Date: 31 Janu­ary 2021 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Colos­si­ans 1:6
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

Expe­ri­en­cing meta­mor­pho­sis. Life bet­ween «I nimm es wie’s chunnt!» and my wis­hes for chan­ge. «This good news that has rea­ched you is spre­a­ding throug­hout the world. Ever­y­whe­re it is chan­ging people’s lives, just as it chan­ged yours from the moment you heard and knew the truth about God’s grace» (Colos­si­ans 1:6 NL).

Chan­ge – that’s a ter­ri­ble word for some peo­p­le, becau­se they love it when ever­y­thing con­ti­nues in the usu­al style. «Just no chan­ge – plea­se!» Others, howe­ver, love chan­ge. My wife recent­ly reve­a­led to me that she would like to rear­ran­ge the living room. In the mean­ti­me, that has alre­a­dy hap­pen­ed! You might be due for a new mat­tress – you don’t sleep so well any­mo­re. Or a new hair­style – may­be with a bit of colour; or may­be you’­re crying out for new clo­thes, a new mobi­le pho­ne, a big­ger TV… Ok, the­se are all pea­nuts, but what if some­thing should chan­ge in your life? If you can’t move for­ward in your faith, then it beco­mes more difficult!

But Paul encou­ra­ges us. He wri­tes to the Colos­si­ans: This good news that has rea­ched you is spre­a­ding throug­hout the world. Ever­y­whe­re it is chan­ging people’s lives, just as it chan­ged yours from the moment you heard and knew the truth about God’s grace» (Colos­si­ans 1:6 NL). If you have met Jesus Christ and have unders­tood and recei­ved his mes­sa­ge, then this is the start­ing point of a lifel­ong meta­mor­pho­sis. What has Jesus alre­a­dy chan­ged in your life? Now that would be inte­res­t­ing to hear some reports! May­be you haven’t noti­ced any chan­ge in yours­elf yet. Or Jesus has alre­a­dy chan­ged some­thing in you that you have rea­li­sed. Or the peo­p­le around you have obser­ved chan­ges in you that you yours­elf were not awa­re of. Think about it in a quiet minute. 

This week I heard the tes­tim­o­ny of a fel­on who beca­me known as the «Bible Smo­ker». He was in pri­son for 148 offen­ces. The first thing he did was to ask the priest for a Bible. Not becau­se he wan­ted to read it, but he wan­ted to roll his ciga­ret­tes with the ide­al­ly thin paper. But he read every torn out page befo­re he smo­ked them. But he hated God and did not under­stand the Bible at all. He was a dif­fi­cult pri­soner. Con­stant­ly invol­ved in fights and if he did­n’t like the food, he threw it in a guard’s face. In the loneli­ne­ss of soli­ta­ry con­fi­ne­ment, one day he chal­len­ged God: «God, if you are grea­ter than me and you real­ly exist, then you must chan­ge me. I can’t and I don’t want to». After weeks, a fel­low pri­soner said to him: «Tell me, are you sick? You don’t have fights any­mo­re and your food does­n’t fly around the dining hall! What’s wrong?» «I was tal­king to God, about me and my life.» «Wha­asss…? Then you are real­ly sick!»

God total­ly chan­ged the Bible smo­ker and today he pre­a­ches and shares his impres­si­ve tes­tim­o­ny ever­y­whe­re. God has unli­mi­t­ed pos­si­bi­li­ties to meet peo­p­le, even behind thick pri­son walls, until they say yes to him, accept the for­gi­ve­ness in Jesus and let him be the cent­re of their lives. The­re are peo­p­le who say: «I can­not beco­me a Chris­ti­an yet. I still have too many con­s­truc­tion sites in my life. Things still have to chan­ge befo­re I’m ready.»

If the­se are your words, then I would like to make a sug­ges­ti­on to you: Turn your pro­gram­me upsi­de down! First let Jesus into your life and take him with you to your con­s­truc­tion sites. He has expe­ri­ence with human con­s­truc­tion sites, becau­se he hims­elf was a human being and «chunnt dru­us! Let Jesus into the pro­blem are­as of your life. He is the Saviour who can help and heal.

Is change on the way or are you living with the handbrake on?

