Date: 24 Janu­ary 2021 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: 1 Corin­thi­ans 7:29–31
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

The meta­mor­pho­sis «Let your being be trans­for­med!» descri­bes the pro­cess of a fol­lower of Jesus in trans­forming from ego-natu­re to Jesus-liken­ess. Jesus needs the image of the grain of wheat that has to die in the earth so that it can bear much fruit. A fol­lower of Jesus dies in the meta­mor­pho­sis towards life. The focus of this ser­mon is on life in the adult stage. What does this look like in the key are­as of life – money and pos­ses­si­ons, care­er and employ­ment, and fami­ly and friends?


After the cater­pil­lar has pupa­ted, it seems to be dead. But then it awa­kens to new life and new beau­ty through the pro­cess of meta­mor­pho­sis. It is through dying that we move towards life. It is no dif­fe­rent in the trans­for­ma­ti­on of our being: «If the grain of wheat does not fall into the earth and die, it remains a sin­gle grain. But if it dies, it bears much fruit»(John 12:24 NGÜ). In fol­lo­wing Jesus, we are chal­len­ged to do just that. That is why it does not feel attrac­ti­ve. Today we focus more on living and less on dying.

I am curr­ent­ly rea­ding the bio­gra­phy of Rees Howells (1879–1950), who came from a poor fami­ly in a Welsh mining vil­la­ge. The­re he lear­ned the secret of pray­er and expe­ri­en­ced the power of God in a most impres­si­ve way. He even beca­me the door ope­ner for a revi­val in Afri­ca. After he had deci­ded to live with Jesus Christ, an embatt­led trans­for­ma­ti­on pro­cess fol­lo­wed. The Holy Spi­rit chal­len­ged him to deal with ever­y­thing that belon­ged to the old natu­re. Love of money, per­so­nal ambi­ti­on, natu­ral affec­tion for par­ents and loved ones, the desi­res of the body, love of life its­elf – all that makes even a con­ver­ted man live for hims­elf: his own com­fort, advan­ta­ge, pro­gress, even his cir­cle of fri­ends – must be brought to the cross. The result was not pover­ty, britt­le­ness or nar­row­ness, but full­ness, exu­berant joy and deep peace.

A fol­lower of Jesus dies in meta­mor­pho­sis towards life. As soon as he has sur­ren­de­red an area of life com­ple­te­ly to God, a huge joy and free­dom fol­lows. Paul finds words for this: «One thing is cer­tain, brot­hers and sis­ters: things are coming to an end fas­ter and fas­ter. The­r­e­fo­re, in the time that is left to us, for the mar­ried per­son it must not be mar­ria­ge that deter­mi­nes his life; for the sad per­son it must not be sad­ness and for the hap­py per­son it must not be joy. Whoe­ver buys some­thing should hand­le it as if it did not belong to him, and whoe­ver makes use of the things of this world must not allow hims­elf to be taken cap­ti­ve by them. For the world as it is is doo­med to des­truc­tion» (1 Corin­thi­ans 7:29–31 NGÜ). When we sur­ren­der our are­as of life to God, they come into pro­per order and we can enjoy them in free­dom wit­hout fal­ling into an unp­lea­sant depen­den­cy.

In the last ser­mon (sym­pa­thiser or fol­lower) Jesus encoun­ters three peo­p­le in whom ulti­m­ate­ly the mate­ri­al com­fort, the pro­fes­si­on and the fami­ly pre­ven­ted them from ful­ly fol­lo­wing Jesus. Today we look at the are­as again and will rea­li­se that it is only pro­fit to put them behind Jesus.

Freedom in money and possessions

God told Abra­ham to lea­ve his home­land and move to a land that He would show him. Who would do such a thing? Abra­ham obey­ed and set out with his fami­ly. He sur­ren­de­red his life com­ple­te­ly to God. When he ente­red the Pro­mi­sed Land, he had not­hing. But God ent­rus­ted him with an incre­di­ble amount of wealth. God is not stingy!

Money is an excel­lent ser­vant, but a vile mas­ter. Jesus» con­cern is that money beco­mes an excel­lent ser­vant. The dan­ger in our afflu­ent socie­ty is gre­at that money and pos­ses­si­ons deter­mi­ne our lives and we defi­ne our­sel­ves by them. At the same time, this excludes Jesus being our Lord. «A man can­not ser­ve two mas­ters. He will be devo­ted to one and reject the other. He will give his all to one and des­pi­se the other. You can­not ser­ve God and at the same time ser­ve Mam­mon.» (Matthew 6:24 NGÜ). The term Mam­mon does not mean money in and of its­elf, but the spi­rit behind it, which makes us depen­dent on money - also cal­led love of money.

