Date: 30 June 2019 | Pre­a­cher:
Series: | Bible text: Matthew 8:23–27
Hint: This ser­mon has been machi­ne trans­la­ted. Plea­se note that we can­not accept any respon­si­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the content.

We do not find true rest through a method, but through a per­son. Jesus wants to give us his rest.

The sum­mer holi­days are just around the cor­ner. A time when we wish to come to rest, rech­ar­ge our bat­te­ries and escape the stress of ever­y­day life. And with that comes the ques­ti­on of how exact­ly that works. In any case, I ask mys­elf this ques­ti­on again and again. «How do I find peace? How can I switch off and rech­ar­ge my bat­te­ries?» The disci­ples pro­ba­b­ly asked them­sel­ves a simi­lar ques­ti­on when they were with Jesus on the Sea of Gali­lee. But they were con­fron­ted with a com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent rest­less­ness – they were sai­ling in the midd­le of a storm.

We learn about this in Matthew 8: 23Thereu­pon Jesus got into the boat; his disci­ples fol­lo­wed him and they set off. 24Sud­den­ly a vio­lent storm bro­ke out on the lake, so that the boat was almost buried by the waves. But Jesus was asleep. 25The disci­ples rus­hed to him and woke him up. «Lord,» they cried, «save us, we are lost! 26But Jesus said to them, «Why are you so afraid, O you of litt­le faith?» Then he stood up and put the wind and the waves in their place. The­re was a gre­at silence. 27But the peo­p­le asked in ama­ze­ment, «Who is this, that even the wind and the waves obey him?» (Matthew 8:23–27)

We don’t nor­mal­ly expe­ri­ence any­thing like that. Most of the turm­oil we expe­ri­ence is inter­nal. A chall­enge at work that we can’t get out of our heads. An important decis­i­on that we have to make but don’t know how. A moun­tain of tasks that would have been best com­ple­ted yes­ter­day. A gra­de point avera­ge that needs to be achie­ved but is out of reach. A con­flict in the fami­ly that is caus­ing us slee­p­less nights. Even if our turm­oil is quite dif­fe­rent, we can deri­ve a lot from this story. 

Question by person

At the end, peo­p­le ask: «Who is this that even the wind and waves obey him?» I find this ques­ti­on enorm­ously fasci­na­ting! Mine would have been more like, «How does this per­son calm the waves?» But I think that the ques­ti­on about the per­son is much more important than the ques­ti­on about the method.

During my app­ren­ti­ce­ship as a phy­sics lab tech­ni­ci­an, I expe­ri­en­ced a very impres­si­ve exam­p­le of this. I was given the task of deve­lo­ping a sam­ple hol­der for high-tem­pe­ra­tu­re appli­ca­ti­ons. No one in my rese­arch group real­ly knew how to do it – and cer­tain­ly not me. So I just star­ted in one place and sket­ched various ide­as. Soon it was clear that we would have to weld a lot of things. But the­re was one big pro­blem: I real­ly did­n’t know any­thing about it. I was like a don­key on a moun­tain. Pure over­load. I did­n’t know how it was sup­po­sed to work – but I knew who could help me. Through a bit of vit­amin B, I took


I got in touch with Mar­kus, the head of wel­ding. He was very hel­pful and invi­ted me to a mee­ting. I prin­ted out my dra­wings, mark­ed all the ambi­gui­ties and met with him. The sheets were over­flowing with ques­ti­on marks. But I was with the right per­son. After about an hour, all my ques­ti­ons were ans­we­red and many pro­blems sol­ved. I did­n’t know how – but I knew who. And sud­den­ly the pro­blems almost sol­ved themselves.

It is much more important that we ask about the per­son rather than the method. The ques­ti­on is: «Who can give me peace?» ins­tead of «How do I find peace?»

Response in Jesus

If we look into the Bible, we also find an ans­wer. Jesus hims­elf says in Matthew 11:28: «Come unto me, all ye that labour and are hea­vy laden! I will give you rest.» So we find a per­son to our ques­ti­on: Jesus. Just as he was able to calm the trou­bles on the lake, he also calms our inner trou­bles. With him we find real peace.

And with that, our line of visi­on also chan­ges. We no lon­ger ask our­sel­ves how we can come to rest and how we can refuel. We no lon­ger revol­ve around our­sel­ves. When we start asking the ques­ti­on about the per­son, we look away from a method and towards Jesus. Even when it is rest­less and stor­my around us, Jesus gives us peace. That is the geni­us of him: his peace and calm enters us. His peace enters into us. That is why we find real peace not through a method, but in a per­son. In Jesus.