Christmas- the artist enters his work

Date: 25 Decem­ber 2022 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: John 1:1–14
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

Jesus is the Word through whom all crea­ti­on was crea­ted. This Word is full of life and light. Christ­mas means that this Word came into the world as a human being with a body. It is true that the crea­tor Jesus was for the most part neither reco­g­nis­ed nor recei­ved by his works, but this did not detract from his lumi­no­si­ty. But whoe­ver recei­ves this Word made man has the pri­vi­le­ge of being a child of God with inde­scri­ba­ble advantages.

We are used to the Christ­mas sto­ry being embel­lished, with a touch of romance. The nar­ra­ti­ve accor­ding to John is less colourful, but excee­din­gly powerful and inspi­ring – and it is an excel­lent con­clu­si­on to our annu­al the­me «Crea­tio – Hope and Responsibility».

The Creator – Alpha and Omega

«In the begin­ning was the Word. The Word was with God and the Word was God. He (mea­ning Christ – cf. v.14) was with God in the begin­ning. Through him all that is was crea­ted. The­re is not­hing that he, the Word, has not crea­ted»(John 1:1–3 NLB). John sto­le the first sen­tence from the crea­ti­on sto­rywhe­re it says: «In the begin­ning, God crea­ted the hea­vens and the earth.«What was befo­re the begin­ning? Adam had neither father, grand­fa­ther nor a histo­ry book. Befo­re crea­ti­on was abso­lut­e­ly not­hingexcept God. What is not­hing? Not­hing does not exist. We are unable to talk about not­hing to think. As soon as we think, we think about a Some­what to. A good defi­ni­ti­on can be found in Jona­than Edwards: «Not­hing is what slee­ping rocks dream of.«An artist who crea­tes some­thing needs mate­ri­als. No pain­ter paints wit­hout paint, no wri­ter wri­tes wit­hout words. An artist must start with some­thing. He can­not start with not­hing work. God crea­ted the who­le cos­mos from the Not­hing crea­te. Befo­re was not­hing. And then, at the word of God, the­re was a uni­ver­se. This word, which comes from the emp­ty Not­hing crea­ted ever­y­thing very well, Jesus is.

The Bible says: In the begin­ning was the Word. The God we ser­ve is the God who has always been. HE is the One who has life from Hims­elf, HE alo­ne is eter­nal, HE alo­ne has power over life and death, HE alo­ne can bring worlds into exis­tence through the power of His words.

In the very begin­ning, befo­re the world was crea­ted, the­re was the Word. It is the ori­gi­nal, the cube of power, the nuclear ener­gy from which ever­y­thing aro­se. The­re is not­hing in this world that exists if the Word had not been first. Some time ago, Sil­via and I hik­ed to Lake Toma, which is con­side­red the source and ori­gin of the Rhi­ne. When you look at the roman­tic lake, you can hard­ly ima­gi­ne that it will beco­me a stream that pro­vi­des ener­gy, ensu­res the trans­port of goods from the sea to inland Switz­er­land, beco­mes a life­line. It is even more impres­si­ve that from the one word the enti­re cos­mos aro­se.

Jesus is the Crea­ti­on Media­tor. Ever­y­thing is crea­ted through Him and for Him: «[…] Through him he crea­ted the who­le uni­ver­se and all that is in it, and he appoin­ted him heir over all. The Son reflects the glo­ry of God, and ever­y­thing about him is an expres­si­on of the natu­re of God. He sus­ta­ins the uni­ver­se through the power of his Word […].»(Hebrews 1:2f NLB). Jesus is the Alpha and the Ome­ga. Through Him crea­ti­on was crea­ted, through Him it is pre­ser­ved and recrea­ted. His Word is also the exe­cu­tor of jud­ge­ment and re-creation.

«Life its­elf was in him, and this life gives light to all peo­p­le. The light shi­nes in the dark­ness, and the dark­ness could not extin­gu­ish it»(John 1:4f NLB). In the Word, in Jesus, is life. The Greek distin­gu­is­hes bet­ween orga­nic (bios) and divi­ne life (zoe). Here stands zoe. Through Jesus, divi­ne, eter­nal life comes to peo­p­le. That is Christ­mas. The Tree of life, which has been inac­ces­si­ble to anyo­ne sin­ce the deba­cle in Para­di­se, is once again coming within reach. zoe brings a gift to all peo­p­le: Light! This is not about elec­tro­ma­gne­tic radia­ti­on in the visi­ble spec­tral ran­ge. Paul descri­bes it: «Even though it was dark in you befo­re, you are now fil­led with the light of the Lord; the­r­e­fo­re, live now also as child­ren of light! For this light within you brings forth only good­ness, righ­teous­ness and truth.»(Ephe­si­ans 5:8f NLB). The light, which can­not be extin­gu­is­hed by any­thing, fun­da­men­tal­ly chan­ges indi­vi­du­als and thus the who­le world.

