Three gifts for you!
Series: Metamorphosis | Bible text: Luke 2:10
In the Kigo theatre we immersed ourselves in the Christmas story. A story that comes from another world. A world that does not at all correspond to ours – at least that is how it seems. So much seems strange. Angels are practically only known as decorative items. Sheep at best as a side dish for chips and herb butter, and shepherds at best on the packaging of Penaten cream. And yet this story also has something to say to you and me. Just as the wise men from the east brought three gifts, I too would like to highlight three gifts to you from this Christmas story.
Gift 1: Don’t be afraid!
The first gift is the message that the angels addressed to the shepherds. «Do not be afraid!» (Luke 2:10a NLB). We live in turbulent times. Many things that are dear and important to us stand on shaky legs. Many slogans about the feast ahead of us turn out to be more silhouette than fact. Christmas – the festival of love – some of us experience a lack of love in the family at this time. Contemplative Christmas – that was once, it has become rather stressful days. Christmas a celebration of family – but for some of us it is the worst days of the year, when we are reminded even more of our loneliness.
It is precisely into this situation that the angels» encouragement resounds: «Do not be afraid! Yes, do not be afraid. There is something that goes beyond all these Christmas slogans. Do not be afraid, because «The Saviour – yes, Christ the Lord – has been born tonight in Bethlehem, the City of David!» (Luke 2:11 NLB). Do not be afraid, because God became man to enter into a relationship with you.
2nd gift: God accepts our odd lives!
The second gift of Christmas is the message that God accepts our odd lives. We celebrate at Christmas that God became man, he came into our broken world, even very fragile – as a baby. Therefore, we need not be afraid of him either. Around Christmas, life often winds down. Workouts, going to the gym, school, work, everything slows down and steps down a gear. But it is also at this time that we realise how much we are also dependent on external things. Personally, I always look forward to Christmas. In my family, it’s customary for us to do Secret Santa and for each of us to write down three wishes. I always look forward to the day when I finally get my present. Since I’ve been with Andreina, I even get to unwrap presents twice, because her family also does Secret Santa. But as much as I look forward to Christmas, I also have a queasy feeling after every meal, gift unwrapping, carol singing etc. I feel uneasy. An uneasiness rises up in me. Was that all? Is that what you were looking forward to now?
No matter how big and valuable a gift is, at some point it fades. At some point I stand there and realise that I have a gap inside me that even the most expensive and fancy gifts cannot fill. It’s as if something is missing in our lives. The gift of Christmas to you is that God accepts you as you are. Just with all your rough edges. Yes, he wants to use your weakness. God says: «My strength is shown in your weakness». (2 Corinthians 12:9a NLB).
Gift 3: Pass on your light!
The third gift of Christmas is for all those who have said yes to God’s gift, to his Son Jesus Christ. But this third gift is different, it is not a gift to keep, but one to pass on. The third gift is then also called: Pass on your light! Jesus himself says of himself «I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me need not wander in darkness, for he will have the light that leads to life.» (John 8:12 NLB). After the shepherds had been with Jesus, they went out and told everyone about what they had just experienced (Luke 2:17–18 NLB). Christmas is not just about receiving gifts. It all starts with the gift of Jesus to our world. But all who decide to follow Jesus should themselves become a gift to this world. This gift to the world is called the light of the world and Jesus himself tells us what this should look like. «You are the light of the world. In the same way, let your good deeds shine before men, so that all may see them and praise your Father in heaven for them». (Matthew 5:14a & 16 NLB).
Gift one and two are the prerequisite for us to become a gift ourselves. When we realise that we ourselves need not be afraid because God has accepted our odd life and accept his gift, then we ourselves can become a gift to the world.