boat is completely overloaded. When Simon Peter realises what has happened, he falls to his knees before Jesus and says: «Lord, take no further care of me – I am too great a sinner to be with you». (Luke 5:8 NL ). Jesus sees it differently. «Don’t be afraid, Simon! From now on you will fish for people.» Peter and the three others leave everything and follow Jesus. This start could be summarised as follows: You meet Jesus. Jesus looks you in the eye and you feel: Jesus knows everything about you. You realise how badly you look before him, but the love he shows you encourages you to open up to him. You say yes and go with him, like the four fishermen at that time. When Jesus later asks his disciples who they think he is, Simon answers: «You are the Christ, the Son of the living God!» (Matth. 16,16) Jesus answers: «Happy are you, Simon son of John. For this is what my Father in heaven has revealed to you. You could not have had it from a man. From now on you shall be called Peter. Upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell cannot touch it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. What you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and what you open on earth will be open in heaven» (Matthew 16:17–19 NL). Peter has God to thank for this inspiration. In addition, he receives a very personal promise from Jesus.
The first experiences of the disciples
What the disciples first experience was very reminiscent of the way a rabbi deals with his students. It is like a Bible school – combined with practical outreach. Jesus always seeks to be close to people. The disciples are amazed at so many things that Jesus can do with his divine power: The sick are healed on the spot, people are freed from demons. The dead are raised. Everything they hear and experience encourages them and strengthens them in their faith. It is the same with us. When someone tells you about an experience with God, or tells you how a sermon spoke to him or her and brought him or her forward, then you rejoice with him or her. When the young people come home from a camp excited, it’s not just their grandparents who are happy, but all of us! When you experience an answer to prayer in the small group, it is an encouragement for everyone. Apprentices are also allowed to make mistakes. Peter too with the other 11 colleagues!
Every now and then they put their foot in their mouth: When mothers want to bring their children to Jesus, they chase them away! Completely missing Jesus» intention! Or: The disciples are on the lake in a heavy storm and Jesus is sleeping peacefully – they wake him up and want to convince him that their last hour has come. Jesus only asks: «Why are you afraid? Is your faith so small?» (Matthew 8:24 NL) How many times have you been at your wits» end and stopped praying? You are rowing wildly through life and are convinced that no one can help you now, not even Jesus. But you know very well that you are not alone. In the storms of your life, Jesus is with you in the boat, no matter where you are.
Special Peter Experiences
Those who think of Peter naturally also think of the disciples» boat trip at night when Jesus meets them like a ghost on the water (Mt 14:26ff). Jesus reassures them: «Don’t worry! It’s me. Don’t be afraid!» Then Peter again spontaneously: «If it is you, call me to come to you on the water!» » So come» Jesus calls to him. I was amazed that none of the 11 others called out: «Can I go too? When the wind and waves picked up again, Peter became frightened and sank. «Lord, help me!«he cries out. Jesus gives him his hand and pulls him up. «You of little faith,» he said, «why did you doubt?» Jesus is holding a mirror up to our eyes! Why are faith and doubt sometimes so close to each other?
Jesus takes Peter and two other disciples up a mountain one day to pray. The disciples oversleep the prayer time, but wake up in time to see Jesus talking to Moses and Elijah in a vision. Peter is so excited about this meeting that he immediately agrees to build a hut for Moses, Elijah and Jesus each. In the Gospel of Mark it says about Peter here: «He didn’t really know what he was talking about.»
It would be so nice if a youth retreat by the sea never ended – or a church weekend, a church retreat… a Bible school time… !!! Suddenly it’s all over and all they see is Jesus! If you are in danger of falling into a hole after a wonderful event, it is crucial whether you keep your eyes on Jesus or not!
Peter asked Jesus questions again and again, e.g.:«Lord, how many times shall I forgive someone who wrongs me? Seven times?» «No!» Jesus answered, «seventy times seven!»(Matthew 18:21–22 NL) Did Peter experience that someone often wronged him? To be able to forgive, twice is hardly possible and seven times seems impossible! Jesus» answer is high school! «Stop counting, just forgive.» To be able to apologise and to forgive – good for those who, with God’s help, have already mutated these two impossibilities into the «Yes, I can!»
Another question from Peter makes us wonder: «We have given up everything to follow you. What will we get in return?» (Matthew 19:27 NL) We may shake our heads, but such thoughts sometimes stir in us: «I have worked so hard for the church, done so much voluntary work… There should be something in it for me – already here and not only in heaven! The answer Jesus gave Peter can be expressed as follows: «So only those can ask who have not yet understood what eternal life in the kingdom of God will entail!» I am convinced that once we enter God’s kingdom, we will all have forgotten to ask for the reward. Because everything will be so stunningly beautiful and glorious! The disciples» worst question was a common question that turned into an argument: Who do you think is the greatest among us?! Lesson from Jesus: «If someone wants to be first, he must take the last place and serve everyone». (Mark 9:35 NL). If you want to be great, be a servant! If you want to be great, take in a child!
Our metamorphosis takes place in the bustle and noise of the world. In the midst of our flips and flops of faith. It’s not an ever upward line. It’s up and down. But in the daily challenges, our faith becomes stronger and more sustainable, even as we learn from our mistakes. Peter once stumbled badly. When Jesus prepared his disciples for what was to come in Jerusalem and spoke of his suffering and death, Peter reacted brusquely: «This must not happen, Lord,» he said «This must not happen at all!» Jesus turned to Peter and said, «Get away from me, Satan! You are trying to trap me. You see things only through the eyes of men and not as God sees them.» (Matthew 16:21–23 NL).
Even if we are in the midst of a metamorphosis where we are being changed into a being shaped entirely by the Spirit of God: We are and remain for the time being still human beings and therefore we must be careful not always to speak humanly, act humanly, see humanly, judge humanly and decide humanly. But we should ask ourselves how God sees the matter; and then speak as he speaks. Judge or decide as he would judge and decide. Not that he has to give us the same reproach as Peter: «You see things only through the eyes of men and not as God sees them.»
When we follow Peter’s life, we quickly realise: he was a Christian like you and me today: with our good and bad times, sometimes with great trust, sometimes with doubts, sometimes with justified questions, sometimes with stupid questions, sometimes we find Jesus to run away, then again to stay… When many disciples were running away from Jesus, Jesus asked his 12th disciple to run away from him: «Are you going to leave too?» Peter replied: «Lord, to whom should we go? Only you have words that give eternal life. We believe and have known that you are the Holy One of God». (John 6:67–69 NL).
We pray the Our Father at the end, because there is hardly another prayer that keeps us in constant metamorphosis like this one: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And let us not be tempted, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen!
Possible questions for the small groups
Read the Bible text: 1 Peter 1:13–16
- Peter found Jesus in an interesting way. What was it like for you? Lk 5,1ff
- Peter was the first to experience a miracle of catching fish. How do you explain his reaction to this? (Falling on his knees before Jesus, «I am too great a sinner…» etc. Lk 5,1ff
- Why does Jesus praise the disciple Peter so excessively in Mt 16:16–19? He even gets a promise for the future – and the other 11?
- What do you think about Jesus» leadership style? For a special moment he always takes the same three disciples with him. (Mount of Transfiguration Mt 17:1ff; raising Jairus» daughter Lk 8:49; Jesus in Gethsemane Mt 26:37) Doesn’t this stir up jealousy?
- Put yourselves in the shoes of the 11 disciples. How would you have reacted when Peter wanted to go across the water to Jesus?
- Why is the Our Father prayer particularly suitable as a prayer for our metamorphosis?