Second Advent | The Coming of the Beloved
Series: Follow me | Bible text: Song of Songs 2:8–13
Advent is a time of spring for the Church. It awaits the coming of Jesus like a person in love with their beloved. She can hardly wait to embrace him. The lover overcomes every obstacle to be close to his beloved. «Arise, my friend, my beauty, and come!» This is Jesus» invitation to each individual and to the Church. It is time to follow him and immerse ourselves in spring. Spring is a sign of anticipation and preparation for the summer that is sure to come. The message of Advent is one of love. God’s love is on its way to us and cannot be stopped! It is an invitation to let God love us into a person of love.
This morning we are looking at a passage from the Song of Songs. This is the Hebrew title for the Song of Songs. The meaning behind it is that it is the most beautiful of all songs. It is a hymn to the love between a lover and a beloved.
Mockers might say that the Song of Songs is a «godless book». Because the name of God is not even mentioned. But the imagery of the book is powerful and says a lot about God’s love. The Song of Songs is probably the book that brings forth the most diverse interpretations. These range from a secular love song to practically every word being interpreted spiritually. The Jewish philosopher of religion Franz Rosenzweig makes a wonderful statement on the understanding of the Song of Songs. «Not despite, but because the Song of Songs was a «genuine», that is to say: a «worldly» love song, which is precisely why it was a genuine ’spiritual» song of God’s love for man. Man loves because and how God loves. His human Soul is the soul awakened and loved by God» (Franz Rosenzweig). For today’s sermon, I will limit myself primarily to three interpretations. Firstly, as a song about two lovers. Secondly, as an image for Jesus and his church. Thirdly, as an image for Jesus and the individual follower. I assume that this is precisely why the Song of Songs is preached during Advent. The beloved (congregation/church) is waiting for her lover (Jesus).
Love overcomes every obstacle
Today’s sermon text begins as follows: «There, I hear him – my beloved! Here he comes, leaping over the mountains and skipping over the hills» (Song of Songs 2:8 NLB). Can you remember the last time you were in love? When you are head over heels in love, no obstacle is too big for you. You feel magically attracted to a person. In this state of being in love, you will do anything to be close to your beloved. The beloved in the Song of Songs is so in love that he overcomes every obstacle. The beloved is an image of Jesus Christ. Followers of Jesus believe that he has overcome every obstacle. Followers of Jesus believe that no obstacle is too great for him. Followers of Jesus believe that he will come again, clearly audible to all. The beloved in the Song of Songs waits eagerly for the moment when the beloved finally comes. He comes with great ease. «My beloved is like a gazelle, like a young stag. […]» (Song of Songs 2:9 NLB). The gazelle or the young stag symbolises agility, mobility and endurance. A person in love not only overcomes all obstacles, but also displays a great deal of stamina.
To stay with the imagery of the Song of Songs. For followers of Jesus, he is their «beloved Jesus Christ». But how does this love for us manifest itself? Jesus Christ has always loved us out of pure grace (Jeremiah 31:3) and therefore overcomes every hill and every obstacle. He wants to give us peace with his lightness (Matthew 11:28).
Get up and come!
There is a difference between waiting and arriving. As the saying goes, «anticipation is the greatest joy». However, anticipation is also always packed with uncertainty. When I wait with anticipation for the person I’m in love with, it causes a «tingling in my stomach». But what does it do to the beloved in the Song of Songs when the lover suddenly arrives? «[…]. Look, he’s already behind our wall! Now he’s looking in through the window, peering through the bars» (Song of Songs 2:9 NLB). He stands at the door! This view of the Beloved as if through a gate is an image of the situation of Israel in Old Testament times. They were waiting, «planning» for Jesus. They could already see certain things. But not the whole picture. But now the Beloved is here! «My lover says to me: «Get up, my friend, my sisteröNo, and come on!» (Song of Songs 2:10 NLB).
We live in this world after the first coming of Jesus. We do not have to see him as if through bars. Instead, we can enter into a relationship of love with him. Because the decisive factor is love. Is Jesus your beloved? I can tell you that Jesus wants you to be his beloved! Just like the individual Jesus follower, the church is Jesus» bride/mistress and he calls her «my beautiful one». My wife and I attended a marriage preparation programme. We were taught that in a love relationship it is unhealthy to make my happiness dependent on my partner. My wife is not responsible for my happiness! But in a relationship with Jesus, it’s different. I put all my trust in him and expect him to be responsible for my happiness. What do I understand by happiness: a state of well-being, joy and contentment; it is the fulfilment of my innermost desire to be accepted.
