Creatio and praise
The purpose of life is to worship the Lord. Psalm 104 begins with a call to worship. It then mentions the reasons why one should praise God. It ends with a renewed call to praise God. The pause and contemplation of God’s creation offers great support to find one’s way as a human being into the actual vocation of worshipping God.
A microwave oven was invented to heat up food. It is less suitable for drying the dog. A welder’s purpose is to join metal together. If you want to sew your clothes with it, you won’t get anywhere. Each tool was created for a specific purpose. It does no good to alienate it from its purpose. Why does man exist? Man is fully human when he stands before God and worships Him. That is the meaning of life. In a current worship song we sing: Come and praise the Lord, my soul sings, worship the King, sing as never before only for Him and worship the King. In the same song we sing that there are ten thousand reasons. In Psalm 104 we find some of them.
It is one of the Psalms that begins with the call to worship. «Praise the Lord (Yahweh), my soul! Lord my God, you are very great!»(Psalm 104:1 NLB). This is followed by reasons for praising God. And at the end comes the renewed call to praise God. «Praise the Lord, my soul! Hallelujah!»(v.35b NLB). The author of this Psalm calls upon himself to praise God. A life of worship is not a self-perpetuator. But there are ten thousand reasons for this.
Yahweh is great and glorious
«[…] In honour and glory you are clothed, and light surrounds you like a garment. […]»(v.1f NLB). Clothes make the man, says the proverb. We express our identity with the way we dress. The clothes of Yahweh (German: Herr) are honour and glory. Next Saturday we will celebrate the wedding of Meli and Seimen. There, a boho style is called for – airy trousers, braces, a linen smock and hat. The bride and groom want to promote that their wedding feast will be uncomplicated, light, summery and cheerful.
What do Yahweh’s garments express honour, glory and light? It must be noted that no one has seen Yahweh. «Yahweh said to Moses: «However, you cannot see my face, for every person who sees me must die»(Exodus 33:20 NLB). After Moses received the instructions for life on Mount Sinai, he was amazed: «The Lord our God has shown us his glory and power and we have heard his voice from the midst of the fire. Today we experienced that God spoke to people and they still did not have to die» (Deut. 5:24 NLB). No one could see the Lord’s dress code with their eyes. However, due to accompanying natural phenomena and hearing God’s voice, honour, glory and light were inferred. These garments express God’s beauty, His majesty, His majesty, His splendour, His holiness and His vast attraction. And this draws us in. Where there is light, there is life. Where there is God’s light, there is divine, eternal life.
Yahweh reveals Himself in His creation. Therefore, many miracles are recounted in Psalm 104 as reasons for praise. Some of them shall be mentioned in extracts:
«The birds build their nests in them and the storks live in the cypresses. High on the mountains lie pastures for the ibexes, and the rocks offer refuge to the cliff badgers. You created the moon to determine the seasons, and the sun that knows when to set» (V.17–19 NLB).
«Lord, what a variety you have created! In your wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your creatures. There is the ocean, great and wide, teeming with life of all kinds, with animals great and small.» (v.24f NLB).
«When the Lord looks at the earth, it trembles, when he touches the mountains, they smoke» (V.32 NLB).
In creation, however, not only is the honour, glory and majesty of Yahweh to be found, but also His joy and pleasure: «May the glory of the Lord endure forever! The Lord takes delight in what He has created!»(V.31 NLB). As we worked with the architect on the plans for the remodelling of our house, he challenged us again and again to go to work with relish. The LORD created the world with much wit, joy and pleasure. When he had you in mind, a sly smile flitted across his face. Voller desire he set to work and wove you in your mother’s womb. Or imagine when He came up with the idea for the Milky Way or created the octopus or the round-tailed manatee.…
Yahweh sustains the world
It is not that the Lord, after creating the world, gave it a push and said, «So, now you must look for yourself». No, Yahweh sustains the world. «They all wait for you to give them food when they need it. With your help, they gather provisions. You open your hand to feed them, and they become full.»(v.27f NLB).
