Date: 17 July 2022 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Psalm 26:2 and Psalm 9:2
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

Heart and kid­neys are two inge­nious won­ders of crea­ti­on! They are also cru­cial for our spi­ri­tu­al life!

I want to announ­ce one thing right at the begin­ning of the ser­mon: This ser­mon will get under your skin! It is essen­ti­al­ly based on two bibli­cal pas­sa­ges from the Psalms:
«Lord, put me to the test and put me through my paces!»(Psalm 26:2 NLB)
«Lord, I will thank you with all my heart and tell you of your won­ders»(Psalm 9:2 NLB)

Par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the OT, we occa­sio­nal­ly come across the phra­se as we read it in Psalm 26. It sounds like a check-up at the doctor’s, who exami­nes ever­y­thing about me and checks whe­ther ever­y­thing is still in order – under the skin!
The fre­quent men­ti­on of the heart and kid­neys in the OT shows how much the heart and the other inter­nal organs were con­side­red the cent­re of the per­so­na­li­ty and our being at that time. Heart and kid­neys are two inge­nious won­ders of creation! 
That is why I put Psalm 9 at the begin­ning: «Lord, I will thank you with all my heart and tell you of your won­ders»(Psalm 9:2 NLB)

Our two kid­neys are the most inge­nious sewa­ge tre­at­ment plants I know! They don’t stink and they do an excel­lent job! They are about 12 cm long and weigh 150 g. They are well pro­tec­ted by a fat pad to the right and left of the spi­ne – at about waist level. While we sit here com­for­ta­b­ly in the ser­vice, the enti­re blood volu­me of the body – a good 5 l – flows through the kid­neys about 10 times. Con­ver­ted, that means: every day, over 1000 lit­res of blood are fil­te­red in you. I call them puri­fi­ca­ti­on plants becau­se it is their cru­cial task to puri­fy the blood.

Sub­s­tances that are harmful to the body are caught and drai­ned through the renal pel­vis and ure­ter so that they lea­ve the body in the uri­ne. Now you might think that what goes out through the uri­ne is pure poi­son, but this is a mista­ke! When uri­ne lea­ves a healt­hy body, it is com­ple­te­ly germ-free – you could even drink it.

Uri­ne is also used to dia­gno­se dise­a­ses. Dia­be­tes, for exam­p­le, can be detec­ted by a simp­le uri­ne test. If the uri­ne has a red­dish colour, it indi­ca­tes a kid­ney or uri­na­ry tract hae­mor­rha­ge; if it looks clou­dy or even whitish-cre­a­my, the­re is an infec­tion some­whe­re, the excess of white blood cells must be remo­ved. It is also inte­res­t­ing that the uri­ne can even be used to deter­mi­ne whe­ther a pregnan­cy is pre­sent or not.

The job of the kid­neys is done by around 2 mil­li­on renal cor­pus­cles, which are loca­ted in the renal cor­tex. The­se tiny vas­cu­lar clus­ters are the kid­neys» fil­ters. Like a fine-pored sie­ve, they hold back all the good and indis­pensable sub­s­tances such as glu­co­se, salts and other mine­rals and return them to the blood­stream. The bad, on the other hand, they let slip. If their abili­ty to func­tion is rest­ric­ted, the body beco­mes poisoned.

The kid­neys also ensu­re the cor­rect com­po­si­ti­on of the blood by drai­ning excess water and kee­ping the total amount of flu­id in the body constant.

Our two kid­neys are two inge­nious won­ders of creation!

What about our hearts? The­re are inge­nious pumps in this world, but the heart puts all pumps in the shade.

Wit­hout our regu­lar heart­beat, oxy­gen and many nut­ri­ents could not be dis­tri­bu­ted pro­per­ly in the body, becau­se every sin­gle cell in the body must be sup­pli­ed with what it needs to live and func­tion. The­se include abo­ve all oxy­gen, cer­tain hor­mo­nes, the sub­s­tances that the immu­ne sys­tem needs and the ener­gy-rich fuels that we con­su­me with our food. The blood also trans­ports away via the ves­sels all meta­bo­lic was­te and resi­du­al gases such as car­bon dioxi­de (CO2).

