Date: 29 Sep­tem­ber 2019 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: John 14:2
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

Tho­se who turn to Jesus Christ are given a dwel­ling in the hea­ven­ly home! Unfort­u­na­te­ly, the images of hea­ven are often so colour­less and bor­ing that many do not even look for­ward to the eter­nal home. This ser­mon pro­vi­des moti­vat­ing images of hea­ven. What we belie­ve about the future influen­ces our life in the here and now.

The­re is almost not­hing more beau­tiful than roa­ming through the woods on a bike on a late sum­mer day and loo­king down on Lake Hall­wil from a high trail. The­se colours, the­se con­trasts, this impres­si­ve area. I love life in this world! This world is not per­fect. The­re are wars, inju­ries, pain and bad things that can hap­pen to you. Some things don’t go as they should, but I love living here! That’s why I ask mys­elf: What am I going to do in hea­ven? Why should I be hap­py the­re? I want it to be exciting!

Our images of hea­ven are often a litt­le stran­ge. We might ima­gi­ne the reti­re­ment home of eter­ni­ty – except that I don’t have a wal­ker, I have a cloud. On this cloud I lie. Ever­y­thing is white and quiet. Some­ti­mes the silence is inter­rupt­ed by zither sounds. I make trips and pass by other clouds whe­re peo­p­le are also sit­ting. Some have been the­re for a very long time. For exam­p­le Moses, the man who led Isra­el out of Egypt and had to deal inten­se­ly with the stub­born­ness of the peo­p­le. Moses still does­n’t like to see peo­p­le. Becau­se I’m a bit too loud, Peter comes over and says, «Brot­her Mat­thi­as, we’­re quiet up here!»

May­be your idea of hea­ven goes in a simi­lar direc­tion. May­be you have not­hing to do with God and think: How nai­ve are they? After death ever­y­thing is over anyway!

Today we want to get rid of old ide­as of hea­ven as best we can and let our­sel­ves be shown anew what God has pre­pared for us. What is the sky like? What we belie­ve about our future influen­ces our life in the here and now. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, becau­se of our limi­ta­ti­ons, our images of the hea­ven­ly home are very trun­ca­ted and dis­tor­ted. A litt­le thought expe­ri­ment: Ima­gi­ne a man from the Stone Age. To this man, who lived a few thousand years ago, you would now have to explain a smart­phone. The more you explain the func­tions and pos­si­bi­li­ties, the more he will think that you are pul­ling his leg. You are sim­ply tal­king about the fact that he can now make a pho­ne call to a fri­end who lives in Afri­ca. What is tal­king on the pho­ne? What is Afri­ca? His fri­ends live with him in the same cave. Then you want to explain to him that he can set up a fami­ly chat and use the mobi­le pho­ne as a navi­ga­ti­on device. The Nean­der­thal looks at you com­ple­te­ly perplexed.

We feel the same way about eter­ni­ty. Our ima­gi­na­ti­ve capa­ci­ty is not enough for the sky. We may have the inter­net, Wiki­pe­dia, Siri and Ale­xa, but we still have no idea about the mea­ning of hea­ven. That’s why we need good images from the world we live in to give us a glim­pse of what awaits us in hea­ven. God has given glim­p­ses of hea­ven to some peo­p­le. (Reve­la­ti­on 21 +22; 1Corinthians 15:12–58; John 14:2; Romans 8:18).

The­re is even someone who has been to hea­ven and lived the­re. Jesus came to earth and told us about it. In John 14:2 he speaks of this: «The­re are many dwel­lings in my Father’s house, and I go befo­re to prepa­re a place for you. If it were not so, would I have told you so?»

Hea­ven is the house of God. It is not only God’s home, but can also beco­me your home. Jesus has alre­a­dy gone ahead to prepa­re a beau­tiful home for us.

