Date: 15 March 2020 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Dani­el 9:18b-19
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

What we can learn from Dani­el and his dream team for our ever­y­day life – in good and dif­fi­cult times!


We meet the peo­p­le of God today at a moment when they could ask them­sel­ves: Is this the end of the peo­p­le of God: we have lost our land, we are defea­ted by a for­eign power; the temp­le, our sanc­tua­ry, is rob­bed and des­troy­ed; i.e. end of wor­ship! Their last kings led the peo­p­le to spi­ri­tu­al and his­to­ri­cal ruin. And the migh­ty Baby­lo­ni­an king Nebuch­ad­nez­zar, who exten­ded his empire from the Medi­ter­ra­ne­an to the Per­si­an Gulf, takes over Isra­el. In various stages he leads who­le sec­tions of God’s peo­p­le into exi­le in Baby­lon. The Israe­li­tes could have asked them­sel­ves, in the words of the Psalm poet Asaph: «Will the Lord cast off his peo­p­le fore­ver? Is his good­ness gone for ever and ever? Has God then for­got­ten to be mer­ciful and gra­cious?» (from Psalm 77:8–10 NGÜ) The first depor­ta­ti­on takes place in 605 BC; it con­cerns the gifted upper class of the coun­try. Once in Baby­lon, Nebuch­ad­nez­zar orders the chief court offi­ci­al to sel­ect young men from the Israe­li­tes who are sui­ta­ble for ser­vice in the king’s palace. The cri­te­ria were: The men must be in good health, have no phy­si­cal defects; must be good-loo­king, have an exten­si­ve edu­ca­ti­on and be quick on the upt­ake. The task of the chief court offi­ci­al was to prepa­re the­se men for their ser­vice in the roy­al court for three years; this included lear­ning the lan­guage and script of the Baby­lo­ni­ans. After this time, Nebuch­ad­nez­zar sel­ec­ted four men from the group of tho­se trai­ned to be his advi­sors. From all the inter­views, Nebuch­ad­nez­zar cho­se four Judeans, name­ly: Dani­el, Hana­niah, Mis­ha­el and Aza­riah. The chief court offi­ci­al then gave them Baby­lo­ni­an names: Bel­cha­zar, Shadrach, Mes­hach and Abed­n­ego, but I’ll stick with their pre­vious names.

A dream team in a godless environment

With them, Nebuch­ad­nez­zar real­ly got a dream team. The­se four were extre­me­ly bles­sed by God. When the king nee­ded insight and under­stan­ding, he tur­ned to the­se men. We read in Dani­el 1 that God gave the four young men extra­or­di­na­ry wis­dom and know­ledge; in ran­king, Nebuch­ad­nez­zar soon rated them ten times (!) bet­ter than his wisest men! And Dani­el could also inter­pret visi­ons and dreams of every kind.

As pri­soners, they could have beha­ved quite dif­fer­ent­ly accor­ding to the mot­to: «Let’s enjoy this pro­per­ly now: the roy­al food and the deli­cious wine. Nebuch­ad­nez­zar will sure­ly drink a won­derful Grand Cru from France or a Riser­va Supe­rio­re from Ita­ly! And we don’t take our job too serious­ly! We don’t want to learn this lan­guage and its script! We don’t want a three-year app­ren­ti­ce­ship, we want to go back to our home­land as soon as possible?!»


But the­se four men beha­ved quite differently:

  • They asked the chief court offi­ci­al if they could only eat vege­ta­bles and drink water ins­tead of wine. And he allo­wed them.
  • They held fast to their God and their faith and did not quar­rel with God and their fate.
  • They put their all into it and did their best in this very dif­fe­rent world of Babylon.

