Christian or follower
Series: Follow me | Bible text: John 8:30–36
We live in a church culture in which a person can become a Christian, but does not necessarily have to be a follower of Jesus. In the four biographies of Jesus, there is only one distinction People and Successor. The category ChristThere was no such thing as a «prayer of surrender» where you say a prayer of surrender, believe a series of teachings about God and go to church to ensure that you go to heaven after you die. A follower of Jesus is like an apprentice who learns holistically from his master and can observe him 24⁄7. This results in good fruits such as recognising truth, freedom and sonship.
In the context of the US presidential election, there has been a discussion on social media about whether Donald Trump is a Christian or not. In order to answer this question, we need to define what a Christian actually is. A recognised common denominator is the four points: 1. God loves you. 2. you are a sinner who is lost. 3. Jesus died on the cross for your sins. 4. if you believe in Him, you will go to heaven after you die. In many Western churches, anyone who says «yes» to these points passes as a Christian and later goes to heaven. It is quite possible that Trump once stood up during a call to conversion in a church.
In the New Testament, the word «Christian» appears three times in the Acts of the Apostles. There it is used as a religious slur to mock followers of Christ. But over time, our spiritual ancestors adopted this insult and used it to identify themselves as those who were committed to imitating Christ. So far so good. The problem is that the meaning of the word changed as a result of Christianisation in the 4th century. From then on, a Christian was someone who belonged to the Roman Empire, subscribed to the basic tenets of Christianity and went to church.
In the four Gospels, the biographies of Jesus, the category Christ unknown. There, a distinction is made between the People and the Successors (apprentices, disciples) from Jesus. The problem with us in the West is that we have created a cultural environment where we can be Christians and yet not followers.
Stay in the word
In Switzerland, we have a unique dual vocational training system. This means that young people can combine work and school. At school, they are taught both traditional school subjects and vocational skills. They can immediately apply what they have learnt in the training company and therefore have a large learning curve. A few decades ago, there was also a model in which the apprentice lived with his master’s family. This meant that they could experience their boss in every situation. Discipleship means being an apprentice of Jesus, being with Jesus 24⁄7.
To make this clear, John, the fourth biographer of Jesus, uses the word meno (stay, dwell, linger, dwell). It is the word that best characterises a follower of Jesus. He writes: «When Jesus said this, many believed in him. To the Jews who now believed in him, Jesus said: «If you abide (meno) in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free» » (John 8:30–32 New Testament). A follower of Jesus is characterised by remaining in His Word (meno). Meno is the root of the Greek noun monethat Residence or Dwelling means (John 14:2.23). At what address does an apprentice of Jesus take up residence? Answer: In His Word. To find out exactly where this is, we need to consult the first sentences of the Gospel of John: «In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning […]» (John 1:1f NLB). John identifies Jesus himself with the word.
In his word staydoes not primarily mean reading the Bible all the time. However, because Jesus reveals himself in the Holy Scriptures, reading, meditating and studying the Bible is an excellent way to remain in Jesus. The best known menoposition reads: «I am the vine, and you are the branches. If anyone in me remains and I in him stayit bears rich fruit; without me you can do nothing»(John 15:5 NGÜ). Jesus is heading towards a single point: Establish yourself in my presence in the spirit and never leave me.
Being an apprentice of Jesus means focussing your whole life on three goals: To be with Jesus, to become more like Him and to do what He did. Following Jesus begins with us coming to Jesus and staying with Him. Then we will gradually become more like Him and ultimately we will begin to do the things that Jesus did in this world. Discipleship always starts with point 1: Staying with Jesus.
What would it look like for you if you found your home in God? This is not about retreating to a monastery, but to learn to always be in two places at the same time. Eating breakfast and being with Jesus, being with Jesus during the morning drive to work, changing another nappy and being with Jesus, checking the mail and being with Jesus, preparing dinner for family or friends and letting your heart rest in Jesus. This is what Paul means when he says: «Do not stop praying» (1 Thessalonians 5:17 NLB). Jesus» teaching is about transforming our body into a temple, a place of intersection between heaven and eartha sign of what Jesus will one day do for the entire cosmos when heaven and earth are finally reunited. Every day we have the opportunity to let our bodies become God’s home.
