«Look; I am crea­ting some­thing new; alre­a­dy it is sprou­ting.» (The Bible, Isai­ah 43:19)

In the begin­ning, God crea­ted the hea­vens and the earth. He crea­ted them won­derful, diver­se, full of grace. Man was given the task of pre­ser­ving the earth. But he exploits it, des­troys it and does much wrong. All crea­ti­on gro­ans and longs for redemption.

But God has an ans­wer: Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world! A new begin­ning! Jesus has accom­plished it. His death shakes the earth. His resur­rec­tion is the begin­ning of a new crea­ti­on. And we are alre­a­dy allo­wed to par­ti­ci­pa­te in it.

With the year 2023, God gives us time again that we can invest. We look to Jesus, who used his time in an exem­pla­ry way (Heb. 12:2). He had a goal, prio­ri­ties and a part­ner­ship that hel­ped him suc­ceed. The goal gives us the direc­tion to take. The prio­ri­ties, the path to get to the goal, the part­ner­ship with God and other Chris­ti­ans the strength to walk this path. The time can­not be stop­ped 2023 -… 
Jesus is the Word through whom all crea­ti­on was crea­ted. This Word is full of life and light. Christ­mas means that this Word came into the world as a human being with a body. It is true that the crea­tor Jesus was for the most part neither reco­g­nis­ed nor recei­ved by his works, but this did not detract from his lumi­no­si­ty. But whoe­ver recei­ves this Word made man has the pri­vi­le­ge of being a child of God with inde­scri­ba­ble pri­vi­le­ges. We are accus­to­med to the Christ­mas sto­ry being embel­lished, with a… 
The Old Tes­ta­ment descri­bes the very eventful histo­ry of the peo­p­le of Isra­el. In the pro­cess, howe­ver, hope for res­to­ra­ti­on fli­ckers up again and again. Hope for a time when things will be peaceful, when the­re will be no more rest­ric­tions and no more suf­fe­ring. Such hop­eful texts are often accom­pa­nied by the expec­ta­ti­on that a Mes­siah – an anoin­ted one of God – will appear. A hall­mark of him is such mira­cles. The New Tes­ta­ment evi­dence is clear that Jesus Christ is the pro­mi­sed Mes­siah. Through him… 
How can a per­son grow a green branch? The ans­wer is in Isai­ah 11, whe­re a green branch grows from an old tree stump. It is the Mes­siah who came into the world as a child in Beth­le­hem as the Prin­ce of Peace. Through his word he is buil­ding a king­dom of peace which will be com­ple­ted at his return. The King­dom of Peace of God is of world­wi­de signi­fi­can­ce. As a result of the war, when Rus­sia occu­p­ied Kher­son, the city was com­ple­te­ly des­troy­ed. It resem­bles a… 
Advent focu­ses on the direc­tion and anti­ci­pa­ti­on of Christ­mas, the birth of Jesus Christ. His first coming brought sal­va­ti­on to us humans, but Advent is not only about the first coming, but also the second. Jesus will come again one day, but we don’t know the exact time. It hap­pens unex­pec­ted­ly. While his first coming brings hope for all peo­p­le, his second coming brings sepa­ra­ti­on. It sepa­ra­tes tho­se who belong to him from… 

Be of good hope

20 Novem­ber 2022 
A woman who is hop­eful directs her life accor­ding to this hope. The Bible says that the con­fi­dent hope of a Chris­ti­an is com­pa­ra­ble to a pregnan­cy. Just as in a bio­lo­gi­cal pregnan­cy, the­re are also clear signs in a spi­ri­tu­al pregnan­cy: Christ in us is to take shape more and more. How can this hap­pen and what are the con­se­quen­ces? This expe­ri­ence hap­pen­ed some time ago: The tele­pho­ne rings. A woman greets me in a remar­kab­ly fri­end­ly man­ner and informs… 

Community life

13 Novem­ber 2022 
A lar­ge com­mu­ni­ty expe­ri­en­ces many chal­lenges. It takes ever­yo­ne, young and old, to live well tog­e­ther! Our hope is nou­ris­hed when we accept the rough trai­ning ground in our ever­y­day life and mas­ter it in com­mu­ni­ty with others. That was the last sen­tence of Mat­thi­as» ser­mon last Sun­day. I would like to pick up on that sen­tence this mor­ning. Wel­co­me to the wor­ship ser­vice, the important con­gre­ga­tio­nal event whe­re fel­low­ship is very important! Jesus Christ’s most pre­cious pos­ses­si­on is his church. It is his… 

