The gardener
Series: Like you and me | Bible text: John 20:11–18
The risen Jesus meets Mary at the empty tomb as a gardener. God is like a gardener for us. He knows how to transform barren land into a flourishing garden. Easter transforms a Good Friday of mourning into a Good FridayA story of mourning becomes a story of hope.
When the houses are built on a development and the first people move into their flats, the surroundings are still brown, dirty and dreary. The last professional to come along is the gardener, who takes care of this dreariness, creates a garden, sows the lawn, plants suitable trees and colourful flowers and lays beautiful stones. After a few weeks, the whole environment looks transformed: beautiful gardens and lush green lawns. Reinhard Mey sings that the murderer is always the gardener, But actually the gardener is one who creates life and beauty.
We come from Good Friday. The word Good Friday has its roots in Old High German karawhich means lamentation, sorrow, grief. Mary had more than enough of that when she came to the tomb on the third day after Jesus» crucifixion. Now there was no stopping her. She cried bitterly. So much sadness, despair, injustice. Everything that had happened in the last days and hours was just too much. Her Jesus, who had done so much good for her family, was dead, executed. That which gave her life meaning and support was gone. The most valuable thing has disappeared from their lives.
«Mary stood outside the tomb weeping, and as she wept, she bent down and looked in. There she saw two angels dressed in white sitting, one at the head and one at the foot of the place where Jesus» body had lain. Why are you crying?» the angels asked her. «Because they have taken my Lord away,» she replied, «and I do not know where they have laid him.» » (John 20:11–13 NL).
Jesus is no longer there. The tomb is empty and no one could explain it. Note: Angels could not comfort Mary over the loss of Jesus. This is still true today: angels standing around in the home are no substitute for Jesus – even if they are highly popular in many places today.
I think this feeling of Mary is an attitude towards life that we still know today. Mary wanted to cherish the tomb of Jesus. How many graves do we have to dig in of our biography, we had to bury so many hopes, wishes and visions. Such graves can be: the desire for children or the desire for a spouse, suffering at work, physical or mental suffering, the break-up of a relationship, the loss of a loved one, your own failure, inferiority, a secret that you have not yet revealed to anyone, disappointments, loneliness, etc. Perhaps you are standing in front of a grave that resembles the surroundings of a new building after winter: brown, dirty and dreary. Good Friday. This is how Mary and probably also Jesus» twelve friends felt.
But then Maria sees something: «She looked back over her shoulder and saw someone standing behind her. It was Jesus, but she did not recognise him. «Why are you crying?» Jesus asked her. «Who are you looking for?» She thought he was the gardener. «Lord,» she said, «if you have taken him away, tell me where you have taken him; then I will go and fetch him.» «Mary!» said Jesus. She turned to him and exclaimed: «Master!» » (John 20:14–16 NL).
Suddenly a story of mourning becomes a story of hope and joy. An abysmally sad person changes into a hopeful, joyful and courageous person. But what exactly pulls Mary out of her sorrow? What dries her tears here at the garden tomb? It is a strange encounter. She doesn’t seem to be able to do much with the angels. Then Mary meets the gardener, who is Jesus. But she does not recognise Jesus. Jesus as gardener! May we imagine God at the tomb as a gardener? What is a gardener? In the very beginning, God created the Garden of Eden as an environment for the first human couple, Adam and Eve. A gardener first provides a good seed that is scattered. Then the seed falls on the ground and the gardener takes care of it so that it can grow and new things come into being. We think it’s over, it’s died, we don’t see anything anymore, and suddenly new life comes out of the seed that the gardener has scattered, completely unexpectedly. Wonderful gardens are being created around the new housing estate and are totally changing the picture.
Jesus likes to come to your graves as a gardener. Perhaps the grave of the break-up of a relationship. Deep emotional wounds, for example caused by a divorce, can be transformed by Jesus the gardener into a centre of competence. And you can become a blessing for others in similar situations. Or to your sense of not belonging, he can give new hope so that new life sprouts. Think of God as a gardener at the graves of your life! We think so much is gone, dead, but the gardener can take care of it. When God comes into our world as a gardener, it can happen in your life today that a story of sorrow becomes a story of hope. Easter turns a story of mourning into a story of hope.
The English do not speak of Good Friday, but of «Good Friday». Good Friday it is because this God has become a gardener in the person of his Son Jesus Christ. Good Friday it is because Christ has purchased eternal life for us, and not only for after our death. The effect is already true now through our union with God through the Spirit who takes up residence in us and changes us from the inside out. This is ultimately all a fruit of the cross. The resurrection power is powerful. With the same power with which God raised Jesus from the dead, he works on his followers and turns dreariness into a beautiful garden. Unlike a gardener with a green apron, he even creates life from nothing.
Incidentally, Jesus introduces God to us as a gardener in another place: «If God cares so wonderfully for the flowers that blossom today and wither tomorrow, how much more does he care for you?»(Matthew 6:30 NL). How can you tell that God cares for the flowers? Although they do not work and do not sew clothes for themselves, they are dressed more gloriously than King Solomon in all his splendour. In this so-called «how much more parable» there is a great promise: God cares for you. He is also your gardener. Therefore, you do not need to worry (Matthew 6:31)! We are allowed – even in the face of broken dreams – to live a carefree life. When we stop worrying in one fell swoop, it frees up a lot of emotional and rational capacity. We should put this to good use as soon as possible, otherwise the worries will come back. Jesus suggests: «Make the kingdom of God your primary concern, live in God’s righteousness and he will give you all that you need»(Matthew 6:33 NL). Actually, this means nothing other than that we, as God’s gifted ones, are to be «gardeners» for others.
Being a gardener
I will bless you and you shall be a blessing. Like you and me. We too can and should be «gardeners» for others. Indeed, God as the prototype gardener has had a plan from the beginning: «Then he said: «Let grass grow on the earth, and let it bring forth plants bearing seed, and trees full of various fruits, in which is their seed». And so it came to pass»(Genesis 1:11 NL). In all his creation lies the seed of multiplication. When you consider how many millions of seeds each plant or person produces, it seems almost wasteful, but life should go on.
Using Mary as an example, we see what this could mean: « «Do not touch me,» said Jesus, «for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and tell them that I am ascending to my Father and to your Father, to my God and to your God.» Mary Magdalene found the disciples and told them, «I have seen the Lord!» Then she reported what he had told her to do» (John 20:17–18 NL).
Mary shared the good news of Jesus so that the disciples were also brought out of their gloom and back into the sprouting life. For whom could you be a «gardener»? Who could you help, especially in the current state of emergency, to turn a story of mourning into a story of hope? Even a phone call or a little help can green up a dreary environment. Why not ask our sick and suffering people how they are doing? Perhaps, like Mary, you can share the good news that Jesus is truly risen. Jesus is risen, he is truly risen.
Easter turns a story of mourning into a story of hope. You can experience this personally through faith in Jesus Christ. He can turn the graves you tend into hope and beauty. The gardener is not a murderer, but a life-giver par excellence. That is what we want to celebrate today.
Possible questions for the small groups
Read the Bible text: John 20:11–18
- What kind of graves do you tend?
- What does it mean that God is the gardener of your barren places in life?
- Have you ever experienced at one point that God has built a centre of competence out of a wound?
- If God were also your gardener, what worries could you confidently lay aside?
- For whom could you and do you want to be a gardener this Easter time?