And what was the result? A pre-emi­nent posi­ti­on in the roy­al court! To sum up: they expe­ri­en­ced God’s bles­sing in an impres­si­ve way. Like you and me? Let us ask our­sel­ves now! May­be you expe­ri­ence this going into ano­ther world every day when you go to your work­place, to your app­ren­ti­ce­ship or to school, to stu­dy! May­be you have trou­ble with your job. You are sick of it. You are no lon­ger moti­va­ted. Or your place of resi­dence is like Baby­lon for you and you want to get up and lea­ve. May­be you are in a major cri­sis at the moment. You feel out of place and trap­ped in your ever­y­day life. From the trap­ped, depor­ted dream team in Baby­lon, we can remem­ber the following:

  • Cling to your God in your cri­sis and con­scious­ly take God with you into your ever­y­day life!
  • Do not throw away your faith!
  • Don’t stay alo­ne with your worries, share them open­ly with your fri­ends. Talk!
  • Do your best in spi­te of ever­y­thing, face the chal­lenges! It’s worth it!

Never for­get, you too are rich­ly bles­sed for yours­elf and for others! The dream team around Dani­el had to go through seve­ral dif­fi­cult times! I also think of tho­se sto­ries when they were thrown into the fur­nace or Dani­el into the lion’s den… All to be read in the book of Daniel!

From dream team to nightmare team

Night­ma­res can also hap­pen in a dream team! Here’s what hap­pen­ed to Dani­el and his team: Nebuch­ad­nez­zar has a dream that frigh­tens him so much that he wakes up. The next mor­ning he calls all his wise men, magi­ci­ans and sooth­say­ers tog­e­ther to inter­pret the dream for him. But: Nebuch­ad­nez­zar is not rea­dy to tell the dream!!! Appar­ent­ly, as is expres­sed in the nar­ra­ti­ve, the king has had bad expe­ri­en­ces with his sooth­say­ers and wise men, who often only pre­sent lies and decep­ti­on. Now Nebuch­ad­nez­zar is sud­den­ly con­vin­ced that only the one who is given not only the inter­pre­ta­ti­on but also the dream can pre­sent a genui­ne dream inter­pre­ta­ti­on. The wise men com­plain that the king is asking too much, that no king in this world has ever asked that of his wise men. In fact, no human being could ful­fil it. Only gods can do that, but they don’t live with mor­tal men, they said! But Nebuch­ad­nez­zar threa­tens to kill them all if no one com­pli­es with his demand. Moreo­ver, he would turn their homes into heaps of rubble.

Dani­el goes straight to Nebuch­ad­nez­zar and asks for an exten­si­on of time so that he can descri­be and inter­pret the dream. Then he hur­ries back to his fri­ends: «Guys, we have to pray, other­wi­se we will die along with ever­yo­ne else. They pray fer­vent­ly for God’s mer­cy to reve­al this secret to them. Inde­ed, in the midd­le of the night, Dani­el has a visi­on of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, com­ple­te with inter­pre­ta­ti­on! Befo­re Dani­el goes to the king the next mor­ning, the dream team takes time for prai­se! Daniel’s song of prai­se is so beau­tiful, I want to read it to you: «Prai­se be to the name of God, now and fore­ver! To God alo­ne belong power and wis­dom. He is the Lord of time and deter­mi­nes what hap­pens when; he depo­ses kings and lea­ves their thro­nes to others. To the wise he gives their wis­dom and to the wise their under­stan­ding! He reve­als the most unfa­thomable secrets and knows what is hid­den in the dark, for he hims­elf is sur­roun­ded by light. Yes, I prai­se and ext­ol you, O God of my foref­a­thers! For you have given me wis­dom and strength. You have heard our pray­ers and reve­a­led to me the dream of the king!» (Dani­el 2:20–23 Hfa) Then befo­re the king Dani­el first speaks plain­ly about God and hims­elf: «The secret which the king asks can­not be unco­ver­ed by any sin­gle wise man, sorce­rer, sign inter­pre­ter or sooth­say­er. But the­re is a God in hea­ven who brings what is hid­den to light» (Dani­el 2:27–28a NL). «The fact that I know the secret of your dream is not becau­se I am cle­ve­rer than all other living peo­p­le.» (Dani­el 2:29 NL). To Nebuchadnezzar’s asto­nish­ment, Dani­el is able to descri­be the dream to him and also the inter­pre­ta­ti­on. Dani­el is rich­ly endo­wed and is appoin­ted prin­ce over all Baby­lon and chief over all the wise men in Baby­lon. Nebuch­ad­nez­zar appoints his fri­ends Shadrach, Mes­hach and Abed­n­ego as rulers over three dis­tricts of Baby­lon. What can we take away from the night­ma­re expe­ri­ence of the Dream Team?