«Get up and come». When I decided in favour of my wife, I decided against all other women in this world! Getting up and walking with Jesus Christ always involves letting go of an old way. When the church or an individual responds to this call «[…] Get up, my friend, my shöNo, and come on!» (Song of Songs 2:10 NLB), then it is also a decision against something. Get up and come is the invitation to all people – especially during Advent. Just like the invitation to Jesus, on which our theme for the year is based: «[…] Follow me» (John 21:22 NLB).
Winter is over!
The phrase «Arise, my friend, my beauty, and come» appears twice in Song of Songs 2:8–13. It forms a bracket around a statement. Namely, that getting up has to do with the fact that spring has come. «Because winter is comingüber, the rainy season is over and gone. The flowers begin to bloomüThe time for singing has come: Ühe turtle dove can be heard cooing all over our country. The figäThe trees bear buds, the vines are in bloom.üand entangledöher scent. Get up, my friend, my darlingöno, and come on![…]» (Song of Songs 2:11–13 NLB). Winter is over, spring is here! Spring, in contrast to winter, radiates optimism, new beginnings, lightness, anticipation and falling in love. It may sound unbelievable, but Advent is actually a time of spring. The church is in the state between «Jesus was here before» and «Jesus will come again». It is the state of now and not yet. Do you feel a «chill» at the thought of Advent? Not for the Christmas presents, but for the coming of your beloved – Jesus Christ?
Spring has a very specific purpose. It is a foretaste of what is yet to come. Spring creates anticipation for more. Because summer is even better than spring. Spring is the preparation for the harvest in summer. We saw, prepare and get ready. Spring is the time to prepare for the coming summer. Summer in the Song of Songs is the wedding of the two lovers. What comes at the end? It is the wedding of Jesus and his beloved. Or as the Book of Revelation puts it «Let us be glad and rejoice and honour him. For the time has come for the marriage supper of the Lamb, and his bride has made herself ready. She may present herself in radiant whitessdress it in linen. Because the radiant linen stands forüThe good deeds of the people who belong to Godören» (Revelation 19:7–8 NLB). In the time of spring, the church prepares for the coming of her bridegroom, Jesus Christ.
From the list of nature, I would like to focus in particular on the fig tree. With Jesus, we encounter the fig tree in different ways. On the one hand, the figs are a sign for him that summer is coming (Matthew 24:32). It is a sign of the times that Jesus is coming again. You can find out more about this in last Sunday’s sermon. On the other hand, the lack of figs is seen as a sign of Israel’s lack of fruit (Matthew 21:18–22 & Luke 13:6–9) and the fig tree, or Israel, is condemned for this. Both interpretations are also obvious here. It is obvious that summer is near. In spring, everything sprouts and blossoms. Hidden in this is the statement that a spring that produces no fruit is actually winter. Spring is characterised by the fact that it ends in summer.
Where do you stand in your following of Jesus and where do we stand as the whole church? Spring can also come to your heart! A spring with a «Chribbling» for the coming of Jesus Christ. The great thing is that Jesus, as the Beloved, wants to love me into a person of love. There is a saying that «love makes you blind», which may be true. But love can also change many things. It is able to bring me into a springtime, a time of new beginnings and change. God’s love changes me into a springtime. My life should be full of blossoming flowers, songs of joy, buds and blossoms that begin to bear fruit. But not out of me, Jesus wants to love me towards this person. The message of the Song of Songs and the Advent season is this: God’s love for us humans cannot be stopped. «Great masses of water cannot extinguish love, rivers cannot flood it. And if someone were to give away all his possessions to buy love, he would only be mocked. […]» (Song of Songs 8:7 NLB). Jesus Christ is on his way to us. What is your response? Are you ready to let yourself be loved by a person who lives out of this love? How do you allow this to happen to you? By following Jesus» invitation to be with him!
Possible questions for the small group
Read the Bible text: Song of Songs 2:8–13
- «Get up and come». This is the lover’s loving invitation to his beloved. Are you ready to accept this invitation?
- The beloved is described as «my beauty». If the beloved is understood as an image for the congregation/church, where do you see this beauty?
- When the two lovers are together, spring has sprung. Do you experience a springtime feeling when you spend time with Jesus?
- Jesus wants to love us towards the person who lives out of this love. Are you ready to let this happen to you? This happens when I am with Jesus. How can I practise this in my everyday life?