The circle of hope

06 Novem­ber 2022 
How can litt­le hope beco­me much hope? A per­son has peace with God, access to grace and hope in the glo­ry of God through faith in Jesus Christ. When such a per­son faces the dif­fi­cult chal­lenges in life posi­tively, a powerful dyna­mic is set in moti­on that leads to grea­ter hope. This hope will never be dis­ap­poin­ted becau­se a depo­sit gua­ran­tees it. In the midd­le of Lon­don on the north side of the Tha­mes, the words «Not­hing can sepa­ra­te us» are writ­ten out… 
Abra­ham is pre­sen­ted to us in the Bible as a gre­at exam­p­le of faith. And it is true, he did tru­ly ama­zing things out of trust in God. The let­ter to the Hebrews reve­als his secret. Abra­ham trus­ted in a future city built by God, he trus­ted that death is not the end and that one day all pro­mi­ses will be ful­fil­led. This visi­on of things to come made him act bold­ly and con­fi­dent­ly in the pre­sent. Hope is the abili­ty to… 
The Jewish fes­ti­val for our Thanks­gi­ving today is the Feast of Taber­na­cles, a cele­bra­ti­on of the joy of life. In the Old Tes­ta­ment, God wan­ted to remind the peo­p­le that they had lived in taber­na­cles during the desert wan­de­rings, that He pro­vi­ded for them and was clo­se to them. In Reve­la­ti­on we are pro­mi­sed that God will one day «dwell in taber­na­cles» among us. He will dwell with us. He will be our God and we will be sons and daugh­ters to Him. So the har­ve­st fes­ti­val con­ta­ins a strong aspect of hope. In my fami­ly of origin,… 

Hope in times of fear

09 Octo­ber 2022 
Fol­lo­wers of Jesus Christ have a firm hope. A hope that gives secu­ri­ty and sup­port in times of uncer­tain­ty and fear. No mat­ter how mise­ra­ble and frigh­tening the per­so­nal and social cir­cum­s­tances, hope has the poten­ti­al to car­ry us through such times. But the­re is not only a hope, but also a respon­si­bi­li­ty. This is to bear wit­ness to hope – not fear. Chris­ti­ans are to be bea­rers of hope and do deeds of hope.… 

Heavenly hope

02 Octo­ber 2022 
Man car­ri­es in his heart the lon­ging for love and jus­ti­ce. Jesus calls the place whe­re this lon­ging is satis­fied hea­ven. Moreo­ver, He chal­lenges us to shape our lives on earth start­ing from hea­ven. With a hea­ven­ly hope, we can make cou­ra­ge­ous decis­i­ons and live radi­cal­ly new values. We gain access to hea­ven by sha­ring in the death and resur­rec­tion of Jesus Christ. In most cases, I like to design fun­e­ral ser­vices. The­re is nothing… 

Faith Hope Love

25 Sep­tem­ber 2022 
Crea­tio – Hope and Respon­si­bi­li­ty; this is our cur­rent the­me for the year. Tog­e­ther with faith and love, hope is one of the most important cha­rac­te­ristics of living Chris­tia­ni­ty. Faith streng­thens us. Hope car­ri­es us. Love holds us. Faith, hope, love – the­se three remain. We are invi­ted, by streng­thening the­se qua­li­ties, to get the full sound of a per­son who is on the way with Jesus. The Queen and with her the Roy­al Fami­ly of Eng­land is on everyone’s lips right now. What are actually… 

Your weakness is needed

18 Sep­tem­ber 2022 
Through Jesus Christ, hea­ven on earth has daw­ned. But this King­dom of God is very dif­fe­rent from what we would expect. It is a king­dom that con­sists of the weak­ne­ss of us humans. God choo­ses that which is weak and not that which is strong. God calls men and women into his ser­vice who would not be cho­sen by the stan­dards of the world. In this way God shows that he has the power to make some­thing out of hope­l­ess cases. Sin­ce we humans… 

Hope, the motor of human action

11 Sep­tem­ber 2022 
God gives the fol­lo­wers of Jesus the pri­vi­le­ge of brin­ging his king­dom of hea­ven into this world. But this king­dom of love does not come wit­hout tri­bu­la­ti­ons and dis­ap­point­ments. Howe­ver, God uses pre­cis­e­ly the­se dif­fi­cul­ties to streng­then our hope anew. This hope then beco­mes the motor of our action. Hope for tomor­row gives us strength for today. Today is a spe­cial day. I am con­vin­ced that the majo­ri­ty of the audi­ence over twen­ty-eight, remem­ber whe­re they were on today’s day twenty-one.… 

