seetal chile Talk

Moving sto­ries from people’s lives

In this ser­vice, Bern­hard Hohl has an inspi­ring con­ver­sa­ti­on with Amir. He was born a Mus­lim in South East Asia and later beca­me a Chris­ti­an. A heart trans­plant not only gave him a new heart physically. 
«Love the peo­p­le and need the money – not the other way round» As a young man, Ste­fan Schüp­bach sought reco­gni­ti­on in his work. Suc­cess and money were not long in coming, but he was still very unhap­py. So he went in search of the mea­ning of life and foun­ded his own com­pa­ny. Today, he runs, a trade in hand­ma­de pro­ducts, crea­ting about 80–90 jobs world­wi­de. In doing so, he com­bi­nes busi­ness prin­ci­ples with cha­ri­ty – in line with our… 
«It is told you, man, what is good and what God expects of you: To do jus­ti­ce, to love the com­mu­ni­ty and to be atten­ti­ve to your God» (Micah 6:8). The talk with Flo­ri­an Gla­ser is about the ques­ti­on of what the respon­si­bi­li­ty of a human being or a Chris­ti­an is in crea­ti­on. What can a per­son con­tri­bu­te to a more just and peaceful world? The Just Peo­p­le cour­se deals pre­cis­e­ly with the­se ques­ti­ons. We talk about them. 
«What I advi­se you now is more important than any­thing else: Watch your thoughts, for they will deci­de your life!» (Pro­verbs 4:23). Toxic thoughts, who does not know them? The­re are mil­li­ons of peo­p­le who strugg­le with an uncon­scious, des­truc­ti­ve thought life and think the­re is no way out. Bar­ba­ra Benz has found a way out and today she tra­vels at home and abroad with her expe­ri­ence as a trai­ned coach and spea­k­er. She loves to train peo­p­le to chan­ge their thin­king and… 
Natha­lie was a top ath­le­te in the 1,500 and 5,000-metre races. She was part of the Swiss natio­nal ath­le­tics squad until a burn­out and depres­si­on threw her off track. In a con­ver­sa­ti­on, she gives us an insight into her ath­le­tic rise and how she over­ca­me her cri­sis – away from the pious pres­su­re to per­form and towards a new rela­ti­onship with God. 
Ans­gar Gmür was direc­tor of the Homeow­ners» Asso­cia­ti­on, tenor, ven­tri­lo­quist and tough busi­ness­man. Now he wants to beco­me a pas­tor. Gmür was born the seventh of eight child­ren into a moun­tain far­ming fami­ly in Amden. His mother died when he was ele­ven. Under his strict father, he had to work hard and had only a pair of shoes with holes. Even at 27, he was under­weight and his doc­tor did­n’t want to belie­ve that he did­n’t have enough money for food. But Gmür caught up with the Matu­ra after his app­ren­ti­ce­ship as a labo­ra­to­ry technician… 


24 Novem­ber 2019 
Gaby Went­land is an inter­na­tio­nal­ly known spea­k­er. She lives with her hus­band in Ham­burg and has foun­ded the asso­cia­ti­on MISSION FREEDOM, which works against human traf­fi­cking and forced pro­sti­tu­ti­on. Tog­e­ther with her team, they take in young women and child­ren and accom­pa­ny them to a new free­dom. Her pre­sen­ta­ti­ons are full of sto­ries of peo­p­le who have expe­ri­en­ced God’s love and power and have been chan­ged by it. 
Gaby Went­land is an inter­na­tio­nal­ly known spea­k­er. She lives with her hus­band in Ham­burg and has foun­ded the asso­cia­ti­on MISSION FREEDOM, which works against human traf­fi­cking and forced pro­sti­tu­ti­on. Tog­e­ther with her team, they take in young women and child­ren and accom­pa­ny them to a new free­dom. Her pre­sen­ta­ti­ons are full of sto­ries of peo­p­le who have expe­ri­en­ced God’s love and power and have been chan­ged by it. 
Wer­ner Mess­mer has been in the lime­light for many years as an entre­pre­neur, poli­ti­ci­an and Pre­si­dent of the Swiss Asso­cia­ti­on of Mas­ter Buil­ders. In an inter­view, he gives us an insight into how he walks with God in the­se public offices as well as in his pri­va­te life. The way he lives his faith and the expe­ri­en­ces he has are very encou­ra­ging and inspiring. 
In search of love and free­dom She lived in the world of the rich and beau­tiful and had her own agen­cy for pro­mo­ti­on and sty­ling. Tina lik­ed to be in front of the came­ra and crea­ted her own world «World of Venus» with pin-up calen­dars and VIP events. As a gla­mour girl, she cul­ti­va­ted her image as a «love god­dess». Tina Schmidt talks about her life: «I only felt loved when I was desi­red. I thought I would die wit­hout sex. Only a com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent kind of… 
Mar­tin Drey­er is a free­lan­ce theo­lo­gi­an, qua­li­fied pedago­gue, addic­tion coun­sell­or and wri­ter. He beca­me known nati­on­wi­de in the nine­ties through the foun­ding of the Chris­ti­an youth move­ment «Jesus Freaks». His breakth­rough as an aut­hor came with the Volx Bible, a Bible in easy-to-under­stand lan­guage, which has beco­me a paper­back best­sel­ler. Mar­tin is mar­ried, has a daugh­ter and a son and lives in Ber­lin. Despi­te the­se con­sidera­ble suc­ces­ses, the­re are also dark dark sides to his life. The fail­ure of his first mar­ria­ge, alco­hol and drugs as well as a…