The­re is a gre­at dan­ger that we will a Chan­ge, which we desi­re, stif­fen and stub­born­ly, not even noti­cing that God is at ano­ther point in our lives! A nudge from God in the right direc­tion can help. Such a nudge can be many things: a flash of inspi­ra­ti­on, a word of the Bible – that knocks your socks off; an ill­ness; a ser­mon – that has affec­ted you; an acci­dent; a dis­mis­sal; an impos­si­ble cli­ma­te at work; a frank word from someone clo­se to you; a retre­at into silence – and sud­den­ly it releases the but­ton for you! In this list I think of a very suc­cessful pas­tor. He pre­a­ched, plan­ted a church, foun­ded a cent­re for drug addicts and the home­l­ess, set up a reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on cent­re for men in ano­ther town and also a women’s shel­ter for vic­tims of vio­lence and abu­se. In his pri­va­te life, he was occu­p­ied by his son, who had an incura­ble mus­cle dise­a­se and died at the age of 18. Sud­den­ly his wife was so dama­ged in the back that she chan­ged from an acti­ve, lively woman to a dis­ab­led per­son. He beca­me more and more preoc­cu­p­ied with other things that he got the impres­si­on that he was a pas­tor with the hand­bra­ke on. One day God remin­ded him of the Bible ver­se «You shall be my wit­nesses.«And he rea­li­sed that this was also true for him in this com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent situa­ti­on. You can be a wit­ness for Jesus in ups and downs, in dif­fi­cul­ties and in suc­cess – as long as you hold on to Jesus. The rea­li­sa­ti­on fil­led him with deep peace. Are you strugg­ling with God becau­se you had ima­gi­ned growth and chan­ge in a com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent way?

You must not for­get: God has a very nasty adver­sa­ry who wants to pre­vent or set back ever­y­thing that God chan­ges for the good. Not just three fields back or back to the start, no, if pos­si­ble back to the start of the new life! Paul gives us a good tip: «Do not be con­fu­sed by any thought con­s­tructs and lof­ty non­sen­se that do not come from Christ! They are only based on human thin­king and spring from the evil powers of this world». (Colos­si­ans 2:8 NL). Jesus respon­ded to the tempt­a­ti­ons of the ene­my with God’s Word. Let us do the same with a word from John: «For ever­yo­ne who is born of God tri­umphs over the world. This vic­to­ry is made pos­si­ble for us by our faith: it is he who has tri­um­phed over the world» (1 John 5:4).

Chan­ge often comes from silence befo­re God. How often Jesus with­drew to talk in silence with His hea­ven­ly Father! Go into His pre­sence with open ears and lis­ten to Him; let Him chan­ge you! I know, silence – that is such a pious and actual­ly impos­si­ble word in a world whe­re ever­y­thing is going cra­zy! But we have no alter­na­ti­ve! If you want to hear Jesus in your ever­y­day life, the­re is only one thing to do: retre­at, be quiet and lis­ten to His voice. The Holy Spi­rit is some­ti­mes so quiet that in ever­y­day life the dan­ger of over­hea­ring him is quite gre­at. It would be easier if he would give us a good (sor­ry!) «Ging is Füdli».

We have ano­ther pro­blem, which is often even big­ger than sim­ply being quiet befo­re God. We see so shar­ply and cle­ar­ly what God should still chan­ge in others! And often we exalt our­sel­ves over such peo­p­le and get angry with them. Jesus says to this:


«You see the mote in your opponent’s eye, but you don’t see the beam in your own eye? You hypo­cri­te!» Jesus could dish it out quite well. But some peo­p­le need that. How would Jesus chall­enge the audi­ence today?


