The best for our place
Series: Like you and me | Bible text: Matthew 5:13–16; Jeremiah 29:6f
In our basic documents, the mission of seetal chile is described with the words gathering, strengthening and sending. Accordingly, there is a vision picture of a village. Now we have noticed that the dimension of mission is completely missing from the picture and is also little emphasised in our congregational culture. We believe that we have reached a point where we should focus more on mission and renew the vision picture accordingly.
«When the salt is put on the meat, on the fish, something happens: rot is prevented. Why don’t we Christians have a stronger impact on society? There are enough problems: racism, violence, an all-pervading materialism, corruption at the highest levels, sexual infidelity, loss of values. Who is to blame? Everyone but us? I see it quite differently. I make a suggestion to you today: if society becomes brutalised, decadent, it is our fault. If the house is dark at night, it is not the house’s fault. It is the lack of light there. If the fish starts to stink, it’s not the fish’s fault. The question is: where is the salt? We accuse society of this, full of arrogance and self-righteousness. But Jesus has commissioned us to be its salt and light.» (John Stott, British theologian, 1921–2011).
It is not about achieving a perfect society. It will only be perfect when Jesus returns. But because we can’t have it perfect doesn’t mean we can’t improve it. There are experiences throughout history that society has been changed and improved by committed Christians. As seetal chile we have described our mission in terms of gathering, strengthening and sending.
Jesus Christ promised his disciples to build his church «and all the powers of hell cannot harm her» (Matthew 16:18 NL). It is called ekklesiaThe Greek term originally meant the assembly of the citizens of a polis. The Greek term originally meant the assembly of the citizens of a polis. Polis is a city and already indicates that the congregation carries a political dimension throughout. In the Hebrew language, this is expressed by the expression qahal Yahweh = Assembly of God who in turn had in mind the political gathering of God’s people.
So collection is deeply part of the core mission of a congregation. Last year’s annual theme «welcome home» struck this chord. As seetal chile, we have been working intensively on the welcoming culture to open the door to seetal chile wide for people. People who come to us should feel at home from the first moment. A big compliment to you: this works quite well and has become an important feature of our culture.
Jesus prayed for two things before he died. One of them is unity: «I pray for them all that they may be one as you and I are one, Father – that they may be one in us, as you are in me and I am in you, and the world may believe that you have sent me»(John 17:21 NL). The radiance of the Gospel is closely related to the unity of the churches. God’s glory shines through the unity in his people. This unity must not end at the church boundary, but concerns the whole people of God. The differences between the Christian denominational churches are very small compared to the challenge we face in our society. We must not stop at that, but stand together in the face of great needs.
«He (Jesus) has appointed some as apostles, others as prophets, still others as preachers and finally some as shepherds and teachers. Their task is to prepare the believers for their ministry and to strengthen the church – the body of Christ» (Ephesians 4:11f NL). This is exactly why we gather on Sunday for worship and on Tuesday for small group – to be strengthened. It is important for me to emphasise that it is not the task of the pastor to feed the people, but to make them hungry. So hungry that from Monday to Saturday they eat themselves, seeking communion with God.
Gathering and strengthening – these two things are on our radar. Our vision, the village image, captures these two concepts. The village represents the seetal chile with the well, the houses and the connections. Each element symbolically represents a group or value of our community. Around the village there is a system boundary with roads to neighbouring communities. We have now been happily travelling with this vision for over 12 years. But lately, the question has become more and more pressing: where have our neighbourhoods, our factories and workplaces, our schools and universities gone? The village image falls short in this respect and requires an update.
Ekklesia stands for a gathering of people called together to share responsibility for the concerns of their context. It has a mission (lat. for mission). Even more, it is missionary by its very nature. Jesus indicates the same direction. Before his death, he prayed for unity and for a second cause: «As you sent me into the world, so I send them into the world»(John 17:18 NL). The mission of the church is to «Salt of the earth and light of the world»(Matthew 5:13–16), to proclaim reconciliation to the world and to model God’s justice (2 Corinthians 5:18–21). In it, God’s healing reign becomes visible. She is to work for all people on this earth to become disciples of Jesus (Matthew 28:19–20). Only when the ekklesia of God is recognised as a missionary existence in the world does it have the right to be called the church of Jesus, albeit in all its provisionality and inadequacy. Whatever the congregation does and speaks is to serve the world! The church is built for the world.
Is the seetal chile Ekklesia of God? The opposite would be an attractive church that knows how to spiritually fit Christians. If such a church offers events on a professional enough level, they will ensure increasing numbers of worshipers. However, size is not an appropriate criterion for the effectiveness of a church. «How big is your community?» should be replaced with «How much change does your community bring?» It is important what fruit we measure and how we measure it.
