Pentecost – the start of a new era
Series: Holy – Holy – Holy | Bible text: 1 Corinthians 6:19f; 2 Corinthians 6:16–18
God seeks communion with people with all the fibres of his being. In the Garden of Eden a line begins that leads through the tabernacle, the temple, the incarnation of Jesus, the body of an individual believer to the church. At Pentecost, the followers of Jesus become temples of the Holy Spirit. This is a huge privilege and at the same time comes with the responsibility to extend the presence of God to the whole earth.
What better thing could happen to us than to witness live Jesus healing people, casting out demons and training his friends? It would be an absolute blast! It seems somewhat disturbing when Jesus says to the very people who had this privilege: «[…] It is best for you that I leave […].»(John 16:7 NLB). Why should this be the best? Because a new era of communion with God is being ushered in!
God wants community
God seeks communion with people with all the fibres of his being. We encounter the following stations in the course of the story:
- In the Garden of Eden, God cultivated an intense relationship with Adam and Eve. The holy God walked (Hebr. mithallek) with the people in the garden. Although people could no longer live in God’s presence due to rebellion against God, God in His grace longed for fellowship with man.
- Thus, on God’s instruction to Moses, the «Tent of Meeting» later came into being. God’s glory filled the Holy of Holies and the Creator lived again with his special presence among his people. In Hebrew, the term for this presence of God is mithallek.
- Later, Solomon built the temple in Jerusalem instead of the mobile tent, in which God dwells with the people.
- Thereupon Jesus, as the personified temple, becomes the place of encounter with God (Matthew 12:6–7; Mark 14:58). HE is the promised temple that God Himself built and will endure forever (2 Samuel 7).
- At Pentecost, the temple now expands to include individual believers and the church. The goal is that God’s special presence will be spread throughout creation. This goal will be achieved when Jesus returns and establishes the new creation. Until then, part of the calling of a follower of Jesus Christ is to promote the presence of God.
It becomes clear: God wants to walk around in close communion with people with all the fibres of his being.
Becoming the Temple of the Holy Spirit
«It is best for you that I go away, for if I do not go, the Counsellor will not come. But if I go away, he will come, for I will send him to you.»(John 16:7 NLB). The counsellor is the Spirit of God. The temple as a place where God’s presence is present is no longer limited to a building, but expands to the church. «For we are the temple of the living God, as God has said: I will be in their midst and live among them. I will be their God, and they shall be my people. […] I will be your Father, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.» (2 Corinthians 6:16–18 NLB).
In terms of the history of salvation, we are living today in an extremely exciting and final phase of God’s fellowship with humanity.. The Church is the eschatological temple because God dwells in it in the form of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus became the cornerstone and keystone of this temple through his death on the cross (Ephesians 2:20; 1 Peter 2:5), through which the church can become a temple. HE forms the secure foundation and closes it at the same time. This means that a person can only become part of the temple through faith in Jesus Christ and thus gain free access to the encounter with the very Other.
Paul also says in a letter to the Corinthians that each follower of Jesus is individually a temple of the Holy Spirit. «Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourselves, for God has paid a high price for you»(1 Corinthians 6:19 NLB). Thus, every person who puts his trust in Jesus Christ is both a temple and a living stone in the building of the temple.
Thus Pentecost becomes an epochal and great milestone in God’s history with humanity. Since that day, people who believe in Jesus no longer live «only» with Jesus, but Christ lives in them in the form of the Holy Spirit. This is indeed much better and above all promising for the future.
Become a blessing
The Pope travels anonymously to Venice and falls out of a gondola there. The water is not deep, but the Pope keeps sinking. Then a gondolier comes by and asks: «Can I help you?» The Pope says: «No, the Holy Spirit will help me.«The Pope sinks further and further, he is already up to his neck in water, when the gondolier comes by again and asks: «Can I help you?» The Pope answers again: «No, the Holy Spirit will help me.» Now when the Pope is drowned and stands in heaven before the Holy Spirit, he says to Him: «When you’re needed, you’re never there!«To which the Holy Spirit replies: «Well, who do you think has been rowing back and forth in front of you all this time?»
When you travel with Jesus, you are like the gondolier. The Holy Spirit accompanies and empowers you. He guides you in situations and is your resource to help. As temples of the Holy Spirit, we are called to increase the presence of God in this world – together as a church, but also individually in your environment..
Ezekiel saw in a vision a stream of water flowing from the Holy of Holies of the Temple through the land to the Dead Sea. «Everything that stirs and moves where the water comes will live. There will be a great many fish, because this water comes there and makes the salt water healthy. Where this water will flow, there everything will live»(Ezekiel 47:9 NLB). Healing, life-giving water! Since Pentecost, when a person becomes a temple of the Holy Spirit, he also becomes a tank full of living water: «Whoever believes in me, from within him will flow rivers of living water […] By the «living water» he meant the Spirit, which was to be given to everyone who believed in him.»(John 7:38f NLB).
The task of these water tanks or temples is now to carry the living water to places where there is otherwise no life. No one has to produce this water themselves, but it accumulates in us in the relational event with God. Maybe that’s the crux of the matter: the relationship with the other person is languishing at a low level. The distractions of everyday life stifle communion with God. Pentecost wants to fuel and irrigate this relationship.
This fills the inner water tank so that there is enough water for all areas of life:
- OwnershipPerhaps your approach to time, food, sexuality or other things has lost much of its vitality. The only effective remedy is the water from the Blessed Sacrament. It is through touching the Holy One that we become holy.
- The familyDifferent people live in different family constellations. There are singles, divorced, married, widowed, families with and without children. There are joys and sorrows everywhere. Irrigate your situation with living water and you will experience comfort and renewal.
- The ChurchYou are also a building block of the temple built together as a church. Your life has an impact on the community. How do you relate to your church? Are you a strengthening element or merely a consumer? Through your building block, the common temple is built and the presence of God is strengthened.
- The workYour job gives you the chance to irrigate a place where perhaps the living water only has access through you. But it has the power to prepare the Dead Sea as a habitat for many different fish. Because you are a temple of the Holy Spirit, you have much to give. Do not hold it back!
- Public lifeDo you know the people in your neighbourhood? Through you, or through the living water in you, life can arise where at the moment there is a wasteland. All it takes is for us to participate in the public life of our villages and take an interest in our neighbours.
What exactly is our task in the situations described? Answer: by going, expose people to the work of God’s Spirit. The Holy Spirit comforts, encourages, admonishes, shakes up, counsels and accompanies. He wants to do exactly these edifying activities through you and me.
In ancient Israel, all Israelites made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem to the Temple at the three great festivals. The people had to make their way to the sanctuary. The temple was not mobile. This has changed completely through Pentecost. Now the sanctuary of God on earth consists of many mobile temples with the task of going to the people. Our water tanks do not include high-pressure sprayers to dispense water from a distance. Pentecost fills you with living water and empowers you to create life in uneconomic areas. If you live with Jesus Christ and follow Him, you are a temple of the Holy Spirit. What a privilege!
Possible questions for the small group
Read the Bible text: Acts 1:8 and 2:1–13
- God seeks communion with people with every fibre. How does the red line run through world history?
- Pentecost makes the believing person a temple of the Holy Spirit. What does this mean for the human being himself?
- What privileges and responsibilities does this new identity entail?
- Where in your environment (personal responsibility, family, church, work, public life) do you see a wasteland? Do you really believe that you could pour living water into these situations? How does that work practically?