Discipleship – the glory of God!
Series: Follow me | Bible text: 2 Corinthians 3:18; Exodus 40:33–38
God took up residence on this earth in the tent of revelation. God took up residence among his people with his glory. The glory of God shows itself as a manifestation of his power. But this glory was too great for people to bear. That is why it was veiled. Since Jesus Christ, however, the Holy Spirit dwells in every person who follows Jesus. This makes the body a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, life is then a service to God and reflects the glory of God. The Holy Spirit empowers a life that is permeated by the glory of God, i.e. in which the power of God becomes visible.
God’s «Shekinah» glory
We are still travelling with the people of Israel in the desert. The people’s journey tells us a lot about our following of Jesus. The people made a covenant with God on Mount Sinai. There they received various instructions as to what this relationship should look like. God decided that he wanted to dwell in the midst of his people. «I will dwell among the Israelites and be their God» (Exodus 29:45 NLB). He chose a tent sanctuary for this. It was suitable for their current situation. They were travelling and so they could take the shrine with them wherever they went. It is a sign that God goes with them. The term shechinah is used in Jewish and Christian tradition. The root lies in the Hebrew word «skn», which means to settle, dwell, rest. Thus the meaning of Shekinah is the presence of God among the people of Israel. This dwelling of God among the Israelites is central.
The tent sanctuary has various names and is also known as the Tent of Revelation. It was the place where Moses received his instructions from God. God dwelt in this tent and met the people. They in turn camped around the sanctuary. This made it clear what God’s position was among the people: He was the centre. Moses received clear instructions for the construction and strictly adhered to them. «[…] When Moses had finished the work, the cloud covered the tent of God and the glory of the LORD was revealed.üIt happened. Moses could no longer enter the tent of God because the cloud descended on it and filled the tent of God with the glory of the Lord.ühad» (Exodus 40:33–35 NLB). Three elements are named here: The cloud, the tent of God and the glory of the Lord. All three are the focus of today’s sermon. Firstly, we look at the glory of God. In Hebrew, to settle has the same root as Shechinah. But the glory of God is so great that Moses can no longer enter the sanctuary. This shows that people cannot enter into the presence of God’s glory. This glory was then placed on the Ark of the Covenant, which stood in the Holy of Holies of the Tent. Only the high priest was allowed to enter this room. And only once a year. But he had to make so much smoke that he could not see the lid of the Ark of the Covenant. Although the glory of God dwelt among the Israelites, it was still covered and veiled. The glory of God refers to his greatness, splendour and majesty. We encounter this not as an attribute, but as a manifestation of his divine power. God’s glory is revealed when HE leads the people out of Egypt. HE leads them to victory in battles. HE provides the Israelites with food in the desert. These are all deeds that can be traced back to his glory.
The body of the followers of Jesus as the temple of the Holy Spirit
The tent of revelation is the place where God takes up residence on earth. But Jesus Christ makes such a localised sanctuary superfluous. «Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourselves, for God has paid a high price for you.üpaid for you. Therefore honour God with your body!» (1 Corinthians 6:19–20 NLB). After some time, the temple replaced the tent of revelation as the sanctuary in Israel. What remains the same, however, is the fact that the temple was God’s dwelling place on this earth. A temple points to a deity and in a sense belongs to it. Now the body of a follower of Jesus is a temple of the Holy Spirit. This has consequences. So a follower of Jesus points to God in everything and God takes up residence in him through the Holy Spirit. And now comes the crucial point. Followers of Jesus share in the glory of God because they are a temple of the Holy Spirit. «When Christ, who is your life, will be known to the whole world, then it will also become visible that you share his glory with him» (Colossians 3:4 NLB). Do we understand what happened here? In the past, the glory of God filled the tent and people could no longer enter the tent. Now God takes up residence in us humans. Christians share the glory with their Lord Jesus Christ. So what does worship mean when they are a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit? It means that God is honoured with your whole life. More specifically, «What I do is a service of worship and praise».