Heaven on earth

28 August 2022 
Life on this earth is not only cha­rac­te­ri­sed by beau­tiful moments. The­re are num­e­rous chal­lenges and dif­fi­cul­ties. The Bible out­lines a dif­fe­rent future here. A future in which ever­y­thing is peaceful and healt­hy, a future in which the­re is no war and death. This future king­dom has daw­ned on this earth with Jesus. Howe­ver, only imper­fect­ly and in a ten­si­on of alre­a­dy the­re and yet not yet the­re. Nevert­hel­ess, the King­dom of God that has daw­ned on this earth can already… 
God can crea­te a new heart or res­to­re a bro­ken heart. Jesus shows us in his dealings with Peter, after his deni­al, what pur­po­seful pas­to­ral care could look like. To do this, he crea­tes a shame-free zone and a space of grace. For­gi­ve­ness plays a key role in res­to­ra­ti­on. The goal is a gro­wing love for Jesus and a life in the voca­ti­on God has inten­ded for us. To be free – that is what we all want. The Bible says: «Only then.… 

Light on the past

14 August 2022 
Alt­hough the peo­p­le of Isra­el had left the toug­hest adver­sa­ry Egypt behind them after the pas­sa­ge through the Reed Sea, new enemies had appeared. One day the­re were five of them. But God did not let the sun set for a who­le day, so that they could be defea­ted. Even in per­so­nal life, the path to free­dom remains a lifel­ong task. But God gives such sun­ny days in which we are chal­len­ged to attack and defeat the enemies from the past.… 

Hope that carries!

07 August 2022 
«Hope dies last» is a com­mon say­ing. The Bible also speaks of hope. But this Chris­ti­an hope is very con­cre­te. It is a trust in the trust­wort­hi­ness of God. It has its foun­da­ti­on in the resur­rec­tion of Jesus Christ. This resur­rec­tion hope gives a per­spec­ti­ve for the moment, but also for an uncer­tain future. Such hope moves and moti­va­tes. Such hope gives mea­ning to life. As fore­war­ned in a ser­mon almost six months ago, I bring… 
Becau­se Moses dis­o­bey­ed God in the wil­der­ness of Zin and did not do what God said, he was denied ent­ry into the Pro­mi­sed Land. This shows us that God is not inte­res­ted in part-time obe­dience on our part, he wants our total obe­dience. And in Isra­el as well as Christ it beco­mes visi­ble that obe­dience is not apart from rela­ti­onship, but is rela­ti­onship-ori­en­ted. This should chan­ge our under­stan­ding of obe­dience and rela­ti­onship, becau­se the­se two belong tog­e­ther. The more we love God, the… 
The poet of Psalm 1 wri­tes that a tree plan­ted by streams of water will bring forth its fruit in its sea­son. The natu­ral con­se­quence of a life foun­ded in God is the coming forth of its own fruit. Every fol­lower of Jesus can only bring forth the fruit that has been plan­ted in him. Being recon­ci­led to our own fruit that our life pro­du­ces with God is the pre­re­qui­si­te for par­ti­ci­pa­ting in God’s king­dom. Recent­ly I told you about my mor­ning mues­li. Today the reci­pe sug­ges­ti­on continues:… 

Miracles of Creation

17 July 2022 
Heart and kid­neys are two inge­nious won­ders of crea­ti­on! They are also cru­cial for our spi­ri­tu­al life! I want to announ­ce one thing right at the begin­ning of the ser­mon: This ser­mon will get under your skin! It is essen­ti­al­ly based on two bibli­cal pas­sa­ges from the Psalms: «Lord, put me to the test and put my heart to the test!» (Psalm 26:2 NLB) «Lord, I will thank you with all my heart and tell you of your won­ders» (Psalm 9:2 NLB) Espe­ci­al­ly in the OT we encoun­ter ab… 
In Switz­er­land, moun­ta­ins are omni­pre­sent. They are all around us. But even in our own lives the­re are pro­ver­bi­al moun­ta­ins whe­re we are stuck and don’t know what to do. We also encoun­ter moun­ta­ins in the Bible, and God often comes into cont­act with peo­p­le on moun­ta­ins. On the moun­ta­ins, hea­ven and earth touch. Jesus Christ hims­elf often went up moun­ta­ins and met God the­re. In the past, the Israe­li­tes had to go on pil­grimage to Jeru­sa­lem on Mount Zion,… 
Jere­mi­ah pres­ents two opti­ons: to beco­me like a scraw­ny bunch of juni­pers in the desert or like a stur­dy tree by the water. Which way we go depends on who we rely on. Do we trust in our­sel­ves or in other peo­p­le or do we trust in the Lord? We can­not beco­me a strong tree by our own strength, but with the strength of our decis­i­ons. Last Sun­day evening we once again sat under our wide-bran­ched cher­ry tree. Alt­hough the sun was a litt­le poisonous… 

