Different generations – pleasure or frustration?
Series: Welcome home | Bible text: 2Kings 6:1–7
God is a God for all generations. Jesus met people of different generations. And what about us? Don’t we prefer to meet people of our own generation? But since we are usually surrounded by people from different generations, we should somehow be able to deal with it. How do we do that? How do we do that in the seetal chile?
«One day the disciples of the prophets said to Elisha: «As you see, the place where we meet with you is not big enough. Let us go down to the Jordan; let us each take a tree trunk from which we can build ourselves a new meeting place. «Go ahead,» he said. «Please, come with us,» one asked. «All right, I’ll go with you,» said Elisha. And he went with them. When they reached the Jordan, they began to cut down trees. And as one of them was cutting down a tree, the iron from his axe fell into the water. «Oh, my lord,» he cried out, startled, «the axe was only borrowed!» «Where did it fall in?» asked Elisha. When the man showed him the spot, he cut a stick and threw it there. Then the iron surfaced and floated on the water. «Take it out,» said Elisha. And he stretched out his hand and took hold of the axe-iron.» (2Kings 6:1–7 NL).
Whether residential community, learning community, working community, faith community or family community – we spend a long time in our lives in the network of different generations. Also here in the Seetal-Chile! From the smallest Bebe to the oldest, 80+ guard, all ages are represented. This is a rich treasure that we cannot value too much – despite all the tensions experienced in the coexistence of different generations.
I would like to reflect with you on this theme through this story from the book of 2 Kings 6:1–7.
The prophet Elisha was a lecturer at various prophetic schools. These schools were not only concerned with the subject of prophecy, of course the entire Torah was the subject of study. Elisha lived in the 9th century BC and had dealings with various kings in the northern kingdom of Israel, but was also a prophet who was very close to the people. His name «Elisha» means «God is salvation». Not only his name reminds us of Jesus Christ, but his whole life. He raised the dead like Jesus. Healed people. He experienced a multiplication of bread, like Jesus. Signs and wonders marked his whole life. He was not anointed but «mantled» when he was installed as a prophet. The outgoing prophet Elijah took off his prophetic cloak and put it on Elisha.
«One day the prophet’s disciples said to Elisha: «As you see, the place where we meet with you is not big enough. Let us go down to the Jordan; let us each take a tree trunk from which we can build ourselves a new meeting place» » (2Kings 6:1–2)
One day… the mother has the idea that the living room could be completely rearranged; One day… Dad makes the suggestion to buy a camper van before the next holidays; One day…the daughter wants a wall in her room painted pink. Or the son’s desk is much too small! The same applies to the adults» workplaces: One day…the boss comes with a proposal for further restructuring. The secretary finally wants to have air conditioning installed! New computers or printers are urgently needed. A more modern coffee machine would also not be a luxury, etc. And I am convinced that the congregational leadership of seetal chile is also kicked off again and again with the most wonderful ideas: «Couldn’t we… Shouldn’t we… …that would be suitable for children, …that would be suitable for young people, …that would be urgently necessary to do something for the older generation etc.».
Now, of course, we are very interested in what we can learn from Elisha through this biblical story! «As you see, the place where we meet with you is not big enough» (2Kings 6:1). Was Elisa probably already at 180 after this first sentence? «We were also a big class back then and yet the premises were good enough for us. How dare you! What kind of demands are you making? Modesty is also part of your training programme. Surely such a building programme goes on school hours; we can’t afford that at all?» That’s how I imagine my rant would have been if anyone else had been in Elisa’s sandals!
For spouses, flatmates, people in charge, teachers, parents, even the children, superiors, community leaders – simply everyone who is bombarded with suggestions across generations, two things are important:
- Listen! Let the other person finish!
By the way, I am a very bad listener in delicate discussions with my wife! If something doesn’t suit me, I just talk into it, with the result that she has to remind me to finally listen to her!
- Take the other person seriously – even if it goes completely against your grain.
Elisa listened and probably only then did he notice in a positive way that these boys want to tackle it themselves. They want to do it themselves: We go to the Jordan River, cut down the trees, trim the beams, and we build the extension themselves.
Whether it is a family, a working community, a learning community or a community of faith, we already feel here at the beginning of the story that Christian attributes are in demand everywhere in contact with different generations: Listening, taking in, letting people finish what they have to say… Don’t just ask, do it yourself! Mutual love and appreciation are needed! Accept each other at the workplace with all the weirdness; and treat the other person as you would like to be treated yourself…
Back to Elisa. How did he answer? « «Go ahead,» he said.» Go ahead – what confidence is behind this programme. Go – you can do it! This reminds us of Jesus. How many times did he say «Go» or «Go». «Go, sin no more from now on…» to the adulteress. «Go, your faith has helped you…» To the scribe, «Go and do likewise (as the Good Samaritan)» To the disciples, «Go, preach, heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out evil spirits». Or also to us: «Go out into all the world and make people my disciples, baptising them, teaching them…». « «Go ahead,» said Elisa». He has confidence in his students!
