Pentecost – the feast of the harvest
Series: Welcome home | Bible text: Acts 1:3–8; 2:1–7, 12–13
Pentecost originated from the Jewish festival of Shavuot, which is also called the «festival of the harvest». It is therefore obvious that Pentecost in turn heralds a time of harvest. By receiving the Holy Spirit, the followers of Jesus are equipped with a power through which they can be witnesses for the cause of Jesus to the furthest corners of the earth. Through this, people become at home with God. Welcome home!
When the Israelites left captivity, it took them exactly seven weeks to reach Mount Sinai, where they received the «Ten Commandments». The liberation from Egyptian bondage and the reception of the Ten Words have a close inner connection and are celebrated with the festivals of Passover and Shavuot. The exodus from Egypt meant freedom. Through the legislation at Sinai, the people of Israel received the framework in which they could live their freedom.
The prophetic fulfilment of Passover occurred on Easter, when Jesus Christ defeated death and broke the reign of sin. Exactly seven weeks after Easter we celebrate Pentecost, the prophetic fulfilment of Shavuot. There is also a close inner connection between Easter and Pentecost. Pentecost clarifies the question of what the events of Easter have to do with us today. Easter answers the question of where we spend eternity. It is the gift of eternal life. Pentecost answers the question of how we live on this earth.
There are words that polarise. And so do the wordsThe terms «Pentecost» and «Holy Spirit» provoke very different reactions. Some have founded parish associations around these terms, for others they remain rather suspect.
Revise expectations
What expectations do you associate with Pentecost? Already at the very first Pentecost, expectations were expressed. It remained to be seen whether these corresponded to reality. «In the forty days after his crucifixion he appeared to the apostles again and again and proved to them in many ways that he was really alive. And he spoke to them about the kingdom of God. At one of these meetings, as they were eating, he said: «Stay here in Jerusalem until the Father sends you what he has promised. Remember: I have already spoken to you about this. John baptised with water, but in a few days you will be baptised with the Holy Spirit.» » (Acts 1:3–5).
Jesus reminds his friends of the promise he made to them even before his crucifixion that he would send them the Holy Spirit (John 14:16ff; 16:5ff). Obviously they associated certain expectations and hopes with this: «When the apostles were with Jesus, they kept asking him: «Lord, will you now liberate Israel and restore our kingdom?» » (6).
Because of their imprint and the atmosphere in which they lived as believing Jews, the person of the Holy Spirit was associated with Israel being restored to former political, social, economic greatness.
The question was justified. Jesus does not consider expectations, hopes and interpretations as nonsense. He replied: «The Father alone determines the time for this, it is not for you to know it» (7). Jesus makes it clear that this is a matter for his Father. He had planned it well. His friends did not need to know.
Jesus wants his friends to examine their expectations and hopes with regard to the feast of Pentecost. Pentecost also invites us to examine our expectations and assumptions. What do we associate with Pentecost or with the person of the Holy Spirit?
Receive power
Remarkable things happened at Pentecost (Acts 2:1–7 and 12–13). The roaring of a mighty storm, something like flames settling on each one, speaking in hitherto unknown languages, hearing foreign speakers in their own language were impressive accompaniments. Some people associate the Holy Spirit more with emotions. There is a lot of joy and enthusiasm! For some, it is an uncontrolled emotionality that causes fear. For others, it has more to do with the spectacular, the extraordinary, with speaking in tongues, miracles and thousands of conversions. All these things were side effects, but not the central thing.
«But when the Holy Spirit descends upon you, you will be equipped with His power […].» (Acts 1:8; NGÜ). In endurance sports you are sometimes attacked by the «hammer man». This has already happened to me when I was riding my bike over mountain passes. Everything is good: the bike, the muscles, the heart – but there is no strength. You’re hypoglycaemic, feel exhausted, nothing works anymore.
That is how it is when we experience Easter without Pentecost. With Easter everything was settled; the way to God is free, but the power is missing. That’s why Jesus» friends were such cowards and scattered in all directions when things got dicey around his crucifixion. After the boys had experienced Pentecost, they were transformed. Nothing and no one could stop them now. From then on, they climbed «their passes» with ease. The Holy Spirit revives weary Christians, brings life to the place. The Holy Spirit wants to come directly into people’s lives. He is not a nebulous force field or an esoteric energy. He is a person who wants to be closely connected with other persons.
But the Holy Spirit is also a force. Whatever other abilities we attribute to him, he is the power of God. That sounds really good. What could be better for us? The word for power in Greek is «dynamis». It is the power or force to do wonders. The same word also means talent, skill and ability and in military language «troops». God sends a troop of his army into our lives with the Holy Spirit. This force wants to take possession of us so that we can make decisions, get things going and do something. It is God’s power. It is given to us, not for our own concerns, but so that we can implement his things and concerns in our lives.
