Markus Inäbnit

Youth Pas­tor of see­tal chi­le (until 2015)

Is the Gos­pel more than eter­nal life? To be with God once? Of cour­se! Eter­nal life beg­ins alre­a­dy here on earth. Through Jesus Christ we have access to God’s grace. What does grace mean? We want to look at this tog­e­ther and let our­sel­ves be inspi­red anew by the Gos­pel. Using the sto­ry of David and Mefi­bos­heth, we will see how God wants to bless your life today and how you can beco­me a bles­sing to others. In Mol­do­va this year we have many… 

Get your feet wet

29 Decem­ber 2019 
God mira­cu­lous­ly led Joshua and the Israe­li­tes through the Jor­dan River into the Pro­mi­sed Land. With the crossing of the Jor­dan, some­thing new began and the pro­mi­ses of God began to be ful­fil­led. What can we learn from this moment so that we too can dare some­thing new and ther­eby expe­ri­ence more of God’s pro­mi­ses in our lives? It takes a new focus, a cle­an­sing and, in the end, wet feet. In a few days a new year beg­ins. Some­thing new… 

Lord, send workers!

30 Sep­tem­ber 2018 
Jesus says: the har­ve­st is gre­at, but the labou­rers are few. How should we under­stand the­se words of Jesus? Tog­e­ther we want to dis­co­ver what har­ve­st means for us today and what our mis­si­on is in the gre­at har­ve­st of God.