Sex as an expression of lust or love

Date: 25 April 2021 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Matthew 5:27–30
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

Sum­ma­ry: In the Ser­mon on the Mount, Jesus speaks in a few words about sex as an expres­si­on of lust and as an expres­si­on of love. God as the inven­tor of sexua­li­ty talks about it in a very rela­xed and hel­pful way. The first call to man was to be fruitful and mul­ti­ply. And then came the Sab­bath. God has given us two things: sexu­al life as a joy to express love, and the gift to con­trol the urges. This ser­mon is about the basics on the sub­ject and less about ans­we­ring indi­vi­du­al questions.

Today we lis­ten to the music of hea­ven in mat­ters of sex, love and lust: «You know that it says: Thou shalt not com­mit adul­tery! But I say to you, anyo­ne who looks at a woman with a cove­tous eye has alre­a­dy com­mit­ted adul­tery with her in his heart.»(Matthew 5:27f NGÜ). Sex is one of the stron­gest urges in human beings and affects us all. Admit­ted­ly, it dimi­nis­hes some­what with age. Sex is also some­thing very pri­va­te and per­so­nal. The inven­tor of sex is God. Man could not invent some­thing so beau­tiful by hims­elf. That is why the Bible talks about it a lot. For various reasons, the church has fai­led to talk con­s­truc­tively about sex. In our socie­ty, sex is tal­ked about very open­ly and a lot, alt­hough not always in a hel­pful way. It is all the more important that we Chris­ti­ans learn to talk about this topic in a bene­fi­ci­al way.

Sex as an expression of love

Alre­a­dy on the first pages, the Bible descri­bes the posi­ti­ve sides of sex. In the cour­se of the Bible we also encoun­ter some rest­ric­tions becau­se sex can be abu­sed. First, God com­man­ded, then, to pre­vent abu­se, he set limits.

«Thus God crea­ted man in his own image, in the image of God he crea­ted them, male and fema­le he crea­ted them»(Gene­sis 1:27 NLB). God crea­ted us as sexu­al beings: as man and woman. And then: «And God bles­sed them and gave them the com­mand: Be fruitful and mul­ti­ply, popu­la­te the earth and take pos­ses­si­on of it»(V.28 NLB). The first com­mandment God gives to human beings: Have sex and beget child­ren – and that under the bles­sing of God! This is imme­dia­te­ly fol­lo­wed by the Sab­bath, whe­re the­re was ple­nty of time for prac­ti­ce. In the so-cal­led second crea­ti­on account, God speaks: «It is not good for man to be alo­ne. I want to crea­te for him a being that suits him» (Gene­sis 2:18 NLB). This crea­ti­on also has a goal: «The­r­e­fo­re shall a man lea­ve his father and his mother, and shall clea­ve unto his wife: and they shall be one fle­sh.»(V.24 LUT). Being one fle­sh is a way of expres­sing sexu­al com­mu­ni­on. From the begin­ning, the­re was the idea of con­ju­gal community.

Thank God we also have laws so that sexu­al abu­se, rape and child abu­se can be punis­hed. Deal­ing with sexua­li­ty must be regu­la­ted. Uncon­trol­led sexu­al acti­vi­ty that does not come from love but from lust leads to enorm­ous pain and des­troys peo­p­le. In our socie­ty, sen­su­al satis­fac­tion is writ lar­ge. Get­ting it is like a vir­tue. If someone lives a sexu­al­ly abs­ti­nent life, he is cal­led a spit­fi­re, if not a neu­ro­tic. The­re was a time when abs­ti­nence was a gre­at vir­tue and giving in to the urges was a weak­ne­ss..