The actu­al heart­beat occurs when the strong ven­tri­cu­lar walls con­tract abrupt­ly. With each con­trac­tion, they lite­ral­ly wring the blood out of the heart – in a first wave out of the right ven­tric­le to the lungs, from whe­re it returns enri­ched with fresh oxy­gen; the left dis­tri­bu­tes it, along with the char­ged oxy­gen and nut­ri­ents, to the last cor­ners of the body. The wall of the left ven­tric­le has to gene­ra­te the enorm­ous pres­su­re that sends the blood down to the tips of our fin­gers and toes. That the blood flows down to the toe we under­stand well, but how does it get back up? Four strong hard-wea­ring val­ves, the heart val­ves, open and clo­se as nee­ded and ensu­re that the blood always flows on in the right direc­tion. Over 500 lit­res of blood flow through your heart every day!

If you were to con­nect all the blood-trans­port­ing ves­sels of your body, the­re would be a path of 100,000 km. That is a length of more than twice around the earth! The­se ves­sels split into finer and finer ves­sels until every mus­cle fib­re is rea­ched by a capil­la­ry. Cor­re­spon­ding venous ves­sels trans­port the used blood back again.

Two figu­res best illus­tra­te how enorm­ously effi­ci­ent our heart is: The heart of a healt­hy per­son beats around three bil­li­on times during his or her life­time. In the pro­cess, it pumps a total of around 250 mil­li­on lit­res of blood into the body’s circulation.

How does a heart do that? It can rege­ne­ra­te its­elf – after every sin­gle beat, even in the midd­le of the har­dest work. From this fine­ly tun­ed balan­ce of effort and rest it draws the strength for its lifel­ong con­ti­nuous performance.

The heart and kid­neys are tru­ly inge­nious won­ders that we can only mar­vel at.

Feel your heart­beat for a moment and thank God for it!

The com­mon men­ti­on of heart and kid­neys in the OT is the most com­pre­hen­si­ve mea­ning of the cent­re of our life with all that we are and have: Per­so­na­li­ty, cha­rac­ter and inner life, seat of emo­tio­nal impul­ses, source of spi­ri­tu­al acti­vi­ties, will and intention. 

In the NT, for exam­p­le, we noti­ce in Jesus that he alre­a­dy speaks in a more dif­fe­ren­tia­ted way about the cent­re of the human being when he for­mu­la­tes the most important com­mandment as fol­lows: «And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength». (Mark 12:30 NLB)

Now let us ask our­sel­ves: What do the­se two mira­cle organs, heart and kid­neys, have to tell us for our spi­ri­tu­al life?
I have the impres­si­on that some­whe­re in or around our heart, the­re is a con­nec­tion to God in all people.

I agree with Paul when he wri­tes in the first chap­ter of Romans: All in crea­ti­on can reco­g­ni­se God! But they do not want to wor­ship and glo­ri­fy him. Many peo­p­le have tur­ned their wire to God into an appen­dix. They don’t real­ly know what this wire is for. And when it cau­ses pro­blems, it is cut away like the appendix.

Yet God crea­ted us for a rela­ti­onship with him! Our con­nec­tion with him meant so much to him that Jesus Christ, his Son, died for us on the cross so that we can bring our lives into con­nec­tion with God. Then Christ lives in us through the Holy Spi­rit and we may call our­sel­ves God’s child­ren. «Yes, the Spi­rit hims­elf testi­fies to us in our inner­most being that we are God’s child­ren». (Romans 8:16 NGÜ)
This Christ in us is now our spi­ri­tu­al kid­ney within us, the spi­ri­tu­al puri­fi­ca­ti­on plant of our lives!

The apost­le John descri­bes it this way in his first letter:

«But if we live in the light, as God is in the light, we are bound tog­e­ther, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cle­an­ses us from all sin. If we cla­im to be wit­hout sin, we decei­ve our­sel­ves and clo­se our­sel­ves off from the truth. But if we con­fess our sins, God pro­ves hims­elf faithful and just: he for­gi­ves us our sins and cle­an­ses us from all the wrong we have com­mit­ted.» (1 John 1:7–9 NGÜ)

I need this spi­ri­tu­al «blood washing» again and again, pas­tors are no exception!