In 587 BC, the Jews were taken to the depraved, pagan, bloodthirsty city of Babylon. What should be the relationship of God’s people to such a place? Jeremiah 28–29 opens up remarkable vistas: God commands his people to «grow and not become smaller»(Jeremiah 29:6), to maintain community identity but to settle down and get involved in city life. They are to build houses and plant gardens and – surprise! – serve the city. «Seek the best of the city (shalom) where I have led you away, and pray to the LORD for it.»(Jeremiah 29:7a Lut). The Jews should leave tribal interests behind in the ghetto and use their resources to serve the common good. Literally it says: «seek their shalom (peace, well-being)». Although the value structure of the earthly city is sharply opposed to that of the city of God, the citizens of the city of God are to prove themselves first and foremost as citizens of their earthly city. The people of God grow and prosper by promoting the welfare of the city of the Gentiles: «for when she is well, you are well too.»(Jeremiah 29:7b Lut). If we want to seek shalom for our villages, we must know and love them. We are sent into the world as Jesus was sent by God into the world. And God loved the world. «For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son […].»(John 3:16 NL). We will only be able to work for the well-being of our village if we love the people and the village. Yes, I also know the passage where it says that we should not love the world (1 John 2:15). There, love for the world is an alternative to love for God. We are to love the world out of love for Jesus, but not become slaves to it.
The light is to shine at the highest place on site for all people in the city. «You are the light of the world – like a city on a mountain that shines brightly in the night for all to see. No one hides a light under an upturned vessel. Rather, he places it on a lampstand and lets it shine for all to see» (Matthew 5:14f NL). What is the highest place from which it can shine to all? In answering this question, there is an individual and a communal dimension:
Individual dimension: The highest place for the light is where your testimony becomes maximally visible. And this is first and foremost in the family and neighbourhood, where people’s curious gaze is most intensely directed towards Christians. Nowhere else does the life connection of faith become so clear and obvious as within the four walls of a family. So we are first of all sent to our families. From there it goes on to the neighbourhood, to work or school and to politics. Some of us are part of an authority or a political party. Go consciously into these areas next week as one sent by God. Understand me in your place as one who, like Jesus, is sent into the world. You have a mission. «You are a letter of Christ, written by us, but not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God: not on tablets of stone, but in the hearts of people»(2 Corinthians 3:3 NL). This is what we need to understand. We do not have to bring a letter or a message from God to the people, but we ourselves are the letter. That is why Thomas Aquinas said: «Preach the Gospel and – if necessary – need words.«If the Spirit of God lives in you and you give it space, you are the sermon. For a sent one, it is not the kind of work that matters, but how it is done. First he must work faithfully and well. This requires building good relationships with colleagues, being attentive to them, even beyond business. This lays the ground for witness as a Christian, with or without words. Every employee can help shape the culture of the company. Taking part in gossip during the meal break or directing issues to positive aspects makes a difference. So does a servant attitude and the willingness to always forgive and start again.
Community dimension: Another highest place for the light is church community work, i.e. voluntary commitment for the good of the community. In Weinfelden there is a municipality that is responsible for waste disposal at the WEGA, a large local trade fair. That lights up! I would love it if we as seetal chile had a common project to consciously infuse society with the shalom of God. Maybe with a social project, with a task help or with a work against trafficking in women and prostitution. When Gabi Wentland was with us recently, she spoke out about our congregation that many such women will come in and out of us and experience healing. When asked how this could happen, she subsequently replied by email: «You pray for guidance for prophecy. It will be carried out by people. These people come and ask if they can do something. Then you say yes and support them. God is always so practical.«I am curious to see what else we will see in this matter. We want to make this world a little bit better!
We dream of a new vision picture that also shows the environment around us. I imagine individual lights shining everywhere in the neighbourhoods, in the schools and in the factories, illuminating the village. That is the mission. Furthermore, gathering and strengthening should also have an important place in the centre of the picture with fountain and gathering place with a denser abundance of lights. In addition, starting today at the end of God’s we want to be sent with the following or similar words: «Be a sent one in the name of Jesus Christ to your family, work, neighbourhood and school!» You are sent into this world as Jesus was sent into the world by his Father.
Possible questions for the small groups
Read Bible text: Matthew 5:13–16; Jeremiah 29:6f
- What do you think about the collection of the seetal chile? How is it implemented?
- How would you rate the empowerment in seetal chile? Do you experience empowerment?
- What is the difference if someone in his environment sees himself as a sender or not (in family, work or neighbourhood)?
- We are sent into the world as Jesus was sent into the world. What does this mean for our being and behaviour in our environment?
- Where do you want to see yourself as sent and be salt and light in the near future?