Creatio and praise

19 June 2022 
The pur­po­se of life is to wor­ship the Lord. Psalm 104 beg­ins with a call to wor­ship. It then men­ti­ons the reasons why one should prai­se God. It ends with a rene­wed call to prai­se God. Paus­ing and con­tem­pla­ting God’s crea­ti­on pro­vi­des gre­at sup­port to find one’s way as a human being into the real voca­ti­on of wor­ship­ping God. A micro­wa­ve oven was inven­ted to heat food. It is not so much for dry­ing the dog. A wel­ding machi­ne has the pur­po­se of… 
Job expe­ri­en­ces a tan­gi­ble cri­sis. His who­le life is shat­te­red. Sit­ting suf­fe­ring in the ashes, he expe­ri­en­ces a real blind flight. This lasts until Eli­hu directs Job’s gaze to the won­ders of crea­ti­on. As the sto­ry con­ti­nues, God hims­elf asks Job ques­ti­on after ques­ti­on about natu­re, none of which he can ans­wer. This glim­pse into crea­ti­on beco­mes an eye-ope­ner for Job. Alt­hough he does not recei­ve any ans­wers to his suf­fe­ring, it puts him in the right posi­ti­on with God.… 
At Pen­te­cost, things were tur­ned upsi­de down with the recep­ti­on of the Holy Spi­rit. The Holy Spi­rit is the com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent, incom­pre­hen­si­ble one, and yet he appears to us humans in a per­cep­ti­ble and audi­ble way. The Holy Spi­rit – God in us. Through the power of the Holy Spi­rit, the events of Babel are rever­sed. Peo­p­le from dif­fe­rent count­ries under­stand each other again. With Pen­te­cost, the Chris­ti­an Church comes into being. This event is the day of its birth, and the Holy Spi­rit still wants to be pre­sent in… 
In every cul­tu­re the­re are cer­tain prin­ci­ples of how socie­ty is struc­tu­red. This includes eva­lua­tions of what is good or bad, how to behave in public and what a suc­cessful life looks like. But in every cul­tu­re the­re is a blind spot, an area whe­re God’s good plan for his crea­ti­on is not being fol­lo­wed. When a blind spot is dis­co­ver­ed, it is neces­sa­ry to start the­re and to right this wrong. Peo­p­le quick­ly fall prey to the dan­ger of not pre­ser­ving creation.… 

A life for more

15 May 2022 
Our annu­al the­me CREATIO inspi­res me! The exami­na­ti­on of the ori­gin of the world, the ori­gin of huma­ni­ty, the ori­gin of all being – ques­ti­ons ari­se about the mea­ning and value of our exis­tence. God has an idea con­cer­ning this world and our life. He is the Crea­tor and He stands at the begin­ning of ever­y­thing. It is to His ways that we want to sur­ren­der. The Good Gos­pel «And God bles­sed them and com­man­ded them, say­ing, «Be fruitful and mul­ti­ply, and popu­la­te the… 
The world is open to young peo­p­le. They have a lar­ge part of their lives ahead of them. What is worth living for? This ques­ti­on is not only asked by young peo­p­le, but by ever­yo­ne. For what is it worth inves­t­ing one’s life? Peo­p­le look for sup­po­sed ful­film­ent in three are­as. We look for mea­ning in what we do, in what we own, or in what others think of us. Alt­hough all the­se things are com­mon nowa­days and also widely… 
When the first peo­p­le deci­ded not to trust in God, fami­ly rela­ti­onships also bro­ke down. The­re has been much fail­ure and pain in mar­ria­ges and fami­lies ever sin­ce. Alre­a­dy in the second gene­ra­ti­on the­re was a fra­tri­ci­de and the mur­de­rer asked the ques­ti­on: «Shall I be my brother’s kee­per?» The ans­wer is a resound­ing yes. God is com­mit­ted to the recon­ci­lia­ti­on of fami­lies. A basic pre­re­qui­si­te for this is for­gi­ve­ness, which its­elf cros­ses the gene­ra­tio­nal cur­se line.… 