  • We need a dream team around us in good times and hard times! You don’t need a bun­ny, a dog, a gui­nea pig or a par­rot around you. They’­re nice too, but you need peo­p­le around you who you can pat on the back or hug. You don’t need to Whats­ap­p’l, tweet or insta­gram. You don’t need a digi­tal crowd around you, but you do need a small group of peo­p­le around you with whom you can share ever­y­thing, inclu­ding your faith. It does­n’t mat­ter if it’s an inte­rest group or a small group – a team with whom we can share joys and sor­rows; with whom we can car­ry bur­dens, share night­ma­res, walk through dark val­leys together.
  • We need peo­p­le around us with whom we can pray, like Dani­el and his three friends.
  • When you can’t do it any­mo­re and you’­re like a don­key on a moun­tain, you need someone to remind you and hold you: «But the­re is a God in hea­ven who can…»

It’s easy, when you’­re well, to sing «I’m hap­py for you, I’m hap­py for you, I’m hap­py for you. Your name is won­derful, your name makes mira­cles come true…» What do you do when this song makes you lose your voice? And it cries out insi­de you: «I don’t know any more…! I don’t know what’s up and what’s down…! I don’t know what’s going on… I’m clo­se to des­pair…» Do you have a dream team around you? Take advan­ta­ge of coun­sel­ling, men­to­ring, coa­ching or pas­to­ral care. The «God can» fly­er with the neces­sa­ry cont­act is available! Remem­ber: At the begin­ning of the ser­mon we asked our­sel­ves: Did God say good­bye to histo­ry tog­e­ther with his peo­p­le? With the bibli­cal book of Dani­el we have to ans­wer: No, on the con­tra­ry! God remain­ed with his peo­p­le, even wit­hout a temp­le! God has bound hims­elf to a geo­gra­phi­cal place. He can pro­ve hims­elf powerful in a place of ido­la­try and occul­tism! God pro­ves his Great­ness befo­re the grea­test world­ly ruler of that time: Nebuch­ad­nez­zar! He shows hims­elf in a way that makes all gods and idols tee­ny-weeny! So that Nebuch­ad­nez­zar con­fes­ses befo­re Dani­el: «Tru­ly, your God is a God abo­ve all that rank and name!» 

Daniel – like you and me!

Say: I do not… but the­re is a God in hea­ven who can! He wants to reve­al hims­elf to his fol­lo­wers – his peo­p­le and his child­ren! When his peo­p­le are per­se­cu­ted and cast out, God remains with them! He does not aban­don his peo­p­le! Today in the world­wi­de per­se­cu­ti­on of Chris­ti­ans, many places of wor­ship are des­troy­ed and attacks are made on Chris­ti­an gathe­rings. But Jesus con­ti­nues. He can­not be stop­ped as he builds his king­dom! Let us not for­get what Jesus said: «…I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not pre­vail against it». (Matthew 16:18 Lu). I am glad that God has led me to this ser­mon text, whe­re first thing tomor­row we will enter into a «Ufschtoh week» start; now that the «God can» – Fly­ers are available in the foy­er; at this time we are invi­ting ever­yo­ne to join a small group again. Per­haps a dream team is at your feet! 


Possible questions for the small groups

Read the Bible text: Dani­el 9:18b-19

  1. How would you have beha­ved as a pri­soner in a com­ple­te­ly for­eign country?
  2. How did Dani­el and his fri­ends mana­ge to get invol­ved in such a posi­ti­ve way?
  3. Do you have any Bible pas­sa­ges that come to mind that we could use as a gui­de in such a case?
  4. What place in your life is Baby­lon for you? How can it beco­me Bethel («the place whe­re God dwells»)?
  5. God can – tell each other about almost impos­si­ble ans­wers to pray­er! Or list bibli­cal miracles!
  6. Tell about your dream teams and pray each other into dream teams!