Advent 2019

Christmas – what then?

25 Decem­ber 2019 
Did the main par­ti­ci­pan­ts fall into a spi­ri­tu­al depres­si­on after the birth in Beth­le­hem? Not at all! The expe­ri­en­ces of tho­se days and nights con­tin­ued to move them and they lived on for months and years. And what about us? Does Christ­mas live on in us into a new year? We have rea­ched the peak of the Christ­mas cele­bra­ti­ons 2019! Some events are alre­a­dy behind us; others we still have ahead of us. We mer­ri­ly con­ti­nue to cele­bra­te with rela­ti­ves, fri­ends and loved ones. This is every year… 
John the Bap­tist makes it clear that apart from the usu­al Christ­mas pre­pa­ra­ti­ons, the­re are a few other things that are important in view of the coming Lord: As a forerun­ner of Jesus, he calls for rep­en­tance and con­ver­si­on. He pro­claims the Saviour and shows that the way to the glo­ry of God leads through him, the cru­ci­fied Christ. As an evan­ge­list, he does not cudd­le, but speaks plain­ly and radi­cal­ly rejects any form of pious hypo­cri­sy. Advent, this time befo­re Christ­mas, is for… 

Bestowed with great grace

08 Decem­ber 2019 
A pri­son cell is a good com­pa­ri­son for the Advent situa­ti­on. The door is locked and can only be ope­ned from the out­side. In Jesus, God came to our world as a human being to free us from our pri­sons. The only appro­pria­te respon­se to God’s grace, is Mary’s when she says: «I am the ser­vant of the Lord and bow to his will.» On 21 Novem­ber 1943, Diet­rich Bon­hoef­fer wro­te from Nazi pri­son to his fri­end Eber­hard Beth­ge: «Such a…