The loud world changers
Series: Welcome home | Bible text: Matthew 16:13–20; and many more.
A diametrically different personality type from Mary is Peter. He is a strongly extroverted person. When the community of Jesus» disciples was challenged, he was usually the quickest to react. He is an innovative, loud person, but he fails time and again because of his unsteadiness. Jesus takes care of him, changes him and gives him the great responsibility of being the rock on which Jesus builds his community.
After the last sermon I was asked the following question by email: What is Jesus? Intro? Extro? My answer was: «I think that Jesus was perfect. He cannot be captured by a typology, but was everything at the same time – but not out of deficit, but spiritually mature! Unbelievable – how Jesus was!«The division into introverts and extroverts is related to the limitations of human beings. Through this answer, it also becomes clear that on the way to Jesus-likeness, each one of us should broaden our boundaries. This is exactly what these sermons are about. More introverts should expand their territory towards extroversion and vice versa.
To repeat, a brief characterisation of the two poles extrovert and introvert. A woman writes about herself: On the one hand, I am extroverted: a jack of all trades. I love to be around people and to interfere, to take the lead and (before I think much) to make comments – which I sometimes regret later. And then I’m an introvert again. When I’ve spent a lot of time around people, I need times of retreat and breathe a sigh of relief when I’m finally alone and can play the piano or work undisturbed at my desk.
It is not about each of us being able to catalogue ourselves exactly, but about a growing mutual understanding. Jesus had both types in his environment and encouraged or challenged each of them in a «species-appropriate» way.
Characteristics of an extrovert
I am fascinated by the different personalities Jesus had in his immediate environment. The prime example of an extroverted person is Peter. The mere fact that he is mentioned dozens of times in the Gospels speaks for this thesis. Extroverts are noticed! We are now angling along some biblical passages and observing Peter:
He is open to new things and takes risks. Jesus» friends are travelling by boat on the Sea of Galilee at night and get into a heavy swell with a strong wind. Around three o’clock in the morning, Jesus comes to them across the water. Then Peter cried out: «Lord, if it is really you, command me to come to you on the water»(Matthew 14:28). Pioneers are often rather extroverted people. They need little security to dare to take the step onto the water.
Peter dares to ask questions. Introverts move their question inside and when they are ready to ask a question, it no longer fits. Peter once asked: «Lord, how often should I forgive someone who wrongs me? Seven times?»(Matthew 18:21). Little he asks the following question: «We have given up everything to follow you. What will we get in return?»(Matthew 19:27). In the eyes of an introvert, that’s nice and brave. I would first make sure that it is not a «stupid» question. Extroverts wear their hearts on their tongues.
Peter is pragmatic, a doer. Once Peter was on a mountain with Jesus and two other friends when they suddenly had an awe-inspiring experience: Jesus» face shone like the sun and his clothes became brilliant white. In the midst of this holy and reverent moment, Peter exclaims: «Lord, how wonderful this is! If you want, I will build three tents, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.»(Matthew 17:4).
Peter acts impulsively but is not very persistent. When Jesus was arrested, his fuses blew: «Suddenly Simon Peter drew a sword and cut off the right ear of Malchus, the servant of the high priest.»(John 18:10). The word «suddenly» reveals that he probably acted faster here than he thought. Extroverts often act quickly, but are not so persistent. Thus Peter was the first to want to go back to the «old» life after the disappointment of Jesus» death. «Simon Peter said, «I’m going fishing.» The others said, «We’re coming with you».»(John 21:3). Extroverts sometimes give up quickly when things don’t go their way.
Peter overcomes borders. It is probably no coincidence that Peter had the vision of the cloth being lowered from heaven. Inside the cloth were various four-footed animals as well as snakes and birds – all animals that the Jews were not allowed to eat. The image also included a voice saying that he should eat these animals. The significance of this vision was that the good news should henceforth be proclaimed to the non-Jewish people. A milestone in the history of Christianity. Peter was the pioneer. Extroverts are often innovative and less the preservers.
Peter takes responsibility. He often appears as a spokesman (Luke 8:45). It is interesting that Jesus also gave him this responsibility. When Jesus counted on the support of his friends in his death throes in the Garden of Gethsemane, he addressed Peter: «Couldn’t you at least stay awake with me for an hour?»(Matthew 26:40). For Jesus, Peter was the primus inter pares, the first among equals with a representative character. It has to do with Jesus» excellent knowledge of human nature that he pronounced on Peter the calling to be the rock on which Jesus wants to build his church (Matthew 16:18). For this task, Jesus needed an extroverted personality who likes to carry a lot of responsibility.
Peter engages in confrontational «street evangelism». In his Pentecost sermon he challenges the listeners and does not beat around the bush. The result of his powerful sermon is that about 3000 people turn to Jesus (Acts 2:41). Today’s friendship evangelism models he would dismiss with a mild smile, proudly pointing to his success.