The sky is incomparably more beautiful than the world

«But we await the new hea­vens and the new earth that he has pro­mi­sed»(2 Peter 3:13). When a com­pa­ny releases a new ver­si­on of a pro­duct, it must be an upgrade, an impro­ved ver­si­on. The new hea­ven and the new earth will be an uni­ma­gi­nable high­ly poten­ti­sed impro­ve­ment. If this world is alre­a­dy so inte­res­t­ing and worth living in, why should the cul­mi­na­ti­on of life be colour­less and sim­ply bor­ing? The­re are abys­mal sto­ries of suf­fe­ring in this world. We know this in our cir­cles too. Paul com­pa­res the­se suf­fe­rings with the glo­ry of the later home: «But I am con­vin­ced that our pre­sent suf­fe­rings are insi­gni­fi­cant com­pared to the glo­ry he will give us later on»(Romans 8:18).

Heaven is your home

God did­n’t crea­te hea­ven for hims­elf and you can now live as a lodger in an 8m2-Rent a flat for CHF 800. No, you are the­re at home – part of the fami­ly. The­re is the well-known Christ­mas song «Dri­ving home for Christ­mas». How nice it is to come home on Christ­mas Eve after a last stressful day at work. You final­ly arri­ve and pull open the door. The smell of roast goo­se hits you, you hear the fami­li­ar voices, you are in fami­li­ar sur­roun­dings and you know: I am home! A home awaits you in hea­ven that you can look for­ward to. Jesus spa­res no effort to prepa­re a home for you whe­re you will feel at home.

Heaven is a real place

Hea­ven is not a nir­va­na into which we sink, but a real place. No dream, no cloud, no bes­i­de, but a phy­si­cal place with abo­ve and below, natu­re, trees, streets and peo­p­le. The new hea­ven and the new earth (Reve­la­ti­on 21:2) are not purely spi­ri­tu­al magni­tu­des, but like our earth, just per­fect. If the imper­fect world alre­a­dy con­ta­ins such glo­rious colours and natu­ral phe­no­me­na, what must the new earth look like! Who plan­ted this lie in our brains that ever­y­thing in hea­ven is white? But the­re is not only natu­re. Hea­ven is descri­bed as a city. The most beau­tiful city you have ever seen is a «shit­ho­le» in com­pa­ri­son. The hea­ven­ly city is com­pared to a bri­de who has ador­ned hers­elf, with pure gold and she will have city walls of diamonds.

In heaven we will have perfect bodies

Hea­ven is a real place whe­re peo­p­le do not float around as spi­rits of the soul on clouds. Paul uses the image of a seed for the human body (1Corinthians 15:35ff). It may be tiny, but the­re is a who­le tree in it. He descri­bes our pre­sent bodies as weak. In the hea­ven­ly home we will have per­fect bodies. We will all be supre­me­ly strong – and wit­hout strength training.

In heaven there will be no more suffering

The­se per­fect bodies will func­tion abso­lut­e­ly free of com­plaints. The­re will be no more sick­ness – not­hing that will keep you awa­ke at night. We will also be per­fect spi­ri­tual­ly and psy­cho­lo­gi­cal­ly: «He will wipe away all their tears, and the­re will be no more death and mour­ning and wee­ping and pain. For the first world with all its cala­mi­ty has pas­sed away fore­ver»(Reve­la­ti­on 21:4). Hea­ven is your home – com­ple­te­ly wit­hout suffering.

In heaven we will reign with Jesus

In the hea­ven­ly home we will not be bored, becau­se we are given a task. It is not a job that we do for 8 hours, get some money and are hap­py when it is over. Jesus gives us respon­si­bi­li­ty: «If we suf­fer with him, we will reign with him. If we deny him, he will also deny us.»(2 Timo­thy 2:12). In hea­ven we will live com­ple­te­ly in the cent­re of our voca­ti­on. We will get into a flow at work. We will have so much fun doing what we do. That is why it also makes sen­se that Jesus says that we are to be faithful here on earth alre­a­dy in small things. We are trai­ning for our hea­ven­ly home.