Are you aware of this when you buy a kebab at the station or open the fridge at home? If the Lord does not open his hand, you get nothing. Every time you sit at the table and the food is on the table, Yahweh has opened his hand. It is appropriate and a great benefit to pause for a moment before eating to give thanks. It makes the heart glad and leads to worship.
«[…] If you take their breath away, they die and turn to dust again.» (V.29 NLB). The word for Breath means in Hebrew ruachwhich also means Spirit of God. After God had formed Adam from the dust of the earth, the decisive step comes: God breathes breath into man’s nostrils (Genesis 2:7). Man is created to have the breath of life, he is a breathing being. Breathing is the need that we can least postpone. We consciously do our own drinking, eating and sleeping. Breathing happens automatically. According to Hebrew thinking, man is highly dependent and not – as we often believe – self-sufficient. The movement of life happens silently and unobtrusively. Every breath we take is a gift from God. We would be dead on the spot if he took back his spirit.
«The Son reflects the glory of God, and everything about Him is an expression of the nature of God. He sustains the universe through the power of his Word […].»(Hebrews 1:3 NLB). When we look at Jesus Christ, we get a glimpse of the glory and nature of God. The Son of God sustains the universe through His Word. It is he who does not tear the fine web that holds all creation together by his love. Icarus or MACS J1149+ Lensed Star 1 is the most distant star ever observed. It is only visible through the gravitational lensing effect of a large cluster of galaxies located five billion light years from Earth. One light year is 9.46 trillion kilometres. Even Icarus is embraced by God’s love.
Yahweh will make the world new
At the last Zieschtigs-Kafi we talked about a few miracles of creation. Among other things, we marvelled at the fact that a human being can walk at all. So many muscles and tendons have to be coordinated. In addition, there is a whole regulatory system that keeps us in balance. And then someone said: «Through his greed, man is capable of causing enormous damage.«He referred to the war in Ukraine, where immense damage is being done to infrastructure and nature. Lust for power and greed for money are the cause of great evil.
That is probably why the Psalm says: «But all sinners shall disappear from the earth, so that there will be no more wicked ones» (V.35 NLB). Sin is when we trust in something other than God. Sin is the cause of all exploitation of creation, of all oppression of people and nations, of all poverty, of the extinction of species and the destruction of the environment.
Sin will then disappear from the earth forever when the new creation of the world comes to this earth. The statement on the picture of our annual theme is: «Look, I’m doing something new; it is already germinating»(Isaiah 43:19 NLB). God will create a new heaven and a new earth. The New Jerusalem will float down to earth. With the resurrection of Jesus Christ the start button for new creation was pushed. It’s coming good!
Jesus Christ sustains the universe through the power of his word. In the same breath the author says: «[…] Having cleansed us of our sins by his death, he sat down in the place of honour at the right hand of the glorious God in heaven»(Hebrews 1:3 NLB). When we trust Jesus Christ and give Him our life, He cleanses us from all distrust of God (= sin). This forgiveness paves the way for a person to return to Yahweh in His glory and holiness. At the moment, Jesus sits in the place of honour at God’s right hand side in heaven. From there He will come again and bring the new creation into the world. Until that happens, the purpose of our existence lies in what Psalm 104 aspires to: «I will sing to the Lord as long as I live. I will praise my God as long as I am on earth!» (V.33 NLB).
Questions for the small groups
Bible text reading: Psalm 104
- What helps you in your everyday life to worship God?
- The Lord is clothed with honour, glory and light. What do these garments mean?
- What reasons does the psalmist give for praising God? How do these reasons help you to praise God?
- When the Lord opens his hand, we are fed and satisfied. How do you know that you are aware of this truth?
- How do you imagine the new heaven and the new earth? What is «missing» when all sinners are gone from the earth?
- Go for a walk out in nature this week and worship God!