Healing the land

24 April 2022 
24 Man is given the task at the very begin­ning, as a crea­tu­re, of kee­ping the rela­ti­onships within crea­ti­on int­act. Howe­ver, becau­se man did not put his trust in God in the Gar­den of Eden, the who­le crea­ti­on is affec­ted. Now the who­le crea­ti­on gro­ans and waits lon­gin­gly for redemp­ti­on. The King­dom of God that has daw­ned with Jesus will bring res­to­ra­ti­on to all crea­ti­on. In my fami­ly of ori­gin, we are six brot­hers and sis­ters. When my par­ents are out of the house in the evening.… 
Eas­ter means that Jesus is the vic­tor over death, which came as a result of the fall of huma­ni­ty in the Gar­den of Eden. Jesus is not only spi­ri­tual­ly, ide­al­ly resur­rec­ted, but phy­si­cal­ly, mate­ri­al­ly. Accor­din­gly, his offe­red redemp­ti­on is not only for the human soul, but also for the body, inde­ed for the who­le of crea­ti­on. This is the very good Gos­pel, which is the ans­wer to the very good crea­ti­on. A fort­night ago we moved into our new home. We came to… 
Under­stan­ding the Old Tes­ta­ment ani­mal sacri­fice gives us a basis to real­ly under­stand what hap­pen­ed on the cross. The Old Tes­ta­ment was only a shadow of what Jesus achie­ved with his blood. His blood seals the new coven­ant with God. Through his blood we are rede­e­med from our guilt for all time. When we moved to Switz­er­land two years ago, I show­ed my child­ren some You­Tube vide­os about Switz­er­land. One of them was made by a… 
A day of Jesus bet­ween jubi­la­ti­on and tears, sur­roun­ded by the most diver­se peo­p­le. Ros­ma­rie and I were mar­ried at our wed­ding in the Remi­gen church. The cele­bra­ti­on then took place at the See­ho­tel Hall­wil in Bein­wil am See, at the same time as ano­ther wed­ding par­ty ups­tairs. It was a joyful cele­bra­ti­on for us, while it soon beca­me noi­sy in the other par­ty. The­re was a hea­ted argu­ment that even the bri­de ran away. What con­trasts: Here joy and laugh­ter, the­re anger and… 

Who is in charge?

03 April 2022 
In the begin­ning, God crea­ted human beings as man and woman – equal and with a com­mon mis­si­on. But the Fall chan­ged this situa­ti­on. Ins­tead of ruling tog­e­ther, from now on men ruled over their wives, a few over all others. But through Jesus, the­se rela­ti­onships were res­to­red. Jesus Christ show­ed a new under­stan­ding of domi­ni­on. If anyo­ne wants to be the lea­der, let him be the ser­vant of all. To begin today’s ser­mon, I would like to share with you a… 
Ever sin­ce Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the know­ledge of good and evil, shame ente­red their lives. To this day, shame domi­na­tes our lives and inter­fe­res with people’s abili­ty to rela­te to each other. Just as Adam and Eve made clo­thes out of fig lea­ves, we too cover our inner shame in various ways. In doing so, we quick­ly fall into a shame-guilt spi­ral. But Jesus» death on the cross has cle­ared the way to mys­elf. He wants me… 

Give me a drink!

20 March 2022 
In the Gar­den of Eden, harm­o­ny and abun­dant hap­pi­ness reig­ned. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, huma­ni­ty cho­se to find hap­pi­ness on its own path. Sin des­troys rela­ti­onship and crea­tes sepa­ra­ti­on. Exem­pli­fied by the Sama­ri­tan woman in John 4, by offe­ring her living water at Jacob’s well, Jesus res­to­res peace bet­ween God and peo­p­le of all races and clas­ses. Just as cen­tu­ries ear­lier Abraham’s ser­vant crea­ted the con­di­ti­ons for the mar­ria­ge bet­ween Rebe­kah and Isaac at a well,… 

The Father of Creation

06 March 2022 
God is often addres­sed as YHWH in the Old Tes­ta­ment. This name is so sacred to the Jews that they do not pro­no­un­ce it. It is pre­cis­e­ly this God who also crea­ted the earth. We want to trace the one who says «I am who I always am» (Exodus 3:14) and ask what this being means for my exis­tence. Fol­lo­wers of Jesus Christ may par­ti­ci­pa­te in this being, becau­se through his «I am» words he direct­ly con­nects with it. This allows… 

