Abram in the clinch
Series: Like you and me | Bible text: Ephesians 1:3
How does a man of God live under God’s blessing in everyday life? And what if he suddenly gets into a clinch and fear spreads? What we can learn from an Old Testament blessing bearer in 2020.
Abram is about 70 years old when he leaves Ur in Chaldea with his father Terah and his wife Sarai, who is barren. His nephew Lot is also with him, his father having died young. The destination of the journey is Haran; either along the Euphrates or the Tigris, over 1000 km! (Gen 11:31) There father Terah dies and is buried (v 32). In Haran, God appears to Abram and tells him to leave with all his possessions to a land that God will show him. For this he receives some promises of blessings: «I will make thee a great nation; I will bless thee, and make thee a great name; thou shalt be a blessing; I will bless them that bless thee; all generations yet to come upon the earth shall be blessed through thee»(Genesis 12:2ff Lut). Abram goes out (75 years old), with his wife Sarai, with Lot, with the whole caravan, with servants and maids. Their destination: the land of Canaan! After a journey of 600 km, they reach Shechem. There Abraham receives another promise: God tells him that the land of Canaan, where they are now, he will give to his descendants. Here Abram builds an altar to God and worships and sacrifices to him. But Abram is drawn to the hill country, where he can look out over the whole land. About 30 km further south, in the mountain country between Bethel and Ai, Abram and his people set up their tents for a long time. Abram builds an altar again and worships his God there.
Now let us ask ourselves: How has God’s blessing shown itself in Abram’s life so far? Answer: God chose and called Abram. He loves him. He is valued by God and is given the great task of becoming the progenitor of a great nation. God speaks to him. His descendants will one day possess this great land. Abram will not live to see it, but he can look at it now. God accompanied him and gave him grace for his long journey. He has protected the whole caravan. Abram knows God is near him. He maintains a relationship with God and he has a place of worship and sacrifice. Like Abram, we too are blessed in faith in Jesus Christ. If we now ask ourselves how we experience blessing from God, we discover similar things to Abram. Paul sums it up like this in Ephesians: «Blessed be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! Blessed be He for the abundance of spiritual blessings in which we have been made partakers in the heavenly world through Christ.» (Ephesians 1:3 NGÜ).
Paul describes what this means in this first chapter of Ephesians: «We are blessed by our relationship with God; we have access to him; we pray to him and he hears us! God speaks to us. He is with us at all times and in all places. He accompanies us on our journey through life. We experience his love, his forgiveness, his redemption; he gives us all kinds of gifts, hope, prestige; we are children of God; we live in the riches of his grace. We are informed of our farthest future.» As I wrote these lines, I realised with horror that one can get used to all the good we have in Jesus Christ and go through the day thoughtlessly.
We pay attention to our outfit; take a French shower with an eau de toilette because time is short; check if everything is in the backpack, bag or briefcase… and then off we go! Who still thinks that we can enter each new day richly blessed. Blessed for ourselves for others. If God tells you «You are blessed and shall be a blessing to others, then it is so. His word is true and applies. Blessed people are directed by God to do what God wants to bless. The blessing person is always God. Friedrich von Bodelschwingh even once said, «No one receives a blessing just for himself.» It always goes on, whether we realise it or not. That is why it is my prayer, «Lord keep me from a sleepwalking rut under God’s blessing. I want to be awake to your blessings and be there for you when you want to bless others through me!»
Half truth and half lie
And now the Abrams story suddenly becomes exciting! A drought breaks out in the land. Drought, hunger… Is this a blessing now? Haven’t you experienced something similar? You were so close to God. You have experienced his closeness, his blessing – and now?! You no longer understand God and the world! How would you, as Abram, take such a disappointment Abram does not ask long, but decides to go to Egypt with his clan. He targets a place where there is no drought, but fertile land – in Egypt in the area of the Nile Delta. It is also a blessing that he experienced this at all! In the Nile Delta, the land was flooded again and again over the centuries, creating a fertile muddy soil. The agricultural yields were enormous in that area! Wheat and barley, orchards and vineyards, fig trees, were in abundance. This area also offered pasture for cattle. The Pharaohs also liked to settle in this almost paradisiacal region. But Abram has only one problem: he has a very beautiful wife! (!) It could be that Sarai arouses desires among the Egyptians and then they will kill him and take his wife away from him. He says to Sarai:«Say, then, that you are my sister, that it may be well with me for your sake, and that I may live for your sake.» (Genesis 12:13 Lut). Why don’t you say you are my sister, then it will be better for me and for you… How does that go down with you as a wife? Doesn’t that sound ungodly selfish of Abram? Abram wants to enter Egypt with half a truth and half a lie. Abram and Sarai had the same father, but not the same mother.