But the disciples of the prophets were not content with the green light. One of them said to Elisha: « «Please, come with us,» someone asked. «All right, I’ll go with you,» said Elisha. And he went with them. When they reached the Jordan, they began to cut down trees (2Kings 6:3,4). «Please, come with us,» one asked. That shows a good relationship between student and teacher! «Please, come with us» Elisa is to go with them. These invitations always appear in the teaser as well. Two children jump towards a possible guest, or an adult approaches an older hiker: «Come and join us in the hut. It’s warm there. We’re having a fondue!» Jesus is a good example for us. He was there for different generations. He loved children and spent time with them – much to the annoyance of the disciples! He also made time for Peter’s sick mother-in-law! He dealt with the old-earth «addicted» scribes and Pharisees! Jesus said again and again: I must and can only do what the heavenly Father wants. That is also our situation! Jesus loved people with the love of the Father.
If we as a congregation want to be a home for all generations, this is the one and only thing: I can live and pass on the love that I experience every day from my heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. And thus do what he puts before my feet and yours – even across generations! From the Song of Songs (1 Cor 13) I have to say: You can make an effort to consciously reach out to younger or older people, but if love is missing, everything is smoke and mirrors. You can invite as many people as you want; you can take care of the lonely; you can work until you’re blue in the face – if love is missing, it’s all for nothing! We all have at least two generations around us: children, young people, parents, leaders, people in educational tasks, employees, employers, retired people – and that is why we are all dependent on God’s spirit, his love and guidance – everywhere, regardless of whether it is cross-generational or not.
Elisha was also aware of this. When Elijah said goodbye to him, Elisha was allowed to make one more wish for him. He wished for 2⁄3 of Elijah’s spirit. This is also reminiscent of Solomon, who wished for an obedient heart from God and God gave him a wise and understanding heart.
Would you like to make a wish to God? James says in his letter: «But if any of you lacks wisdom, ask God for it, and it will be given to him; for God gives gladly to all…» (James 1:5 NGÜ). God likes to give us what we need!
We can also make mistakes, especially as educators. You can’t just say «go ahead, go ahead» so quickly. It wouldn’t be good if you said that just because you want a bit of peace from the children. In Singapore, when the children in the student hostel asked me if they could play football outside, I often said too quickly. «Go ahead!» I forgot to ask them if they had done their homework.
Again a word from James about wisdom, what it is: «Wisdom, on the other hand, which comes from above, is first of all pure and holy, but then it is also peaceable, kind and willing to be told something. It is full of mercy and brings forth an abundance of good; it is impartial and free from all hypocrisy». (James 3:17 NGÜ)
How does the Elisa story continue? Another mishap happened: «And as one of them was cutting down a tree, the iron from his axe fell into the water. «Alas, my lord,» he cried, startled, «the axe was only borrowed!» «Where did it fall in?» asked Elisha. When the man showed him the spot, he cut a stick and threw it there. Then the iron surfaced and floated on the water. «Take it out,» said Elisha. And he stretched out his hand and took hold of the axe-iron.» (2Kings 6:1–7 NL).
It is good that God put it on the heart of a disciple of the prophet to ask Elisha to come along. Good that God made Elisha ready to go and be there. His name «God is salvation» was now the programme! Several people had made the right decision at the right time! God led well! I think we have all experienced this at certain moments and been in the right place at the right time. God grant us that again and again. God does a miracle in front of this group and makes iron float. The afflicted disciple can no longer move in amazement. Elisha has to urge him: «Take it out!»
There is nothing more beautiful than when we experience God together (maybe even across generations). That was the experience for these prophetic students! The age-appropriate programmes of the church, the church holidays and the church weekends are unique opportunities to experience God together.
I commend you to God’s gifts and guidance – in your home, in your family, in your shared apartment, in your workplace, in your school class or study group, in your home group, in your church groups – here in the big family of seetal chile. I would like to pray with you.
Possible questions for the small groups
Read the Bible text: 2 Kings 6:1–7
- Where in the Bible is it expressed that God is a God for all generations?
- How did Jesus meet people of other generations? Examples up and down?
- What talents do you need to be able to deal well with younger or older people?
- What are your experiences in the seetal chile in dealing with people of other generations?
- Has it ever happened to you that a person of another generation said to you «Come with me»?
- Which generation do you connect better with: younger or older people?
- How does generational discord arise? How can it be prevented?