Earth­ly and spi­ri­tu­al pol­lut­ants must be cle­ared. This is a spi­ri­tu­al clea­ring out!

I am respon­si­ble for was­te dis­po­sal in our house­hold and I love it! Thro­wing ever­y­thing that accu­mu­la­tes, was­te paper, glass, alu­mi­ni­um into the appro­pria­te con­tai­ners – I love the­se movements!

Lis­tening to the bot­t­les shat­ter into a thousand pie­ces in the con­tai­ner – wonderful.

And when ever­y­thing is gone and tidi­ed up at home again, it gives such a satis­fied fee­ling! But it is much nicer and more won­derful to know: He for­gi­ves our sins and cle­an­ses us from all the wrongs we have committed.

Our kid­ney can uni­que­ly sepa­ra­te the bad from the good so that our body is not poi­so­ned. The Spi­rit of God can teach you just as uni­que­ly to distin­gu­ish bet­ween good and bad.

We despera­te­ly need this wis­dom from God in this day and age, in a world whe­re we no lon­ger real­ly know what is truth and what is lies; what comes from God and what is «Satan’s whisper»! The blood brings the life-giving nou­rish­ment into the body. In the same way, our faith in God needs spi­ri­tu­al nou­rish­ment. Peo­p­le go to so much trou­ble to feed their pets pro­per­ly and, abo­ve all, in a man­ner appro­pria­te to their spe­ci­es. Do we take the trou­ble to feed our faith in the same healt­hy and spe­ci­es-appro­pria­te way? Jesus has a few things to say about this:

«I am the bread of life!» (John 6:48 NLB) We do not find this bread in the super­mar­ket, but in the Bible. Jesus gave this bread to the Sama­ri­tan woman at Jacob’s well. «Living water» offered.

In the­se hot days we must not for­get to drink enough! Belie­ving in the Bible and God is quite a hot busi­ness the­se days – let’s not for­get to drink enough at the source of life. My wife and I once went on a hike and did­n’t think to take any­thing to drink. How we suf­fe­r­ed! That was an unfor­gettable les­son for us! Usual­ly we do not for­get our phy­si­cal needs. While we often for­get the spi­ri­tu­al needs. What can we do about it? We can train our­sel­ves to be spi­ri­tual­ly hun­gry and thirsty through regu­la­ri­ty. It’s the same with food: if we don’t keep to our regu­lar meal times, the sto­mach rebels and announ­ces hunger.

It is the same with spi­ri­tu­al food. When you have your regu­lar time with God and one day it just does­n’t fit into your pro­gram­me, you rea­li­se that some­thing is miss­ing! Some­ti­mes it is good for body and soul to fast. After­wards you app­re­cia­te the food more and are gra­teful for it again!

Befo­re, I said about the heart that it con­stant­ly rege­ne­ra­tes its­elf. This is the only way it can with­stand deca­des of strain. It is the same in the spi­ri­tu­al life. Paul wri­tes in 2 Corin­thi­ans: «That is why I do not lose heart. The life forces that I have by natu­re are worn out; but the life that God gives me is rene­wed every day». (2 Corin­thi­ans 4:16 GNB)

I also take the last sen­ten­ces of the ser­mon from the Bible, from the Let­ter to the Hebrews:

«The­r­e­fo­re, let us enter into the pre­sence of God with a sin­ce­re heart and trust Him com­ple­te­ly. For our hearts have been sprink­led with the blood of Christ to cle­an­se our con­sci­en­ces from guilt, and our bodies have been washed with pure water!» (Hebrews 10:22 NLB)





Possible questions for the small groups

  1. Bes­i­des the examp­les in the ser­mon, how can one rela­te other «mat­ters of the heart» to the spi­ri­tu­al life?
  2. Are the­re other organs or body parts who­se mea­ning can be appli­ed to our faith?
  3. How can we awa­ken spi­ri­tu­al hun­ger and thirst?
  4. How can we sus­tain spi­ri­tu­al hun­ger and thirst?
  5. Tell each other how you quench spi­ri­tu­al hun­ger and thirst!
  6. Take ple­nty of time for an exten­ded time of thanks and praise!
  7. Pray for a spi­ri­tu­al hun­ger and thirst in loved ones and throug­hout our nation.