Markus Inäbnit
Youth Pastor of seetal chile (until 2015)
Is the Gospel more than eternal life? To be with God once? Of course! Eternal life begins already here on earth. Through Jesus Christ we have access to God’s grace. What does grace mean? We want to look at this together and let ourselves be inspired anew by the Gospel. Using the story of David and Mefibosheth, we will see how God wants to bless your life today and how you can become a blessing to others. In Moldova this year we have many…
God miraculously led Joshua and the Israelites through the Jordan River into the Promised Land. With the crossing of the Jordan, something new began and the promises of God began to be fulfilled. What can we learn from this moment so that we too can dare something new and thereby experience more of God’s promises in our lives? It takes a new focus, a cleansing and, in the end, wet feet. In a few days a new year begins. Something new…
Jesus says: the harvest is great, but the labourers are few. How should we understand these words of Jesus? Together we want to discover what harvest means for us today and what our mission is in the great harvest of God.