Peter has a tendency to overestimate himself. He promises Jesus the blue of heaven. «Even if everyone leaves you, I will stay with you»(Matthew 26:33). A few hours later he was to have denied Jesus three times. This shook him and he wept bitterly (Matthew 26:75). Jesus took care of him in a pastoral way and rehabilitated him by granting him forgiveness three times (John 21). Extroverts often learn according to the principle of «try and fall». Trying courageously, but also landing on their nose a time or two! Extroverts need pastoral support and people who promise them forgiveness.
Peter deals with conflicts openly and is solution-oriented. People like Peter quickly get into a conflict. Although he was the pioneer in «mission to the Gentiles», he relapsed. Paul reproaches him for behaving differently depending on society. This leads to an open conflict (Galatians 2:11ff). The first apostolic council also dealt with questions around the handling of the Jewish laws in the Gentile world. There Peter was the spokesperson and behaved in a very solution-oriented way (Acts 15:7).
Extroverts, in their entirety, are no more shallow, babbling self-promoters than introverts are narrow-minded, curmudgeonly recluses.
Challenges for extroverts
In Peter’s case, we can see an enormous change in the course of his life towards a mature extroverted person. Just the fact that the triple traitor preaches a powerful sermon on the street in front of the gathered people a few weeks later is amazing. Let us be challenged to become more like Jesus as well.
Here are a few pointers for mature behaviour of extros towards intros:
Mature extros create space for deep conversations
Often, extroverts are at the lever in the different groups. It is not enough for vision papers to say that there is room for everyone. It takes conscious engagement with other personalities, especially introverts. Community among extros usually takes place in such a way that people meet together in one place and talk together. In this large crowd, however, introverts feel out of place. Too many people, too much commotion, too little time to have a deeper conversation. Extros should be brave here and work on calming down and decelerating meeting spaces.
Mature extros plan events in such a way that intros do not feel embarrassed.
For event planning, it is important to know that introverts feel uncomfortable in certain situations, such as social interactions at the beginning of worship, like the «casual 30-second exchange with the person sitting next to you». Certain body movements as instructed in worship etc. also fall into the category of «nice embarrassments». Intros are overwhelmed by such spontaneity and quickly feel embarrassed. Time to think about something is a scarce resource for extros because they like to keep themselves busy. This is exactly where intros give them the chance to change at this point. Therefore, one should have the courage to start an event with a «quiet» contribution that goes without many words, a picture meditation combined with some profound thoughts, a reading or a picture collage.
Mature extros moderate group discussions in such a way that intros can also contribute.
At the first apostolic council, several years after Jesus, we seem to be dealing with a mature Peter. He does not dominate the discussions. He expresses his opinion clearly, but then respectfully leaves room for further comments. In group discussions, extroverts will be very quick to speak up to make their contributions because they feel that their input absolutely must be heard. Introverts, on the other hand, always weigh up for a long time whether they should say anything at all or whether they will just embarrass themselves. Extroverts have to learn to «keep their mouths shut» and to make their contributions at a later stage, even if they can hardly stand it. It is the task of extros to draw out introverted team members. This requires the conviction that their profound thoughts are an added benefit for all present.
Mature extros consciously build bridges to intros.
Whether an intro really feels comfortable and accepted in a community also depends on how well extros can integrate him into an existing community. Extros should direct their attention not only to the loud ones in a group, but also to those standing on the sidelines, because that is the preferred place of introverts (if they have not disappeared before). Approaching introverts in a friendly way and engaging them in conversation is not difficult for extroverts. But other things are, such as listening with concentration and focus, letting the other person finish, not steering the conversation towards themselves. One of the most difficult things for extros is to endure moments of silence. But it is worth it, because it is often only then that they find out what occupies intros in their deepest heart. In this way, extros often discover the complement in the other, who enriches the life of the congregation with his or her differences and gifts and deepens it spiritually (e.g. through profound sermons).
Extroverts like to initiate new things and are asked to lead groups. Jesus gave Peter the main responsibility for the greatest divine project on earth after Jesus» ascension, the church building. «From now on you shall be called Peter. Upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell shall not prevail against it.» (Matthew 16:18). Peter was a rather noisy world changer. His calling was in keeping with his nature. But to get the project off the ground, it still needs the cooperation of extros and intros. Together they are really strong.
Possible questions for the small groups
Read Bible text: Mark 8:27–33 and John 13:1–10
- What strengths and weaknesses of an extrovert personality do you find in the two Bible passages given?
- What character traits of Peter do you find in yourself? Give examples!
- Who is more similar to you in terms of personality profile, the quiet Mary or the less quiet Peter? Why?
- How could it be possible that in your group (small group, glow Next, etc.) also the quiet world changers find a good place? What impulses from the sermon do you want to implement?