The establishment of God’s glory is a sign that he dwelt in the midst of the Israelites. The same applies to followers of Jesus. The glory of God has settled in our lives through the Holy Spirit. The glory of God is a power and is demonstrated, among other things, by the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22–23). These fruits are the power of the Holy Spirit. If I try to change things and produce good fruit in my own strength, then I will fail. Because God does this, not me. If I want to produce good fruit in my own strength, it is my strength and not his and most of the time such changes are not sustainable. Then it is not the glory of God that shows itself, but I try to change things out of my own glory. This is then self-aggrandising.
The «cloud» over the lives of Jesus» followers
The cloud accompanies the people of Israel throughout the wilderness period. «Every time the cloud lifted from the tent of God, the Israelites left. But if the cloud did not rise, they stayed where they were until the cloud rose again. Throughout their journey, the cloud of the LORD rested on the tent of God during the day. At night there was fire in the cloud, which all the Israelites could see» (Exodus 40:36–38 NLB). God has preceded the people to this point in a pillar of cloud. This now settles on the sanctuary and takes on various functions. Firstly, the cloud is a sign of God’s presence. It could be seen from the whole camp. It was even lit up at night so that everyone could see it. It was the everyday and ever-present reassurance of God’s presence. In addition, the cloud hid God’s glory from the Israelites. God really did dwell among them, but in a cloud. The cloud also provided protection for the tent of revelation. The roof of the tent was made of different fabrics lying on top of each other. But the best protection was the cloud that settled on the tent. Last but not least, the cloud acted as a guide for the Israelites. It showed them the way and also when they should take a break. The cloud reassured the Israelites that they were under constant divine guidance.
Through Jesus Christ, the way to the Father in heaven has now been cleared. The cloud no longer has to cover the glory of God. Every follower of Jesus is now a temple of the Holy Spirit himself. «The veil has been removed from all of us so that we can see the glory of the Lord as in a mirror. And the Spirit of the Lord works in us so that we become more and more like him and increasingly reflect his glory» (2 Corinthians 3:18 NLB). The veil has been taken away. In other words, the cloud with its veiling function is gone. Followers of Jesus now reflect the glory of God. In a sense, we can say that the Spirit of the Lord has taken the place of the cloud. The Holy Spirit is a sign of God’s presence. «The Holy Spirit is the guarantee that he will give us everything he has promised us and that we are his property – to the praise of his glory» (Ephesians 1:14 NLB). The Holy Spirit shows that followers of Jesus belong to God. If the cloud was a protection for the sanctuary, the Holy Spirit is the empowerment. Rather, the Holy Spirit is now also the empowerment to endure things that seem too difficult for us. This can be, for example, the empowerment to answer questions. «But if you are arrested and stand trial, don’t worry about what you should say in your defence. Just say what God puts in your mouth. It is not you who will speak, but the Holy Spirit» (Mark 13:11 NLB). In addition, the Holy Spirit is the guide of my life. He assures me of God’s presence. God with me. I personally live this in such a way that I involve God in prayer in as many things as possible and then boldly go forward.
The Holy Spirit took the place of the cloud of the Old Testament. But he is much more. While the cloud was only a picture of God’s glory, the Holy Spirit is a part of God himself. The Holy Spirit works in the followers of Jesus so that they reflect the glory of God. The glory of God is revealed in his power. This means that miracles are part of it! As the Holy Spirit lives in the followers of Jesus, he turns the body into a sanctuary that points to God. He himself is a guide, comforter, counsellor and much more.
Possible questions for the small group
Read Bible text: Exodus 40:33–38
- What do you understand by the glory of God?
- The glory of God manifests itself as power. Have you already experienced it?
- What does the thought that you, as a follower of Jesus, are a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit trigger in you? What frightens you? What encourages you about this thought?
- How could you make more room for the glory of God in your life through the Holy Spirit?
- How do you reflect the glory of God?
- In which area are you dependent on the empowerment of the Holy Spirit?