Jesus in Creation

27 Febru­ary 2022 
In the crea­ti­on of the world, God was at work as a team (Father, Son, Holy Spi­rit). Jesus is the Word through whom ever­y­thing was crea­ted. This Word later beca­me man to res­to­re the ori­gi­nal­ly inten­ded com­mu­ni­on bet­ween God and man. The New Tes­ta­ment knows two terms for word: logos and rhe­ma. Rhe­ma stands for oral speech, the spo­ken word. A rhe­ma of God is still vivid­ly effec­ti­ve and powerful today and crea­tes life. At the moment we are reno­vat­ing our house.… 
Who and what is the Holy Spi­rit? In the Hebrew Bible he is cal­led Ruach and is fun­da­men­tal­ly loca­ted in the crea­ti­on texts. The Ruach is that which makes life pos­si­ble and crea­tes it – be it in crea­ti­on or in new crea­ti­on. The Ruach is rea­li­sed in socie­ty in jus­ti­ce, mer­cy, law and peace. I read the fol­lo­wing joke: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spi­rit want to go on holi­day. The father says: «Let’s go to Pakistan».… 
We dare to search for God’s fin­ger­print on us! My wife recei­ved a beau­tiful wall calen­dar for Christ­mas entit­led «The Most Beau­tiful Gar­dens». I am con­vin­ced that the Gar­den of Eden was even more beau­tiful than all the gar­dens in the­se 12 calen­dar pic­tures. Adam and Eve were able to enjoy a sple­ndour of flowers that would put any flower show to shame. During their plea­su­re walk through para­di­se, they admi­red the birds and their sin­ging! They obser­ved the beha­viour of the ani­mals with inte­rest. They rejoiced… 
The seventh day of crea­ti­on is far more than just a day of rest. God crea­ted it as a day of bles­sing for a spe­cial pur­po­se. The Sab­bath day, is not real­ly a com­mandment, but a pri­vi­le­ged sacred time we are allo­wed to spend with our Crea­tor. It is from this sacred time with God that our life of faith comes ali­ve. When I flew to Cana­da to stu­dy theo­lo­gy, I expec­ted this wes­tern coun­try to have a cul­tu­re very simi­lar to that of Switz­er­land. But far… 
Man is crea­ted in the image of God. He reflects God. In this sta­tus lies a tre­men­dous respon­si­bi­li­ty, which is incum­bent on man. But the image that human beings pre­sent is crumbling and has migh­ty cracks. Man does not mana­ge to live up to his respon­si­bi­li­ty. But the­re is hope. In Jesus Christ we find the per­fect image of God – wit­hout scrat­ches. Fol­lo­wers of Jesus may share in the per­fect image of God through him. Through Jesus Christ they find their true destiny -.… 

God created time

23 Janu­ary 2022 
An omni­po­tent God could have crea­ted the world in the dura­ti­on of a blink of an eye. But God takes time, crea­tes time and gives it to crea­ti­on. This is the ulti­ma­te announce­ment against stress and rest­less­ness. How long do you think a day las­ted in the crea­ti­on sto­ry? Ins­tead of arguing about this, the Chris­ti­an church should focus on important beliefs and stand united against Dar­wi­ni­an the­ses. Recent­ly, someone told me that the Coro­na viru­s­es, out of a sur­vi­val stra­tegy, ente­red the more or less… 

It was very good

09 Janu­ary 2022 
On the last day, God gives crea­ti­on the rating «very good». This includes per­fect crea­tures living in suc­cessful rela­ti­onships with each other. Man, crea­ted in God’s image, takes ser­vant respon­si­bi­li­ty for the rest of crea­ti­on in a simi­lar way that God does. A very good gos­pel invol­ves not only the sal­va­ti­on of indi­vi­du­al souls, but the res­to­ra­ti­on of the who­le cos­mos. God will res­to­re the shalom of the crea­ti­on nar­ra­ti­ve in the new crea­ti­on. The peo­p­le of Isra­el, the Hebrews, are… 
After God crea­ted the world, He jud­ged it to be very good. This is abo­ve all becau­se the rela­ti­onships within the indi­vi­du­al spe­ci­es and bey­ond are per­fect­ly har­mo­nis­ed. When man dis­re­gard­ed the only rest­ric­tion in his vast living space, the world was thrown devas­ta­tingly out of balan­ce. In Jesus Christ, the new crea­ti­on beg­ins with the goal of hea­ven coming to earth. For Chris­ti­ans, this means hope and respon­si­bi­li­ty in equal mea­su­re. Tho­se who gain distance see bet­ter. So…