It happened as it had to: Pharaoh noticed the beauty of Sarai and spontaneously ordered his people to «Bring Abram’s sister to me! In return, Abram received sheep, oxen, donkeys, camels and servants and maids. But Pharaoh’s joy at Sarai’s beauty lasts only a moment. He himself and his entire court staff fall seriously ill. Pharaoh realises that this must be a supernatural sign. This woman must be protected by an almighty God! He calls Abram to him and reproaches him severely: «Why did you do this to me? Why didn’t you tell me that she was your wife and not your sister? There you have your wife again, take her and get out!» Embarrassing when a worldly statesman has to embarrass a man of God like that. It is striking that God says nothing at all about the questionable behaviour of the tribal father of God’s people. Perhaps he thought: Abram and Sarai have already learned their lesson. At the good end, Pharaoh sends his people with Abram to protect him and his belongings and to bring him safely across the border. With Abram and his caravan, the sickness in Pharaoh’s court also disappears. They walk back to Bethel, where they had already pitched their tents on the way there. There at the altar he had built at that time. And again he prays to God, his Lord.
The Abram experience in Egypt challenges us. Are we not often in danger, just like Abram, to deal with half-truths in dicey situations. So that we don’t lose the job; or half-truth in a letter of application so that we get the job; so that we don’t lose friends we compromise; so that we as Christians don’t look stupid in front of others we fudge our opinion into half a lie… etc. That’s a bit like Abram – like you and me – isn’t it! What don’t we do wrong when fear takes hold of us? Fear is the worst advisor! Double caution is called for. Someone once said: Fear is a relationship disorder! That was the case with Abram in his relationship with God at that moment. This disturbance could also exist with us! The fear of not being sufficient for God or the fear of challenging steps of faith, that scratches at our relationship with God. This also happens in our relationships with non-Christians when we are afraid of looking foolish or being laughed at. Fear can come up when you have relational dysfunction with yourself. We are blessed in the love of God. That is why Paul is justified in asking: «What can still separate us from Christ and his love? Need? Fear? Persecution? Hunger? Deprivation? Danger to life?» (Romans 8:35 NGÜ)
I summarise
How does it work to live as people blessed by God? It’s not about what you do, it’s about who you are. God said to Abram: You shall be a blessing. its! And being is everything else than achieving, working etc., but being simply means being – letting God do it! You can be a blessing for others without even realising it!
There’s an old saying that’s completely off the mark: To stir brings blessings! That is 100%ig not true. To stir applies when God gives you a command because he wants to do something with; like with Abram. God gave Abram the command, «Go!» And Abram goes, without hesitation or doubt. How many times in the Old Testament did God give the prophets and priests the direction: Go! Also to individual people. How many times in the New Testament did Jesus mouth these words «Go» or «Go»: Go and be reconciled to your brother… Go with your brother a second mile… Go into your closet when you pray… Go through the narrow gate… Go and sell what you have and give to the poor… Go to all nations and make disciples of them. Baptise them… Teach them…
I do not know where and when the Lord will tell you in the coming week: Go! I don’t know where and when God will make you a blessing to others. You don’t have to know, just be and stay there for Him!
Possible questions for the small groups
Read the Bible text: Genesis 12:1–20
How can the gift of blessing from God remain before us?
Being a blessing to others – does that put pressure on you? If yes – why? If no – why not?
How can I remain «flowing through» as a blessing bearer?
Can you tell each other about similar embarrassing flops in front of non-Christians, as Abram experienced in front of Pharaoh.
Why did Abram get off scot-free after his faux pas before God?
Who can tell of a walking experience?
Quiz question: Which man in the Bible was killed because of his beautiful wife?