At the last regio­nal pas­tors» mee­ting, a col­le­ague who is reti­ring this year said some­what asha­med­ly: «Some­ti­mes I think about how much money I could have ear­ned if I had stay­ed an engi­neer.» And then he told us with joy that a door for a con­do­mi­ni­um was ope­ning and that he had just expe­ri­en­ced a few mira­cles in terms of finan­cing. If we put our mate­ri­al com­forts behind Jesus, we will expe­ri­ence how he pro­vi­des. Wise Solo­mon says about this: «Trust in your wealth and you will peri­sh! But the god­ly blos­som like the trees in spring­time»(Pro­verbs 11:28 NL).

But the pro­cess of sub­or­di­na­ting our mate­ri­al com­forts to God is extra­or­di­na­ri­ly dif­fi­cult and deman­ding. Becau­se we are so rich, we think we can also lose a lot. God’s goal is to lead us into a huge free­dom in terms of pos­ses­si­ons and money. To have as if one did not have. This makes us cri­sis-pro­of. For it is true: «For wealth can sud­den­ly dis­ap­pear – it takes wings like an eagle and flies away»(Pro­verbs 23:5 NL). Our money is not safe, espe­ci­al­ly nowa­days, and the situa­ti­on can chan­ge very quick­ly. The meta­mor­pho­sis in mat­ters of money wants to prepa­re us for this. But it cos­ts us ever­y­thing. The power of mam­mon can only be bro­ken through gene­rous giving. The money must ser­ve us and not we the money! A rich man who wan­ted to fol­low Jesus fai­led becau­se he could not let go of his pos­ses­si­ons (Matthew 19:16ff).

Freedom in profession and employment

When peo­p­le talk to each other, they soon talk about their pro­fes­si­on. Becau­se of the pro­fes­si­on, we place our­sel­ves abo­ve or below the per­son we are tal­king to. Through the pro­fes­si­on we get sta­tus, iden­ti­ty and mea­ning. One reason why I do not approach my time­out in the sum­mer in a rela­xed man­ner is that who am I then when I live far away from my job and the com­mu­ni­ty. The­re is a task ahead of me: the ego natu­re must be repla­ced with the divi­ne natu­re in this matter.

Work is very cen­tral for us humans. Alre­a­dy on the day of his crea­ti­on, he was given the task of pre­ser­ving, admi­nis­te­ring and sha­ping the earth. Accor­ding to Jewish thin­king, what is crea­ted later is always carin­gly respon­si­ble for what has gone befo­re. So man is sup­po­sed to main­tain and shape fau­na and flo­ra, lakes and mea­dows, the Mil­ky Way and other gala­xies in a caring way. And who then cares for man? On the seventh day God res­ted from all his works and insti­tu­ted the Sab­bath. The Sab­bath and the res­t­ing God take care of us! But when work gets too much weight and pushes Jesus out of first place, man sud­den­ly belie­ves he can no lon­ger afford the day of rest. He gets caught in a hams­ter wheel and as a result his mar­ria­ge, fami­ly or health suf­fers. The Sab­bath is a test case for the right prio­ri­ties. The job also belongs behind Jesus in disci­ple­ship. We are then cri­sis-pro­of even when we lose our job, becau­se it does not hit us in the core of our personality.

Per­haps employ­ers are gra­teful when their employees are ens­laved by work and achie­ve a lot for the sake of their self-worth. Do not be afraid! Paul says: «Do your work with zeal and joy, as if you were ser­ving God and not peo­p­le. Do not for­get that the Lord will reward you with the hea­ven­ly inhe­ri­tance. Ser­ve the Lord Jesus Christ»(Colos­si­ans 3:23f NL)! If someone ser­ves the Lord Jesus Christ with and in work, he will do excel­lent and honest work, and – he does it with joy and in gre­at freedom.

Freedom in family and among friends

A fort­night ago, befo­re his bap­tis­mal rene­wal, I asked the bap­ti­sed if he was wil­ling to put his wife and daugh­ter second behind Jesus. Many felt that this ques­ti­on was not ade­qua­te and were embar­ras­sed. Can the­re be any­thing more important than fami­ly? By far the best thing for your fami­ly and fri­ends is to cle­ar­ly put Jesus Christ first.