Mary did not have the desire to become pregnant. It was God’s concern in her life. How is that possible when she has never slept with a man? The angel who visited her explained: «The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore, the child you will bear will be called holy and the Son of God.»(Luke 1:35).
Jesus comes out of a desert experience, in which he was massively tempted to question his identity, back to Galilee to his original environment. There they knew him as the son of the builder. Perhaps he was the one who could never really play football and who always liked to build things out of stones. Now everything is different. Suddenly the whole neighbourhood is talking about him. The reason is listed in Luke 4:14: «Then Jesus, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, returned to Galilee. He quickly became known throughout the region»(Luke 4:14). God’s Spirit, the power of God, was so active in his life that he proved himself to be the Son of God.
Be a witness
«But when the Holy Spirit descends upon you, you will be equipped with his power, and this will enable you to be my witnesses – in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and everywhere else in the world, even in the remotest parts of the earth.»(8; NGÜ). The power of God, the Holy Spirit, comes for a very specific reason: you will be my witnesses. In essence, it is not about the spiritual gift of speaking and praying in tongues. Even though everyone who is on the way with Jesus receives at least one gift given by the Spirit of God, a spiritual gift, the mission to be a witness for Jesus is essential.
This is to be at different locations:
- In Jerusalem: This is about our immediate environment, our family and our neighbourhood.
- Throughout JudeaIn addition to our place of residence, we are to target the entire canton of Aargau. It is still about people who are somehow close to us and speak our own language.
- In SamariaThis could be the canton you like least. The Samaritans were a mixed people of Jews and other peoples. Righteous Jews were not allowed to have fellowship with Samaritans, not even to set foot on their territory. The commission to be a witness in Samaria was really «getting down to business». We like to categorise people we know as «nice» and «funny». Jesus challenges us to be a witness even to the «funny» ones. This is a huge challenge. The Holy Spirit invites us to dissolve our categorical no’s and reservations about certain people.
- In the farthest reaches of the earth: When Jesus spoke these words, there were about 120 people together (Acts 1:15). What an impossibility! Jesus was aware of this, that’s why it took Pentecost. Thanks to the power of the Holy Spirit, the gospel reached the then known world in a few decades. The basis for this was formed by the twelve men, who at first still fearfully and cowardly retreated when Jesus was arrested.
A witness is not the same as a lawyer. Nevertheless, we sometimes allow ourselves to be pushed into this role and try to explain the evil in this world or why this particular person, who is nevertheless faithful in the faith, falls so seriously ill. A witness reports about things that connect with him as a person in an elementary way. He does not simply pontificate some platitudinous truth. When someone has attended a concert, he raves: «It was a wonderful concert with wonderful music. You should have been there!«A witness to a car accident tells the story as he observed it. A Jesus Witness expresses for others what he has experienced with Jesus. No matter where he is. No matter whether these people are favourable to him. No matter whether he likes these people.
Recently someone told me how difficult it is to live as a Christian with an illness. People scoff and say that now God can show what he can do. We would like to be witnesses of miracles. To what extent can Christians be witnesses of Jesus if they themselves are not intact? Nick Vujicic was born without arms and legs as a result of a rare deformity. In a lecture he once said: «If God does not do a miracle, be the miracle!» A Spirit-filled witness who shares how God is his rock in stormy times has enormous power. We should focus less on curing our diseases and more on our behaviour in suffering. We must learn to hold on to Jesus in difficult times. Perhaps the content of your testimony for Jesus Christ is this: With all I can give, I hold on to Jesus in this situation. As Asaf says in the Psalm: «When I have only you, I ask nothing of heaven and earth»(Psalm 73:15). Or Job in a miserable state: «Should we take the good from God’s hand but reject the bad?»(Job 2:10).
Pentecost makes us able to speak and to hear. It was not only a miracle of speech, but also a miracle of hearing! (cf. Acts 2:4,6). A witness must not only speak, but also hear. Perhaps your testimony is this, that you listen well, show empathy and pray for people. Thomas Aquinas said: «Preach the gospel, if necessary also with words.»
Shavuot has a historical and a nature-related meaning. The historical background is the reception of the Ten Words at Sinai. At the same time, this feast of the week is also the «feast of the harvest». For it takes place in the time of the wheat harvest. This connection is formulated in the Talmud: «Fifty days pass before the apple blossom develops into fruit, fifty days the people of Israel waited in the desert before receiving the Torah from the hand of the Lord.» Pentecost means harvest. The Holy Spirit calls you home and makes us witnesses that we can call out to others through our lives: Come home!
Possible questions for the small groups
Read Bible text: Acts 1:8; 2:1–7 and 12–13
- Explain to each other the connection between Shavuot and Pentecost.
- What is the inner connection between Easter and Pentecost? Why is Pentecost needed?
- What does the Holy Spirit do in people who trust Jesus?
- What does the thought do to you that you are called to be a witness?
- What kind of witness best suits your personality and aptitude?
A small exercise: In the next two weeks, try to consciously understand yourself as a witness and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves!