«Look; I am creating something new; already it is sprouting.» (The Bible, Isaiah 43:19)
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. He created them wonderful, diverse, full of grace. Man was given the task of preserving the earth. But he exploits it, destroys it and does much wrong. All creation groans and longs for redemption.
But God has an answer: Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world! A new beginning! Jesus has accomplished it. His death shakes the earth. His resurrection is the beginning of a new creation. And we are already allowed to participate in it.
With the year 2023, God gives us time again that we can invest. We look to Jesus, who used his time in an exemplary way (Heb. 12:2). He had a goal, priorities and a partnership that helped him succeed. The goal gives us the direction to take. The priorities, the path to get to the goal, the partnership with God and other Christians the strength to walk this path. The time cannot be stopped 2023 -…
Jesus is the Word through whom all creation was created. This Word is full of life and light. Christmas means that this Word came into the world as a human being with a body. It is true that the creator Jesus was for the most part neither recognised nor received by his works, but this did not detract from his luminosity. But whoever receives this Word made man has the privilege of being a child of God with indescribable privileges. We are accustomed to the Christmas story being embellished, with a…
The Old Testament describes the very eventful history of the people of Israel. In the process, however, hope for restoration flickers up again and again. Hope for a time when things will be peaceful, when there will be no more restrictions and no more suffering. Such hopeful texts are often accompanied by the expectation that a Messiah – an anointed one of God – will appear. A hallmark of him is such miracles. The New Testament evidence is clear that Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah. Through him…
How can a person grow a green branch? The answer is in Isaiah 11, where a green branch grows from an old tree stump. It is the Messiah who came into the world as a child in Bethlehem as the Prince of Peace. Through his word he is building a kingdom of peace which will be completed at his return. The Kingdom of Peace of God is of worldwide significance. As a result of the war, when Russia occupied Kherson, the city was completely destroyed. It resembles a…
Advent focuses on the direction and anticipation of Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ. His first coming brought salvation to us humans, but Advent is not only about the first coming, but also the second. Jesus will come again one day, but we don’t know the exact time. It happens unexpectedly. While his first coming brings hope for all people, his second coming brings separation. It separates those who belong to him from…
A woman who is hopeful directs her life according to this hope. The Bible says that the confident hope of a Christian is comparable to a pregnancy. Just as in a biological pregnancy, there are also clear signs in a spiritual pregnancy: Christ in us is to take shape more and more. How can this happen and what are the consequences? This experience happened some time ago: The telephone rings. A woman greets me in a remarkably friendly manner and informs…
A large community experiences many challenges. It takes everyone, young and old, to live well together! Our hope is nourished when we accept the rough training ground in our everyday life and master it in community with others. That was the last sentence of Matthias» sermon last Sunday. I would like to pick up on that sentence this morning. Welcome to the worship service, the important congregational event where fellowship is very important! Jesus Christ’s most precious possession is his church. It is his…
How can little hope become much hope? A person has peace with God, access to grace and hope in the glory of God through faith in Jesus Christ. When such a person faces the difficult challenges in life positively, a powerful dynamic is set in motion that leads to greater hope. This hope will never be disappointed because a deposit guarantees it. In the middle of London on the north side of the Thames, the words «Nothing can separate us» are written out…
Abraham is presented to us in the Bible as a great example of faith. And it is true, he did truly amazing things out of trust in God. The letter to the Hebrews reveals his secret. Abraham trusted in a future city built by God, he trusted that death is not the end and that one day all promises will be fulfilled. This vision of things to come made him act boldly and confidently in the present. Hope is the ability to…
The Jewish festival for our Thanksgiving today is the Feast of Tabernacles, a celebration of the joy of life. In the Old Testament, God wanted to remind the people that they had lived in tabernacles during the desert wanderings, that He provided for them and was close to them. In Revelation we are promised that God will one day «dwell in tabernacles» among us. He will dwell with us. He will be our God and we will be sons and daughters to Him. So the harvest festival contains a strong aspect of hope. In my family of origin,…
Followers of Jesus Christ have a firm hope. A hope that gives security and support in times of uncertainty and fear. No matter how miserable and frightening the personal and social circumstances, hope has the potential to carry us through such times. But there is not only a hope, but also a responsibility. This is to bear witness to hope – not fear. Christians are to be bearers of hope and do deeds of hope.…
Man carries in his heart the longing for love and justice. Jesus calls the place where this longing is satisfied heaven. Moreover, He challenges us to shape our lives on earth starting from heaven. With a heavenly hope, we can make courageous decisions and live radically new values. We gain access to heaven by sharing in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In most cases, I like to design funeral services. There is nothing…
Creatio – Hope and Responsibility; this is our current theme for the year. Together with faith and love, hope is one of the most important characteristics of living Christianity. Faith strengthens us. Hope carries us. Love holds us. Faith, hope, love – these three remain. We are invited, by strengthening these qualities, to get the full sound of a person who is on the way with Jesus. The Queen and with her the Royal Family of England is on everyone’s lips right now. What are actually…
Through Jesus Christ, heaven on earth has dawned. But this Kingdom of God is very different from what we would expect. It is a kingdom that consists of the weakness of us humans. God chooses that which is weak and not that which is strong. God calls men and women into his service who would not be chosen by the standards of the world. In this way God shows that he has the power to make something out of hopeless cases. Since we humans…
God gives the followers of Jesus the privilege of bringing his kingdom of heaven into this world. But this kingdom of love does not come without tribulations and disappointments. However, God uses precisely these difficulties to strengthen our hope anew. This hope then becomes the motor of our action. Hope for tomorrow gives us strength for today. Today is a special day. I am convinced that the majority of the audience over twenty-eight, remember where they were on today’s day twenty-one.…
Life on this earth is not only characterised by beautiful moments. There are numerous challenges and difficulties. The Bible outlines a different future here. A future in which everything is peaceful and healthy, a future in which there is no war and death. This future kingdom has dawned on this earth with Jesus. However, only imperfectly and in a tension of already there and yet not yet there. Nevertheless, the Kingdom of God that has dawned on this earth can already…
God can create a new heart or restore a broken heart. Jesus shows us in his dealings with Peter, after his denial, what purposeful pastoral care could look like. To do this, he creates a shame-free zone and a space of grace. Forgiveness plays a key role in restoration. The goal is a growing love for Jesus and a life in the vocation God has intended for us. To be free – that is what we all want. The Bible says: «Only then.…
Although the people of Israel had left the toughest adversary Egypt behind them after the passage through the Reed Sea, new enemies had appeared. One day there were five of them. But God did not let the sun set for a whole day, so that they could be defeated. Even in personal life, the path to freedom remains a lifelong task. But God gives such sunny days in which we are challenged to attack and defeat the enemies from the past.…
«Hope dies last» is a common saying. The Bible also speaks of hope. But this Christian hope is very concrete. It is a trust in the trustworthiness of God. It has its foundation in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This resurrection hope gives a perspective for the moment, but also for an uncertain future. Such hope moves and motivates. Such hope gives meaning to life. As forewarned in a sermon almost six months ago, I bring…
Because Moses disobeyed God in the wilderness of Zin and did not do what God said, he was denied entry into the Promised Land. This shows us that God is not interested in part-time obedience on our part, he wants our total obedience. And in Israel as well as Christ it becomes visible that obedience is not apart from relationship, but is relationship-oriented. This should change our understanding of obedience and relationship, because these two belong together. The more we love God, the…
The poet of Psalm 1 writes that a tree planted by streams of water will bring forth its fruit in its season. The natural consequence of a life founded in God is the coming forth of its own fruit. Every follower of Jesus can only bring forth the fruit that has been planted in him. Being reconciled to our own fruit that our life produces with God is the prerequisite for participating in God’s kingdom. Recently I told you about my morning muesli. Today the recipe suggestion continues:…
Heart and kidneys are two ingenious wonders of creation! They are also crucial for our spiritual life! I want to announce one thing right at the beginning of the sermon: This sermon will get under your skin! It is essentially based on two biblical passages from the Psalms: «Lord, put me to the test and put my heart to the test!» (Psalm 26:2 NLB) «Lord, I will thank you with all my heart and tell you of your wonders» (Psalm 9:2 NLB) Especially in the OT we encounter ab…
In Switzerland, mountains are omnipresent. They are all around us. But even in our own lives there are proverbial mountains where we are stuck and don’t know what to do. We also encounter mountains in the Bible, and God often comes into contact with people on mountains. On the mountains, heaven and earth touch. Jesus Christ himself often went up mountains and met God there. In the past, the Israelites had to go on pilgrimage to Jerusalem on Mount Zion,…