Unfort­u­na­te­ly, Chris­ti­an thin­king is not only deter­mi­ned by the Bible, but stron­gly by tra­di­ti­ons. Augus­ti­ne, a church father from the 4th cen­tu­ry, had a gre­at influence on this. Befo­re tur­ning to Christ, he led a very dis­so­lu­te sex life. After­wards, he fell off the hor­se on the other side and saw some­thing nega­ti­ve in every sexu­al acti­vi­ty. A state­ment of his: «The reason a child is born in sin is becau­se it was con­cei­ved through a sexu­al act.» In the Bible, it is a gift from God that he bles­ses. Many church fathers were so sex-hosti­le that a lack of off­spring was noti­ceable. The­r­e­fo­re, they declared sex to be a sin only with the excep­ti­on of pro­crea­ti­on. The fol­lo­wing quo­ta­ti­on goes back to Jero­me (4th cen­tu­ry): «Any hus­band who has pas­sio­na­te sex with his wife is an adul­te­rer.«Later the­re was the fol­lo­wing regu­la­ti­on: sex for Chris­ti­an mar­ried cou­ples was for­bidden on Thurs­days (arrest of Christ), Fri­days (cru­ci­fi­xi­on of Christ), Satur­days (in honour of the Vir­gin Mary) and Sun­days (in honour of decea­sed saints). This left Mon­days and Tues­days and some­ti­mes Wed­nes­days, which were often reser­ved for a par­ti­cu­lar saint. Mar­ried cou­ples also had to abs­tain sexu­al­ly during the 40-day fasts befo­re Christ­mas, Eas­ter and Pen­te­cost and on various holi­days. This left an esti­ma­ted 44 days for legi­ti­ma­te sex. This was an effec­ti­ve con­tracep­ti­ve, but also explains why church and sex somehow did not go tog­e­ther. Sin­ce God is the inven­tor of sex, it should be different.

First of all, the Bible speaks only posi­tively about sex. It is a gift, even a sacred duty: «The hus­band shall not depri­ve hims­elf of his wife; the same appli­es to the wife towards her hus­band. The wife gives her hus­band the right over her body, and like­wi­se the hus­band gives his wife the right over his body.»(1 Corin­thi­ans 7:3,4 NLB). That almost sounds like work. When ente­ring into the mar­ria­ge coven­ant, we pro­mi­se mutu­al vol­un­t­a­ry sub­mis­si­on to the part­ner. It is a mat­ter of lea­ving father and mother, clinging to the part­ner and beco­ming one.

During sex, the bon­ding hor­mo­ne oxy­to­cin is released, which streng­thens the bond bet­ween the part­ners, as in the case of a nur­sing mother to her child. Sex is much more than sexu­al uni­on. It is the uni­on of two peo­p­le who have made a pro­mi­se to each other, name­ly to sub­mit to each other. Sex is God’s wed­ding gift, so to speak. 

Sex as an expression of pleasure

Often it works dif­fer­ent­ly: ever­yo­ne remains the mas­ter of his or her own life. Mutu­al vol­un­t­a­ry sub­mis­si­on and beco­ming one are miss­ing. One stays tog­e­ther as long as it fits. «Anyo­ne who looks at a woman with a cove­tous gaze has alre­a­dy com­mit­ted adul­tery with her in his heart.«Adul­tery is not only a reason for divorce, but is alre­a­dy divorce. If you unite with ano­ther per­son and the sexu­al act is the con­fir­ma­ti­on of a mar­ria­ge, the sexu­al act is in its­elf alre­a­dy the divorce.

Lust and desi­re are not the same as sexu­al desi­re. All peo­p­le who are healt­hy have sexu­al desi­re. That is why two young peo­p­le fall in love. Lust is some­thing else and is con­cer­ned with satis­fy­ing one’s own desi­re. I need or abu­se the other per­son to satis­fy my desi­res. Thus lust turns out to be the oppo­si­te of love. Love seeks the good of the other.

Amnon, a son of David (2Samuel 13), falls hope­l­ess­ly in love with his half-sis­ter Tamar. He beca­me so obses­sed with her that he fell ill. Tog­e­ther with his cou­sin Jonad­ab, he hat­ches a plan to get Tamar into bed. Tamar was lured to his house and baked cakes for him. Then he lured her into the bed­room with the cake and raped her. «After that, his love tur­ned to hate and he hated her more than he had ever loved her. «Get out,» he orde­red her.»(V.15 NLB). This was not love, but only lust. Lust is always des­truc­ti­ve. Lust is about how I am satis­fied. Love looks at the part­ner being hap­py.

What can we do to resist lust? «If you fall by your right eye, pluck it out and throw it away! It is bet­ter that you lose one of your lim­bs than that you be thrown into hell with your body int­act. And if you fall by your right hand, then cut it off and throw it away! It is bet­ter that you lose one of your lim­bs than that you go to hell with your body int­act.» (Matthew 5:29–30 NGÜ). If we were to take this text lite­ral­ly, we would all be blind left-han­ded. Jesus here addres­ses the sen­se of sight and the sen­se of touch, which tempt us to sexu­al sin. The­re are social groups that cut off the hand of a thief. The pro­blem is: if you cut off the right hand of a thief, you will have a left-han­ded thief after­wards. The heart, from which all evil thoughts and also adul­tery come (Matthew 15:19), is not changed.