Appeal to external merits and actions
The following statements come from Jews, «who now believed in him»: « «But we are descendants of Abraham,» they said. «We have never been slaves to anyone. Then why are you talking about «making us free»? What do you mean by that?» (John 8:33 NLB).
The identity of these Jews who became believers in Jesus is deeply rooted in their origins. They claim to belong to God’s people, of whom Abraham was the progenitor. In doing so, they seem to forget that they were imprisoned in Babylonian exile for 70 years or that they suffered under Roman occupation for many years. They imagine that they are free because of external events. These people remind me of Christians who once raised their hands at a call to conversion, said a prayer of surrender, regularly attend church and harbour the hope of one day going to heaven. Jesus is not looking for people who want to become Christians, but for apprentices for the kingdom of God.
It’s about a new lifestyle: «Jesus replied: «I assure you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin» » (John 8:34 NLB). Jesus contrasts two lifestyles here: People who abide in his word and those who sin. The difference could not be greater; the first group have the status of family members with God and the second are slaves to sin. What does Jesus mean by sinning? We quickly think of moral failure or breaking the biblical commandments. This category of sin is committed by every person, whether a follower or a member of the people. The Greek. word for Sin (hamartia) thinks it will miss the target. According to Jesus, the goal is union with God, to remain in Him and He in us. The goal is to become an apprentice in the kingdom of God. In contrast to people who rely on external actions or merits, this is a matter of the heart. If a person denies himself this goal, he remains a slave to sin.
Experience redemption
What has Jesus Christ actually saved us for? No, it’s not a ticket to heaven! For Jesus, it’s about heaven coming to us right now. It’s not just that He became like us, but that we become like Him. It is not just about what He has done for us, but also about what He does or will do through us when we are apprenticed to Him. It is about being a person who is not only loved by God, but who is also permeated by the love of God. It is not only about accepting the merits of His death, but also about receiving the power of the resurrection. We do not experience these things as Christians, but as His followers who abide in Him.
In our text, Jesus describes three aspects that are part of His salvation: recognising the truth, being free and belonging to His family.
«You will find the Recognising truthand the truth will tell you free up» (John 8:32 NLB). «A slave is not a family member; a Son, on the other hand, belongs to the family forever. Only then, when the Son makes you free, are you really free» (John 8:35f NLB).
- Recognising the truthThe condition for recognising His truth is not our intellect, but following Him. Jesus says of Himself that He is the way, the truth and the life. Eugene Peterson: «The way of Jesus combined with the truth of Jesus leads to the life of Jesus.» The Greek word for Life is zoe. This refers to the divine life that every follower can already taste and that does not end with death.
- Be freeWhen we live with Jesus and He lives in us, we experience the greatest possible freedom. His teaching and His person will gradually free us from sin, fears, worries, attachments, negative imprints and thoughts.
- His family includesThis is the incomprehensible climax of redemption. Discipleship makes us a member of Jesus» family with the right to always belong to the family. A follower becomes an heir of Jesus. Recently, a young father told me that he regularly confesses this fact to his newborn daughter. The inheritance of God is a higher reality than family inheritance. Family imprints, curses and stipulations no longer apply.
Is Trump a follower of Jesus or not? I do not know. If a person – like a branch on the vine – remains in Jesus, he bears much fruit. Whether this is the case with Trump, I confidently leave to God’s judgement.
Would you like to be an apprentice to Jesus? Not everyone does. Most people said no to this invitation. Jesus did not beg, manipulate or intimidate. Coercion does not fit in with the culture of God’s kingdom. He neither pressurised anyone nor made any special offers. He only invited them. And if people hesitated or made excuses, He let them go away. What do you do with Jesus» invitation to become his apprentice?
Possible questions for the small groups
Read the Bible text: Matthew 4:18–22; John 8:30–36
- In John 8:30ff, Jesus speaks to people who believed in Him. Why does he point out to one group that anyone who sins is a slave to sin? In what way do these people miss the mark? Is it possible to believe in Jesus and still miss the mark?
- What characterises a follower? What does it mean to remain in his word or in the vine (John 15:5)?
- How should you structure your day in order to stay better in His Word (in HIM)?
- What is the fruit that a person experiences when he abides in Jesus?
- Where were you addressed by the sermon? What (small) step do you want to take in the next two weeks?