Jeremiah presents two options: to become like a scrawny bunch of junipers in the desert or like a sturdy tree by the water. Which way we go depends on who we rely on. Do we trust in ourselves or in other people or do we trust in the Lord? We cannot become a strong tree by our own strength, but with the strength of our decisions. Last Sunday evening we once again sat under our wide-branched cherry tree. Although the sun was a little poisonous…
The purpose of life is to worship the Lord. Psalm 104 begins with a call to worship. It then mentions the reasons why one should praise God. It ends with a renewed call to praise God. Pausing and contemplating God’s creation provides great support to find one’s way as a human being into the real vocation of worshipping God. A microwave oven was invented to heat food. It is not so much for drying the dog. A welding machine has the purpose of…
Job experiences a tangible crisis. His whole life is shattered. Sitting suffering in the ashes, he experiences a real blind flight. This lasts until Elihu directs Job’s gaze to the wonders of creation. As the story continues, God himself asks Job question after question about nature, none of which he can answer. This glimpse into creation becomes an eye-opener for Job. Although he does not receive any answers to his suffering, it puts him in the right position with God.…
At Pentecost, things were turned upside down with the reception of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the completely different, incomprehensible one, and yet he appears to us humans in a perceptible and audible way. The Holy Spirit – God in us. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the events of Babel are reversed. People from different countries understand each other again. With Pentecost, the Christian Church comes into being. This event is the day of its birth, and the Holy Spirit still wants to be present in…
In every culture there are certain principles of how society is structured. This includes evaluations of what is good or bad, how to behave in public and what a successful life looks like. But in every culture there is a blind spot, an area where God’s good plan for his creation is not being followed. When a blind spot is discovered, it is necessary to start there and to right this wrong. People quickly fall prey to the danger of not preserving creation.…
Our annual theme CREATIO inspires me! The examination of the origin of the world, the origin of humanity, the origin of all being – questions arise about the meaning and value of our existence. God has an idea concerning this world and our life. He is the Creator and He stands at the beginning of everything. It is to His ways that we want to surrender. The Good Gospel «And God blessed them and commanded them, saying, «Be fruitful and multiply, and populate the…
The world is open to young people. They have a large part of their lives ahead of them. What is worth living for? This question is not only asked by young people, but by everyone. For what is it worth investing one’s life? People look for supposed fulfilment in three areas. We look for meaning in what we do, in what we own, or in what others think of us. Although all these things are common nowadays and also widely…
When the first people decided not to trust in God, family relationships also broke down. There has been much failure and pain in marriages and families ever since. Already in the second generation there was a fratricide and the murderer asked the question: «Shall I be my brother’s keeper?» The answer is a resounding yes. God is committed to the reconciliation of families. A basic prerequisite for this is forgiveness, which itself crosses the generational curse line.…
24 Man is given the task at the very beginning, as a creature, of keeping the relationships within creation intact. However, because man did not put his trust in God in the Garden of Eden, the whole creation is affected. Now the whole creation groans and waits longingly for redemption. The Kingdom of God that has dawned with Jesus will bring restoration to all creation. In my family of origin, we are six brothers and sisters. When my parents are out of the house in the evening.…
Easter means that Jesus is the victor over death, which came as a result of the fall of humanity in the Garden of Eden. Jesus is not only spiritually, ideally resurrected, but physically, materially. Accordingly, his offered redemption is not only for the human soul, but also for the body, indeed for the whole of creation. This is the very good Gospel, which is the answer to the very good creation. A fortnight ago we moved into our new home. We came to…
Understanding the Old Testament animal sacrifice gives us a basis to really understand what happened on the cross. The Old Testament was only a shadow of what Jesus achieved with his blood. His blood seals the new covenant with God. Through his blood we are redeemed from our guilt for all time. When we moved to Switzerland two years ago, I showed my children some YouTube videos about Switzerland. One of them was made by a…
A day of Jesus between jubilation and tears, surrounded by the most diverse people. Rosmarie and I were married at our wedding in the Remigen church. The celebration then took place at the Seehotel Hallwil in Beinwil am See, at the same time as another wedding party upstairs. It was a joyful celebration for us, while it soon became noisy in the other party. There was a heated argument that even the bride ran away. What contrasts: Here joy and laughter, there anger and…