Jesus is and remains chan­ging us 

and to trans­form it into his image

Jesus would also like to initia­te a meta­mor­pho­sis in all peo­p­le today! So that ego­ism, greed, jea­lou­sy, the desi­re for power and pres­ti­ge would have to make room for joy, the abili­ty to love, cou­ra­ge and gene­ro­si­ty. Room for genui­ne­n­ess and true love, for peace and pati­ence. Room for good rela­ti­ons with one ano­ther; room for cohe­si­on and mer­cy. Sen­si­ti­vi­ty for others and for the cir­cum­s­tances around them. Jesus real­ly has a lot in mind for us. This could be a stumb­ling block for peo­p­le, which is why Peter empha­si­s­es: «But you are dif­fe­rent, becau­se you are a cho­sen peo­p­le. You are a roy­al priest­hood, God’s holy peo­p­le, his per­so­nal pos­ses­si­on. So you are a living exam­p­le of God’s good­ness, for he has cal­led you out of dark­ness into his mar­vell­ous light» (1 Peter 2:9 NL). We are dif­fe­rent as Chris­ti­ans, that’s how it is. But we are far from having rea­ched our goal.

Until Jesus comes again and takes us into his king­dom, we still have time to let him chan­ge us. Jesus has pro­mi­sed us that he will stay with us! «He who began the good work with us will also com­ple­te it». (Phil­ip­pians 1:6). He not only chan­ges us for us, but that we may his light and his salt are in this world. That is what being chan­ged by Jesus is all about. That we are a living wit­ness to him. To repre­sent him in this world. That peo­p­le beco­me awa­re of Jesus.

Someone who has been made awa­re of Jesus Christ by Chris­ti­ans is the athe­ist Matthew Par­ris, a well-known Eng­lish jour­na­list. As an Afri­ca expert, he wro­te a remar­kab­le artic­le in an online edi­ti­on of Times some time ago. The head­line of the artic­le was, «As an athe­ist, I am con­vin­ced Afri­ca needs God.» He wri­tes: «Mis­sio­na­ries, not deve­lo­p­ment funds, are the solu­ti­on to Africa’s big­gest pro­blem – name­ly, the crus­hing pas­si­vi­ty in the minds of the peo­p­le!» He jus­ti­fies his opi­ni­on thus, «Well, I am a self-con­fes­sed athe­ist, but I have beco­me con­vin­ced of the enorm­ous con­tri­bu­ti­on of Chris­ti­an evan­ge­lism in Afri­ca. Their work is fun­da­men­tal­ly dif­fe­rent from the work of secu­lar non-govern­men­tal orga­ni­sa­ti­ons, govern­ment pro­jects and inter­na­tio­nal deve­lo­p­ment aid. All the­se acti­vi­ties are not enough. Trai­ning and gui­dance alo­ne are also not enough. In Afri­ca, it is Chris­tia­ni­ty that chan­ges people’s hearts. It brings about a spi­ri­tu­al trans­for­ma­ti­on. This rebirth is real and the chan­ge is good!» What a tes­tim­o­ny from an athe­ist! Honest and open. He has met Afri­can Chris­ti­ans, loo­ked them in the eye and comes to this impression!

Jesus does not only want to chan­ge our­sel­ves. He wants to be seen in us, here in Aar­gau or whe­re­ver we are. Peo­p­le should be able to see in us what Jesus can do. He also wants to chan­ge others through us. To start the pro­cess of chan­ge in more peo­p­le. We are nee­ded in this day and age! Your life as a Chris­ti­an is of ine­sti­ma­ble value for others! Are you suf­fi­ci­ent­ly awa­re of this? It is not about making a big splash and cele­bra­ting suc­ces­ses, but about coping with our ever­y­day life in the grea­test pos­si­ble depen­dence on Jesus and thus let­ting some­thing of the natu­re of our Lord and Mas­ter shi­ne into our sur­roun­dings. Let Jesus show you your weak points and stay open for chan­ge. Jesus remains with us, with you, with me, with all of us.



Possible questions for the small groups

Read the Bible text: Colos­si­ans 1:6 

  1. Basi­cal­ly, are you a per­son who loves chan­ge, or do you tend to stick to the sta­tus quo?
  2. Tell each other how Jesus has alre­a­dy chan­ged you in your jour­ney with him so far.
  3. Have you ever been «stuck» on a chan­ge request that God did­n’t grant you?
  4. Can you retre­at from time to time to con­scious­ly lis­ten to God and talk to him?
  5. Why do we see much bet­ter in others what should be dif­fe­rent in them than in ourselves?
  6. What are our most appe­al­ing qua­li­ties as Chris­ti­ans that we can radia­te wit­hout the bit­ter tas­te of wan­ting to be bet­ter than other people?