Also a fort­night ago, the Win­dow on Sun­day por­tray­ed a woman who was 36 years old and alo­ne with her four child­ren. They lived as a fami­ly in Papa New Gui­nea. Her hus­band was a pilot for a mis­sio­na­ry socie­ty. One day, the unthinkable hap­pen­ed: he cra­s­hed his pla­ne and died. Today – 14 years later – she still has tears in her eyes when she talks about it. She said: «I did­n’t under­stand God that way, but I always knew that he was the­re and that he was indi­rect­ly or direct­ly part­ly respon­si­ble. He did not pre­vent the dis­as­ter. But I feel and have the cer­tain­ty that he still loves me. In spi­te of ever­y­thing that was dif­fi­cult, it was also a beau­tiful expe­ri­ence, becau­se I expe­ri­en­ced God as a rea­li­ty at that moment.» Fri­ends and fami­ly are not cri­sis-pro­of – God is!

Never think that mar­ria­ge and fami­ly would suf­fer if you fol­low Jesus with ever­y­thing you have. In Ephe­si­ans 5, Paul com­pa­res the mys­tery of Christ’s devo­ted love for the church to the love of a wife and hus­band. The purest and grea­test love the world has ever seen should ser­ve as a model for the love bet­ween man and woman. The more you are recep­ti­ve to God’s love, the grea­ter you will love your spou­se and your fri­ends! Whoe­ver knows hims­elf loved by God and thus recei­ves mea­ning, iden­ti­ty and value, does not have to overtax his spou­se. He is then not respon­si­ble for his hap­pi­ness, becau­se that is alre­a­dy there.

Child­ren are often the cent­re of atten­ti­on in fami­lies. Ever­y­thing revol­ves around the child­ren. This is very unhe­alt­hy for their deve­lo­p­ment. They are con­di­tio­ned to get and have gre­at dif­fi­cul­ty giving. The order should be dif­fe­rent: God first, then the spou­se and only then the child­ren. This is the secret of suc­cess for healt­hy child­ren to grow up. This is also clear from the sto­ry of crea­ti­on: first man was crea­ted as a coun­ter­part of God, then man was given ano­ther human being to fel­low­ship with, and from this rela­ti­onship child­ren grew up. Do you want to do some­thing good for your child­ren? Remo­ve them from the cent­re of your life! In this mat­ter, too, you find life through dying.



A fol­lower of Jesus who allows hims­elf to be trans­for­med in his I finds hims­elf as a ste­ward and no lon­ger as an owner. He also no lon­ger seeks the mea­ning of life in the crea­ted, but in the rela­ti­onship with God. This leads to an incon­ceiva­ble free­dom and to the hig­hest enjoy­ment in terms of pos­ses­si­ons, work, fami­ly and all other things in life. In meta­mor­pho­sis we die towards life. That is radi­cal. The root word radix means Root. «As you have accept­ed Christ Jesus as your Lord, so live with him and be obe­dient to him. Sink your roots deep into his soil and draw from him, and you will grow in faith and beco­me stead­fast in the truth in which you have been ins­truc­ted. And then your life will over­flow with gra­ti­tu­de for all that he has done.»(Colos­si­ans 2:6f NL). Niklaus von der Flüe asks God in a pray­er for this trans­for­ma­ti­on: «My Lord and my God, take from me ever­y­thing that hin­ders me to you. My Lord and my God, give me ever­y­thing that pro­mo­tes me to you. My Lord and my God, take me from me and give me enti­re­ly to you.»








Possible questions for the small groups

Read the Bible text: 1 Corin­thi­ans 7:29–31

  1. How do we come into such free­dom in the are­as of life as Paul descri­bes in the given Bible text?
  2. Meta­mor­pho­sis means dying towards life. How do you under­stand this? How does one do that?
  3. What is the dan­ger when pos­ses­si­ons, work, fami­ly or other things come befo­re Jesus in the list of prio­ri­ties? What are the cha­rac­te­ristics of this?
  4. To what ext­ent is fol­lo­wing Jesus radi­cal? Why is it not a dan­ge­rous radicalisation?
  5. Pray tog­e­ther the pray­er of Niklaus von der Flüeh and pray for the set Meta­mor­pho­sis annu­al goals!