The trailblazer – unvarnished and testimonial

Gre­at events cast their shadows ahead. This is how it was befo­re the gre­at artist ente­red his work: «God sent John the Bap­tist to tell all peo­p­le about the light, so that through him all might belie­ve in it. John hims­elf was not the light; he was only a wit­ness to the light.»(John 1:6–8 NLB). Like other kings, Jesus has a van­guard, a pio­neer, an avant-gar­de. An avant-gar­de is a group of pio­neers of an intellec­tu­al deve­lo­p­ment. He blunt­ly shows the country’s spi­ri­tu­al lea­ders that they must rep­ent: «[…] You brood of vipers! Who gave you the idea that you could escape the coming jud­ge­ment? Bring forth fruit that shows you are serious about rep­en­tance, and do not think you can plead that you have Abra­ham for a father […].»(John 3:7–9 NCC). Turn around ins­tead of rely­ing on one’s ori­g­ins! This cham­pi­on is awa­re of his role. He «was not the light; he was only a wit­ness for the light». He is not the one who brings sal­va­ti­on and crea­tes new life, but only a gui­de. John is not thebut a Wit­ness to the heal­ing light. Every per­son who is con­ver­ted and now wal­king with Jesus also beco­mes a wit­ness for life. We don’t have to pro­ve or defend God or talk stron­gly, but be a wit­ness to Him who has chan­ged our lives.

The artist ‑unrecognised and rejected

«And the Word beca­me fle­sh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glo­ry, a glo­ry as of the only begot­ten Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.»(John 1:14 LUT). Christ­mas means that the artist enters his work. He takes on an earth­ly body and joins his crea­ti­ons. In anci­ent times the­re was hosti­li­ty towards the body. Peo­p­le wan­ted to be enligh­ten­ed in their souls. The body stood in the way of this. And that a god should be made of mat­ter was unthinkable, scan­da­lous. C.S. Lewis: «Chris­tia­ni­ty is almost the only one among the gre­at reli­gi­ons that affirms the body through and through. From the Chris­ti­an point of view, mat­ter is some­thing good. God hims­elf once took on a human body, and we will also get a body of some kind in hea­ven, which will then be an essen­ti­al part of our bles­sed­ness, our beau­ty and our power.» It was a revo­lu­tio­na­ry thought that God comes into the world with a body. The Crea­tor of the who­le uni­ver­se cares about the body. God gives it value and digni­ty. Nor does it mat­ter how we deal with our bodies. Even in the new world we will not float around as dis­em­bo­di­ed souls, but will recei­ve a body with new abili­ties. What is your rela­ti­onship with your body? It is a work of art of the Crea­tor and He even uses it as a temp­le for the Holy Spi­rit (1Corinthians 6:19).

So God enters his work pro­vi­ded with a body. «But alt­hough the world was crea­ted through him, the world did not reco­g­ni­se him when he came. He came into the world that is his, and his own peo­p­le did not recei­ve him»(John 1:10f NLB). It’s cra­zy; the world was crea­ted by God and bears his fin­ger­print. Nevert­hel­ess, He, the artist, was not taken in by his works. This began even befo­re his birth, when his par­ents could not find a place to stay, and con­ti­nues to this day. How arro­gant is that? The world does not respond to God’s plan. That is why Jesus was kil­led and crea­ted out of the world. But that is whe­re God inter­ven­es. He brought Jesus back to life in such a way that He beca­me resistant to suf­fe­ring, pain and death. The­re had never been any­thing like it on pla­net earth befo­re. But it was the first step towards the gre­at goal of which God speaks through the pro­phet Isai­ah: «Behold! I crea­te a new hea­ven and a new earth […].»(Isai­ah 65:17 NLB).

Thank God the­re is an opti­on to not accep­ting Jesus; name­ly accep­ting Him: «But to all tho­se who recei­ved him and belie­ved in his name, he gave the right to beco­me God’s child­ren. They did not beco­me this by their des­cent or by human effort or inten­ti­on, but this new life comes from God» (John 1:12f NLB). Objec­tively, Christ­mas means that the Crea­tor enters his work. Sub­jec­tively, we expe­ri­ence Christ­mas when we recei­ve the Word made fle­sh and belie­ve in his name. To recei­ve Him and belie­ve in His name is to reco­g­ni­se the Incar­na­te Word and allow Him to begin to crea­te in one’s heart, brin­ging life and instal­ling the gift of light. Ange­lus Sile­si­us expres­ses it dra­sti­cal­ly: «And if Christ were born a thousand times in Beth­le­hem, and not in you, you would still be lost for all eter­ni­ty.«When we recei­ve Jesus, He imme­dia­te­ly beco­mes crea­ti­ve. The new crea­ti­on con­sists of a human being beco­ming a child of God (cf. 1 Corin­thi­ans 5:17). And as such it recei­ves new life from God (zoe) and its exis­tence is lin­ked to the Light God floods through. As a child of God, a per­son beco­mes heir to the glo­ry of God and par­ta­ker of the new hea­ven and the new earth.


Today we cele­bra­te Christ­mas. It is the feast when the ori­gin of crea­ti­on show­ed its­elf to the world for the first time. The same crea­ti­ve spi­rit that crea­ted the world set the new crea­ti­on in moti­on in Mary’s womb with the for­ma­ti­on of an embryo.. The Word, mea­ning Jesus, has crea­ti­ve power and is respon­si­ble for the new crea­ti­on in the same mea­su­re as in the begin­ning when the uni­ver­se was crea­ted. Give the Word space in your heart. He will crea­te some­thing new.