Follow me
Series: Follow me | Bible text: John 21:1–22
«You follow me!», this invitation is the 2024 theme for seetal chile. The resurrected Jesus speaks this sentence to Peter. The context of the event shows important criteria of a follower: he fishes on the right, he allows himself to be served by Jesus and loves Him, he says goodbye to competition, he is prepared to suffer and discovers the «lion» within himself. «You follow me!» This invitation from the risen Christ also applies to you.
Peter is deeply frustrated. Now he wanted to be at the forefront of changing the world with his rabbi Jesus. Just about three years ago, Jesus asked him to leave fishing and catch people instead (Luke 5:10). Although he never fully understood what this meant, he envisioned a visionary task with influence. But now his client, Jesus, was crucified by the Romans at the insistence of the Jewish elite. In this context, Peter caught the frustration of his life. To save his skin, he claimed three times that he did not know Jesus. This happened despite the fact that immediately beforehand he had loudly proclaimed that he would even go to his death with Jesus. In his hubris, he says: «Even if everyone else turns away from you, I won’t» (Mark 14:29 NLB). Peter has hit the ground of hard reality. All his grandiose plans initiated by Jesus have burst like a soap bubble.
Fishing left or right
All the disillusionment is expressed in the following sentence, which he says to his six friends: «[…] I’m going fishing. They say to him: We are coming with you. They went out and got into the boat, and that night they caught nothing» (John 21:3 NLB). On the shore, they discovered a shadowy figure shrouded in the morning mist. They did not recognise that it was the risen Jesus. «But he said to them: Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find it. So they cast it and could not pull it out because of the multitude of fish» (John 21:6 NLB).
Peter fishes on the left side. According to Hebrew thinking, the left side is the side of the heart, our emotions and feelings. Those who fish on the left act according to their own human instincts, according to their whim. Peter falls behind and lives according to his own feelings and behaviour. His decision is determined by his momentary frustration. He acts as if Jesus were not there. It is interesting to note that Jesus was there the whole time, but was not recognised by the disciples. Paul needs the way of speaking for left-field fishing, to act according to the flesh. It means allowing yourself to be determined by your human instincts and feelings.
The following statements typically come from left-wing fishermen:
- I’m frustrated and I don’t feel anything from Jesus either. If I’m feeling so bad, then I have the right to do something good for myself. And so I just eat or click through a few fun sites.
- If the teacher asks such nasty questions in the exam, I have the right to use illegal methods.
- I get anxious and worried about current world events. What is happening in Japan could also happen here.
- If people no longer appreciate my work, I’ll quit my pastor’s job and become a train driver.
- I come home from work and my wife wants to talk to me. Because I don’t feel like it at the moment, I react indignantly and dismissively.
The problem with left-hand fishing is that it is neither effective nor successful.
The right side is the side of Jesus, the side of power and authority. After his resurrection, Jesus sat down at the right hand of God (Hebrews 10:12). The resurrection body of Jesus Christ is a harbinger of the new creation that will be completed at the end of time. A person who has consciously received this Jesus is «a new creature» (1 Corinthians 5:17 LUT). This is because the risen Christ lives in him in the person of the Holy Spirit. Fishing on the right means identifying with «Christ in us». To say: «I am «Christ in me» and I want to think and act like him now.» It’s about being aware that Jesus is always on the shore and is completely there.
If Jesus had allowed his feelings to rule him in the Garden of Gethsemane, he would not have gone to the cross. But he submitted his will to his heavenly Father (Luke 22:42). Whenever I overcome evil with good, whenever I bless my enemies, whenever I resist temptation and whenever I respect others more than myself, I am a fisher of the right. It is about not allowing myself to be determined by my old impulses, but being aware that the new creation has begun in me. Followers of Jesus are fishermen of the right. The result is impressive: «Then Simon Peter got into the boat and brought the net ashore. Although it was filled with one hundred and fifty-three large fish, the net did not break» (John 21:11 NLB).
That we understand each other correctly: Emotions are very important on the path with Jesus. Emotional maturity is also a characteristic of Jesus. Emotional maturity means that I know my feelings well, but am not at the mercy of them. Feelings make life colourful and never lie. That is why they are important for the guidance of the spirit in our lives.