In the beginning, God created human beings as man and woman – equal and with a common mission. But the Fall changed this situation. Instead of ruling together, from now on men ruled over their wives, a few over all others. But through Jesus, these relationships were restored. Jesus Christ showed a new understanding of dominion. If anyone wants to be the leader, let him be the servant of all. To begin today’s sermon, I would like to share with you a…
Ever since Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, shame entered their lives. To this day, shame dominates our lives and interferes with people’s ability to relate to each other. Just as Adam and Eve made clothes out of fig leaves, we too cover our inner shame in various ways. In doing so, we quickly fall into a shame-guilt spiral. But Jesus» death on the cross has cleared the way to myself. He wants me…
In the Garden of Eden, harmony and abundant happiness reigned. Unfortunately, humanity chose to find happiness on its own path. Sin destroys relationship and creates separation. Exemplified by the Samaritan woman in John 4, by offering her living water at Jacob’s well, Jesus restores peace between God and people of all races and classes. Just as centuries earlier Abraham’s servant created the conditions for the marriage between Rebekah and Isaac at a well,…
God is often addressed as YHWH in the Old Testament. This name is so sacred to the Jews that they do not pronounce it. It is precisely this God who also created the earth. We want to trace the one who says «I am who I always am» (Exodus 3:14) and ask what this being means for my existence. Followers of Jesus Christ may participate in this being, because through his «I am» words he directly connects with it. This allows…
In the creation of the world, God was at work as a team (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). Jesus is the Word through whom everything was created. This Word later became man to restore the originally intended communion between God and man. The New Testament knows two terms for word: logos and rhema. Rhema stands for oral speech, the spoken word. A rhema of God is still vividly effective and powerful today and creates life. At the moment we are renovating our house.…
Who and what is the Holy Spirit? In the Hebrew Bible he is called Ruach and is fundamentally located in the creation texts. The Ruach is that which makes life possible and creates it – be it in creation or in new creation. The Ruach is realised in society in justice, mercy, law and peace. I read the following joke: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit want to go on holiday. The father says: «Let’s go to Pakistan».…
We dare to search for God’s fingerprint on us! My wife received a beautiful wall calendar for Christmas entitled «The Most Beautiful Gardens». I am convinced that the Garden of Eden was even more beautiful than all the gardens in these 12 calendar pictures. Adam and Eve were able to enjoy a splendour of flowers that would put any flower show to shame. During their pleasure walk through paradise, they admired the birds and their singing! They observed the behaviour of the animals with interest. They rejoiced…
The seventh day of creation is far more than just a day of rest. God created it as a day of blessing for a special purpose. The Sabbath day, is not really a commandment, but a privileged sacred time we are allowed to spend with our Creator. It is from this sacred time with God that our life of faith comes alive. When I flew to Canada to study theology, I expected this western country to have a culture very similar to that of Switzerland. But far…
Man is created in the image of God. He reflects God. In this status lies a tremendous responsibility, which is incumbent on man. But the image that human beings present is crumbling and has mighty cracks. Man does not manage to live up to his responsibility. But there is hope. In Jesus Christ we find the perfect image of God – without scratches. Followers of Jesus may share in the perfect image of God through him. Through Jesus Christ they find their true destiny -.…
An omnipotent God could have created the world in the duration of a blink of an eye. But God takes time, creates time and gives it to creation. This is the ultimate announcement against stress and restlessness. How long do you think a day lasted in the creation story? Instead of arguing about this, the Christian church should focus on important beliefs and stand united against Darwinian theses. Recently, someone told me that the Corona viruses, out of a survival strategy, entered the more or less…
On the last day, God gives creation the rating «very good». This includes perfect creatures living in successful relationships with each other. Man, created in God’s image, takes servant responsibility for the rest of creation in a similar way that God does. A very good gospel involves not only the salvation of individual souls, but the restoration of the whole cosmos. God will restore the shalom of the creation narrative in the new creation. The people of Israel, the Hebrews, are…
After God created the world, He judged it to be very good. This is above all because the relationships within the individual species and beyond are perfectly harmonised. When man disregarded the only restriction in his vast living space, the world was thrown devastatingly out of balance. In Jesus Christ, the new creation begins with the goal of heaven coming to earth. For Christians, this means hope and responsibility in equal measure. Those who gain distance see better. So…