The­r­e­fo­re, we are not to remo­ve body parts, but to bring the urges under the con­trol of truth. The gaze must not lead to desi­re. Mar­tin Luther said: «You can’t stop a flock of birds from fly­ing over your head. But you can pre­vent it from nes­t­ing in your hair.«We should learn to con­trol our sen­ses. The most important thing is to talk to a trus­ted per­son about our lust and desi­re. If we don’t, the­se things get a lot of power in our lives. The most important sex organ is the head. The con­tent we occu­py our thoughts with will deter­mi­ne our beha­viour. A big pro­blem today is inter­net por­no­gra­phy. I was told that in the USA 64% of Chris­ti­an men and 15% of Chris­ti­an women con­su­me por­no­gra­phy month­ly. With the money that is tur­ned over in the porn indus­try, you could save Greece. The pro­pa­gan­da says that por­no­gra­phy fuels sex life. The truth is that peo­p­le who con­su­me por­no­gra­phy incre­asing­ly expe­ri­ence less plea­su­re from real sex.

It is no secret that a woman can sedu­ce a man through lasci­vious looks, facial expres­si­ons or ges­tu­res. Accor­ding to Jesus, howe­ver, the root of sexu­al sin is not the woman but the man’s beha­viour towards her. God has given us two things: Sexu­al life as a plea­su­re for the expres­si­on of love as well as the gift to con­trol the urges. The Bible is very clear that Satan is the temp­ter who wants to bring us down. Paul was not a maso­chist, but knew that he had to disci­pli­ne hims­elf. He speaks of iron disci­pli­ne with which he forces his body to obey (1Corinthians 9:27).

Solo­mon often speaks about self-con­trol. E.G.: «[…] it is bet­ter to have self-con­trol than to con­quer a city»(Pro­verbs 16:32 NLB) or «A per­son wit­hout self-con­trol is as defen­ce­l­ess as a city with torn walls»(Pro­verbs 25:28 NLB). A man wit­hout disci­pli­ne offers no resis­tance when tempt­a­ti­on comes. The con­se­quen­ces are fatal. Our body is a won­derful ser­vant, but a ter­ri­ble ruler. We have to tell him who’s boss every now and then. An expe­ri­en­ced life com­pa­n­ion said that peo­p­le who bite their way through stre­nuous tours and push them­sel­ves to their limits every now and then are also more con­trol­led in other are­as of life. The­r­e­fo­re: things like not eating for a day, get­ting up ear­ly every now and then, wal­king for a long time until it hurts, are healt­hy becau­se it beco­mes clear who is the mas­ter and who is the ser­vant. What is sad is when my body deter­mi­nes how I behave. Lear­ning to deal with desi­re and lust is pro­ba­b­ly the har­dest strugg­le in our lives. God has given us many things to enjoy, which we should use in a disci­pli­ned way: Eating good food is a cau­se of gre­at joy, but also of ill­ness if used incor­rect­ly. Beer is refres­hing and deli­cious, but in the wrong mea­su­re it not only ruins you, but also tho­se around you. Sex is plea­su­re and can crea­te life. But when plea­su­re is the dri­ving force, much pain and suf­fe­ring results.

Jesus threa­tens the fail­ure in this area with hell. We don’t have to take this lite­ral­ly eit­her, as it con­tra­dicts the who­le Gos­pel. The ques­ti­on at the gates of hea­ven will not be, «How did you do with sex?» but «How do you do with Jesus?» But – a fail­ure to keep crea­tes distance from Christ. Jesus chal­lenges you: disci­pli­ne yours­elf! Don’t take it light­ly! Dance to the music of hea­ven! Then God, through His Holy Spi­rit, will free our minds from impu­re thoughts and set us free to deal with one another.



Possible questions for the small groups

Read the Bible text: Matthew 5:27–30

  1. God is the inven­tor of sex. Think about why God ensu­red pro­crea­ti­on in this par­ti­cu­lar way.
  2. Why does the church often have an uptight rela­ti­onship with this issue?
  3. Sex is God’s wed­ding gift. What was the reaso­ning behind this state­ment? What do you think about this statement?
  4. God has given us sex life as a joy to express love as well as the gift of con­trol­ling urges. How can we prac­ti­ce self-con­trol and discipline?
  5. Why is self-con­trol important? What does it have to do with lust and love?