Letting yourself be loved and loving
« «Come and have breakfast,» said Jesus. But no one dared to ask him if he was really the Lord. They knew that he was. Jesus came up to them, took the bread and gave it to them, as well as the fish» (John 21:12f NLB). The seven men fished all night and were very hungry in the morning. Jesus invites them to breakfast, serves them as a host and meets their needs. This is generously lived love that is received. Typically, Jesus takes the initiative when it comes to love.
Jesus then asks Peter three times about his love for him. In doing so, Jesus makes an unmistakable reference to Peter’s three denials that he knows Jesus. Jesus forgives Peter. He gives him the opportunity to repent and invites him to live out his divine calling. We listen in on the conversation: «He asked him again: «Simon, son of John, do you love me? Peter became sad because Jesus asked the question for the third time and said: «Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you». Jesus said: «Then feed my sheep» » (John 21:17 NLB). Peter’s calling is extended. In addition to the evangelistic task of catching people, he is now also to take on the task of shepherding God’s flock of sheep. He is to become the rock on which Jesus builds his church.
The killer criterion for a follower of Jesus is love for Jesus. If Peter had not answered the question of love with Yes he would not have been qualified for God’s great project on this earth towards the ultimate new creation. But as we have already said, Jesus» love always goes first. «We love because he loved us first» (1 John 4:19 NLB). We are given everything we need as followers, especially love, from our lived fellowship with Jesus.
Looking to Jesus or others
It is also interesting that Jesus asks the first time: «Simon, son of John, do you love me more than the others?» (John 21:15). This is also a reference to Peter’s earlier claim to be more loyal to Jesus than the others (Mark 14:29). Peter doesn’t put himself in relation to the others when answering, but says goodbye to the competition.
But then Jesus gives Peter a powerful challenge: « «I assure you: when you were young, you could do what you wanted and go where you pleased. But when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will lead you and take you where you do not want to go. Thus Jesus indicated the way in which Peter would die in order to glorify God. Then Jesus challenged him: «Follow me.» (John 21:18f NLB). Jesus promises that Peter will become more and more of a fisherman of the law as he grows older. And then he confronts him with the fact that his life on this earth will end as a martyr. Following Jesus can involve suffering, persecution and martyrdom. For the Church, the path to God’s future is the same path that Jesus took (cf. John 15:20). Following Jesus is not a pony farm or a flower meadow. It will not be a simple and easy life, but a meaningful, significant and eternal one.
This announcement throws Peter off course to the extent that he now looks at others again and wants to know whether his colleague John will be affected in the same way. Jesus replies: «If I want him to stay alive until I come back, what’s it to you? Follow me» (John 21:22 NLB). A follower of Jesus should focus on Jesus and not on other people who follow Jesus. And certainly not compare! Comparison either makes you arrogant and proud or – unfortunately much more often – disgruntled and small-hearted. Israel Schwartz was sad that he was not like Moses. One night an angel appeared to him and said: «On judgement day Yahweh will not ask you why you were not Moses, but why you were not his beloved Izzy.» Jesus leads each follower individually, gifted them for their specific mission and has a well-balanced destiny in store for them. I agree with Fyodor Dostoyevsky when he says: «Love your destiny, because it is God’s way with your soul.»
«You follow me!» This invitation from the risen Christ also applies to you. We often hear sermons and God’s word with the ears of others and say: «I hope he or she heard that!» I invite you, as we talk about discipleship this year, to hear all the promises and challenges primarily for yourself. «You follow me!»
When Peter preached the Pentecost sermon some time after this fishing, he was fishing on the right, he spoke out of love for God and was not afraid of possible consequences. In this way, he increasingly became the rock that Jesus saw in him at the beginning. Jesus believed in Peter. A little boy asks the artist: «How did you know there was a lion in this block of marble?» – «I saw the lion in my heart before it was in the marble!» Following Jesus is about allowing the lion that God has long seen in you to emerge more and more. Jesus believes in you. With Christ in you you have enormous potential!
Possible questions for the small group
Read the Bible text: John 21:1–22
- What are you personally doing with Jesus» claim: «Follow me»? Are you a follower of Jesus? What criteria do you base your answer on?
- Fishing right or left – what do the two sides mean? Give examples from your own life?
- What would you say to Jesus» question: «Do you love me» answer? What does it actually mean to love Jesus?
- What does the thought that discipleship can also mean suffering do to you?
- Peter’s calling was to be the rock of the church. What is your calling in the kingdom of God? Where are you building His kingdom?