Heaven is a place of reunion

I read about an extra­or­di­na­ry love sto­ry. C. set off on a four-year trip around the world after gra­dua­ting from high school with 50 euros in start-up capi­tal. He tra­vel­led to 45 count­ries and cover­ed 100,000 kilo­me­t­res on foot, by car and on sai­ling boats. M. lear­ned about this man through an artic­le and wro­te to him. They stay­ed in touch for 15 months and wro­te to each other – seve­ral pages of mes­sa­ges every day. At some point, M. had had enough. She got on the pla­ne to India and then they stood face to face for the first time. What a moment! C. says about it. «My very first thought when I saw her was, «Oh, she looks so good. I could almost mar­ry her. If that’s not the woman for life, then who is?«Mean­while, they got mar­ried. M. is still blown away by her new­ly­wed hus­band! She gus­hes: «The more I get to know him, the more bla­tant this guy actual­ly is. To this day, I don’t belie­ve that exists. I think one day I wake up and I’m like, «M. what did you dream? You know, the­re was this guy – gre­at dream, nice.» So some­day I’ll still wake up, I’m sure. Some­time.»

In hea­ven we will be face to face with the hea­ven­ly Father for the first time. It will be an incre­di­ble expe­ri­ence. And you’­re not dre­a­ming. You will never wake up! Ever­y­thing we expe­ri­ence in pray­er with God in this world is a won­derful preli­mi­na­ry skir­mish. But the per­so­nal encoun­ter is some­thing else again! «My dear fri­ends, we are alre­a­dy the child­ren of God, and what we will be like when Christ returns we can­not even ima­gi­ne. But we know that when he returns we will be like him, for we will see him as he real­ly is» (1 John 3:2). «Now we see ever­y­thing only as in a mir­ror and as in mys­te­rious pic­tures; but then we will see «God» face to face. When I reco­g­ni­se some­thing now, I only reco­g­ni­se a part of the who­le; but then I will know ever­y­thing as God alre­a­dy knows me now.» (1 Corin­thi­ans 13:12; NGÜ). We will also see fri­ends and fami­ly again in hea­ven, but the encoun­ter with God will eclip­se ever­y­thing else.. In an old song it says: «The­re befo­re the thro­ne in the hea­ven­ly coun­try I meet the fri­ends I have known here; yet Jesus and Jesus alo­ne will be the cau­se of my joy and adoration.»


Are the­re things in your ever­y­day life right now that want to rob you of joy in the here and now? Finan­cial worries, pro­blems at work, rela­ti­onship pro­blems, loneli­ne­ss, inju­ries, pain or loss? You don’t have to put yours­elf off to the here­af­ter. The point is that you can expe­ri­ence hea­ven­ly moments in this world. Hea­ven beg­ins whe­re you let Jesus into your life. He wis­hes to get more and more space in your heart. All the bur­den­so­me things take up space in your heart. Jesus says: I want to live the­re and give you new hope.

Have you alre­a­dy made a decis­i­on for Jesus? Jesus has made a decis­i­on. His yes to you is radi­cal. His yes is valid into the infi­ni­te. Such a decis­i­on is only made by someone who loves radi­cal­ly. This radi­cal love was the reason why Jesus left his home, hea­ven. Why does he do that? HE had ever­y­thing in hea­ven. Only one thing was miss­ing: that is you. Jesus missed you and me so much that he said: I go to the peo­p­le to tell them who I am, what I am like and what I have pre­pared for them. This radi­cal love is most evi­dent on the cross. Left and right, cri­mi­nal men are cru­ci­fied with him. They scof­fed when Jesus was put on the cross. One of the men, han­ging on the cross, had a tur­ning point. Sud­den­ly he rea­li­sed: this is God. Befo­re he died, he could only say the one sen­tence: «Jesus, remem­ber me when you come into your king­dom»(Luke 23:42). Jesus does not reproach, but ans­we­red: «I assu­re you: Today you will still be with me in para­di­se.» Tur­ning to Jesus means get­ting a home!






Possible questions for the small groups

Read the Bible text: Reve­la­ti­on 21

  1. What images do you see in your mind’s eye when you think of your hea­ven­ly home? Are you happy?
  2. What new images can be hel­pful and increase anticipation?
  3. Why won’t hea­ven be boring?
  4. Why did Jesus lea­ve hea­ven when he had everything?
  5. How can we help peo­p­le dis­co­ver the hea­ven­ly home?
  6. Take a walk during the autumn holi­days, admi­re the colourful natu­re and ima­gi­ne the sky!