Erich Hunziker
God is good. His goodness is a gift and does not have to be earned. But there are moments when God’s goodness remains hidden from us, times when God seems to turn against us. The prophet Jeremiah describes harrowing negative experiences he has with God. But he maintains that there is still a «remnant» of God’s goodness and shows the way in which he «taps into» this remnant… It is a word from the book of Lamentations that we…
John the Baptist makes it clear that apart from the usual Christmas preparations, there are a few other things that are important in view of the coming Lord: As a forerunner of Jesus, he calls for repentance and conversion. He proclaims the Saviour and shows that the way to the glory of God leads through him, the crucified Christ. As an evangelist, he does not cuddle, but speaks plainly and radically rejects any form of pious hypocrisy. Advent, this time before Christmas, is for…
A paralytic experiences healing and forgiveness of his sins through Jesus. He comes to this experience because he has friends and neighbours who help him. They have a heart for him. They carry him to Jesus and do not give up despite obstacles. They firmly believe that Jesus will help and thus become a blessing for the paralysed man. This morning we want to reflect together on a story that you probably all know very well. It is the story of the…